I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 315 314 This batch of teammates are not very good?

Chapter 315 314. Are the teammates not very good this time?

"This...is the history department?"

Lloyd looked at the school district in front of him with a little surprise.

In fact, the style of painting here seems to be the most normal one. There is neither the dreamy floating island like the space school district nor the giant towers like the extraordinary school district. Instead, it is the most traditional and serious teaching building. style.

But Lloyd always feels that this place is more like a large mental hospital?

This was not his unwarranted association, but the panel prompts that kept coming to his ears:

[Ding~Insanity value +1]

[Ding~Insanity value +1]

[Ding~Insanity value +1]

Is the air here filled with spiritual pollution?

Although this mental pollution was very weak and only lasted for a few seconds before Lloyd quickly adapted to it, this was a situation that Lloyd had not encountered in other school districts, not even his own twisted tower.

Maybe this is a real high-risk subject...

Lloyd couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It can only be said that a false high-risk discipline like the Department of Distortion has extremely high application thresholds, which makes people discouraged; the 'teaching building' is dilapidated and has become a 'campus legend'; there are only two people in the entire department, and the air is clean and fresh...

The Department of History, a truly high-risk subject, has a very low threshold for newcomers to enter; the teaching building looks serious; the entire department is extremely lively with people coming and going, but the air is filled with mental pollution...

In the middle of those orthodox teaching buildings, there is a fountain square with a relief sculpture standing on it——

It depicts a group of scholars, some of whom are holding knives, guns and clubs, and are in a fighting posture, as if fighting some invisible enemies; the other part is holding manuscripts, shovels, magnifying glasses, notebooks and other tools, and are conducting archeology under the protection of their teammates. Excavate.

These images are all vivid and lifelike, with extremely high artistic content. Although the scenes depicted look a bit strange, they seem to be in line with the current situation of the history department?

Behind the relief there is a tall monument, with the words inscribed in large golden characters -

“The future of humanity is discovered by us in the past.”

This sentence immediately made Lloyd feel a certain sense of weight from 'history', and he couldn't help but come to the relief.

At this time, he heard someone beside him calling him:

"Are you Lloyd from the Space Department?"

"Yes, it's me."

Lloyd replied, turned his head and looked around, and his heart couldn't help but freeze.

In theory, this person should be the assistant coach who asked him to meet in front of the relief...

But whether it is his capable temperament, sharp eyes, or the cold gaze that looks back and forth at his neck, heart and other vital parts, it makes people feel that he is not like a scholar or teacher, but more like the kind of knife that licks blood. bounty hunter.

Lloyd even wondered if this guy often killed people?

Anyway, he is definitely not the kind of person who is easy to get along with...

"You can call me William, come with me, and I will tell you about this operation in detail."

The other party didn't look like he wanted to exchange greetings at all. He simply greeted Lloyd to follow him, walked to a nearby teaching building, and then went to a conference room on the ground floor -1.

This is not an ordinary conference room, but a combat conference room with a terrain sand table in the middle, various contour maps on the left and right walls, and various tactical terms written on the blackboard in the middle...

The place must have just finished a meeting. The smell of cigarettes is still in the air, and there are several cups of coffee left on the table that have not been cleaned.

The assistant coach motioned for Lloyd to sit wherever he wanted, then took out a tactical board and began to explain the plan to him in detail.

He spoke very seriously, detailing everything. He also took out a very clear timetable and asked Lloyd to memorize it.

Lloyd also listened very carefully, but the more he listened, the more nervous he became.

In fact, the task he was assigned was not complicated. As Professor Lawrence said, he was responsible for opening the door to go in and come back. In the middle, he was also responsible for detecting dangerous traps such as space faults, space cracks, and space turbulence.

As for the rest of the troublesome matters such as archaeological excavations and enemy battles, there is no need to intervene. Just follow the large army and it will be done.

But what Assistant William said was too serious, as if he was engaging in some kind of special infiltration operation, which made Lloyd nervous.

He kept talking like this for almost an hour, explaining almost everything except the frequency of Lloyd's breathing and heartbeat.

Then he looked at Lloyd's solemn face and said:

"You don't need to be so nervous. We have already conducted divination for this operation. The original result was not very clear, but after confirming your joining, we got 'optimistic' expectations."

If you didn't mess with my mentality, I would be really optimistic...

Lloyd cursed in his heart.

"Okay, you still have three hours to rest, adjust and eat. Come to this conference room on time at 12 noon."

After Assistant Coach William said this, he signaled to Lloyd to go rest first.

Lloyd didn't dare to neglect, so he ran outside to find a quiet bench, picked up the student handbook, and conducted a search using the keyword 'archaeological excavation' to see what other students thought of this. kind of projects, and whether there are participants who share their experiences.

As a result, a lot of content suddenly appeared after searching.

The most common one is the "official battle report" released by the history department itself, which reports that on a certain day of a certain month in a certain academic year, the archaeological excavation of a certain numbered area was completed, and the team returned triumphantly with fruitful results.

Basically, they are all good news, all winning, full of "victories", and it seems that the winning rate is very high?

But I don't know if all the "losses" are blocked...

Lloyd looked at the relevant comments of other classmates again.

Well... roughly speaking, this kind of job in the history department is actually an enviable and lucrative job?

Anyway, the students who have posted relevant comments have similar statements. Although the process is hard, tense, and demanding, the credits are generous and the ratings are generous, so the poor students are scrambling to go.

Moreover, this is a very comprehensive project, often involving multiple disciplines. The history department has always been generous and often gives opportunities to poor students from other departments.

The time required is basically about 2-3 days, which is much more efficient than those projects in other departments that take several months or even years.

This is also because with the current level of human beings in all aspects, it is impossible to stay in such a dangerous area for too long...

In short, this kind of archaeological activity is highly praised in the student handbook, and everyone is envious of the students who can be selected by the history department.

No one said that they encountered any fatal dangers, or people died, and it was as easy as going on an outing.

At least the students who participated in the discussion came back intact.

There were various accidents, but they were all solved by the teachers and professors present.

The most serious accident was the sudden space turbulence, which trapped the entire archaeological team. It took three days to return. Fortunately, everyone returned victoriously without any danger.

So many people mentioned that whether this project is successful depends largely on the level of the space department.

If there are senior researchers, teachers or professors from the space department involved, the safety factor can be increased exponentially.

Lloyd looked at it like this, and he had a good idea in his mind, and nodded.

Well...it seems that there is no big problem. As long as you listen to the command and follow the rules, it is still very safe.

As for my attainments in space...

Since Professor Lawrence said I can do it, then I must be able to do it!

I can't embarrass the Space Department!

After thinking for a while, Lloyd hesitated and decided to send a message to Professor Hazlade, saying that he was going to participate in the history department's project.

It took almost half an hour for the other party to reply:

"Well...with your quality, it must be a big problem, but you must remember to restrain your curiosity and don't rely on your good talent to get in touch with those taboo knowledge. The ones I showed you before were all filtered by me for you, and they are completely different in nature."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely remember it."

Lloyd replied.

At the same time, there were some doubts in my heart. Professor Hazlade could actually filter out taboo knowledge?

Isn't that something that only saints can do?

But it seems to be different. The knowledge he taught me carried spiritual pollution and was not as safe as those taught by saints.

Professor Hazlade seems unfathomable...

But what is the difference between the forbidden knowledge after filtering and the knowledge before filtering?

Lloyd couldn't help but get curious, and a bold idea came to his mind:

If I can look at the unfiltered knowledge and compare the difference between the two...

Uh... No, no, I shouldn't have such a dangerous idea.

He shook his head vigorously and restrained this dangerous idea.


After a quick lunch, Lloyd returned to the previous meeting room on time.

Compared to when he came here just now, there are a lot of people here. Lloyd roughly counted them, including himself, a total of 18 people.

This number is a little too many. Lloyd remembered what was said in the student handbook. This kind of archaeological team is basically a configuration of 10-12 people, emphasizing a short and powerful one. No one has ever mentioned that there will be so many people.

Among these people, the leader is naturally the adventurer-style Professor Fernande.

The remaining ones are three lecturers and assistants from the history department, three bald men with broad shoulders and waists, and a lecturer from the engineering department.

Apart from these eight people, the rest are all students, including those from the history department, biology department, medical department, and art department. Together with Lloyd, who is from the space department, they make up the entire team.

As usual, Lloyd still threw an [Enhanced Detection] on each person's head to check the strength of his teammates.

Professor Fernande naturally had no results, all of them were ‘? ? ’, and even the system and threat level could not be seen.

For the remaining lecturers, except for the three bald mages and the bounty hunter assistant, the others only had one or two ‘? ? ’, and the rest were all below 150 points.

In terms of system, there are three [Ancient Mages], the two lecturers from the history department are [Veto] + [Intelligence], the teacher from the engineering department is [Redemption], and the bounty hunter assistant is [Law], but there are no ‘outlaws’.

But what surprised Lloyd was that their attributes were generally high in inspiration and cognition, while rationality and spiritual power were relatively low.

Maybe this is the standard "scholar figure"?

As for the remaining students, their attributes are basically at the level of 80-100 that a fourth-level person should have, and their systems are even more diverse, with taboo systems such as [Curse] and [Pain].

Mizzkatok is really a place where everyone can learn without discrimination...

As a result, Lloyd hasn't even disliked these "outlaws", but he was disliked by them first?

Those students were observing and sizing up Lloyd, some of them were sneering in disdain, some were shaking their heads helplessly, and some were full of confusion.

Lloyd couldn't help but look down at his own clothes and then at theirs.

These people were all dressed like adventurers, with a huge bag at their feet, as if they were really going on an adventure.

Lloyd himself, on the other hand, was still wearing the casual suit that Via gave him...

Uh... not really?

Don't you have a space storage bag?

Lloyd was complaining in his heart, and suddenly felt Professor Fernande's eyes on him, and heard him ask the teaching assistant:

"Find him some suitable clothes. Didn't you tell him clearly before that we are going on an outing?"

"I did, but... never mind, I'll take him to change clothes first."

The teaching assistant then pulled Lloyd out of the meeting room.

As soon as he left the room, Lloyd's good hearing heard a lot of discussion behind him.

First, several lecturers and Professor Fernande complained:

"Hiss~ The Space Department sent a freshman, but why is he so young? Will there be any problems?"

"I can't help it. Lawrence only recommended him... I will let William keep an eye on him throughout the process."

"He is really too young, too inexperienced, and too thin to be trusted."

"Just make do with it. Anyway, this mission is relatively simple, and the result of divination tends to be optimistic."

Then the students were whispering again:

"Haha, that guy came in a suit, I almost couldn't help laughing... ”

“What are you laughing at? Can't you recognize the top student collar on his collar?”

“So what? Anyway, I don't like this guy. He seems to have noticed that I am from the [Pain] department and has an undisguised contempt for me.”

“Yes, he is the same to me.”

“Humph~ This time we are heading to a dangerous area full of dangers, not doing problems in a laboratory. Who knows if this top student can come back?”

“Uh... You'd better not think like that. If he can't come back, we probably can't come back either..."

I will update one chapter first. I have something to do. The second update will be later.

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