I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 271 270 Is this school gate hard to find?

Chapter 271 270. Is this school gate hard to find?

"From this point of view, this is actually a space portal-like equipment? Is it so powerful?"

After reading the "instructions for use" in his mind, Lloyd was a little surprised.

This kind of space portal is a rare heavyweight artifact even in online novels. Many time travelers don't have it. I didn't expect that I could get it so easily?

This is really gratifying. This powerful artifact is the best reward for my hard work!

Lloyd was happy, but within two seconds, he suddenly realized a problem-

At what specific frequency should he "knock" this brooch to open the portal to Mizzkatok University?

He put the brooch aside for a while and reviewed the "instructions for use" that had just appeared in his mind.

It only mentioned that it needed to be knocked at a specific frequency, but it didn't mention what the "specific frequency" was?

Lloyd was a little puzzled and picked up the invitation letter and read it carefully again.

Just at this moment, a series of footsteps were heard outside the door, and then the office was pushed open by a large group of people.

"Senior Lloyd? I just saw a big pigeon rushing into your office. Are you okay?"

"Yes! That pigeon is really big! It looks scary!"

"I understand the reason, but why is that pigeon so big?"

Lloyd looked at the executor students holding various weapons in front of him, stunned, and a little speechless...

Although I am very grateful for your concern for my safety, why do you look nervous and panicked?

And why are the weapons and equipment in your hands all net bags, slingshots, dustpans, and even iron sticks?

It doesn't feel like they are going to fight, but to have a picnic...

Lloyd complained in his heart, and then explained briefly:

"That pigeon is a carrier pigeon raised by someone unknown. It delivered a letter to me and flew away. Don't worry, it just broke the window."

The executor students said in unison:

"Is that so? Did it come to deliver a letter? No wonder it didn't seem to be aggressive?"

"Did it run away? Tsk~ It's lucky..."

"No, do you really not care why the pigeon is so big?"

"Or you should care about what to eat for lunch. Damn, I even prepared the carbon..."

Lloyd was also at a loss for words, thinking that with your few pounds, it's not certain who will eat whom?

The pigeon is really big and strong. I'm afraid that three or five people can't do anything to it.

So the question is back again...

Why is this pigeon so big?

After a lot of noise, the executors helped Lloyd clean up the broken glass on the ground, and found some newspapers to temporarily cover the windows, and then left with regret and confusion.

After all the noise, it was time for lunch, and Wei Ya ran to find Lloyd to have lunch together, and heard him talk about Mizkatok University.

Wei Ya was also a little surprised by this.

"Huh? Judge Tirtus actually recommended you to study there?"

"Yes, and it was arranged in advance. I just completed [Transcendence] at midnight today, and I was notified to enroll at noon, but I only told you that I was already at the third level... It makes me feel that place is very magical."

"It's like this, it is known as the supreme institution of extraordinary people. I am sincerely happy for you to be able to get admission. Congratulations, Lloyd."

"Hehe, I just don't know if there are gentle, generous and beautiful senior sisters there?"

"Hmm? Lloyd, say it again?"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh~ Don't bite me... uh... why are you licking with your tongue? Are you a cat?"

Lloyd flirted with Weiya while chatting about the mysterious university.

Unfortunately, Weiya didn't know much about that place. She just heard of its name and reputation. It is said that those who can successfully complete their studies there are all delicious buns, and will be recruited and valued by various forces, and have a bright future.

From this, it seems that the chief judge is really good to him, which makes Lloyd very touched.


After dinner, Wei Ya went back to work, while Lloyd continued to fiddle with the brooch.

Since he couldn't find the so-called "specific frequency" in the "instructions for use" and the invitation letter, he could only try it himself.

So he prepared paper and pen, put them on the desk, and then used his spiritual power to "knock" the brooch a few times to see where it would open a door to.

With the infusion of spiritual power, a unique spirituality suddenly emanated from the brooch, and then he saw a gap in the space in front of him, and a door opened in the middle.

Lloyd first recorded the frequency of this "knock" on paper, and then he scattered some inspiration and carefully touched the door.

Well... there seems to be nothing unusual, and the inspiration and weird intuition did not beat the gongs and drums.

So Lloyd pushed the door open and looked inside.

"Hey? Xiao Yi?"

"Wow wow wow! The door is open! The door is open!"

"What's going on? Is there someone behind the door? Editor-in-chief, did you see anything?"

No one expected that the person behind the door was his sister Eve Lol?

She was in a spacious and bright conference room, with many editors sitting next to her. There were a lot of manuscripts on the table. It was obvious that they were having a manuscript review meeting or something.

And Lloyd's door was just above the conference table. When he poked his head out, he startled everyone else. They all looked like they were about to leave.

But because he was wearing that little vest, [Calmness in Being Out of the World], for other strangers present, he was in a state of ‘being out of the world’, and others could not notice his existence at all.

As a result, only his sister could still see him, and she was using her soft and sticky face to maintain order:

"Don't be afraid, there is no danger, my little Yi is behind the door."

"Ah? Is it your brother, the editor-in-chief? But why can't we see him?"

"Suddenly, a crack appeared in the space, a door leading to nowhere, and invisible relatives behind the door... I feel it, I feel it, write it down quickly! This should be a good story!"

Looking at the noisy look of everyone, Lloyd was also very embarrassed, and hurriedly said to his sister:

"Uh... I'm disturbing you, I'm doing a magical experiment, but I don't know why I came here, sorry sister, you guys go ahead, I'll explain to you when I get home tonight."

Lloyd then retracted his head behind the door and closed it, and the crack in the space disappeared.

I didn't expect that he would run to his sister's side after trying it casually?

Lloyd didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and looked back at the frequency written on the paper, and then remembered it firmly.

This first attempt was a failure, and I failed to find the "specific frequency" to Mizkatok University, but the result was not bad.

I will never be afraid of not being able to find the way home again.

Or if there is anything I need, I can go to my sister at any time.

So Lloyd tried again, changing the frequency to "tap" the brooch.

The space rift appeared again, and Lloyd still carefully explored it with inspiration. After seeing that there was no danger, he pushed open the door and looked inside.

As a result, a disgusting stench came to my face, and then I saw a bunch of huge and round creatures, making an incomprehensible muttering.


While they whispered like this, they gnawed on the indescribable and indescribable food in front of them, and didn't care about Lloyd's sudden visit at all.

Ah this...

How can you run into someone else's pigpen?

Lloyd looked at these big fat pigs who were still busy rooting for food, and he didn't have the energy to complain.

There were a few round suckling pigs nearby, which looked white and tender, very cute, and made people want to take them home and taste them.

Fortunately, Lloyd has always set himself up as a well-educated young man, so he would not be so tasteless as to steal other people's suckling pigs.

"Sorry to bother you."

He said, then retracted his head, closed the door again, and then recorded the location of this frequency on the previous piece of paper -

Emergency food storage.

Although the second attempt still failed, the result was not bad. When there is no money in the pocket in the future, there is no need to worry about not having food.

Lloyd was also indomitable and started the third attempt, which was also the last attempt of the day -

This brooch can only be used three times a day at most, and after it is used up, it will have to wait until tomorrow to "open the door".

This time, in order to avoid the embarrassment of the previous two times, Lloyd specially "knocked" a longer frequency.

As a result, when the door appeared, before he could get inspired, he heard a panel prompt:

[Ding~ Madness value +50]

[Ding~ Madness value +100]

[Ding~ Madness value +22]

Then, his inspiration and weird intuition began to beat the gongs and drums again, as if waiting for the meal to start.

If Lloyd really walked in, he would be able to sit at the table of children in a few years...

Just in case, he quickly released a spiritual power to "wash" the brooch, and the door was closed.

But he didn't dare to be greedy for this little spiritual pollution. What if the thing on the opposite side drilled in?

So today's three attempts were used up, and he didn't even touch the door of Mizzkatok University...

So this is actually intentional, right? Deliberately not telling the students the "specific frequency" leading to the college, letting people explore and find it by themselves, as if it were some kind of entrance examination?

If the students can't even find the school gate, they will definitely not be able to keep up after entering, and they will definitely be eliminated directly.

After thinking about it, Lloyd felt that he had figured out the intention of the school.

This school is really interesting...

It's good that the classmates around him will all have special skills in the future, which is also a network resource.

Lloyd felt a little challenged and couldn't help but smile, then opened the drawer of the desk and took out a box of matches from it.

When you are undecided, try divination first.

It happened that my [Divination] skill had just been upgraded, and I haven't tried the effect yet.

Lloyd threw a few matches on the table, and then activated his [Divination] skill, which was already level 6, and kept muttering:

"Where is Mizkatok University? Where is Mizkatok University? Where is Mizkatok University?"

After asking several times in a row, the matchsticks on the table had some reaction.

They stood up one by one, standing upright on the table, and then confidence ignited.

But the color of the flame emitted was not the orange color that matches normally emit, but the faint blue color, as if it were a will-o'-the-wisp.

This group of faint blue 'will-o'-wisps' is still jubilant and jumping, like little people dancing.

After a few seconds, the 'will-o'-the-wisp' went out, and the remaining matchsticks twisted into strange lines, and then 'lay' back on the table, forming a strange pattern.

It looked like a ferocious face, grinning ferociously.

Lloyd couldn't help but pursed his lips, trying to interpret this wave of omens and consequences.

She probably tends to be optimistic, after all, the face at the end is smiling.

These flames also look very lively and cheerful, indicating that it should be a place where people can be happy?

As for the blue flame color, should it be the color of phosphorus element burning? I don’t know much about chemistry, I studied civil engineering...

So I should look for clues related to 'phosphorus'?

It feels so troublesome. If I had known that I would not have listened to the housekeeper and Miss Desita's advice, I should have studied chemistry instead of civil engineering...

While Lloyd was thinking wildly, he remembered another story.

It was the information that his sister collected for him, including the piece about the 'gravedigger' father who always went to the cemetery to visit his dead daughter...

Since it is such a 'will-o'-the-wisp', it is naturally related to the cemetery or something.

It just so happened that Lloyd had originally planned to go there to have a look, but he just didn't have time yet.

Let's go tomorrow. It just so happens that today's brooch is out of charge. I can't get home in time even if I go to a far place, and I can't verify it if I find a 'specific frequency'.

Lloyd happily decided on tomorrow's itinerary.

Then when I got off work in the evening, I had a normal date with Wei Ya, chatting with each other, but never mentioned the arrangements for tomorrow.

He was afraid that Wei Ya would be angry again...

I could only make another excuse, saying that I wanted to go home to be with my sister.

And Wei Ya was also a little dizzy and confused by Lloyd's kiss. She didn't realize that he was lying for a moment, so she nodded and asked him when he could arrange a meeting with Eve Luoer.

"Well...my sister is now the editor-in-chief of the magazine and is very busy. Can I make arrangements when the opportunity is right?"

Lloyd asked.

In fact, I wasn't very sure. I didn't know if my sister could accept a famous lady like Wei Ya.

The gap in family conditions between the two sides is really too big. If we can't match each other, we will actually have a lot of trouble...

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