I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 247 That's good.

The matter of carrying out "clinical trials" has been initially finalized.

Next, a specific implementation plan must be formulated. From the people participating in the experiment, to the grouping situation, to the amount and time of medication for each group... Orochimaru is responsible for this aspect. After everything is determined, it will be handed over to Uchiha Hikari for review.

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru asked about "the sealing of zombies".

I mention this mainly because of Namikaze Minato.

The two of them were old acquaintances.

Although at the beginning, Uchiha Hikaru had the mentality of each taking what he needed, using "taking care of Naruto" as a bargaining chip in exchange for various secret and forbidden arts resources in Namikaze Minato's hands. But after more than a year of communication, she and Namikaze Minato had established quite a friendship. It's almost time to think about it and try to fish the other party out of the belly of death.

But how to do it specifically depends on the advice of professional Orochimaru.

After all, in the original timeline, he was the one who released Namikaze Minato.

However, the main purpose of Orochimaru's research on "Ghoul Seal" so hard is to free his sealed hands, and as he has not yet fallen in love with Sarutobi Hiruzen, he probably doesn't have enough motivation. of……

"...A way to lift the 'Ghouls Seal'?"

Orochimaru thought for a while: "I have indeed been researching this forbidden technique, but so far there are not many results... because the Uzumaki clan that developed this ninjutsu has been destroyed for many years, and a large number of secret technique scrolls have also been lost. I think It will take some time to find a way to crack it."

After a pause, Orochimaru added: "But if Master Guang has thoughts in this regard, you can try to visit Yunyin Village, maybe you can find some useful information."

"Cloud Hidden Village?"


Orochimaru nodded: "The destruction of Uzushiogakure back then was the result of the joint participation of many parties, and the ones who contributed the most were Kumogakure and Kirigakure.

Among them, the Kirigakure side is in chaos due to the blood mist policy. Now even the Watermelon Fugu Ghost, who is the head of the Intelligence Department, is personally involved in selling information. I have also bought some occult information from them, including information about sealing techniques. . However, due to its special geographical location and tight defense, Yunyin Village is difficult for people to successfully infiltrate..."

Listening to Orochimaru's story, Uchiha Hikaru frowned slightly, but he soon understood.


Yunyin Village has a history of stealing blood inheritance and secret techniques from other villages.

For example, they kidnapped Kushina during the Second Ninja War, and kidnapped Hinata while taking advantage of the peace talks with Konoha a few years ago... Even Konoha, the leader of the five major ninja villages, couldn't let them have any scruples. Such people The relatively rare Uzumaki clan is even less likely to be taken seriously by them.

think carefully……

Kumogakure Village, which has never been good at sealing techniques, has produced two perfect Jinchuuriki, the Second-Tailed and the Eight-Tailed, in the past ten years or so, which is indeed a bit suspicious.

As for Kirigakure Village, let alone that.

Among the five great ninja villages, it is the closest to Uzushiogakure.

Even if it is not the first to take action, when the Kingdom of Whirlpool is destroyed, it is the most convenient to send people over to take advantage.

"Speaking of which..."

"When Uzushiogakure village was destroyed, Uchiha Madara should have been in Kirigakure, right?"

Perhaps...he also contributed to the destruction of the Uzumaki clan?

Uchiha Hikaru was thinking secretly in his heart, but his face showed no expression: "I will consider going to Kumogakure, but the specific plan is not your concern. What you have to do now is to get the test medicine as soon as possible Make a plan and show it to me.”


Orochimaru nodded in agreement.

Orochimaru left in a hurry to make a plan.

Until then.

Esdeath narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at his back for a while, then turned her head and looked at Uchiha Hikaru: "You, this subordinate, seem a little uneasy. Do you need me to help you beat it?"



Esdeath sneered: "I admit that you are very powerful, but when it comes to controlling your subordinates, you can only be described as immature. It is common for subordinates to have different ambitions, but if you dare to show it to your face, it is something else. It’s the same thing. Indulging them is not what a person in power should do.”

"……well enough."

Uchiha Hikaru didn't think Esdeath was exaggerating.

——Compared to Esdeath, she is indeed a bit immature in this aspect. After all, the latter had served as an imperial general. Being able to manage an army of more than 100,000 people in an orderly manner was something that no ordinary person could do.


Uchiha Hikari is not without means to check and balance Orochimaru and others.

Not to mention Orochimaru's extremely weak resistance to Sharingan genjutsu.

Although Uchiha Hikaru did not use the "Eight Thousand Spears" to tamper with Orochimaru's memory, he had already left an imprint on him. It's not too difficult to really rewrite or even destroy his will, it just depends on whether you want to do that or not.

Just like the three beast warriors Esdeath once conquered, if you accept such evil people as subordinates, you cannot expect them to become perfect all of a sudden. As long as you don't go back to your old business and do things that go beyond the bottom line, a little bit of personal planning is completely tolerated.

If Orochimaru could use the secret technique of soul reincarnation to possess the bodies of Nagato, Obito, and even Kaguya, then Uchiha Hikaru would praise him for his ability.

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikari suddenly raised his head, glanced at Esdeath, and then curled his lips.

"……What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just suddenly thought, Xiao Ai, are you worried about my safety? It was the same when you were sparring with Orochimaru just now... If something happens to me, shouldn't it be good news for you? After all, you You can be free again.”


Esdeath snorted coldly, turned his gaze away from Uchiha Hikari's face, and spoke in a casual tone: "Don't think too much, I'm just out of sympathy. After all, it allows me to fight with all my strength to the fullest. I don’t have many opponents. If you die, I will feel lonely.”

"In addition, worry, sympathy, love...these are only emotions that appear in mediocre people. They are just burdens to the strong, but they will not appear in me."

"Oh...that's it~~"

Uchiha Hikari deliberately made a long note and showed a narrow smile.

If Esdeath had said such words a few months ago, when he had just "surrendered" to her, she would not have doubted it at all.

This Jun Ji has a self-centered, cold-blooded personality and will never be moved by external objects. In the original plot, even though she fell in love with Tazmi at first sight, she did not hold back at all when dealing with the "Night Raid" and the revolutionary army. She even tried to kill him personally after realizing that Tazmi would not be persuaded by her.

But now...

At any rate, Esdeath followed him out of the empire and experienced a larger world and more people.

Under such circumstances, although Uchiha Hikaru did not dare to expect that he could achieve the same status as Tazmi in Esdeath's heart, he should still have some companionship with him.

"Let's go, Xiao Ai."

Uchiha Hikaru put his hands on the back of his head, stretched, turned around and walked in one direction:

"I'll take you to try Aunt Mei's cooking. The little mountain rabbits in this area are quite delicious."

That night.

Uchiha Hikaru took Esdeath to the dining table of Xianglan's house and tasted the braised rabbit meat cooked by Uzumaki Miya herself.

Kimimaro and Jugo are also there.

These two guys, like the Uzumaki mother and daughter, were brought back from outside by Uchiha Hikari. They lived in houses next to each other, so they were often called over by Uzumaki Miya to have dinner together, as if they were like Treat him like a biological son. Although Kimimaro and Jugo are still taciturn at the moment, they are somewhat more lively than in the original plot.

During the banquet.

Uzumaki Miya chatted a little about the current situation of Oto Ninja Village.

"Thanks to Miss Hikari, Oto Ninja Village has developed well during this period. The population has increased several times compared to before, and there are many more shops on the streets. Master Orochimaru and Senior Noonoyu are currently discussing the establishment of a new village. There is a school here to teach adults how to read and write... It should get better and better in the future."

"Yeah...it's pretty good."

Uchiha Hikari held a spicy rabbit head with both hands and was nibbling on it, showing a faint smile.

In fact, the appearance of the Oto Ninja Village is quite simple, not to mention compared with Konoha, even compared with some small national ninja villages in the ninja world, it is far inferior.

However, the Uzumaki mother and daughter had stayed in the Grass Ninja Village before.

Compared with the kind of grass ninja who only sucks blood and marrow, even a gloomy and eccentric person like Orochimaru seems kind-hearted.

And here, there is indeed some credit to Uchiha Hikari.

——If she hadn't been here, Orochimaru wouldn't be so honest. At least the treatment of the Uzumaki mother and daughter must be much lower than it is now.


Uzumaki Miya asked again in a low voice: "How long does Miss Hikaru plan to stay in the village when she comes back this time?"

"...It's hard to say, maybe I'm just staying for a few days, because there are still things to do in Konoha."

Uchiha Hikaru swallowed the rabbit meat in his mouth and raised his head: "What, is there anything you need my help with?"

"That's not the case, it's just that Xiang Phosphorus and the others have recently learned a few new ninjutsu, and they said they wanted to show Miss Guang, so..."

"Ninjutsu? Three Body Jutsu?"


"It's King Kong Blockade!"

Kaoru raised his little hand and said proudly: "Teacher Orochimaru said that this is the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, and only the most powerful Uzumaki clan members can learn it... Since learning this move, Kimimaro and Jugo are not me. rival!"


Uchiha Hikaru glanced at Kimimaro and Jugo next to him. Neither of them made a sound. It seemed that they acquiesced in Kosu's words.

Theoretically, Kimimaro and both of them are pure taijutsu ninjas, and they are indeed easily restrained by sealing techniques. However, considering that Xiang Lu is the youngest among the three, it is difficult to say whether she is really so powerful, or whether the two older brothers are giving in to the younger sister.

"So... Sister Guang, can you come and see my new technique tomorrow?"

Xiang Phosphorus looked over eagerly.


Uchiha Hikaru smiled and rubbed the little girl's head.

This action made Kimimaro next to him look envious. After noticing this, Uchiha Hikaru raised his arm in a funny way and rubbed his head a few times: "I'll take a look at yours tomorrow too. And Jugo. "


Kimimaro nodded vigorously, his face turning red.

Finished the meal.

Kaoru stood up first and quickly started to clear away the dishes. Kimimaro and Jugo silently went over to help.

Uzumaki Miya, who had some free time, washed a basin of oranges and brought them to Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath, inviting them to eat.

"These are grown by the nearby villagers. They taste very good. Miss Hikaru and Lady Esdeath, please try them."

"Auntie Miya, you are too polite."

Uchiha Hikaru peeled an orange, ate a slice herself, and casually handed the other slice to Esdeath's mouth: "Try it?"


Esdeath subconsciously shrank back, then looked at the orange slice in front of her, and the white little hand holding the orange slice, and then looked at Uchiha Hikaru with a smile on her face, and finally opened her mouth and ate it.

The moment the warm lips touched her fingers, Uchiha Hikaru subconsciously trembled slightly at the fingertips, and felt a tingling current brewing on her palm. Esdeath on the opposite side also lowered her eyes slightly, revealing a slightly subtle expression.

"...How does it taste?"

Uchiha Hikaru took a breath and pretended to be calm.

"Not bad."


Uchiha Hikaru did not play the feeding operation again, but broke the remaining orange into two halves, giving half to herself and Esdeath. When the latter took the orange, her eyes paused slightly at the fingertips of her right hand, then moved her eyes away and ate silently.

Neither of them spoke again.

It was not until the sound of water in the kitchen stopped and the figures of Karin and others appeared again that the air in the living room became lively again.

They chatted for a while.

Seeing that it was getting late, Uchiha Hikaru stood up and said goodbye. Kimimaro and Chougo also said hello to the Uzumaki mother and daughter and prepared to go back to rest.

"Sister Hikaru, see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

After waving goodbye.

Uchiha Hikaru took Esdeath back to the small courtyard where she lived.

To be precise, this is just a temporary residence.

Because even if she stayed in the Naruto world, she would spend most of her time in the Uchiha residence in Konoha, otherwise she would wander around the countries in the ninja world, and she would spend the least time staying in the Sound Village.

For this reason, this residence is a bit simple, just like a hospital ward, with basically no decoration except for the bed, table and chairs.

"...Speaking of which, do you want to sleep somewhere else? If you call it Shangri-La, it will be very convenient to return to Konoha."

Uchiha Hikaru looked back at Esdeath and asked.

The latter was silent for a while, then said lightly: "It's okay, this is fine."

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