I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 213 Back to the Dragon Ball World

These words are Uchiha Hikari’s true words——

As the strongest person in the Red-Zhan world, the most terrifying thing about Esdeath is not the Imperial Equipment "Devil's Essence" itself, but her strong heart. That is, the perseverance to believe that you can become the strongest no matter what the circumstances, and to work hard to move forward.

in other words……

The stronger one is Esdeath, not the "Devil's Essence".

Even if what she got was rubbish like "two big axes", she would most likely still become invincible. Only Uchiha Hikaru, an "enemy from the sky", and Murasame's poison, which is close to plot killing, can force her to log off.

——By the way, when Esdeath first chose the Teigu, he really looked at the "Two Great Axes", but gave up because the "Devil's Essence" was more attractive. Therefore, in the subsequent plot, the "two big axes" fell into the hands of Daidas, one of the three beast warriors. He followed him and killed many enemies. Finally, he was stabbed by Brand in a three-on-one battle. Behead.

If he really took "two big axes"...

So with Esdeath's talent and ability, he might be able to develop some unique secret skills with this imperial weapon, but they won't be as strong as "Moko Botmo" and "General Binglan".

"By the way, Xiao Ai, how have you learned your 'Qi' and 'Domineering' skills recently?"

Uchiha Hikari asked again.


Esdeath responded calmly: "I have some understanding of the sight color and the armed color, but I need to confirm it again. The 'qi' is still being explored."


This is not surprising.

Uchiha Hikari was able to simulate Haki by observing several of Yamato's battles because she had the Sharingan.

Esdeath didn't.

Under normal circumstances, it takes at least several months to get started with domineering and "qi" - a certain Nika fruit user who wished to remain anonymous took two years. There is definitely nothing wrong with Esdeath's cultivation talent, but if you want to dabble in these ability systems from other worlds, you must spend a little more time and energy.

"Let's do this. I'll take you to visit a senior in a few days and ask him for advice. Maybe I can give you some inspiration."

Uchiha Hikari said so.

The "senpai" she mentioned is in the Dragon Ball world.

But not the cat fairy on Kalin's Tower.

But Kame Sennin——

There is no way, Esdeath's outlook on life and personality may not be compatible with the Cat Immortal. Moreover, he had committed more than one massacre before, and the number of lives he had touched on his hands was probably many times more than that of the so-called "world's number one killer" Tao Baibai. Cat Immortal's attitude towards Tao Baibai is already very bad. If he meets Esdeath, some unpleasant experiences will probably happen.

Therefore, it is safer to go to Guixianren's place first.

Kamesenjin is a lustful guy, and his achievements in martial arts cannot be underestimated. The Kamesen-ryu concept of "eat well, sleep well, and practice well" has a sense of simplicity and returning to nature, which is worth a special trip. Ask for advice.

It just so happened that Uchiha Hikaru had a lot of H-comics, books, and various CDs purchased from the Dragon World... I guess it was enough for tuition.

By the way...

Uchiha Hikaru also planned to take advantage of this opportunity to implement his plan to conquer Dr. Gero.

This was a strategy she had set long ago.

Otherwise, when little Wukong starts collecting dragon balls, he will soon face off against the Red Silk Army, and then wipe out the opponent's strongholds and even headquarters one by one. By that time, Dr. Gero will also be running around with the other remnants of the Red Silk Army. Trying to find him again will be like finding a needle in a haystack.

"By the way..."

"Counting the time, is the world's best martial arts tournament about to be held in the Dragon Ball world?"


Do you want to take Esdeath over to have a look?

Even sign up for a competition or something to see what the level of martial arts masters on Earth during this period are...

Uchiha Hikaru was thinking about something in his mind, and his eyes fell unconsciously on Esdeath's chest, staring at the pair of fair and plump breasts, as if he was in a daze at her.

With Esdeath's character, it is naturally impossible for her to be shy. But under Uchiha Hikaru's gaze, her expression still became uncomfortable.

"Have you seen enough?"

"Although you are my boss now, is it a bit rude to stare at your subordinate's breasts like this?"

"...Ahem, I was thinking about other things just now. I'm sorry."

Uchiha Hikari came back to his senses, turned his gaze away, glanced at his white jade-like body, then took two steps towards the low-lying area of ​​the hot spring, hugged his knees with his hands, and sat down on a smooth stone surface.

The air fell into silence for a moment.

Only the sound of Eri Yi and the little yellow duck playing in the water could be heard from time to time, accompanied by bursts of white water vapor, lingering on the hot spring water and rising into the air.


Esdeath coughed slightly and broke the silence: "I have finished telling my story, let's talk about you again, Light."


Uchiha Hikaru pondered for a moment and responded: "Well, I said it last time. For some reasons, I was sealed underground by other ninjas a hundred years ago in the outskirts of Konoha. My experience before that was basically nothing. It can be said that it is nothing more than being locked up in a square iron prison..."

"That's not what I meant."

Esdeath glanced at Eri, who was having fun playing with a bunch of plastic toys a few meters away, and then she carefully considered her tone and slowly spoke: "If I'm not mistaken, Eri and Miss Kikyo are actually from other worlds, right?"


Uchiha Guang's eyelids jumped: "Did you figure it out?"

"Of course."

Esdeath nodded slightly: "At first I thought that you all lived in this world, but you were in different countries and regions, so you had different hair colors, looks, and clothing habits. But... no matter which of them, it seems that they are very unfamiliar with this world, and they don't even know some basic common sense.

So, I thought of myself.

Since I was brought here by you from the Empire, then others should be the same, right?"

As he said, Esdeath looked over, as if waiting for her answer.

After a short silence

Uchiha Hikaru nodded and chose to respond truthfully: "You guessed right. Eri and Kikyo, like you, are from another world."

Uchiha Hikaru has experienced Esdeath's keen observation several times. Since she has noticed this, there is no point in denying it. It is better to admit it.

Anyway, she has planned to take Esdeath to the Dragon Ball world again.

"Sure enough..."

Esdeath showed an expression of "Sure enough".

But then, the military princess asked the question she was most interested in:

"Is there a strong person like 'Wangliang' in their world?"

(Is the first reaction actually to care about this?)

Uchiha Hikaru secretly complained in his heart, then nodded and responded: "Of course there is, and there are quite a few."

"If there is a chance, I will take you there to see."

There are many big monsters in Inuyasha's world.

For example, Seshomaru, Shinigami, Hokisen, and the moth demon that appeared in the movie are all existences that are no less than the monsters.

In the dragon world, there are also four kings, and the black king and the white king above them.

Although some of these dragon kings are sleeping, and one or two have been dead for tens of thousands of years, as long as Xia Mi is found, Esdeath can be fought. With the physique and recovery ability of the dragon king, plus the Senzu beans in Uchiha Hikaru's hand, there is no need to worry about irreparable damage.

Speaking of which...

Esdeath's "Essence of the Devil" is made from the blood of a super dangerous species that can control ice.

The specific principle is unclear, but it is definitely not as simple as simply drawing blood for storage. It is estimated that it may be related to alchemy.

If this set of quenching technology can be explored and applied to the dragon kings in the dragon world...

I wonder if the "authority" of the dragon king can be stolen and made into a new "imperial tool"?

Uchiha Hikaru was very curious about this.

You can’t soak in hot springs for too long.

After all, the temperature of the spring water is very high, and the water contains a lot of mineral elements. A proper soak can nourish the skin, but if it lasts for a long time, it will cause dehydration, vasodilation, and a series of adverse reactions, and even endanger life.

Uchiha Hikaru soaked for about an hour, then got up from the pool and sat on the shore.

Eri also came out and sat down beside her.

After soaking in the spring water, the girl's originally fair skin turned red, and her dark red hair was also wet by the water, tightly attached to her chest and back, making the convex curve of her chest more obvious.

Only Esdeath was still calm. When she looked from the side, her skin color was still fair and smooth, and it seemed that it did not change because of the water temperature.


After all, she is the "Essence of the Devil" imperial weapon user. Although it is not time to fight now, it is still easy to use the power of the imperial weapon to cool herself down physically.

On the other side.

Kikyo brought milk and juice from the outside of the hotel, came to the pool and sat down, then placed the tray in front of Uchiha Hikaru and the others, and said softly: "After taking a hot spring bath, you need to replenish water in time. I just asked Boss Mitsuko to help prepare some drinks. Drink them quickly."

"Thank you."

Uchiha Hikaru picked a glass of milk, raised his head and drank half of it, then took a long breath and looked at the witch next to him: "Miss Kikyo, don't you want to go down and take a bath?"


Kikyo shook her head, with a helpless look on her face: "I'm 's body is just a puppet made of clay. Although it looks like an ordinary person, if it is soaked in hot water, it will lose strength and crack its skin. So forget it. "


Uchiha Hikaru didn't expect this, and his tone was slightly stagnant: "Speaking of which, you should have heard Bulma talk about the "Dragon Ball", right? That thing is not a fake wishing device like the Four Souls Jade, but it can really help people realize their wishes. Do you want to try and use it to turn yourself back into a human?"

"...Thank you, but no need. "

Kikyo shook her head again: "I died fifty years ago, and my ability to survive in this era is already the result of various chances and coincidences. If I seek more, it would be a bit greedy. I'd better ask Miss Guang to help me. Use your precious opportunity to make a wish for others.”


Theoretically, Dragon Ball can only grant one wish, and it cannot be a buggy behavior like "let me make three more wishes".

Tanjiro had already mentioned a long time ago that he wanted to borrow a dragon ball to resurrect the humans who died tragically at the hands of demons in Demon Slayer World. As the earliest members of the group, Uchiha Hikari and Bulma both knew about this. Of course, they would not pretend not to know at this time and use the wishing opportunity without saying a word.

In this case……

Dragon Ball’s annual wish-making opportunity seems a bit inadequate.


Uchiha Hikaru had a vague idea in his mind:

"After we deal with the Red Silk Army in the Dragon Ball World this time, let's ask the Cat Immortal if we can go to the temple and pay a visit to the 'Celestial God'."

Perhaps, after collecting all the Dragon Balls this time, you can consider visiting Planet Namek.

Uchiha Hikaru and his party stayed in the Country of Yu for a few days.

During this period of time, Uchiha Hikaru soaked in hot springs several times, went out for a few walks, went to the countryside with Eriko and Kikyo to prepare a picnic, and took many photos as souvenirs. Then he spent the remaining trivial time preparing souvenirs for Kame Sento.

She had previously entrusted Yuan Zhisheng to help purchase a large number of notebooks, and they were all piled up into several boxes.

There are so many sets of comics that it is impossible to give them all to Kamesennin at once. You need to spend some time selecting them first.

During this process, Eriki was a little curious and ran over to take a look from time to time, but Uchiha Hikaru made a random excuse and waved him away.

"Children, don't always be curious about these things. Seeing too much is not good for you..."


That's right.

However, this sentence was somewhat funny when Hikari Uchiha, who appeared to be only twelve or thirteen years old, said it to Eri, who was about to turn eighteen.

that's all.

Several days passed by in a blink of an eye.

After almost being prepared, Uchiha Hikaru greeted Esdeath and used the sealing technique on her again. Then he put the scroll sealing Esdeath into his arms, and then applied to Bulma in the chat group to enter.

[Unnamed application to enter Bulma's world]

[Buma has agreed to the application]

Accompanied by a flash of white light.

Uchiha Hikaru opened his eyes again and came to the long-awaited Dragon Ball world.

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