Seeing that Yang Xiaotian was so confident, wuyunshan was full of worry. However, wuyunshan was a person who had seen a big scene. He said quietly: "have you solved the crisis of Zhongyuan express?"

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "of course, the thing about Zhongyuan express is just a Pediatrics for me!"

"But as far as I know, it doesn't seem so!" Wu Yunshan Road, "Yang Xiaotian, the board of directors of our Gemini group, is not so easy to fool!"

Yang Xiaotian said: "I don't mean to fool you. I have made a PPT of how to solve the crisis of Zhongyuan express. If you need, I can show you. Of course, it's also a demonstration for you

"What? Is the crisis of Zhongyuan express solved so quickly? Only two days have passed

"No way! It's not easy to turn the tide of public opinion alone. What's more, Zhongyuan Express has paid so much money this time, and its book is close to bankruptcy. How can it turn the tide like that? "

"Is Yang Xiaotian such a great talent that he solved the crisis of Zhongyuan express in two days?"

The directors were shocked and talked about it.

In fact, for Gemini group, Zhongyuan express is not an important business.

Zhongyuan express is just a small subsidiary business under the online shopping business of Gemini group. In today's increasingly competitive express industry, Gemini group even intended to cut off Zhongyuan express, which has poor revenue ability.

This is also the reason why wuyunshan tried every means to let Yang Xiaotian go to Zhongyuan express before, because the efficiency of Zhongyuan express is too poor, there are too many problems, if there is no ability to turn things around, the situation of Zhongyuan express can not be reversed.

Zhongyuan Express's position in Gemini group is in jeopardy. It is one of the garbage assets that will be disposed of soon. Now this kind of thing has happened, and it is not optimistic by everyone.

Even if Zhongyuan express really goes bankrupt, it will have no impact on Gemini group. Gemini group can package its business to other express companies. Anyway, express companies are blooming everywhere, and it doesn't cost much to package a series of businesses.

At the beginning, none of the directors of Gemini group cared about Zhongyuan express.

Until Yang Xiaotian entered Zhongyuan express.

Now the situation, Zhongyuan Express has been a key to the game between Yang Xiaotian and wuyunshan, so the directors began to pay attention to Zhongyuan express. This does not pay attention to do not know, a concern to get a conclusion: the Central Plains express problem is not solved, even if the more powerful talent to manage the Central Plains express, that is to delay the closure of the Central Plains express time. Once the Central Plains express any major crisis, bankruptcy, it is simply a matter of board nails.

In terms of external competition, Zhongyuan express faces the squeeze of large express companies such as Sitong Yida, so its living space is limited and its development prospect is not optimistic.

In terms of internal management, Zhongyuan Express's long-term management is chaotic and its accumulated disadvantages are serious. General structural reform is difficult to save Zhongyuan express.

And Gemini group has no intention to increase more investment in Zhongyuan express.

In a word, Zhongyuan express company is a fire pit!

It's the fire pit arranged by Wuyun mountain for Yang Xiaotian!

If Yang Xiaotian jumps into this fire pit, it's hard to turn over!

When the directors saw that Yang Xiaotian and wuyunshan had made a bet, they were ready to see Yang Xiaotian's jokes.

They believe that unless Yang Xiaotian is really able to dispatch the human and material resources of Gemini group, it is impossible to save Zhongyuan express. With Wuyun mountain suppressing he Qian in Gemini group, it is basically impossible for Yang Xiaotian to dispatch the human and material resources of Gemini group.

Yang Xiaotian's failure is almost inevitable.

It is very difficult for the failed Yang Xiaotian to continue to be the chairman of the board of directors, although in fact, Yang Xiaotian has never held the real power of the chairman of the board of directors.

There are even many directors who have secretly taken refuge in wuyunshan and want to help the dragon. If wuyunshan is successful, they can also be promoted to heaven.

But they never thought that Yang Xiaotian actually vowed that he had solved the crisis of Zhongyuan express.

How is that possible?

How can this be done?

Everyone is unbelievable!

However, Yang Xiaotian is so committed and confident that people can't question him. After all, unless Yang Xiaotian is mentally disabled, he can't tell a lie at the board of directors. In that case, it will only greatly reduce the weight of Yang Xiaotian in everyone's mind.

"Did you really solve the crisis of Zhongyuan express?" Wuyun mountain questioned Yang Xiaotian and said, "you can't fool me!"

Yang Xiaotian said: "you are not worth my fooling. I have done my ppt well. If you don't believe me, I can show you how to watch it!"

Wuyun mountain said coldly, "let me see what you have to do to make things worse."

Yang Xiaotian light smile, opened the player, the conference room demonstration screen, appeared a few pictures and some text.

"These are the negative news about Zhongyuan express in the media these days. I have to say that these negative news have a bad influence on Zhongyuan express!" Yang Xiaotian said, "there is a saying that good things don't go out, bad things spread a thousand miles. Since the birth of human commercial behavior, it is not uncommon for enterprises to be affected by negative news to close down. The famous Bawang shampoo has collapsed because of the negative news, and even affected the international superstar Chenlong

"I knew the importance of public opinion, so I used some special methods to turn public opinion around quickly! After a few days of media bombardment, the negative news of Zhongyuan Express has disappeared. Now all the media are positive news of Zhongyuan express! The impact of negative news on the previous day has been minimized by me! "

"In terms of public opinion, I have completely reversed the situation!"

Yang Xiaotian said, flipping PPT, there are several pictures.

All positive news of Zhongyuan express.

Singularity interview and metropolis express are all big media with wide influence.

The directors nodded.

"Mr. Yang has done a good job in reversing public opinion."

"Now public opinion has turned around!"

"It seems that the crisis of Zhongyuan Express has been solved?"

These slides perfectly show the reversal of public opinion.

"What's the use of turning public opinion around?" Wu Yunshan sneered, "as far as I know, the express delivery of Zhongyuan express company has been lost all the time. The whitewash of the media is only for a while. If the express delivery continues to be lost, the problem will ferment again! Lose express not only lose money, will also let customers no longer trust! That's the point! "

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