I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 306 305 This book is hard to read

Chapter 306 305. This book is so difficult to read

How is this thing actually done? How was the ritual miniaturized to this extent? How do they form a series connection with each other?

Lloyd held the bracelet and played with it repeatedly. Although he couldn't quite understand it, he was greatly shocked.

It feels like Mizkatok, in terms of output and technological level, is far beyond the world outside, and in some areas it is even more advanced than on Earth.

But why haven’t many of the things here been spread outside?

Is it because of the third school rule?

Then can I find a way to get around it...

Lloyd was musing for a while when he heard Professor Lawrence coughing twice, interrupting his thoughts.

"Can't you see that you are quite interested in these little toys from the Engineering Department? That's just right. When we have a project to cooperate with them in the future, you can participate in it, practice your skills, and accumulate some experience."

"Ah, okay."

"Well... go study outside. If you encounter any problems, remember to ask others for advice. Don't put on airs to save face."

Professor Lawrence warned again, then stretched out his hand to open a portal and sent Lloyd out of the laboratory.

After Lloyd passed through the laboratory, he finally arrived at the real space department school district.

And the scene in front of him made him freeze on the spot, and he stared blankly for a long time——

He saw areas that looked like floating islands, hovering and floating in front of him in a way that completely violated physical logic, and were moving according to a certain trajectory.

On every floating island, you can see facilities such as teaching buildings, mage towers, or large laboratories. Below are various garden-style lawns and greening, which looks sci-fi, fantasy, and dreamy.

And the space in which they float is not just a sky. Although they look like a blue sky with fairy clouds lingering in it, Lloyd can detect that they are all some kind of visual special effects. '.

Those skies, or the area where these floating islands are located, should be the dark alien space that I need to study next. They are just covered up and beautified by some means, so that this dreamlike and spectacular scene appears.

The area he was in was an invisible barrier that was invisible to the naked eye, like a transparent bubble, wrapping him in it and floating above the clear sky.

"It's so amazing..."

Lloyd couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

The little kitten in the pocket also poked its head out, eyes wide open, curiously looking at the spectacle in front of it.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look."

Lloyd scratched the little cat's head, then reached out to touch a control crystal ball in front of him, and then he seemed to be piloting some kind of aircraft, driving the invisible bubble barrier and drifting to the nearest floating ship. Sky island.

As soon as he landed, the invisible bubbles around him disappeared, and a floating light screen similar to that in a science fiction movie appeared in front of him, which displayed regional information and a simple map.

Lloyd took a quick look and found that the floating island he was on happened to be the teaching area, with several experimental areas and a library next to it.

From this point of view, the real space system is far more than the one laboratory I have been to. It is quite large and the number of people is definitely more than the few I have seen.

But it seems that it is still not as popular as the ancient magic department. At least in this teaching area, it is quiet and not a single person can be seen.

Maybe everyone is on holiday?

Lloyd didn't think much about it. Since he was already here, he simply found a corridor with an elegant environment and leaned against a small pond. Then he sat down casually, took out the book that Professor Lawrence just gave him, and then put on the bracelet. Started to study.

In the end, I just turned the first page and read it for two minutes. Before I could enter that state of concentration, Lloyd couldn't help but frown.

This knowledge...is not easy to grasp?

Even though I just added the upgraded 5-point attribute to [Cognition] this morning, pushing this attribute to 275 points, and then also had the help of [Focus on Learning] and the assistance of the bracelet, I still feel a bit overwhelmed. move.

Although I can easily memorize the words above, the meaning strung together is extremely obscure and difficult to understand, making people scratch their heads.

It seems that hard nibbling can't move the ball. Maybe it needs to be coordinated with these notes, right?

Lloyd then opened the notebooks given by the old professor and took a rough look at them.

Basically, it is all his learning experience and experience, and it corresponds one-to-one with the basic theory of this basic tome.

Lloyd couldn't help but feel moved.

The old professor is really kind. He lent me such precious notes. I really have to work harder, but I can't live up to his kindness.

So he bit the bullet and read the tome in his hand while looking at the old professor's notes and learning other people's ideas.

It takes a lot of time to read just one page, which is much less efficient than the usual photocopying of books outside.

But fortunately, after gradually adapting to it, Lloyd also gradually regained the feeling of learning. The more he watched, the more serious and devoted he became. Soon he entered the state of "selflessness" where he forgot time, even the panel prompts in his ears. Can't hear it.

His reading efficiency was also improving silently. When he gradually woke up from his "self-forgetfulness" state, he had read almost one-third of the big book in his hand.

Uh... so slow?

Lloyd was shocked by his own inefficiency.

I felt pretty good just now, didn't I?

By the way, how long have I been reading this wave? Why is my body stiff?

As he said this in his mind, he slowly moved his limbs that had been numb and unconscious from sitting, and the friction between his bones made a crisp "crackling" sound.

The little kitten that was thrown to the side to play by itself seemed to have fallen asleep a long time ago. Noticing Lloyd waking up, it quickly rolled over and meowed at him.

"Meow meow meow!!!"

Although Lloyd didn't quite understand its language, he could roughly guess that it was hungry...

"Wait a minute, I have some food in my pocket... Uh... I won't get frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, etc., right?"

Lloyd couldn't help but feel a little worried, and quickly grabbed an eggplant he bought outside yesterday from his pocket and threw it to the kitten.

Then he followed the "Fitness Manual" of the City of Order and did a wave of restorative exercises, squats, push-ups and sit-ups, trying to move his limbs.

After gradually regaining the feeling of his body, Lloyd took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

He remembered that when he came in, the time on the pocket watch pointed to 9 o'clock in the morning in the present world, and now it pointed to 8:50...

If the time flow rate of Mitzkatok will not "reverse the meter", then it means that he has learned for almost twelve hours without realizing it? It almost exceeded the time limit set by Professor Lawrence.

No wonder I felt as if I was petrified...

Is it because of the influence of this bracelet? Its effect is stronger than the ordinary [Concentration] ritual, so the duration is also doubled?

Lloyd made a simple guess in his mind and turned his head to look around.

It was still sunny and bright around him, and it was not affected by the sunrise and sunset at all.

Maybe there is no alternation between day and night in Mitzkatok?

What time is it outside now?

Lloyd couldn't help but feel a little curious, and quickly took out the "synchronous hourglass" that was said to be very precious, reached out and knocked it, and injected some spiritual power into it.

Then he saw the pocket watch pointer in his hand began to rotate for a while, and finally stopped at a little over 10 o'clock.

This proves that only a little over an hour has passed in the outside world.

Lloyd knocked on the hourglass again, and the pocket watch rotated again, returning to 8:50, showing the time in Mitzkatok.

No wonder Dandy described this thing so powerfully. Just this "switching time zone" function is very important.

Lloyd nodded, and was about to see what the series of panel prompts that just kept coming out were saying, but he felt the kitten pulling at his trouser legs.


The kitten cried twice, and patted the eggplant in front of him with a look of disdain, indicating that he couldn't eat it.

"You've really been spoiled by Wei Ya, and you can't even chew an eggplant? Don't you want to be a mature kitten?"

Lloyd asked unhappily.

"Meow~ Meow meow meow!"

The kitten gave a righteous answer, as if he was arguing with reason?

It's a pity that I can't understand what he's arguing about...

"Forget it, let's go back to the dormitory to cook first, and I'm hungry too."

Lloyd rubbed his stomach and felt hungry.

He followed the instructions on the previous signboard and found another control crystal ball at the foot of the teaching building on the floating island. It has a similar function to the one in the dormitory area. When he touched it, a bunch of teleportation 'options' would appear in front of him.

Lloyd was about to teleport back to the dormitory area, but he caught a glimpse of a classroom in the teaching building with lights on and someone walking around.

It seems to be other students here?

It's okay. Although there are fewer people in the space department, at least there is not a single person to be seen.

Lloyd said in his heart, but he didn't intend to disturb others.

He activated the crystal ball, returned to the dormitory area, and landed directly in front of his luxurious villa.

As soon as he came out, he felt that his eyes suddenly went dark, and the light around him suddenly dimmed.

Uh... So there is a day and night cycle in Mitzkatok? But there is no space department?

Lloyd thought about it, and turned his head to look at the two villas closest to him.

One of them was lit with dark green evil light, and shadows that did not look like human figures could be seen flickering in it...

The window of the other one was emitting a strange blue light, and a low muffled sound of "clicking" was coming...


I'm not going to be assigned to the 'non-human student' area, am I?

Lloyd was so worried that he didn't feel like greeting his neighbors anymore...

He went back to his dormitory, closed the door tightly, and ran to the kitchen to cook. He then used the time to open the panel and prepare to go back to the previous prompts.

As a result, he froze when he saw the panel.

"Huh? What's with all these attribute points?"

He didn't know why there were 30 more attribute points waiting to be assigned?

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