I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 312 311 Aren’t you talking about us?

Chapter 312 311. Aren't they talking about us?

Ah... just left like that?

Lloyd stayed alone on the rooftop of the tower, feeling the cold wind blowing around him was full of emptiness, loneliness and coldness.

Could it be that there is really no forbidden knowledge?

He couldn't help but think of it.

But he immediately shook his head again.

This is obviously impossible. Although the distortion system here is now in decline, it must have been very rich in the past, and it could even conduct the kind of "pseudo-saint" experiment. The relevant accumulation must not be limited to these ten pages of forbidden knowledge.

It's just that Professor Hazlade has his own considerations, so he is unwilling to take it out again?

Maybe it's because of the lesson from the wizard that he hopes he can be more down-to-earth, slower, and more settled?

Lloyd thinks that his guess should be correct.

In this case, today's class is over? School is over, can I go home?

Lloyd took out the synchronized hourglass and looked at the time outside.

It hasn't been a few hours yet...

Forget it, let's add the points first, and then find a place to summarize today's gains.

Lloyd divided the attribute points he just gained into 5 points of [Spiritual Power] and 5 points of [Cognition], and both attributes reached 290.

Then he nodded with satisfaction, climbed the stairs and left the tower, and kept thinking about the knowledge he had just learned today.

This kind of gameplay that can distort the existence of objects is so tempting that he has no time to think about other details.


At this time, in an empty scene that looks like a theater or a duel, there are bright lights all around, which makes this place extremely exaggerated.

Surrounding it are circles of theater-like stands, which are convenient for people to enjoy the performances here.

At the highest point, there is a table like a referee's seat, on which are placed various equipment needed for fighting, scoreboards, alarm clocks, record players, and even peripheral handicaps.

On the judge's seat, a feather pen and a piece of letter paper were floating in the air. The pen moved by itself, writing lines of words on the letter paper:

"My student Hiltina:

It has been a long time since our last communication, even in the real world. Everything is fine here, and I still remember that I am still a human.

The student you recommended has been successfully enrolled and has shown amazing talents that are no less than yours. Even I am amazed...

But at the same time, I am also full of curiosity. Is this kid a human?

The old guy Lawrence thinks he is an extraordinary creature with human cognition, or a legacy of a previous civilization.

You can get along and treat him as a human, but don't be surprised or shocked by anything he can do.

At first, I thought Because the old guy is only concerned with research and has never seen the world, and after teaching him in person today, even I am gradually believing in Lawrence's judgment...

This kid has a resistance to mental pollution that is no less than that of a saint. For him, reading taboo knowledge is as natural and simple as breathing.

It took him only two hours to finish the two-month course I prepared, and his mental state was not affected at all.

I had to re-formulate the teaching plan and filter the taboo knowledge for him again. This is a very hard thing, especially for me. I haven't taught students in person for many, many years...

But if he continues at this efficiency, maybe after two months, he will be the professor to teach me...

This is really amazing and incredible I thought about it so much that I experienced a small cognitive shock.

But fortunately, I adjusted in time, so it’s not a big deal, don’t worry.

So... where did you find this guy, or this extraordinary creature? Or the legacy of the previous civilization? "

The letter paper was just full of one page, so a new page floated in the air, and the feather pen continued to write on it:

"But... this kid not only shocked me, but also gave me more surprises and comfort!

The hope that human civilization has been waiting for may be in him.

He can become a saint, he can!

You know, I have never believed in Astra's [prophecies]. I have always believed that humans have a future, hope, and are in their hands. In our own hands!

But, we need to find that key, that intersection, or that straw...

It may be [distortion], it may be [space], it may be [magic], it may be [prophecy]

But no matter what, we can't give up hope and accept the so-called [fate]

So you must hold on, my best student! My last pride!

Okay, I have mentioned the topic that I have repeated many times in the past. It seems that even I will encounter some symptoms of nagging old people.

Well, I should continue to filter taboo knowledge for Lloyd. This guy is like a sponge that can't absorb enough, giving me a headache.

Well, I hope you can still read this letter from me.

Your mentor and friend, Hazlade. "

After writing the last words, the letter folded up by itself and was stuffed into an envelope with wax, and then the whole letter burned by itself and disappeared into the air in an instant.

The bright lights around the theater were also extinguished, allowing the place to return to darkness and silence.

This is the dean's office in Mizkatok, and it is also the highest-standard dueling venue in the entire academy. Every duel staged here will be personally overseen by the dean as the referee.

But most of the time, people who come here to duel come to the referee himself to resolve academic disputes...

Therefore, the number of times the dean sits on the sidelines as a referee is far less than the number of times he personally leaves the field.


"Huh? What are you doing?"

Lloyd was wandering around, sorting out today's knowledge, and then got stuck at lunch time and returned to his luxurious dormitory to prepare lunch for himself and the little cat.

As a result, I saw the little milk cat squatting on the roadside, waving its furry little paws, as if saying goodbye to someone?

Opposite it is a round little fragrant pig, white and clean, with a ring of fine down on its body, which looks very delicious.

The little fragrant pig also shook its head at the little milk cat for a while, and then rolled like a ball into the dormitory that made Lloyd very afraid, the one with all kinds of dangerous plants in the yard.

Isn't this little fragrant pig used to feed those plants?

Lloyd couldn't help but cursed, and then asked the little milk cat:

"Meet new friends?"

"Meow meow meow!"

The little cat danced at him and looked very happy.

"That's good. It's nice to meet new friends. I'm quite worried that you'll be lonely."

Lloyd smiled, picked up the kitten, scratched it, and then went back to the house to cook.

He heated up a bowl of goat's milk for the little cat, threw in a few dried fish, and then made some fried rice by himself, and he was done.

One person's meal is easy to cook.

Afterwards, Lloyd slumped down on the sofa again, adjusted himself into as comfortable a position as possible, and then took out the tomes given by Professor Lawrence from his storage bag.

Anyway, I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so let’s continue to learn the basics of space by myself.

In this liberal Mizkatok, you have to rely on yourself.

So with the help of that bracelet, Lloyd entered the state of 'selflessness' more smoothly than the last time and started studying tirelessly.

However, this time he did not work for the full 12 hours. Instead, he set an alarm clock in advance and was woken up at 9pm, recovering from his 'selfless' state.

It's not that I'm afraid of mental pollution, I just don't want to be talked about by Professor Hazlade, and I don't want to suffer from cervical spondylosis or lumbar disc herniation at such a young age.

But fortunately, I was lying down today, so my symptoms were much less severe than yesterday.

"Hiss~ Ouch, my neck... my shoulders..."

Lloyd rubbed his neck and moved his shoulders, sat up from the sofa, then performed some simple exercises, and then looked at the learning results of the afternoon.

Although I studied for two hours less than yesterday, my learning progress did not slow down, and I still managed to chew down another third.

The knowledge of the space department is really difficult to learn. In the same amount of time and with the same level of concentration, one could finish three books from the library outside...

A lot of fragments were obtained, but [Space Domination] still has not been upgraded.

Lloyd feels that this may be the most difficult skill to improve...

The gain in insanity value was also due to the fact that it took two hours less than yesterday, so it only increased by three levels.

Judging from this, it seems that this mental pollution of unknown origin is not easy to adapt to? Anyway, there is no sign of decay for the time being.

Lloyd thought about it briefly and added the points first.

Bucket idea, [rationality], [spiritual power], and [cognition] are 5 points each, start adding!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

[Status: normal]

[Insanity value: 333/10000, upper limit: 29500]

【Rationality: 295】

[Spiritual power: 295]

【Inspiration: 150】

[Cognition: 295]

[System: Distort LV4, reject LV3, and enable embodiment enlightenment]

It happened that I was almost finished exercising and my body had regained its vitality, so I went to the kitchen to make a simple dinner for myself and the little cat.

So today's efforts are over, and now it's time to check the 'message board'.

Lloyd opened the student handbook impatiently, found the news section of the 'Message Board', and took a look at today's 'school newspaper' first.

As a result, there was a very weighty message:

"Huh? The new school year is suddenly advanced?"

Lloyd took a closer look and found that this was not news written by students, but a notice issued by the college.

It is said that the enrollment of new students will be started in advance, but it will not affect the courses for first-year students and above. They are still in the normal vacation, and then classes will start in two months. Therefore, this wave will only allow new students to come in early and start classes early.

Of course, for those scumbag students who have stayed long enough but haven't graduated from a single subject or started a single etching, it means that their vacation is over.

Tuition fees need to be paid in advance...

So in the comment area below this notice, of course there was a cry:

"Why is it suddenly advanced? My tuition fees for this year haven't been paid yet!"

"Is there any kind senior who can lend me some money? I really can't squeeze out, but I don't want to drop out like this. I was only two points away from passing the last exam..."

"Is the college short of money again? There were several advance school years before because of lack of money."

"Alas...it's okay to start school early, but I'm afraid they will raise tuition...I've been here for three years, but I'm still a freshman. If this continues, my family will soon be unable to afford the tuition and will have to let me go back to inherit the family business."

"You complain about the high tuition, but didn't you participate in any projects during the holidays? Even if you don't take the assessment, participating in various research projects can improve your evaluation and earn academic fees Credits? How can you not afford to pay tuition if you have credits to deduct? "

"Haha, people like you are really... Don't you know that this broken defense has always discriminated against our art department? I want to participate in the project, but no group wants me."

"They also discriminate against poor students. I have tried to sign up for several projects, but when they saw my "D" rating, they directly rejected me. Fortunately, I can still afford the tuition for the "D" rating, otherwise I can only rely on my looks and appearance to save up tuition."

"Hmm? Appearance? Let me see how pretty I am?"

Lloyd took a rough look and found that the ones who reacted most to this notice were all poor students and poor students, and basically no senior students got involved.

It seems that everyone still sympathizes with these students...

Of course, Lloyd would not show his superiority to take advantage of others' misfortunes. As a quality young man who has received higher education, he cannot do such things.

He was just a little curious about what the specific admission standards here are?

I heard from Dandy before that it seemed that everything was decided by the dean alone, and there seemed to be no rules and standards?

Could it be that they chose the talented ones while the ones with rich families?

Lloyd pondered and switched to the ‘Story Zone’ to see if his attention yesterday had brought cultural shock to the people here?

As a result, no one responded at all...

Maybe no one read it at all...

Maybe it was too advanced?

Fortunately, I just reposted other people’s works for fun...

Lloyd smiled, but didn’t care about it, and didn’t give up. He continued to post the second chapter of his impression, and then went to see other people’s stories.

Today’s more popular story with more replies is titled:

"I saw the tower in the corner with my own eyes"

The content is described in a tone like "witnessing a legend", describing a mysterious tower that suddenly appeared in the corner of the extraordinary school district, describing how weird it was, how scary it was, etc., and unfolding a series of "terrifying" associations.

Lloyd looked at it and couldn't help but whispered:

"Isn't this describing the tower of our twisted department?"

It's the end of the month, can everyone give some monthly tickets? I want to collect 1,000 votes...

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