Lizard people originally thought that Yang Xiaotian was at best the most powerful magician in the world.

But did not expect, Yang Xiaotian even ares can be resurrected, such a power, after all, is beyond their imagination.

"You, who are you?" Lizard queen lesetta stares and looks at Yang Xiaotian in horror. She feels scared for the first time.

"You don't even know me?" Yang Xiaotian coldly way, "but it doesn't matter, anyway next, you also only have a dead end."

Yang Xiaotian came to the core of the earth, in addition to resurrecting his younger brother Ares, there is another thing, that is, beheading the high-level lizard people.

The high-level lizards are basically gathered here. As long as Yang Xiaotian kills the high-level lizards, the lizards will be leaderless.

The earth defense forces have been trained. They don't need lizards to be grindstones any more. It's time to solve these lizards.

"What are you going to do?" Lesetta's face changed a lot.

The prophet Malone bit his tongue and struggled to get up, "queen, Yang Xiaotian wants to kill us. I'll cover your retreat!"

Yang Xiaotian said coldly: "it's really touching loyalty. It can't be of any use. You are doomed to failure. Ares, help me kill them

"Yes, Lord God!" Ares took orders, jumped out of the lava, and then killed the lizards.

A minute later, the top of the lizard, the whole army.

They try to touch and steal the power of Ares, but they are killed by Ares, which is a wonderful irony.

Later, Yang Xiaotian left with Ares. His next stop is the moon.


On the moon.

As soon as Ares and Yang Xiaotian came to the moon, the man on the moon sensed their existence.

"Welcome, my two compatriots. I'm very happy with your awakening." Said the king of the moon.

"You are not Odin or Zeus. Who are you?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

In the past, this existence on the moon claimed to be the God King Odin, the God King Zeus. But now Yang Xiaotian wakes up to be the God family, but finds that the other party is not at all. Odin and Zeus, in fact, are the same person. They are both the former lives of Yang Xiaotian.

In other words, the existence on the moon has been pretending to be Yang Xiaotian.

"Hahaha, you finally found out, but fortunately I didn't intend to really hide you." The existence on the Moon said, "I have a very close relationship with your previous life."

"Who are you?" Yang Xiaotian frowned and asked.

"My name is Hera." Existence on the moon.

"Are you a woman?" Yang Xiaotian was surprised.

"Of course." Hera changed her voice and became a woman's voice. "It's time to show my true self after pretending in front of you for so long."

Hera said, a figure appeared in front of Yang Xiaotian, it is a tall beauty of the God family, completely in line with the aesthetic of the God family. However, from the perspective of human aesthetics, some of them used to be superior.

"You've never been sealed on the moon, have you?" Yang xiaotiandao.

"Yes." Hera said, "the moon is actually the spaceship of our God family. I'm the pilot of this spaceship."

Yang Xiaotian said: "in myth and legend, you and Zeus are husband and wife, but you don't know in reality, is that right?"

Hera said: "in reality, so is nature. I am the king of God, and Zeus is also the king of God. We used to get along very well. It's a good memory, but it's a long time ago

Yang Xiaotian felt strange and said, "so you are my wife?"

Hera said, "I'm not your wife."

"Am I not Zeus?" Yang xiaotiandao.

Hera said, "you are Zeus, but you are not Zeus. To be more precise, you are the reincarnation of Zeus. My heart belongs to Zeus, not to you. As for the Zeus I know, he is dead. "

"I see." Yang Xiaotian said, "but you help me again and again, and make me wake up, is it because of Zeus?"

"Yes." Hera said, "I used to think naively that as long as you wake up, you will be Zeus and my love will come back. But I found that I was wrong, you are awakened, but you are not Zeus after all. You are Yang Xiaotian, the unique Yang Xiaotian. "

Yang Xiaotian said, "so you don't have any special feelings for me, do you?"

"What else?" said Hera

Yang Xiaotian was relieved, "then I can rest assured."

Hera said, "don't you think so much of me?"

Yang Xiaotian said sincerely: "I don't look down on you, but I already have a girlfriend. I love her very much."

"That Liu Yan?"

Hera road.

"Yes." Yang Xiaotian nodded.

"Well, congratulations on your love, but when are you going to get married?" Hera asked.

"Soon, when the war is over, it's time for me to start a family."

Yang Xiaotian said.

"That's good." Hera said, "I calculated that it will take you 500 years to upgrade. Our hometown is already calling us. How about the three of us return to our hometown together after 500 years

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "that's a deal."

In this regard, Yang Xiaotian has already known the truth of the moon, and has settled Hera on the moon, so he left the moon. Hera wanted to wake up Zeus, so she helped Yang Xiaotian to wake up. Hera takes great credit for Yang Xiaotian's success in life.

If Prometheus does not take revenge on Yang Xiaotian, it will be magnanimous to offer help to Yang Xiaotian? That's out of the question!

So a person's struggle, their own efforts are important, but also inseparable from the care of big people!

But after Yang Xiaotian wakes up, he is still Yang Xiaotian, not Zeus. When Hera saw this, she gave up her previous thoughts and was more calm towards Yang Xiaotian.

After all, Hera likes Zeus, not Yang Xiaotian.


The war between humans and lizards is still going on.

Because Yang Xiaotian asked ares to take all the high-level lizards, the lizard army fell into a leaderless state.

The human army entered the mantle world and won, killing the lizards in the mantle. The Morian civilization established by lizards was destroyed.

The war ended in human victory.

Lizard people, except for three or two kittens and puppies, are basically extinct.

It's not that human beings are cruel, but that there is no two masters in the world. The earth only needs one master, not another. If we don't destroy lizards, we can't sleep.

If it's a lizard man, isn't he determined to destroy human beings?

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