I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 266: Feeling inferior to cat girl

Chapter 266 Feeling... not as good as Cat Girl

Time flies to the next day.

One morning.

Uchiha Hikaru came to the training ground under the Nanga River Falls. He first did a few sets of basic stretching exercises. After his body joints were slightly moved, he took out several seal scrolls from the world of magic and began to perform them in sequence. Try a few magic spells.

It goes without saying that "transformation without doing anything" goes without saying.

Uchiha Hikaru has been exploring and practicing this technique almost every day. Anyway, it doesn't require any venue, just use it on yourself. You can even practice it while eating and drinking.

Theoretically, she can now almost use "inaction transformation" to transform herself into whatever she wants, such as "cat girl form", "armored machine girl form", and even "royal sister form". However, these images are somewhat shameful, so Uchiha Hikaru only tried them in private and never showed them in front of others.

——Except for the "Cat Lady" whom Esdeath has seen.

As for the other curse spirits.

The techniques of Uchiha Light and Clepsydra have the highest similarity.

"The field expands..."

"Coffin with iron to surround the mountain!"

Along with Uchiha Hikaru's hands forming a magic seal.

An invisible momentum quietly formed from her body, and then spread out in all directions, covering the space hundreds of meters around her. At this moment, countless dark red sparks quietly appeared in the air, like flying snowflakes, scattering to the earth one after another.

——The domain ability from Clepsydra.

For Uchiha Hikaru, who is good at fire escape and even the kaleidoscope spiritual weapon is the "Fire Thunder God", this ability is the easiest to master. She didn't even put much effort into practicing. She just tried it a few times and reproduced it easily.

The moment the realm was formed.

Grass, fallen leaves, and even everything that could be burned within a few hundred meters quietly disappeared.

And the circle of ice that Esdeath had laid out in advance melted away in an instant.

This process can no longer even be said to be "burning".

It's closer to "annihilation".

It was as if the "curse power" was used to artificially create a crater, and it was placed here to create such an amazing burning effect. If a few ordinary people were placed here, they would probably be burned to ashes by this heat in minutes.


Uchiha nodded slightly.

In terms of power alone, "Coffin and Iron Surrounding the Mountain" is actually just that. It is almost equivalent to an enhanced version of "Great Fire Extinguishment". It is a quick-clearing spell, but she has many similar methods.


This appearance, which looks like "a calamity fire descending from the sky," still looks quite bluffing.


As Uchiha Hikaru used the "Fire God" ability to dye his long hair red, and even covered his entire body with a layer of red gauze, which floated in the wind, the whole person looked even more thrilling. The beauty of it.


The crisp shutter sound sounded from not far away at the right time.

But it was Esdeath who took out his cell phone and took a picture, and then walked over here with an admiring look on his face.

During this process, a circle of white smoke rose from her body, making her look a bit fairy-like.

——In fact, it was the effect of the layer of ice that Esdeath had covered on his body, which was continuously evaporated by Uchiha Hikari's "iron mountain".

"Is this the ability of the guy named 'Lepsy Pot'?"

"It looks pretty good and suits you well. Just like my 'General Binglan', it is an ability suitable for screening strong men."

Esdeath commented, then paused briefly: "But it's still not as good as the one who can change cat ears."


A question mark slowly appeared on Uchiha Hikari's face.

Although Esdeath said so, it was certainly impossible for her to show off her "cat girl form" as the other party said.

It's okay to try this kind of thing in private, but to do it in broad daylight is a bit shameful. And if she was seen by other Uchiha people who happened to be passing by, then her reputation as a "grandmother" might be lost.


Esdeath put the phone back into his pocket, then moved his neck, looked over with interest, and spoke again: "So... do you want to practice your skills? By the way, I can help you digest the new things you got during this time. ability."

"...I think you just want to find someone to fight with."

Uchiha Hikari curled his lips.

It's true that the two of them haven't competed for a while. The last time was at the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the Dragon Ball world.

After that battle, Esdeath has been fighting against opponents such as Tongmo, Gojo Satoru, and Clepsydra who are far inferior to him. Although it can be fun, after a long time, it will inevitably become a little itchy.


"Then let's just get over it. Be careful not to damage this place, otherwise it will be very troublesome to repair."

Uchiha Hikari said.

Although Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath did stop, they basically just used Taijutsu to fight, and they didn't even use large-scale Ninjutsu, let alone Susanoo and Ice Demon. However, the aftermath of the battle between the two sides still formed a turmoil like a small earthquake, and then spread to most of the Uchiha station.

Shisui and the others who stayed in the clan territory thought that an unexpected incident like the previous Kirigakure attack had occurred. They rushed over after hearing the noise and only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming the situation on the scene.

The end.

Shisui looked at the severely damaged training grounds around him and sighed:

"Grandma's strength has indeed become stronger than before."

"But this Esdeath-sama can actually fight with Grandma, which is really extraordinary."

Uchiha Hikaru scratched his head next to him: "It seems that I have done a little too much... Shisui, you can find someone to come and repair this place, and I will pay for it."

"No, how dare I let Grandma spend money..."

Shisui shook his head repeatedly: "The clan has a special fund reserve for regular repairs of these training grounds. It just so happens that it has been a while since the last repair. I will discuss it with the clan leader."


Uchiha Hikaru actually didn't mind paying this money. Anyway, she has a lot of money on her now, and there is a gold mine in the Demon Slayer World that is being prepared for development. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is rich enough to rival a country. But since Shisui insisted on not accepting her funding, she simply let it go.



Uchiha Hikaru changed places and tried the abilities of Hanami and Togen.

Among them, Hanami's ability is a bit like a low-profile version of Wood Release, which can promote the rapid growth of plants, or conversely drain the vitality of plants in a surrounding area to replenish itself. In addition, it is also very good at concealing its own breath, so as to deceive the barriers set up by others.

——In the original work of Jujutsu, Hanami can use this concealment ability to make the barriers around the Jujutsu High School identify itself as a plant, so that it can enter and exit freely without triggering the alarm.

In theory, this ability should also be used in the ninja world, so as to deceive the defensive barriers of Konoha Village, Mist Village, Cloud Village, and Rain Village, and achieve secret infiltration.

Uchiha Hikaru had thought about going to these places before.

Although with her current strength, even if she swaggered in and attracted the siege of the opponent's entire village, she could still retreat unscathed. However, it is better to keep a low profile on such matters. After all, she still has to keep her dignity. She can't learn to kidnap someone in their home like Kumogakure.

As for the fourth cursed spirit, Takugen...

Its ability is related to water.

Its "Domain·Rhythm Horizon" that can build a beach is one of the most favored abilities of Uchiha Hikaru in the world of curses. It is perfect to use it as a portable resort.


Uchiha Hikaru's affinity with these two cursed spirits is not very high.

So when trying to use their abilities, he encountered a little obstacle. Even if he spent an afternoon studying, he still couldn't use it smoothly.

"It seems that I have to practice for a while..."

That night.

Uchiha Hikaru went to Naruto's house, brought the little yellow-haired boy out, and went to a barbecue restaurant in Konoha Village with Esdeath. Then he ordered more than a dozen portions of top-quality barbecue and prepared to feast on it.

During this process, she also released the Nine-Tailed Fox, and then used "Inaction Transformation" to mold it into the shape of an orange cat, and threw a few pieces of roasted meat in front of it - the Nine-Tailed Fox theoretically does not need to eat, but it has the sense of taste, so if it wants to eat, it can still taste it like an ordinary ninja beast.

Since Uchiha Guang promised to let the Nine-Tailed Fox "see" the outside world, when it wants to eat good food now, of course it has to share some with it.

On the other side.

Naruto carefully looked through the prices on the menu, and the expression on his little face became a little uneasy.

"Sister Guang, these dishes...are they too expensive? It seems to be more than ten times more expensive than in the supermarket..."

"Don't worry, I'll treat you. Sister is very rich now."

Uchiha Guang smiled slightly.

Speaking of which, when she moved out of Naruto's house before, she had already handed over Minato and Kushina's passbook to him, allowing him to dispose of the wealth at his own discretion. But the little guy was obviously used to living a poor life with people looking down on him, so after she taught him how to buy groceries, he basically only bought those economical ingredients, and often bought discounted bento boxes at night. Now that he came to a high-consumption place like "Yakiniku Q", he was a little bit at a loss.

This made Uchiha Hikaru feel a little guilty.

"Come to think of it, it seems that I haven't sent Minato a photo of Naruto for a while..."

"Last time, Bulma was still talking about wanting to see Naruto, as well as Eri and Yamato... How about taking him with you to other worlds to broaden your horizons next time you go to other worlds for a party?"

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