Cummingbo was taken aback.

He got tons of fright!

If what Yang Xiaotian said is true, he will be cool. He doesn't need to sing "cool" for him.

"Are you kidding?" He said in a trembling voice.

This kind of thing, the consequence is too serious!

It's so serious that it's almost unacceptable for cummingbo!

Cummingbo hopes that Yang Xiaotian is joking.

But cummingbo also knows that Yang Xiaotian is not joking.

"You can open the microblog to have a look. Microblog hot search is the first. After all, it's he Zhendong. His popularity is really true. You can get hot search by taking a drug!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "then you can have a look at the situation of the stock market!"

He took a deep breath and turned on his cell phone.

Micro blog is something that cummingbo also plays with.

In fact, cummingbo is a very fashionable person.

Circle of friends, microblog, group, and cummingbo are all enjoying themselves.

Of course, there are not many fans on the micro blog.

Open microblog, cummingbo saw microblog hot search first.

"He Zhendong takes drugs!"

More than hot search number one!

The second hot search is: "he Zhendong was reported by the masses of Chaoyang District to take drugs!"

The third hot search is: "he Zhendong anti drug propaganda film!"

He Zhendong is on fire!


Fire is a mess!

But cummingbo wants to cry!

His 60 million!

If he Zhendong takes drugs, with the state's efforts to crack down on drug-related artists, the movie "played in your whole world" invested by Huayi film and television must be cool, and the loss will be great!

If he Zhendong is in front of him, he will be slapped in the face by him. He will scold him for taking drugs. If he is not careful, he has been reported by people in Chaoyang District! Damn, doesn't he know Chaoyang District is the most dangerous place in our country? Any FBI has to be planted, not to mention a little fresh meat!

Is it brain disease, drug abuse in Chaoyang District?!

Cummingbo opens up the stock market again!

The stock of Huayi film and television has fallen in a mess!

What's the most important thing about the stock market? Leeks... No, investors' confidence!

As soon as he Zhendong took drugs, the stock of Huayi film and television fell sharply! We all lost our confidence in Huayi film and television!

In addition, Gemini group deliberately shortens the shares of Huayi film and television, and Huayi film and television's shares can't stop falling. Overnight, cummingbo lost 90% of its wealth! He's worth 60 million shares, and now he's worth six million!

In fact, six million can't be sold, and we can't find an order man!

Cummingbo became a pauper!

Cummingbo owes a lot of debts to the bank. Originally, he owned cumbo Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., with a value of 60 million shares. The capital flow was very healthy!

But now his 60 million evaporated completely, the bank will not be distressed, he said you do not have to pay back the money, I am afraid the bank knew that his stock plummeted, but also debt!

Cummingbo knows it's over!

The brain of cummingbo is blank, losing consciousness for ten seconds!

He almost fainted!

However, cummingbo is also a big man who started from scratch. His psychological quality is very good. Although he suffered a major blow, he soon recovered. Although the heart of cummingbo is still dripping blood.

"You did all this?" Kang Mingbo stares at Yang xiaotiandao.

Yang Xiaotian light way: "I am not God, how can control he Zhendong drug? I just add fuel to the flames, short the stock of Huayi film and television! You've just been affected by the fire at the gate. "

"Capital tycoon, capital tycoon!" Looking at Yang Xiaotian in awe, cummingbo said with a bitter smile, "I thought you were a lucky man who inherited 50 billion yuan of assets by chance, but I didn't expect you to be a capital tycoon! I've lost my eye. I'm willing to accept defeat in this battle! "

"Agreement, sign it!" Yang xiaotiandao.

With a black face, cummingbo wrote down his name on the share transfer agreement.

He has been a total failure.

If he is as rich as before, Yang Xiaotian's video can't threaten him.

But now, cummingbo is on the verge of bankruptcy. Yang Xiaotian's video is enough to put cummingbo to death. Cummingbo can only admit it.

"Well, I was going to buy your company for $5 million, but you are too tough, so I can only give you $1 million now!" Yang Xiaotian threw out a million checks and said, "in addition, for the sake of your happiness, I'll tell you a piece of good news!"

"What's the good news?" Asked cummingbo.

Yang Xiaotian said, "you and your wife were married to each other, right?"

Kang Mingbo said: "not bad! My wife is pregnant and we got married in a hurry. It's the thing I regret the most. "

Yang Xiaotian said, "you've had a physical examination before marriage, right?"

"Of course, we are all healthy," he said

Yang Xiaotian said: "you are wrong. Your wife dropped your physical examination report secretly. In fact, you are infertile. That is, you have no fertility, but you have an only child named Kang Jianfei. Don't you think it's strange? "

"It's impossible!" Cummingbo's face changed greatly!

Cummingbo is going crazy.

Kang Jianfei, but he has been raising his son for 20 years!

If you know that this son is not your own, I'm afraid that Cummins will go crazy!

Twenty years of pay, is to feed the dog!

And cummingbo, will also become the most tragic in the history of mankind to take over the dish knight, Green's tragic!

Cummingbo is not willing to believe Yang Xiaotian's words at all.

But once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will take root.

"Now the streets are full of hospitals, you can go to check up! Don't go to the hospital you are familiar with. I'm afraid those doctors are bribed by your wife and keep you in the dark! " Yang Xiaotian said with a bad smile, "and you can take Kang Jianfei's hair to the hospital for a paternity test!"

"Are you the devil?" Cummingbo said, a sad smile, and then, his tears gushed out.

Yang Xiaotian destroyed everything!


KangBo Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.

"Manager Kang, I'm sure the price of our Gemini group is the most favorable, and the quality is also the best!" Liu Yan helplessly looked at Kang Jianfei in front of her and said, "I don't know, what's the reason for manager Kang to refuse our order?"

"Liu Yan, I don't want to play with you. To be honest, you want to take this order, right?" Kang Jianfei completely tore his face and threatened Liu Yandao, "then accompany me to blue moon for a drink. I'm satisfied with the drink. I'll give you the order! Otherwise, nothing will happen! "

Liu Yan is very angry. She wants to smash the folder in her hand on Kang Jianfei's head!

After Liu Yan has done so much anger, Kang Jianfei is still pestering Liu Yan. It's really deceiving! There was a moment when Liu Yan wanted to go home. It was too difficult to start a business. It was OK not to do it!

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