A man of ability has a lot of women around him.

As a man, Yang Xiaotian is not only capable, but also capable.

It's not proper for a man with such ability to have a few women, but it's reasonable.

"Congratulations, a hundred years together, early birth of a noble son!"

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Yang Xiaotian, this is really a good fortune!"

"I wish you love each other..."

This time, the guests include the elites of the whole human society.

They sent their best wishes to Yang Xiaotian and his wife.

Yang Xiaotian smiles and responds one by one.

Yang Xiaotian has been the head of human beings for ten years. All the high-level human beings today are either promoted by Yang Xiaotian alone, or they are closely related to Yang Xiaotian.

Even if Yang Xiaotian retires, it is only a matter of one sentence to control the situation of human society.

Yang Xiaotian looks at her four brides.

Liu Yan lowers her head shyly.

Su Ye looks at Yang Xiaotian calmly.

He Qian's eyes are full of autumn water.

Situ Qingyun's face is like peach blossom.

The four women have their own feelings and beauty.

"How happy it is Yang Xiaotian held out his hand to the four girls, "from then on we are a family!"

Liu Yan snorted: "don't be sentimental. Who is your family?"

"That is, sister Liu Yan and I are the family." He Qian holds Liu Yan's waist and says.

"Our sisters are the family." Su ye took situ Qingyun's hand.

Situ Qingyun covered her mouth and said with a smile, "our four sisters are a family. You are just a superfluous person."

"You --" Yang Xiaotian feigned anger, "you've pissed me off. Let's see how I'll deal with you later."

Everyone smiles and finds the scene warm and interesting.

It's night.

Wedding night, golden list title time.

Long drought meets sweet dew, foreign land meets old knowledge.

These are the four joys of life.

Yang Xiaotian is sure that he can beat his four women by himself.

"You are so lucky!" A voice said, "good, very good!"

Hera appears in Yang Xiaotian's bridal chamber.

Very abrupt.

Yang Xiaotian was startled and said, "Why are you here?"

Hera said with a smile, "didn't you invite me to your wedding? Yes? Don't you welcome me? "

"Welcome, welcome." Yang Xiaotian said with a bitter smile, "but I'm going to be married. You suddenly appear. Fortunately, I didn't do anything. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's not suitable for children."

"I don't want to make a wedding. I'm just giving you a wedding present." Hera threw two things to Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian can feel the powerful power from these two things and can't help asking: "what is this?"

Hera said, "the ark and the apocalypse."

Yang Xiaotian said, "it's useless for me."

Hera said, "but it's very useful for your people, isn't it?"

"All right." Yang Xiaotian said, "thank you for your gift - are you going to make a bridal chamber?"

"I don't have that interest." Hera's figure disappeared.

Yang Xiaotian is lost in thought.

Two years later, Yang Xiaotian's four wives gave birth to two sons and a daughter. Yang Xiaotian thinks that this is enough. It doesn't make much sense that there are so many children and grandchildren. Anyway, he is an immortal and does not rely entirely on his descendants to continue his life.



Fifty years later.

At this time, human civilization has become a super civilization, but human beings have not yet launched attacks everywhere, so they have not been discovered by other civilizations in the galaxy.

However, the invasion of silicon-based empire made human civilization, startled the galaxy and finally the whole universe.

For Yang Xiaotian, the invasion of silicon-based empire was a huge crisis. But today, with the invasion of the silicon-based Empire, Yang Xiaotian doesn't even care.

With the strength of today's mankind, the invasion of silicon-based empire is just a gift to mankind.

Sure enough, after entering the solar system, the silicon-based empire was surprised to find that human civilization was 100 times more advanced than them. They were so scared that they were ready to run away, but they were already turtles in a jar.

The expeditionary army of silicon empire was destroyed by human beings.

Then, humans occupied Sirius and completely destroyed the silicon-based empire.

The lighthouse civilization was shocked, took human beings as its biggest rival, and began to test human beings.

Human beings are not polite to fight back.

The war between man and lighthouse civilization begins.

This dozen is a hundred years.

After 100 years of vicissitudes, human civilization has completely occupied the galaxy and become a great five level civilization.

Yang Xiaotian feels that his merits are complete and he has no responsibility for human beings.

With the current strength of human beings, there is no power to threaten human beings in the three-dimensional universe.

And the call of hometown for Yang Xiaotian is more and more intense.

But Yang Xiaotian is not in a hurry. He still has 300 years to spend with his family.

He made his women happy for 500 years, and then he left. And all this is just a short farewell, he will come back.



High dimensional universe.



Yang Xiaotian, Ares and Hera return.

There are also more than 20000 gods returning.

There used to be tens of millions of gods.

Now, however, there are only twenty or thirty thousand left.

It can be said that it is extremely withered.

Prometheus, who was elected as the speaker of the God family, temporarily led the God family and became the new God King.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally made a breakthrough in the war between the gods and the divine civilization, and the divine civilization has been severely damaged by us." Prometheus said, "there is only one obstacle to us from entering each other's multiverse, that is, each other transforms the crystal wall of their multiverse into one magical infinite world after another. We have to break through these infinite worlds to get into each other's stronghold. "

"So a long and Infinite War begins!"

With Prometheus' announcement, the protoss began to understand the infinite world and Infinite War in detail. It turns out that the infinite world is endless, many big and small worlds. As the defense system of the other side's universe, we must control these small worlds in order to break the defense of the other side.

The only way is to enter the infinite world and play games, just as Yang Xiaotian once entered the Tianyuan continent.

And the other side will send people into this infinite world to compete with the gods and fight for the dominant power in the world. This is undoubtedly a long and endless war.

But the gods are fearless.

Yang Xiaotian is more fearless.

After reaching the peak of strength, Yang Xiaotian felt that he had nothing to pursue. But this infinite war gives Yang Xiaotian a new pursuit.

"Then, let me go to a higher stage in this infinite war!" Yang Xiaotian is ambitious.

Then, Yang Xiaotian put himself into the endless war.

The future is boundless and vast!

(end of the book! The new book has been published! Xuanhuan: I'm an expert! Please pay attention!)

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