I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 196 Ninja School Entrance Ceremony

After talking about the business.

Zhisui and others stood up and left one after another.

Uchiha Hikaru, on the other hand, stayed behind at Fugaku's warm invitation, preparing to taste Mikoto's craftsmanship.

While waiting for the meal to start, she randomly selected a few volumes from the pile of "Reading Reviews" and briefly glanced at them.

Hmm... I guess there shouldn't be any plagiarism from each other.

In fact, even if there is, it doesn't matter.

After all, the younger generation of the Uchiha clan only has a few dozen people in total, and it is unrealistic to expect every clan member to become a top student. As long as the leaders like Shisui and Quan can be cultivated, it will be enough to support the facade, and the others should not be too stupid.

"Sniff, sniff-"

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly sniffed and looked up in the direction of the kitchen: "By the way, is today a special day? The food seems to be very rich?"


Fugaku hesitated for a moment and smiled: "Of course it's because of your return, Grandma-sama. In addition, there is another trivial matter... Inu Sasuke is going to enter the ninja school tomorrow. There will be a very grand ceremony then. It was the opening ceremony of school, so I asked Meiqin to buy some more vegetables and meat to supplement his nutrition. "

"...school starts?"

Uchiha Hikari was slightly startled.

The academic system of Konoha Ninja School is similar to that of modern society. School starts in August every year, with two semesters a year, as well as winter and summer vacations... However, the vacation time is relatively short, because the ninja school is a "military school" after all, which is different from modern obligations. Education is different. Even summer vacation was only invented in the past ten years.

"Unknowingly, almost a year has passed?"

Uchiha Hikari let out a breath, recalling the scene when he just woke up from the darkness and lifted up the coffin, and suddenly felt like he was in another world.

"Since Sasuke is going to school..."

"Then it should be the same for Naruto, right?"

All right.

It seems that he came back at the right time.

According to convention, the entrance ceremony of the ninja school requires parents to accompany him. Since Minato is not here, he can only take charge of it as his "acting guardian".

I just hope that when Sarutobi Hiruzen delivers his speech at the ceremony, he won't be too wordy. She didn't have the patience to listen for long.

That night.

Uchiha Hikaru had a feast at Fugaku's house, and then returned to his own residence. He first started two shadow clones to clean the house and change the sheets, and then used his body to immerse himself into the depths of the "Sea of ​​Consciousness" and connected to Kumi. Contact Danzo Shimura.

After being promoted to the "Eternal Kaleidoscope", her pupil power has become much stronger than before.

When using the "remote Tsukuyomi" that uses engraving as a medium to directly pull people, it also becomes much smoother and smoother.

With just a flick of the eye, Danzo was already pulled into the Tsukuyomi space.


"Tsk, tsk."

Uchiha Hikaru looked at Danzo, who was wearing a black and red cloud robe in front of him, and clicked his tongue for a moment before starting to ask about his "mission progress."

Danzo only joined the Akatsuki organization more than half a month ago.

The person responsible for picking him up was a man wearing a Uzumaki mask on his face - Obito who called himself "Uchiha Madara".

Payne, the nominal leader of the Akatsuki organization, did not appear.

——This is inevitable.

Danzo and Hanzo were the culprits who destroyed the first Akatsuki organization and led to Yahiko's death. Although this blame was mainly carried by Sansho Hanzo, and the latter had been killed by Nagato, Danzo was also the object of hatred by Nagato and Konan. Being able to let him join Akatsuki is already the ultimate concession that Nagato can make. If he comes to greet him in person again... Nagato will probably be unable to help but kill Danzo on the spot.

Perhaps for this reason, Danzo was prohibited from approaching the Rain Hidden Village, and no detailed information about the Akatsuki organization was revealed.

But the partner still has arrangements.

"It's Loquat Juzo, the rebellious ninja of Kirigakure Village, the owner of the beheading sword. I'm temporarily working with him." Danzo said.


Uchiha Hikari nodded in understanding.

She knew that Loquat Juzo was one of the weakest members of the Akatsuki organization. He was not even strong enough to be at the Kage level and could only be regarded as an elite Jonin. She wasn't even interested in taking action against him.

"What else do you know about the movements of the Akatsuki organization?"

Faced with Uchiha Hikaru's inquiry, Danzo hesitated for a moment before he said: "One thing... I'm not sure. The Akatsuki organization seems to have been to the Kingdom of Ghosts several times recently, and met a group of people there called the 'Yellow Spring Sect' People have contacts. In addition, they may have tried to contact Orochimaru."


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows slightly.

Orochimaru is indeed one of the original members of the Akatsuki organization.

In the plot line in which she did not appear, Orochimaru took the initiative to contact the Akatsuki organization because he coveted Payne's Samsara Eye. Then he was hammered by the latter, joined Akatsuki, and soon after was hammered by Itachi, and defected from Akatsuki... There is such a relationship, plus Orochimaru is the "Konoha S-class rebel ninja" Considering the cards, it’s not surprising that the Akatsuki organization is targeting him in turn.


Ghost country? Huangquan Sect?

If I remember correctly, there seems to be something called a "monster" there. Is it the target that the Akatsuki organization wants to conquer?

This is a piece of information worth paying attention to...

Judging from the original plot, the "monster" seems to be very unusual. Not only did he kill the former miko of the Demon Country, but he also almost killed the fifteen-year-old Naruto.

For Esdeath... he should be a good opponent.

At that moment, Uchiha Hikaru gave Danzo a few instructions and then casually released the Tsukuyomi.

Then he went to the bathroom with his clothes in his arms, took a shower and went to sleep.

Time passed in the blink of an eye and it was the next day.

Naruto was still in a daze when he was awakened by a barking dog. When he opened his eyes, he saw the white rice cake lying next to his pillow, barking and licking his cheek, and his short tail was almost shaking like a propeller.

More than half a year had passed.

These two ninja dogs from the Inuzuka clan have grown nearly twice as big. The white rice cake is very lively every day and takes Naruto out for a walk for a few hours, while the black dough is still in that wilted look, lying down instead of standing, and standing instead of walking.

"Nian Gao, stop it... Your saliva is dripping onto the sheets!"

"... It's already this late, oh no, I'm going to be late!"

Naruto rubbed his eyes, and after seeing the time on the alarm clock, he hurriedly got up, dressed, and walked to the bathroom.

Brushing teeth, washing face, combing hair.

During this process, Naruto subconsciously glanced at the compartment in the corner of the living room, as if expecting a figure who had been with him day and night to come out from there.


Nothing happened.


Naruto lowered his eyebrows a little unhappily, made himself a sandwich and ate it, drank a bottle of milk, and went out with goggles on.

All the way to the Ninja School.

At this time, there were already many people standing in the school, and adults and children were chatting in groups of three or two.

For example, a girl with cherry hair who had both parents.

The Ino-Shika-Chou trio standing with their respective fathers.

The Hyuga girl who huddled cautiously behind the crowd.



A black hedgehog suddenly rushed over from behind and patted Naruto's shoulder.

The yellow-haired boy was startled, and then he came back to his senses, and a smile appeared on his originally gloomy face: "Ya, it's you..."

"Humph, only I don't mind you being clumsy."

Inuzuka Yama looked at Naruto's sides proudly; "Didn't Mochi and Onigiri come with you? And your sister, what's her name Guang..."


Before Inuzuka Kiba finished speaking, Inuzuka Hana followed him from behind and gave him a slap on the head: "You are disrespectful. Can you call Master Guang's name casually? If I were wearing the uniform of the security forces now, I would have arrested you long ago..."

After admonishing his brother for a few words, Inuzuka Kiba squatted down and looked at Naruto in a gentle tone: "Little Naruto, didn't Master Guang come with you?"

"Well... Sister Guang must be busy doing something important. I am already a big kid and can come to the entrance ceremony by myself."

Naruto raised his little face and made a firm expression.

But the loneliness in his eyes was completely invisible in the eyes of adults.

Inuzuka Hana pursed her lips and rubbed Naruto's head. She was about to say something, but her eyes suddenly froze: "Wait, that's..."


Naruto was also stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to look back in the direction of Inuzuka Hana's sight, he felt a soft hand on his shoulder, and then a strand of hair fell on his face, exhaling like orchid: "Why, you miss me after just a few months of separation?"

"... Sister Guang?!"

"It's really you!"

Naruto's face turned from cloudy to sunny, and then he showed great surprise. His pair of blue eyes sparkled, and with the whiskers on both sides of his cheeks, he looked like a big cat who had seen his master again.

On the other side.


Uchiha Guang smiled, then straightened up: "Long time no see."

It's really been a long time no see.

Uchiha Guang left Konoha at the beginning of the year. After completing the plan to subdue Orochimaru, he went to the world of the Dragon Clan, Inuyasha, and Zan Aka for a while. It has been nearly half a year since he came back.

Compared to half a year ago, Naruto has obviously grown taller, and his yellow hair has grown a little longer and is neatly groomed. At first glance, he looks a bit like Minato Namikaze.

"Hmm... looks much better than before."


- Uchiha Hikaru's original timeline.

The Naruto in that timeline was sloppy because no one raised him. His clothes were all yellow and his hair was dark yellow due to malnutrition. He was completely different from now.

At this time.

The Fugaku couple, who had been standing by for a while, finally coughed and interrupted: "Grandma, this child is the fourth... Naruto you mentioned? He looks about the same age as Sasuke. Maybe they can become good friends."

"...Ah, it's you!"

Naruto and Sasuke recognized each other.

The two of them had actually met before, but because they lived far apart and the Anbu responsible for monitoring Naruto would intentionally prevent him from going to the Uchiha base, the two sides did not have much interaction, and only occasionally passed each other in the village. At this time, the two had just greeted each other and began to show a tit-for-tat momentum.

Fugaku quickly opened his mouth to scold a few words, and Mikoto squatted down and whispered to persuade.

Uchiha Hikaru folded his hands in front of his chest and watched the excitement, and took a few photos and sent them to the group.

[Unname: [Naruto.jpg]×5]

[Unnamed @Eidaime: Mr. Minato, this is Naruto's latest photo. ]

[Onihime:! ]

[Onihime: So Mr. Minato's son looks like this, so cute! I really want to hug him! ]

The first one to speak up was Yamato.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't find her reply strange -

In the original work, Yamato once called herself Oden because of her admiration for Kozuki Oden, and even regarded Momonosuke as her son, and took great pains to protect him. Now, Yamato's admiration for Minato is even greater than Oden, and she probably has already imagined the "father-son relationship" between herself and Naruto.

[Eidaime: Naruto looks a lot older... Is this Konoha Ninja School? The child next to Naruto looks a little familiar. ]

Uchiha Hikaru thought to himself that the child who almost became your "daughter-in-law", how could he not look familiar.

[Nameless: That's Uchiha Fugaku's son Sasuke, who is the same age as Naruto and is also entering school this year. ]

[Eidaimei: So it's him... I saw him once when I accompanied Kushina to a prenatal checkup. At that time, he was just a small ball in Mikoto's arms. I didn't expect that he would grow so big in the blink of an eye. ]

[Brand: By the way, in the world of Miss Guang and Mr. Minato, do children start school at such a young age? They look like they are only five or six years old, right? ]

[Nameless: Then you haven't seen the Warring States period here. Five or six years old can already die on the battlefield. ]

[Brand:? ]

While Uchiha Guang was wandering in the sky and chatting with everyone in the chat group.

The annual entrance ceremony of the Ninja School has begun.

First, Sarutobi Hiruzen came up to the stage and spoke a few words, and then the school principal and teacher representatives spoke in turn... Perhaps because he learned about Uchiha Hikari's return from the Anbu and saw her in person, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not dare to speak at length, but simply said a few clichés such as "leaves flying, flames burning", and hurried down.

At the end, he looked at Uchiha Hikari a few times nervously, as if he was afraid that his explanation of the "Will of Fire" would be found out again.


Uchiha Hikari didn't want to pay attention to him.

When the ceremony was almost over, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly walked over, smiled at Uchiha Hikari, exchanged a few polite words, and then whispered: "Miss Hikari, we received intelligence before that an Uchiha clan member opened Susanoo in the Kusagakure Village and killed people. I don't know..."

"Yes, it was me."

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