Yang Xiaotian probably knows why Ouyang Qingsong apologized. It's just that Yang Xiaotian applied for another loan from Tiansheng bank not long ago. Due to the huge amount of loans, this business application was directly transferred to the headquarters of Tiansheng bank, and got the attention of Ms. Ma Yun, the major shareholder of Tiansheng bank. Ma Yun is still working hard. She calls Yang Xiaotian and discusses with him for about ten minutes. Finally, Ma Yun promises that she will give Yang Xiaotian a promise soon.

Who is Ma Yun? The leader of the Forty Thieves group, the top capitalist among the capitalists, talks and laughs with the president of a certain country from time to time, which is beyond the reach of the average rich man.

Ma Yun's worth is about 100 billion, but her influence is trillions, especially in the financial field. The code scanning payment initiated by Ma Yun has become a giant that can shake the national capital. Ma Yun started with the Internet. Now she has taken off the coat of the Internet and started to engage in finance and investment. Ma Yun is the major shareholder of Tiansheng bank. It's not surprising that the project loan applied by Yang Xiaotian can be seen by Ma Yun.

Now it seems that Ma Yun has made a decision, and once Ma Yun's decision has come to an end, Ouyang Qingsong, a pawn, doesn't understand that Yang Xiaotian is an immortal he can't afford to offend.

It's not unthinkable to rush to apologize.

It may not be terrible to offend Yang Xiaotian, but it is terrible to offend Ma Yun because of offending Yang Xiaotian.

"I sincerely apologize to you. We Tiansheng bank and Zhongyuan express have always been good partners. Originally, I meant that you can pay back the loan whenever you want. It's all the fault of manager Zhu. She made up her own mind to urge you to repay. She really deserves to die! " When leaders like Ouyang Qingsong are faced with responsibilities, their first consideration is to find a backer. At present, Ouyang Qingsong has decided to sacrifice manager Zhu and treat Zhu Jing as a backer!

Manager Zhu is also a veteran of the banking system. When you listen to Ouyang Qingsong's words, you know that you are going to be a pot bearer! Bitter, bitter, this is really bitter!

Manager Zhu immediately cried and said, "I, I didn't..."

Ouyang Qingsong glared at manager Zhu and said coldly, "dare you say you didn't make your own decision?"

Manager Zhu is glared by Ouyang Qingsong's vicious eyes, and instantly understands that all his future lies in Ouyang Qingsong's mouth. Now Ouyang Qingsong will make up for himself if he wants to be a pot bearer. But if he doesn't want to be a pot bearer, he will have a miserable ending.

Want to understand the interests of this one, manager Zhu only a faint sigh, decided to honestly when the back pot Xia.

"I made my own call." Manager Zhu bit his lip.

"You know what's wrong?" Ouyang Qingsong said sternly.

"I know!" Manager Zhu a pair of beaten stand firm attitude, "I know wrong!"

"I'll demote you to deputy manager. Are you convinced?" Ouyang Qingsong said sternly.

Manager Zhu breathed a sigh of relief. If she was only downgraded by half, the punishment was still within her acceptance range.

She can only blame herself for her lack of eyes. Inspired by the little kindness of Wu family, she became the first bird in a hurry and offended Yang Xiaotian, the real Buddha!

"I'm convinced." Manager Zhu said with a low head.

After dealing with manager Zhu, Ouyang Qingsong looked at Yang Xiaotian and said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, you also see that manager Zhu made his own decision. I have punished manager Zhu. Are you satisfied?"

"Ha ha ha, manager Zhu asked me to pay back the money. It's normal, and there's nothing wrong with it." Yang xiaotianyi just said, "it's just that manager Zhu's service attitude is a little bad. In the future, we should strengthen training to let her understand that customers are God!"

"Sure! certain! I will definitely strengthen the training for employees! " Ouyang Qingsong road.

Yang Xiaotian looked at Ouyang Qingsong and said, "President Ouyang, you know current affairs very well! In that case, I will forgive you mercifully! "

Yang Xiaotian also knows that he will stop when he sees the good. His enemy is the Wu family. These minions of Tiansheng group are just tools used by the Wu family. Haggling with a bunch of tools is too damaging to your identity.

"Thank you, thank you!" Ouyang Qingsong looks at Yang Xiaotian gratefully and says, "you are really a generous person!"

Yang Xiaotian zhengse way: "although I am handsome, romantic, Yushulinfeng, is a face and talent are earth shaking strange man, but you don't have to praise me, because I am also a modest, cautious, low-key and simple person. Well, you've come all the way, not just to apologize to me, have you? "

Ouyang Qingsong: "Ouyang Qingsong finds out why Yang Xiaotian can even attract Ma Yun's attention. Yang Xiaotian's shameless degree is beyond Ouyang Qingsong's expectation.

"Well, after studying the loan you applied for before, the senior management of our bank decided to approve it!" Ouyang Qingsong said, "and through the collective resolution of the senior management of our bank, our bank has decided to provide a low interest loan of 500 million yuan to Zhongyuan express! What's more, if Mr. Yang still needs a loan in the future, our interest rate will only rise by one percentage point on the basis of the 500 million low interest loan. What do you think? "

Ouyang Qingsong's words surprised everyone here.

Five hundred million loan!

And it's a low interest loan!

And still ask Yang Xiaotian to get a loan!

Is Tiansheng bank crazy?

Wuyun mountain and Wu Shimin look at each other, and their eyes are full of horror.

"What's special about Zhongyuan express? Can Tiansheng bank be so optimistic? "

"It's just begging Yang Xiaotian to give him money!"

"What did Yang Xiaotian do? The one who opens a bank is not a charity. How can he send money to Yang Xiaotian so easily? "

There was a lot of discussion and confusion.

They have no idea what happened.

Is the senior management of Tiansheng bank cramped?

That's too low a possibility. It's close to none.

The directors couldn't help looking at Yang Xiaotian. They thought Yang Xiaotian was ordinary and frivolous, but he was lucky and inherited a large fortune. But now in their eyes, Yang Xiaotian, an ordinary young man, suddenly becomes unpredictable.

"OK, I'll take a loan of 500 million yuan." Yang Xiaotian originally wanted capital development, and what he valued was not the 500 million yuan, but Ma Yun behind the 500 million yuan. If Yang Xiaotian's project can cooperate with Ma Yun, it can quickly spread across the country and occupy the dominant position.

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