Zhongyuan express company.

In an empty warehouse.

Lu was suspended in the air.

This kind of thief should be hanged.

However, Su Ye's hand knife is too accurate and powerful. Even if he is hung up, Lu Bu is still in a coma and can't wake up for a long time.

"This is the man who stole our express?" Yang Xiaotian looked at the landing and asked.

"Yes, he is a professional thief, but it's a pity that he met me!" Suye road.

"I see, little sister, you've made a great contribution!" Yang Xiaotian not stingy for Su Ye thumbs up, "I know, you will not let me down! I'm going to give you a promotion! "

"Promotion?" Su Ye doubts a way.

Yang Xiaotian said solemnly, "how about I promote you to be a little eunuch with a knife in front of the emperor?"

Su ye said angrily, "you are the eunuch!"

Yang Xiaotian said: "slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue! I want to promote you to the security captain of Zhongyuan express! "

Su Ye hummed coldly: "that's almost the same?"

Yang Xiaotian wiped the sweat on his forehead. You are a violent smelly woman. One day, I will let you kneel down and sing conquering for me. After singing conquering, I still have to let you sing the Italian version of no one sleeps tonight. Can't you sing it? If you can't sing, your ass will be swollen!

While thinking, Yang Xiaotian couldn't help meowing Su Ye's buttocks.

Tut tut... Look at this noodle. It's long and wide, just like this bowl. It's big and round

Su Ye felt very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Xu Lili opened her notebook and studied it. She found Lu's identity and reported to Yang xiaotianhui: "Mr. Yang, we have found out this person!"

Yang Xiaotian said, "is this a thing?"

Xu Lili Li said: "this man's name is Lu Bu. He is the best-known thief in the dark Internet. He is also a little famous thief in the world. It's really unexpected that Wang Long invited this man. If Miss Su didn't do it this time, it's not easy to catch Lu Bu! "

"The number one thief?" Yang Xiaotian said in amazement, "is there a champion who is a thief?"

"What else?" Xu Lili Li said, "three hundred and sixty line, line out of the champion. At that time, they held a national theft competition in the thieves' circle. Lu Bu won the first place with an absolute advantage. After that, he still had the top spot and the flower exploration! These thieves are not on the right track, but they are good at playing

Yang Xiaotian said contemptuously: "it's really shameless. I've become a thief. What's the number one scholar?"

At this time, two strong men carrying buckets and some instruments of torture into the warehouse.

In this bucket, there is ice water. The ice is not completely melted.

"Give him an ice bucket challenge!" Yang Xiaotian said, "take care of my head! Don't pity such a thief! "

Yang Xiaotian himself also hates the thief!

At that time, Yang Xiaotian worked and studied for a long time, and finally saved tens of thousands of yuan. As a result, he was swept away overnight by the thief. From that day on, Yang Xiaotian wanted to kill the thief quickly!

At the moment, a strong man carrying an ice bucket was drenched in the water.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The cold ice smashed into Lu's face, and even some ice directly slipped into Lu's clothes along his collar. The cold and bone chilling ice water gave Lu a cool heart.

Lu Bu wakes up in a moment!

Lu Bu coughed violently.

He opened his eyes and found himself suspended in the air.

"You... Who are you? Who are you? " Lu asked in horror, "why don't you give me to the police?"

After the general thief is arrested, the most desirable thing is to be handed over to the police.

The last thing you want is to be lynched.

Lu Bu knew that he had two companions who specialized in stealing dogs in the countryside, and he used poisonous needles to steal dogs, which was very bad. Later, the two grandchildren were blocked by people from a village. They were stripped naked, beaten black and blue, sprinkled with salt, and their stolen dogs were tied around their necks. A toss down, two people a death a serious injury, unbearable!

When the living one saw the police, he cried as much as he saw his relatives, and said a funny word: "Uncle police, how did you come?"!

When Lu Bu saw the tools of torture on the ground, he knew it was bad!

He would rather be handed over to the police, at least the police's lynching will not be too heavy, and theft is not a felony, the big deal in the prison chrysanthemum explosion mountain, is better than hanging up torture!

"You steal my express, you don't know who I am!" Yang Xiaotian raised his hand and hit Lu Bu in the mouth! I'll let you know me today! "

After a big mouth, Lu Bu looked at Yang Xiaotian and said, "are you that Yang Xiaotian?"

Yang Xiaotian said: "grandfather is right!"

"You just caught me this time!" Lu said, "if you want to kill or cut, you can do as you please."

Yang Xiaotian said, "is it Wang Long who ordered you?"

Lu Bu gave a cold hum and did not speak.

Yang Xiaotian said: "only if you personally admit that Wang Long instigated you, and take out the evidence that Wang Long instigated you, I will take it lightly to you, otherwise... Haha... Haha... Haha... Haha, haha..." Yang Xiaotian smiles, showing an evil smile.

Lu Bu felt a chill and asked, "otherwise, what?"

Yang Xiaotian said: "I will make your life worse than death!"

"Don't dream! I am a man of steel and iron. I have my professional ethics. Can you easily shake it? " Lu Bu said with awe inspiring righteousness, "there's a way to steal. I won't sell my customers!"

Yang Xiaotian scolded: "how can you be a thief? Do you think you are a martyr? Don't be ashamed Yang Xiaotian said, turned his head and said to a strong man, "give me the whip stained with chili water!"

The strong man handed the whip to Yang Xiaotian.

This whip is full of barbs. It has been soaked in chili water for a long time. If it hits people, how can it be described as ecstatic.

Lu Bu didn't turn his head, gritted his teeth and looked like he was generous.

"Pretend to be a martyr!" Yang Xiaotian waved the whip, "you garbage! The scum of society! Scum

Saying that, Yang Xiaotian mercilessly beat the whip on Lu Bu's body.







Almost every time he hit the whip, Lu Bu would scream. It hurt too much when he hit people. Once he hit it, the skin would be cut open and the pepper water would penetrate into it. It was very painful. Lu Bu almost wanted to give in, but after all, Lu Bu boasted that there was a way to steal, and he was a thief with feelings. Even if he couldn't be as chivalrous as Chu Liuxiang, he had to stick to his own principles and bottom line!

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