About two hours later, Liu Yanyou woke up.

The effect of detoxification serum is quite good, Liu Yan equivalent to deep sleep for three hours, this wake up, not only no sequelae, but refreshing.

It felt like after a busy year in the city, I went back to the countryside, lost all my work and tedious, and slept all night till dawn. In short, it was just two words - comfortable!

Liu Yan even stretched, looking like a meow star after a nap.

But sober fast, Liu Yan also found wrong!

She found that she was not in her bedroom.

But in a similar hotel suite room, sleeping in a strange bed.

As a clean girl, Liu Yan immediately thought of all kinds of movies and TV series in which the girl lost her voice, and immediately screamed: "no!"

At this time, Yang Xiaotian also woke up in a daze.

It turns out that Yang Xiaotian is sitting by the bed looking at Liu Yan. As a result, he falls asleep.

However, Yang Xiaotian is not a deep sleep, just a nap.

So Yang Xiaotian was awakened by Liu Yan's voice.

And Yang Xiaotian wakes up very fast.

"Liu Yan, you wake up!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile.

Hearing Yang Xiaotian's voice and seeing Yang Xiaotian's people, Liu Yan was relieved.

"You... What did you do to me?" Liu Yan looked at Yang Xiaotian with suspicious eyes, "did you do something bad to me when you brought me into the hotel?"

Hearing Liu Yan's words, Yang xiaotianma showed a heartbroken expression and said: "Liu Yan, Liu Yan, you really hurt my heart. Do you think I am such a dirty person in your heart? Do I just want to kiss you like that scum Kang Jianfei? You, you let me down

Yang Xiaotian's heartbroken expression was, of course, made up.

At this time, Liu Yan also found that her clothes were intact, and Yang Xiaotian was not in bed, and she was a virgin. If Yang Xiaotian did anything excessive to herself, she would feel it.

But Liu Yan's body, but it is not a strange feeling, before is how, now is still how, no trace of being offended.

This makes Liu Yan feel that she is really suspicious and wronged a good man. She can't help but feel sorry and say: "Xiaotian, I'm sorry, you've been helping me, but I doubt you. I'm too sensitive!"

Yang Xiaotian smile, a look of infatuation, said: "you are my sweetheart, no matter how many times wronged me, I do not care, as long as you are happy, I will be very happy." Yang Xiaotian is not the first brother. Although she is not a good girl seeker, she was limited by her economic level rather than her means.

Yang Xiaotian knows very well that the most important thing to pick up a girl is to be shameless and to be obsessed with her. As the saying goes, "a good girl is afraid of being obsessed with a bad girl."! What's more, Yang xiaotianchang is not bad, and he has twice the money. As long as he carries forward the shameless spirit, is it easy to get a girl?

This kind of brazen love words, Yang Xiaotian can also open his mouth.

The key to love words is not whether they are rustic or not, whether they are elegant or not, but whether girls like to listen to them.

If you are an ugly beggar, you will be disgusted by the girl no matter how touching you say to her. You think that the other party is a toad and wants to eat swan meat. How can you let the pig arch if you carry a cabbage well?

But if it's a handsome young brother who is young and gold, she will love to hear the girl talk about the local flavor again. This is the reality!

So after hearing Yang Xiaotian's love words, Liu Yan's face is red and shy.

"By the way, what's the matter with me? I just remember that I suddenly fainted when I was in the bar... "Liu Yan quickly changed the topic and said.

"Yang Xiaotian said:" you are drunk with drugs

"What? Drug intoxication Liu Yan was surprised.

Yang Xiaotian said: "that Kang Jianfei is an out and out son of a bitch. He put a kind of medicine called drunkenness in your drink. It's colorless and tasteless. It's very hard to guard against. And this kind of medicine can quickly stimulate the original impulse in people's heart. According to the doctor's words, human beings do not have that impulse, but if they take it carelessly, they will lose their sense and become a beast. "

"Ah Liu Yan lost her voice and said, "did I faint directly, or..."

Liu Yan did not dare to think about her performance at that time. Although Liu Yan's memory was vague, when Yang Xiaotian said that, Liu Yan was in a trance and thought of her time in the bar, which was very unbearable.

Liu Yan's face is red and her ears are red.

"Are you sure you want to listen?" Yang Xiaotian said with a bad smile, "at that time, someone grabbed my hand and wanted to bow to me in public. If the general man, already can not resist, obediently by someone inhuman humiliation. That is to say, I, Yang Xiaotian, have kept my virginity under someone's attack. "

"Don't say it!" Liu Yan's face was red to the root of his neck. He covered his ears and said, "don't mention it again. I'll turn against you if I mention it again! What a shame

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "it all depends on you. I forgot what I said just now."

"And then?" Liu Yan looks at Yang Xiaotian suspiciously, "what did you do to me?"

Yang Xiaotian said: "of course, I'm looking for a doctor to save you. The doctor injects you with antitoxic serum, and your impulsive state ends and you enter deep sleep. I wanted to send you back to your home, but I didn't know where your home was, so I had to send you to the Hilton Hotel. I'm worried about what's going on in the Hilton Hotel. I'll watch over you until you wake up. "

"You really didn't do anything wrong to me?" Liu Yandao.

Yang Xiaotian said: "I, Yang Xiaotian, am a man of integrity. I have no interest in beauty. I have no interest in you, girl. Don't imagine that I am inferior to you. Am I Yang Xiaotian that kind of person? I'm Yang Xiaotian. I'm noble, handsome, romantic and graceful

See Yang Xiaotian endless boast, Liu Yan black face interrupted Yang Xiaotian's words, way: "tell the truth! If you are not interested in me, it only means that you are not qualified as a man

Seeing that Liu Yan even questioned her man's ability, Yang Xiaotian suddenly burst into a rage and said: "Liu Yan, you can kill a man, but you can't insult him! Of course, I can't let you do nothing to you. I can't help doing something impolite! "

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