"Yes, it's not that we are too realistic, it's that the world is very materialistic!" Ma Jing echoed Yang Caixia and said, "one of my cousins just didn't believe this. She married a phoenix man in the countryside. As a result, she helped him succeed in his career. Phoenix man found a younger and more beautiful little three and kicked her! Those years of her youth were wasted! "

"Yes, a man can have nothing but money!"

"Kang Jianfei is a diamond Wang Laowu. I said Liu Yan, when you meet Kang Jianfei, you must grasp it carefully! As far as I know, KangBo Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is Kang Jianfei's successor. If you marry Kang Jianfei, you can be the boss in a moment! "

Liu Yan was surprised to find that her friends and colleagues had totally different views on men's and women's affairs.

At this time, Kang Jianfei went into the western restaurant.

Kang Jianfei is wearing a silver suit and a dog lick. At first glance, he looks like a dog!

Liu Yan's best friend and female colleagues suddenly have little stars in their eyes.

They can see that Kang Jianfei's whole body is famous brand!

Even Kang Jianfei's watch is worth more than 100000 yuan!

Originally, Kang Jianfei can't be called a handsome guy, let alone make a girl crazy.

But with the blessing of money, Kang Jianfei can only say that his plain appearance has been greatly enhanced in an instant.

"Is this Kang Jianfei? How handsome

"And he's rich. He's wearing a Kaspersky suit!"

"Real monkey shoes!"

"Cardanel's watch!"

Liu Yan's girlfriends and female colleagues are talking about it, and even some bold women have already cast their eyes at Kang Jianfei!

But Kang Jianfei only has Liu Yan in his eyes.

In Kang Jianfei's opinion, Liu Yan stands out from the rest!

The woman beside Liu Yan is just a group of common people.

But Liu Yan is pure and beautiful, just like a fairy!

"Happy birthday, Liu Yan!" Kang Jianfei goes straight to Liu Yan and faces Liu Yandao.

"Thank you, manager Kang." Although Liu Yan hates Kang Jianfei very much, but out of politeness, Liu Yan still says thanks.

"Miss, can I have a seat? I want to sit with Liu Yan! " Kang Jianfei said, took out an apple 7 mobile phone and handed it to Ma Jing beside Liu Yan, "small gift, no respect!"

Apple 7 mobile phone, that's 5000-6000 yuan!

Meet to send Apple mobile phone, this let Ma Jing awe!

"Mr. Kang, right?" Ma Jing took over the mobile phone and immediately sold Liu Yan, "you are so generous! I think you and Liu Yan are a perfect couple

Ma Jing said that she would give up her seat for Kang Jianfei.

However, only one figure flashed, it was Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian quickly occupies Ma Jing's original position and sits beside Liu Yan.

Liu Yan is relieved that Yang Xiaotian is not late, otherwise he can only sit with Kang Jianfei.

Ma Jing was extremely surprised and said, "who are you?"

Kang Jianfei looked at Yang Xiaotian and said angrily, "you don't want to be shameful!"

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "what do you want to face for?"

Liu Yan's friends and colleagues at this time are coincidentally looking at Yang Xiaotian.

Their first impression of Yang Xiaotian is not good.

Kang Jianfei used an apple mobile phone to let Ma Jing give up his seat.

As a result, Yang Xiaotian forcibly occupied the seat Ma Jing gave up.

Such behavior is obviously immoral.

And they can't recognize Yang Xiaotian's custom-made clothes. They can't see that Yang Xiaotian's clothes are just like Kang Jianfei's. they think that Yang Xiaotian is like a local stall. He doesn't even have a brand. What is it?

The girls can't help looking at Yang Xiaotian in disgust.

Yang Xiaotian doesn't think so.

He's so rich, and he cares about others?

Yang Xiaotian has already released himself and liberated his nature!

"This is my seat!" Kang Jianfei looks ugly.

"Write your name?" Yang xiaotiandao.

"You Kang Jianfei pointed to Yang Xiaotian and said, "I know you! Your name is Yang Xiaotian, isn't it? "

Yang Xiaotian went to investigate Kang Jianfei.

Kang Jianfei naturally went to investigate Yang Xiaotian.

However, Kang Jianfei's ability is limited, and the information from the investigation lags behind. He still stays at the level that Yang Xiaotian is a courier. Of course, the fact that Yang Xiaotian inherited 50 billion yuan and became the chairman of Gemini group is very secret. What's more, even if this kind of thing is said, no one will believe it.

"Yes Yang Xiaotian said, "if I don't change my name, if I don't change my surname, Yang Xiaotian is me, I am Yang Xiaotian! Also, Liu Yan is my woman, please respect yourself

"I know you are just a courier of Zhongyuan express. You are a courier. Dare you challenge me?" Kang Jianfei said angrily.

Kang Jianfei's words changed everyone's eyes when they saw Yang Xiaotian.

"I thought that Yang Xiaotian was so impolite and arrogant. He turned out to be a courier. How much money can he make in a month? Is 3000 or 5000 enough for Mr. Kang to smoke? " Yang Caixia said.

"Just a courier, but also dare to dominate the seat, also dare to stink shameless propaganda, Liu Yan is your woman, you are simply shameless ah!" Ma Jing took Kang Jianfei's advantage and attacked Yang Xiaotian hard, "you are so ugly!"

"How dare a courier be so arrogant?"

"Liu Yan, how do you know such people?"

Liu Yan's friends and female colleagues one by one sneer at Yang Xiaotian.

In their view, Yang Xiaotian is a courier, there is no human rights at all!

And Yang Xiaotian, a courier, dares to dominate the seat of Mr. Kang. He is looking for death!

"Your message is too late. I'm not the courier, but the regional manager of Zhongyuan express!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile. He was not angry, because he used to be fed up with all kinds of coldness, but now he has a strong base.

"That's a courier, too!" Kang Jianfei sneered, "it's just a wage earner!"

Yang Xiaotian said faintly: "in fact, express delivery is just my superficial work. My real identity is the chairman of Gemini group, a super rich man with a value of 50 billion, and a second generation rich man who has become a late bloomer. Compared with me, your assets are not even a drop in the bucket! "

"Ha ha ha!" But Kang Jianfei laughed and burst into tears. "You're worth 50 billion yuan and you're rich for the second generation. Your fantasy ability is really powerful!"

"Express delivery, good imagination! And hidden identities? Hidden identity or 10 billion millionaires? " Ma Jing said sarcastically, "you are so paranoid

"Where did you get the courage to make up a story? Is it the courage Liang Jingru gave you? " Yang Caixia said.

"Are you crazy? I feel like a rich man when I lose my mind? "

"If you are the chairman of Gemini group, I am the Secretary General of the United Nations!"

There is no doubt that Yang Xiaotian is telling the truth.

But in this era, the truth is often not believed!

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