I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 263: Where? Borrow some chakra

Let’s not talk about Yamato’s so-called “lifetime request”.

Uchiha Hikaru originally planned to go to the pirate world in the near future to confirm the time node there, and also help Bulma’s “Dimensional Pirate Group Plan” to check the location in advance. If there is enough time, saving Ace will only be a side job.

As for now…

“Want to go out for a walk, Xiao Ai?”

Uchiha Hikaru glanced at the military girl beside him.

“It seems that the weather is not bad today.”

Regarding Uchiha Hikaru’s proposal.

Esdeath didn’t even think about it, and agreed without hesitation. Then he changed his shoes with her, left the Uchiha clan, and came to the village outside.

How to say…

After seeing the modern metropolis of the Dragon Ball and Jujutsu world, Uchiha Hikaru suddenly felt as if she was in another world when she returned to the Konoha of the Naruto world—in fact, it was indeed a world away. But for other people in Konoha Village, she just went out a little far.

On the way.

Several patrolling members of the security force bowed to Uchiha Guang: "Hello, Grandmother!"

"Hello, Grandmother."


Uchiha Guang nodded and glanced casually.

The one who called Grandmother was obviously an Uchiha. The two people next to him were Inuzuka and Yamanaka, which could be seen from the oil paint on the former's face and the golden hair on his head.

However, these ninjas from different families all looked like they were getting along well at this moment. The expressions of the Konoha villagers on the roadside looking at them did not show the fear and hatred they had before, but a little more intimacy.

——This is probably the result of the security force's recent promotion of "civilized law enforcement".

Although it was not mentioned in the original Naruto, most of the villagers in Konoha Village are essentially a group of "fools".

——The educational level is not high, only to the extent of being able to read and write, and they have only a vague understanding of many rules and regulations inside and outside the village, so they have a resistance to the security force that arrests people at every turn.

And now.

A group of younger clansmen, including Shisui, began to learn to occupy the high ground of public opinion, especially focusing on the propaganda work of the security forces. They specially set up a "legal propaganda office" to explain the various systems in the village to ordinary people and subtly dispel the hatred of other villagers against Uchiha.

Judging from the results, it was done well.

"Very good."

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and I, the "grandmother", can also retire to the second line with peace of mind."

Uchiha Guang nodded slightly and made an evaluation in an old-fashioned manner.

In response, Esdeath's mouth twitched, and her expression seemed a little speechless.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Esdeath shook her head: "I just think it's a bit weird and cute to say such words with your appearance."


Uchiha Guang was stunned.

Her words just now were actually mostly jokes, but judging from Esdeath's expression, it seemed that she took it seriously.

At the moment, Uchiha Guang did not explain too much, but just took Esdeath to walk and stop along the way. During this time, I also took the time to buy a few boxes of three-color balls, and Esdeath and I shared one bag each. Then I ran to the nearby commercial street and bought a bunch of nice-looking clothes and handicrafts.

——It should be said that there are several wood carving shops in Konoha Village that are quite good. If the things in them are sold in the world of spells or dragons, they may be sold as collectibles at a high price.

After wandering around the village for an afternoon and running above the Hokage Rock to blow the wind for a while.

Uchiha Hikaru brought Esdeath to the entrance of the Ninja School.

At this time, it was time to get out of school.

Groups of children aged six or seven, to ten years old, were coming out of the school noisily. One of them was a little yellow-haired figure wearing a swirl pattern T-shirt, which was particularly eye-catching, and a few meters away was another black-haired hedgehog head wearing a blue shirt and white pants.

That's right.

These two are naturally Naruto and Sasuke.

When I saw Uchiha Hikaru.

Naruto's eyes lit up, and the expression on his face that was quarreling with Sasuke quickly subsided. He ran over:

"Sister Guang! It's really you!"

"Yes, long time no see."

Uchiha Guang pressed his shoulders before Naruto hugged him, and then rubbed the little guy's head: "Well, it seems that you are taking a bath on time, and your hair is quite smooth."

"Of course, I have always been following what you said, Sister Guang, eating well, sleeping well, and taking a bath on time every day!"

"Oh, yes, there are also rice cakes and rice balls. They have changed a lot in this period of time. Sister Guang, do you want to go back with me to see them?"

Naruto opened the chatterbox and chattered non-stop.


Sasuke paused for a moment, and seemed to be a little hesitant to come over and say hello to Uchiha Guang, or just pretend not to see him and leave.

While he was hesitating, Uchiha Guang had already waved his hand.

"Sasuke, right?"

"I heard from Shisui that you and Naruto have been getting along well recently. Have you been to his house yet? Do you want to go together?"


A question mark slowly appeared on Sasuke's face.

——Me... and Naruto? Good relationship? Is it true?

Although a little confused.

But since Hikari Uchiha, the "elder", personally sent the invitation, Sasuke was too embarrassed to refuse her. After hesitating a few words, "My parents and brother are still at home waiting for her to go back for dinner," he was dragged directly by Hikaru Uchiha. Wrist, walk to the block near the ninja school.

The distance between Naruto's home and school is quite close.

About ten minutes later, the group arrived at the single apartment where Naruto lived.

As the door opens.

A large milk-white dog half as tall as a man came up with its tail wagging, sniffed in front of a few people, and then seemed to recognize Hikaru Uchiha, and immediately raised its body, almost intending to pounce on him and lick it with his tongue. .


Esdeath snorted coldly, causing the big white dog to tuck its tail in fright, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on its face.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, don't scare it."

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand, then squatted down in front of the white dog and brushed the soft hair on its body: "I remember, your name seems to be 'rice', right?"

"...That, Sister Guang, is 'rice cake'."

Naruto corrected quietly from the side.

"Oh yes."

Uchiha was stunned, and then glanced at the big black and white dog lying in the doghouse not far away, with a lazy look: "Is that called 'Sushi'?"

"...It's 'rice balls'."

"Well, they're pretty much the same."

Uchiha Hikaru smiled, and a narrow-minded expression suddenly appeared in his eyes: "Speaking of which, these two guys seem to be born in the same litter. In fact, they should be called 'Sesshomaru' and 'Inuyasha'."


Unfortunately, few people present did not understand this joke.

Especially Sasuke.

I don’t know if it’s because most of the Uchiha clan are cat and crow gangs and are not very fond of canines, but Sasuke and Mochi seem to dislike each other. The former stood aside and pretended to be cold and silent, while the latter did not approach him and sniff like he did to Uchiha Hikaru and Naruto.

Seeing this, Uchiha Hikari could only sigh and licked the rice cakes and rice a few times. Then he stood up and glanced at the clock on the wall: "It's almost dinner time... It's a rare occasion. , let me cook today, do you have any fresh ingredients at home?”

"Yeah, there is!"

The meal that night was cooked by Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath together.

Quite hearty.

At first, Sasuke wanted to go back early, but after sitting down and eating a few mouthfuls, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he began to put vegetables into his bowl with inconspicuous and quick movements. .

Naruto didn't dare to show weakness.

The two almost started fighting with chopsticks.

After some wine and food.

Naruto began to take the initiative to pick up the dishes and go to wash them.

Sasuke, on the other hand, returned to his original cold demeanor, looking around looking for an excuse to leave.

At this time, Uchiha Hikaru waved to Naruto, called the little yellow-haired man over from the side, and then put a hand on his shoulder.

"...Sister Guang?"

"Don't move, let me see."

While talking.

Uchiha Hikari closed his eyes slightly and began to activate the "inaction transformation", turning his consciousness into tentacles, extending them into Naruto's body along the palm of his hand, and began to observe his soul.

"...Well, it turns out that this guy's soul is so tough. It's much more solid than those of those curse spirits."

"...Could this feeling be the legendary 'Ashura Chakra'?"


Just when Uchiha Hikaru carefully "looked" at Naruto's soul, trying to pry out Asura's secret.

Another trace of chakra fluctuation suddenly appeared at this time, and then, the originally peaceful "spiritual world" in Naruto's body began to change rapidly, and was quickly spread and filled with blood. In this case, a building shaped like a prison cell appeared in Uchiha Hikaru's "vision".

"here it is……"

Uchiha Hikaru looked around and already had a rough idea in his mind.

This place was naturally familiar to her, it was the place where the Kyuubi was imprisoned in Naruto's body.

It seems that this place should be located in Naruto's soul, similar to the sea of ​​consciousness or the spiritual world, so when she tried to peek into Naruto's soul, she was connected here unknowingly. If nothing else, the big orange fox should be there too.

Uchiha Hikaru had previously thought about taking the time to meet the Kyuubi inside Naruto.

And now...

It is better to choose a day than to hit it.

It's already here, and Kyuubi's orange figure is already looming in the cell. It's been so long, so we might as well take the initiative to ask him to come out and talk.



Uchiha Hikari faced Kyuubi opposite and showed a smile: "Here? Kyuubi, can you lend me some chakra?"

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