"What else?" Liu Yan shrugged her shoulders.

"You're only half right." Yang Xiaotian light language, his face soon showed a smile.

Although Liu Yan's idea is the same as others, her behavior surprised Yang Xiaotian.

Time flies. After they have enough to eat and drink, almost everyone wants to go.

It's clear that Yang Xiaocai is the master, but pan Cai is the host. He steps onto the stage and takes the microphone. "I think we've eaten almost all, or we'll be here today."

"But before we leave, we should all thank today's owner, Yang Xiaotian!"

"Thank you

There was a disorderly sound in the crowd, without any sincerity.

"Thanks for Yang Xiaotian's loan to treat us to this meal!" The crowd did not know who said a word, causing the rest of the people to laugh.

Gradually, people almost walk almost, Yang Xiaotian, pan CAI and others stand in the corridor waiting for the elevator.

Pan Cai deliberately shook the car key in his hand and said with a smile, "where do you live? Do you want me to drive you?"

"No, I'll drive myself." Yang Xiaotian refused.

"Ha ha, who doesn't know your electric bike? Do you really think you can afford a Porsche Pan Cai laughed.

Yang Xiaotian doesn't want to waste more words. After all, he is now the chairman of Gemini group, a 10 billion millionaire, and no longer the tiny courier.

Since they are people with status, why argue with these people without status?

After a while, Yang Xiaotian and others get on the elevator and enter the underground parking lot.

Standing next to the car door, Yang Xiaotian waved to Liu Yan and said, "where do you live? I'll see you off."

"No, I'll walk out of here. It's the subway outside." Liu Yan waves to refuse.

"All right." Yang Xiaotian nodded helplessly, opened the car door and drove out of the underground parking lot.

Seeing this, pan CAI and song Wanjun were shocked.

"Shit, when did this kid get so rich?" Pan CAI was very angry. When he recalled what he had said and done, he was just a clown.

And song Wanjun is regretful bowel is green, she now finally understand, what he lost!

One is just want to play with her millionaires, and the other is true to her millionaires. She knows which one to choose with her brain, but she missed it.

The rest of them were shocked. They knew that Yang Xiaotian was so rich. Why did he flatter pan Cai? It must be to please Yang Xiaotian.

Unfortunately, it seems too late.

Under the arrangement of Xu Lili, Yang Xiaotian is now a ship, luxury car, helicopter, exclusive aircraft and so on.

Living place also moved to the Bank of Yanjiang River, in this land and money place, Yang Xiaotian is enjoying a thousand square mansion!

After coming back, Yang Xiaotian was lying in the open-air swimming pool on the top of the mansion, looking at the night scene by the river, with a lot of emotion in his heart.

At the beginning, he was still a courier. Every night, he could only ride an electric car and take song Wanjun to see the night scenery by the river. He never dared to buy a house by the river, even if it was only 50 square meters.

Yang Xiaotian is now the chairman of Gemini group. Even if he leaves everything to he Qian, he must greet other directors and get familiar with them.

Most importantly, he qian can't manage Gemini group for him all his life, so Yang Xiaotian must slowly understand the group and learn skills.

Early in the morning, as soon as Porsche arrived at the gate of the company, Yang Xiaotian saw two familiar figures: Pan CAI and song Wanjun.

"Doesn't his family have a factory? How did you come to Gemini? " Yang Xiaotian is very puzzled, so let Xu Lili find someone to ask.

Finally, I learned that Pan Cai brought song Wanjun to Gemini group early in the morning.

Yang Xiaotian goes to the interview room. Many interviewers are interviewing, while pan CAI and song Wanjun are waiting outside.

Besides them, Liu Yan was here last night.

"Cough!" Yang Xiaotian deliberately coughed twice, which attracted their attention.

Pan CAI and others turned their heads one after another.

"Oh, isn't this rich man Yang Xiaotian? Rolls Royce mirage, helicopter, cruise ship have come to Gemini group to apply Pan Cai said sarcastically.

I don't know why, when I saw Yang Xiaotian, pan CAI was relieved. Maybe it was because he thought he found that Yang Xiaotian was not so rich at all.

Seeing Yang Xiaotian appear in the interview room, song Wanjun was very sorry last night, thinking about how to retrieve Yang Xiaotian.

But now, she is glad that she didn't have the impulse to get back together last night.

Because if Yang Xiaotian is really so rich, where will he come to Gemini group to apply?

"Yang Xiaotian, Gemini group doesn't invite express delivery." Song Wanjun is mean.

"I'm in Gemini. I don't need to apply." Yang Xiaotian light a language, I am the chairman, also apply for what?

However, they did not believe it at all.

"Do it for yourself." Liu Yan muttered.

Yang Xiaotian went straight to Liu Yan and sat down, "the money you transferred to me last night, I gave it back to you."

"I'll tell you a secret. In fact, I'm the chairman of Gemini group." Yang Xiaotian lowered his voice and said quietly.

Liu Yan's face is expressionless. She looks at Yang Xiaotian like an idiot. "Yang Xiaotian, have you had enough trouble?"

"I didn't make any noise. I'm really the chairman of Gemini group." Yang Xiaotian shrugged and said seriously.

Pan CAI and song Wanjun also heard this sentence. They forced themselves to smile, "Yang Xiaotian, I think you are really poor and crazy. You can make up such lies."

"Yang Xiaotian, it's absolutely the most correct decision song Wanjun made in his life to separate from you."

Yang Xiaotian sighed. Is it so difficult to admit that others are richer than himself?

"I'm a rich second generation now! By the way, inherited the Gemini group! " Yang Xiaotian said.

Pan CAI and Liu Yan were stunned at first, and then laughed wildly. Liu Yan covered her face with her hand, and she didn't want to listen any more.

In her opinion, Yang Xiaotian is stimulated by the breakup, now a little schizophrenic.

Just then, the door of the interview room was pushed open, and an interviewer came out. Just as he was about to let the next interviewer in, he suddenly said, "Hello, chairman."

With this remark, pan CAI and song Wanjun seem to have been electrocuted. They stand up straight from their positions and follow the interviewer's eyes.

But after watching for a long time, there were only Yang Xiaotian and Liu Yan in that place.

Liu Yan is here for an interview. They know that Yang Xiaotian is the only one left!

"Well, this is my classmate. Don't make trouble of her during the interview." Yang Xiaotian patted the interviewer on the shoulder and left.

"I see, chairman." The appearance of the interviewer's submissiveness is reflected in the eyes of Pan CAI and the two of them, and a huge wave is set off in their hearts.

They finally understand that Yang xiaonaively has become a 10 billion millionaire.

Rolls Royce, helicopters and cruise ships can be rented, and waiters can be paid. But the position of chairman of Gemini group can't be rented or bought.

Ironically, when they think that Yang Xiaotian is still the little courier, in fact, Yang Xiaotian has already stood on the cloud and looked down on them.

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