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Chapter 252 Sorry, I didn't let Master Guang use his full strength

The air riots.

Huge rings of smoke spread high in the sky, turning into clouds of swift and violent wind that swept across the entire place. A small half of the lake was lifted up by the strong wind, and together with the fluttering firelight, it was blown several kilometers away. In the air, there seemed to be a blazing white vacuum sphere expanding, which was shocking to people.

Esdeath casually propped up an ice wall tens of meters high, blocking the firestorm blowing in his direction.

But in other directions, you are not so lucky.


Big trees as thick as buckets were rolled down by their waists, and raging fires broke out in some places.


Uchiha Hikaru flicked his wrist, put the dragon bone sword back to his side, and then looked up at the sky.

As the smoke clears.

Gojo Satoru's figure fell from the sky, and the clothes on his upper body were torn to pieces, revealing a shocking wound. At this moment, the wound was slowly healing, and the new flesh and blood was squirming and growing together.

——Reversal technique.

——The principle of this technique is to use the mantra that originally represents negative energy in a multiplicative manner, thereby converting it into positive energy that can heal the body. Generally speaking, it can be regarded as the magic world version of palm magic.

When I saw Gojo Satoru looking like this.

Uchiha's eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly said "Sure enough" in his heart.

Just as she guessed, the "no lower limit technique" actually has a lower limit.

The principle of this technique is indeed to use the power of the spell to slice the space, and then extend and elongate it, thus isolating the user from the outside world. But... what it slices and stretches is still the space of the real world, not a different time and space independent of reality. This characteristic means that its strength is not as strong and stable as that of real alien space-times such as Divine Power Space and Infinite City.

Therefore, Su Nuo's Space Slash can destroy it.


Only her "Getsuga Tensho" can hurt Gojo Satoru.

Strictly speaking, this is actually using force to overcome skill. No one in the world of magic can do it because the upper limit is there, and only she, Esdeath and others from other worlds with higher levels of power can play like this.

"Huh, huh..."

Gojo Satoru stood above the lake, using reversal techniques to treat his wounds, while breathing heavily.

Until a minute ago.

He still only regarded Uchiha Hikaru as a challenger whose strength was roughly equal to his own, or slightly stronger.


The flash of the sword just now made him realize a fact——


"Am I the challenger?"

With the emergence of this idea.

Gojo Satoru took a long breath and said in a deep voice: "Miss Guang, did you just... use all your strength?"


Uchiha Hikaru was startled for a moment, with a strange look on his face: "What do you think?"


Gojo Satoru did not answer, but after a moment of silence, he once again said the words he said before starting the sparring: "Expert spellcaster, Gojo Satoru... please give me your advice."

As the words fell.

I saw Gojo Satoru put up his posture, slowly raised his hands, then clasped his palms together, and began to condense the power of the spell in his body: "The spell is reversed. Cang."

The spell condenses.

Under the gaze of the Sharingan, Uchiha Hikaru had "seen" a ball of blue aura rising up in Gojo Satoru's body, exuding extremely strong gravity.

The surrounding large and small gravels, branches, and fallen leaves were all swept over by this gravitational force and rotated around Gojo Satoru's body.


"Spell reversal·H."

Another ball of black and red flames also began to rise, emitting a stronger repulsion than "Cang". All the gravel and fallen leaves were frozen in mid-air, as if time had frozen.

And then...

Gojo Satoru opened his hands and controlled the two masses of aura to gradually intertwine and overlap, turning into a ball of purple-white aura.

At this moment, this new arrogance is exuding extremely unstable characteristics, slowly manifesting itself in the air.

"This move is the strongest move I can use. I originally didn't want to use it in this battle, but..."

Gojo Satoru's eyes sank slightly, and he said slowly with a somewhat respectful tone: "If it is you, it is worth meeting it."


Uchiha Hikari remained silent.

As early as when she heard the words "Please give me some advice", she had already guessed what Gojo Satoru wanted to do——

A homeopathic spell "Ao" that can control gravity.

The reversal technique "Haku" that can control repulsion.

These two techniques are superimposed together, which is the most powerful killing move in Gojo Satoru's hand. Theoretically, even special-level curse spirits can be killed in one blow...

"Xu Shi·茈!!"

this moment.

Gojo Satoru stretched out his right hand and made a finger-flicking movement.

Purple-black energy waves shaped like spherical lightning condensed and formed in front of him, emitting vibrant electric light and a buzzing sound like thousands of birds chirping in unison.

Just a moment!

The energy wave shot out from in front of Gojo Satoru, and then appeared in front of Uchiha Hikari at the same time! Everything along the way was instantly crushed into powder, leaving only a huge circular gap. Along the path of this gap, even the air was burned away!

Destroy everything! !

at the same time.

Uchiha Hikaru clenched the dragon bone knife with both hands, exhaled and made a sound, and once again made the action of swinging the knife down.

This time, the dragon bone knife revived and jumped as she swung it, and quickly extended from the original four-foot long to more than four meters in length. There was also a ball of deep red flames bursting out from the palm of Uchiha Hikaru's hand, and in a short moment, it enveloped her and the dragon bone knife's whole body!

——Flame form!

The demonic power was surging.

The demonic power that was more amazing than before condensed on the blade of the dragon bone knife, and then tore through the air and exploded!

"Crescent Moon Sky Strike!!!"

At this moment.

The sound of the wind exploded in the air, deafening! !

There was no process.

Gojo Satoru's Void Style·茈, and Uchiha Hikaru's Crescent Moon Sky Strike blessed by the flame form, threw the milky white air wave behind them at the same time as they flew out of his hands, and then collided in the open space between the two . A bright light flashed for a moment, and then an extremely terrifying shock wave spread everywhere!


Uchiha Guang closed her eyes and opened the one-person version of the blood jade barrier at the same time.

Even with her eyes closed, she could feel the huge flash piercing her eyelids and reflected in her mind.

From the perspective of an observer.

It was as if a huge hemispherical barrier was slowly opening above the forest, and the clouds thousands of meters high were directly torn apart. The blazing light column penetrated the sea of ​​clouds and extended to the end of the vision. Thousands of lightning snakes wandered around the light column with air turbulence, and the sky for several kilometers nearby had been reflected into a deep purple!

It took four or five minutes.

The light column and lightning snakes gradually dissipated.

At this time, the forest had disappeared.

There was hardly a complete tree in a few kilometers, and only charred wood was left, standing on the ruins covered with scorched earth.

——The reason why I said "almost" is because there is still an area that was enclosed by an ice wall by Esdeath, and that area has become the only green in sight.

As for the lake...

It has almost dried up in the few minutes just now. A strong smell of grilled fish can be smelled in the air, drifting far away.

"...Is it over?"

Uchiha Hikaru looked around through the dark red barrier, then put away the blood jade coral and stepped on the ground again.

After walking forward a hundred meters, he saw half of Gojo Satoru's arm in a ruin.

Well... it's not broken.

As Uchiha Hikaru urged the "qi" to move away the rock and dirt that pressed on Gojo Satoru, he saw this guy lying on the ground half-dead, like a doll stepped on by an elephant, with a thousand holes in his face.

The impact brought by the direct bombardment of Crescent Moon Sky Strike and Hollow Style·Chi was much more violent than the previous knife.

Even the "Unlimited Technique" could not completely isolate this impact.

Severely injured, Gojo Satoru didn't even have the strength to use the "reversal technique" to heal his wounds - to be precise, he had been using it, but because of the serious injuries and the previous consumption, Gojo Satoru's cursed power was only enough to keep him hanging on for a breath.

"Can you still stand up?"

Uchiha Hikaru asked.

No response.

At that moment, Uchiha Hikaru sighed, then flicked his fingers and threw a Senzu bean into Gojo Satoru's mouth.


"Eat it, then get up and talk to me."


Gojo Satoru certainly didn't know about the Senzu beans. After all, even Yuji Itadori didn't know about the existence of this thing, so naturally there was no way to mention it to him.


When the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the exhausted physical strength was fully restored in just a few minutes, Gojo Satoru showed a strong shock on his face: "Ms. Guang, what exactly was that thing you just gave me to eat? This healing effect is even more amazing than the reversal technique of Naoko!"

-Ieiri Naoko, a classmate of Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru, a healing expert who is proficient in the reversal technique.

Although he has not met this person yet, Uchiha Guang estimated that her medical skills should be good, even in the Naruto world, she is at the first-class level, maybe just slightly inferior to Tsunade.


In terms of healing rather than treating diseases, no matter how powerful the doctor is, it is difficult to compare with Senzu Bean.

- To be honest, there is indeed a doctor who can compare with Senzu Bean, that is, Dende from the Dragon Ball world and Namek planet, who is the future god of the earth. In addition, Buu can also be considered half, because Buu does have a strong healing ability, but he is not a "doctor".

On the other side

Esdeath removed the ice wall, strode across the ruins, walked over here, and looked at Gojo Satoru who had just recovered: "It seems that your physical strength has been fully restored, very good. Let's start."

"... Start?"

Gojo Satoru was stunned for a moment.

Esdeath nodded: "According to the result of the rock-paper-scissors game just now, Xiaoguang is the first round and I am the second round. Is there any problem?"


Theoretically, Gojo Satoru, who ate the Senzu beans, has indeed recovered to full condition and can indeed fight another round.


"Well, there is no need to be so anxious."

Uchiha Hikaru said calmly: "After all, we just finished a fight. Even if we have recovered our physical strength, we still need to slow down mentally... Mr. Gojo, if it's not too much trouble, please demonstrate the techniques you just used. I'm quite interested in them."


At that moment.

Gojo Satoru used "Cang" and "He" in turn. Then, at the request of Uchiha Hikaru, he demonstrated the "Unlimited Technique" several more times.

The "curse power" in the world of curses is the power derived from human negative emotions, which is very similar to Yin escape in nature.

The so-called "reversal technique" is close to Yang escape.

Uchiha Hikaru has been studying the use of Yin and Yang escape for some time, so after watching Gojo Satoru's demonstration, he quickly found the similarities, and then after several attempts, he successfully used Yin and Yang escape to reproduce "Cang" and "He".

Of course, it is just the reproduction of the effects of gravity and repulsion. If you delve into its operating mechanism, there are still some subtle differences.

But this is enough to surprise Gojo Satoru.

"...Miss Guang, is this really your first time to come into contact with spells?"

As the strongest person in the world of spells, Gojo Satoru is a genius among geniuses. But even a genius like him only realized the reversal technique after a difficult battle with Fushiguro Shiori, and developed "He" and "Zi" on this basis.

But Uchiha Guang...

Can you learn it after watching it a few times? Is there such a genius in the world?

"We eye players are like this."

Uchiha Guang said half-jokingly: "Besides, hasn't 'no lower limit' been reproduced yet? How can you be considered a genius?"


Gojo Satoru hesitated to speak.

Theoretically, he himself is also an eye player, because he was born with [Six Eyes], so he can use the "No Lower Limit Technique" passed down by the Gojo family. The last person with "Six Eyes" was born hundreds of years ago.


Perhaps Uchiha Guang, who also has a pair of special eyes, can really break the rule that non-Six Eyes holders cannot learn "No Lower Limit" and reproduce this technique completely?

Just when Gojo Satoru was about to speak again.

Yamato suddenly raised his head, as if he heard something, and looked into the distance.

"Xiao Guang, and everyone... something seems to be coming over there, did you hear it?"


Uchiha Guang used the flying technique to rise up and looked in the direction of Yamato's finger. As far as his eyes could see, he saw several helicopters flying over here. On the road farther away, he could also see several vehicles that were estimated to be fire trucks driving over.

"... Let's retreat first, and talk in another place."

Uchiha Guang returned to the ground and turned on "Shangri-La" again.

With a flash of white light, the figures of several people disappeared into the air.

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