I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 189: Offline Gays in the World of Killing Red

[Brand: ... That's basically the situation. ]

[Brand: Because Miss Guang defeated the commander of the Empire, we were able to win the war with relatively few casualties. We have now successfully entered the Imperial Capital and are clearing out the stubborn forces remaining in the Imperial Capital, as well as the bandits and vagrants in the surrounding areas...]

[Bulma: Hmm... It sounds like you have done a lot of things during this period. ]

[Yongdai Mei: Indeed. According to what Mr. Brand said before, I thought this war would last for several years like the Ninja World War, but I didn't expect it to be settled in just one or two months. Miss Guang's strength is really different from the past. I'm afraid it's close to Uchiha Madara back then. ]

[Bulma: But the Imperial general named Esdeath is also very powerful. He can actually fight Xiao Guang to that extent... By the way, this general is a man and a woman, why does it sound like a female name? ]

[Brand: She is indeed a woman, and she is one year younger than me...

To be honest, I used to think that the gap between me and her was not that big. Even if I was not her opponent in a head-on battle, I could at least escape unscathed... But now it seems that if I really fight her, I am afraid I will die. ]


Bulma, who is in the world of Inuyasha, pondered for a moment and tagged Uchiha Hikari.

[Bulma @Nameless: Hikari, you actually took in another woman outside without telling us! ]

[Nameless:...Huh? ]

These few days.

Brand has already roughly talked about what happened in the world of Slash Aka, picking out the parts that do not involve confidentiality, in the chat group.

Minato Namikaze's focus is mainly on the macro aspect, and he seems to be thinking about whether there is anything worth referring to and learning from in this war between the Empire and the Revolutionary Army for the Ninja World.

Bulma, Yamato and others focus mainly on the battle between Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath.

Because that day, Uchiha Hikaru and Brand did not open the group live broadcast, so they could only imagine the battle through the text description in the group.

[Ghost Princess: Is that woman's ability related to ice? I remember that there is also a strong man in the navy who is good at fighting with ice and snow. He is the ability user of the ice fruit. I think his name is Aokiji or something...]

[Yotani Miko: ...You are talking about Aokiji, right? This name seems to have appeared in the "One Piece" comics uploaded by Miss Hikaru. ]

[Ghost Princess: Yes, that person! ]

[Ghost Princess: My father Kaido also mentioned this name. It seems that he has fought with him. He is a very powerful guy... I wonder how he compares with that Esdeath? ]


Uchiha Hikaru is also very curious about this question.

When there is a chance in the future, maybe I can take Esdeath to the pirate world to see what the three admirals and the four emperors there are like...

And now... 【Unnamed @Bulma: Bulma, do you have time to come over these days? I want to take you to see something. 】

【Bulma: Hmm? 】


【Bulma applies to enter Brand's world】

【Eriya applies to enter Brand's world】

This morning.

After obtaining Brand's permission, Bulma first traveled from Inuyasha's world where she was.

Then it was Eriya.

Ever since she went to the Sound Village with Uchiha Hikaru last time, Eriya has been staying at home, busy chatting in the group, watching anime and playing games. She has long been a little bit lonely. So when she saw the message sent by Uchiha Hikaru in the group, she immediately tagged her and rushed over.

This time she was dressed neatly, wearing the red and white shrine maiden costume filled with little yellow ducks, plastic figures and game consoles, with a long sword on her waist, giving her a sense of dislocation between ancient and modern times.

Bulma and Brand saw Eri for the first time, and they were somewhat surprised:

"Hey, Eri is also a shrine maiden? Just like Miss Kikyo! Although I heard about you from Xiaoguang before, I didn't expect you to be so cute in person..."

"...Not a shrine maiden, just a habit of dressing."

Uchiha Guang helped explain: "There are no monsters and ghosts in the dragon world. All strange phenomena are created by dragons and hybrids. And in the Japanese Shintoism of that world, almost all the gods mentioned are human hybrids who are outstanding in history... So Eri, the "shrine maiden", is not quite the same as Kikyo."

In fact, Uchiha Guang herself has also worn shrine maiden clothes.

It was when she went to the dragon world to play "beautiful girl dress-up play" last time, and she even took a set of private photos at that time...

But this kind of thing is still a bit embarrassing, so there is no need to tell Bulma and others.

On the other side

Eri held up her little notebook and bowed to say hello: "Bulma-sister, and Mr. Brand, I'm Eri."


In fact, to be honest, Eri may be a little older than Bulma.

But because she is younger in mind and looks a little childish, it doesn't seem out of place for her to call Bulma "sister".

In addition...

There is another group member who can't help but want to come over and take a look -

[Ghost Princess: Um... Can I go over to see you? I've been chatting in the group for so long, but I've never seen the true faces of Mr. Minato, Ms. Hikari, Kikyo, and Ms. Bulma. 】

[Brand: I don’t care, but didn’t Miss Guang say that you are wearing a pair of explosive handcuffs? 】

[Oni Ji:...I think there should be no problem, right? If it really doesn’t work, I can use my armed color domineering to block it...]

[Brand: This...]

"What do you think, Miss Guang?"

Facing Brand's move to seek advice again, Uchiha Hikaru scratched his head: "That's okay, although I originally planned to take the initiative to go to her place to take a look..."

After a brief discussion.

Uchiha Hikari summoned a somersault cloud, and first led Bulma and his party to leave the imperial capital and arrived at a deserted hill on the outskirts.

Then he opened the blood jade barrier to protect Bulma and Eriki.

Then he nodded, allowing Brand to agree to Yamato's entry application.

Accompanied by a flash of white light.

A tall figure wearing a Prajna mask, Kailou stone handcuffs, carrying a mace, and a sleeveless kimono appeared in the world of Zhanchi.

"...so high!"

Bulma raised his head slightly, opened his eyes wide, and sighed with surprise.

Brand and Eri next to them also had the same expression.

As for Uchiha Hikaru...

She does know that the race of people in the pirate world is different from that in the ordinary world.


When she saw Yamato, who was 2.63 meters tall and had a pair of red devil horns on his head, appeared in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but take a breath and subconsciously imagined the shapes of Whitebeard and Kaido. ——

According to the settings of the pirates, these two are both big guys with a height of six to seven meters. Even if Yamato stands in front of them, he can only reach his waist, let alone Uchiha Hikaru, who is less than 1.6 meters tall...

"Wow, is this another world?"

Yamato was startled for a moment, then opened his eyes wide with curiosity and looked around: "Hey, are you the Uchiha Hikaru-senpai in the group..."


Uchiha Hikaru raised a finger and made a silencing gesture: "Let's talk about greetings later, use your armed color and domineering!"


Yamato responded without thinking, and then used Haki.

From the perspective of a bystander, a layer of black began to condense on Yamato's body surface, like the color of black iron.


boom--! ! !

Before Yamato could cover his whole body with armed haki, he heard a loud noise and blazing fire burst out, engulfing Yamato's figure in an instant.


"This bomb is actually real..."

Under the shocked gazes of Bulma and others, the fire and smoke dispersed little by little, revealing Yamato's figure again.

Compared to a moment ago, Yamato looked quite embarrassed now. His two handcuffed arms were a bloody mess, and there were burnt marks on his hair and clothes... After all, the armed haki could only cover the surface of the body. It was impossible to wrap up all the clothes, so from the damaged parts of the burnt kimono, some outlines of the inner body could be vaguely seen.


As the only male present, Brand immediately turned his back and looked away.

Uchiha Hikaru breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the blood jade barrier, and then walked over and handed Yamato half a fairy bean.

"Eat it, it will heal your injuries."


After Yamato was stunned on the spot for a while, he hugged Uchiha Hikari suddenly, his nose burst into tears, and he cried loudly: "I thought he was just scaring me, but I didn't expect that there was actually a bomb... What? What kind of father would want to kill his own daughter?”

"...I understand the truth, but can you let me go first..."

Uchiha Hikari's figure was too petite compared to Yamato, and he couldn't break away for a while. He could only be held tightly by her chest and said in a muffled voice.

Yamato is not in the habit of wearing underwear.

At the same time, she is also a super busty girl with good development and a size no less than Tsunade.

Therefore, almost half of Uchiha Hikari is buried in the ravine on Yamato's chest. As the latter moves to cry, he can clearly feel the touch of those two huge and warm balls... It is not uncomfortable at all. , but it’s somewhat weird.

In the end, it was Bulma who carefully came over and tried to persuade Yamato with a few words of persuasion, which finally allowed Yamato to calm down from the grief of being "betrayed" by his father.

Uchiha Hikaru also took the opportunity to break away from her, dug out a sheet from the universal glue and handed it over, asking Yamato to cover his body first.

——No way, for this ghost girl who is only three meters tall, she can't wear ordinary human clothes at all. I'm afraid it can only be specially customized.

the other side.

Eriki looked at Yamato thoughtfully, then tugged on Uchiha Hikari's sleeves, and held up the notebook: "So what Hikari likes is a girl like Yamato who looks bigger here?"

Uchiha Hikari was silent for a moment and sighed helplessly: "...Have you been secretly reading comics that you shouldn't have read recently?"

Previously, Uchiha Hikaru had tried to popularize some knowledge about physiology with Eriki, but it didn't seem to be of much use...

It just so happens that Yamato is also a person with extremely poor physiological knowledge. Due to his childhood experiences, he has always regarded himself as a male. In the original work, he even made a farce of going to a hot spring with Luffy and his friends...

Now that we are here.

I'll go back and discuss it with Bulma and take some time to make up lessons for both of them...

Uchiha Hikari thought in his heart.

There are already five group members present, accounting for half of the total number of people in the chat group. It is considered a large-scale face-to-face event.

Except for Uchiha Hikaru, who has basically been to everyone's world, several other people, including Bulma, who was the first to join the group, also met Eriki and others offline for the first time, so it was naturally a bit strange at this time.

After chirping for a while.

Bulma seemed to have remembered something, and began to look around curiously: "By the way, Xiaoguang, why haven't you seen the person named Esdeath?"

"She's not here..."

This is inevitable.

The arrival of Bulma, Eriki and others involves chat groups and other world affairs, which are not suitable for outsiders to know. Although Esdeath is already nominally Uchiha Hikaru's "subordinate", she has just conquered him after all, so it would be better to keep these secrets from her first.

not to mention……

Uchiha Hikaru has assigned Esdeath a task, and she should be on her way to execute it now.

"...Anyway, let me take you around the imperial capital first, and tell Bulma about the 'Supreme Throne' by the way."

That's right.

What Uchiha Hikari wanted Bulma to see was the "Supreme Throne" underneath the palace.

Although the existence of these imperial tools is not very "scientific" in itself, the process of their forging can be traced. The Empire can no longer produce such weapons due to the loss of craftsmanship and the passing of generations of craftsmen, but for a talented top scientist like Bulma, this is not absolute.

After all, Bulma is the one who can understand and transform the "super-light speed ship" of Planet Namek in just a few months.

It should be the same if it were a Teigu. Moreover, you can also communicate with Dr. Fashion, who is also studying Teigu, to see if any scientific research sparks can come out...


Bulma responded, then stepped onto the somersault cloud with Eriki and Yamato, and then followed Uchiha Hikaru to fly towards the imperial capital.

the other side.

Donghai County.

Along with the huge teleportation circle appeared.

The figures of Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath appeared on the outskirts of a coastal city.

To be precise, the Uchiha light here is her true body.


Uchiha Hikaru lowered his head and was flipping through the "Encyclopedia of the World: Longo Longo" he had just received from the revolutionary army:

"Is this the original use of this Imperial Equipment..."

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