I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 318 317 The smooth first half

Chapter 318 317. A smooth first half

Lloyd never thought about being a 'student in the next class'. He simply wanted to speed up the progress and get the ritual running as soon as possible, so as not to discover the 'terrible incident' just now.

So he was very serious and devoted as soon as he got started. With the help of Level 5 [Ritual Control], he quickly completed the part of Randy's lecture.

When he looked up, he saw lecturer Randy "fighting wits and courage" with the student who was crying bitterly, with a look of helplessness on his face...

Thank you for your hard work!

Lloyd sent a greeting in his heart, and then looked at the bounty hunter William who was not far away...oh no, it was the assistant coach William.

What surprised him a little was that this person looked like a ruthless bastard, but his attainments in ritual studies were not inferior to those of a real lecturer. He basically completed the progress at hand, and then checked while He asked without raising his head:

"Why are you looking at me?"

"I just wanted to ask if I can help you with anything?"

Lloyd explained quickly.

"No, everyone has their own tasks. It's not good for you to do this."

Assistant Professor William replied coldly, looking extremely rigid and rigid.

However, another lecturer named Lille was more flexible and said quickly:

"Royd, if you want to help, go see those two art department students. The mental pollution they endure is increasing."


Lloyd quickly moved closer to an art student.

His progress was originally quite fast, but it seemed that when Lloyd stepped in to help, it came to a standstill and became motionless.

As for him, he was curled up on the ground, holding his legs with his hands, his eyes wandering and blurred, and he was still murmuring in a low voice:

"Mom...I didn't mean it..."

Uh...are you hallucinating?

Lloyd quickly added an [Enhanced Detection] to confirm his mental state.

Behind the mental status column, the word 'mild madness' is displayed, and it is flashing rapidly, indicating that it may deteriorate at any time.

Lloyd has [explored] many times before, and this is the first time he has seen it flicker so fast.

But it never really worsened, but instead forcibly maintained the state of [mild madness], just like a person who has been halfway into the mud and was forcibly grabbed by a rope, unable to pull out. But it won't continue to sink.

This should be the help of the two lecturers, right?

As for this person's four attributes, although [rationality] is not the lowest, [inspiration] is the highest among the students except for Lloyd, which must be very difficult.

But his extraordinary system is actually the [protection] that makes Lloyd feel a bit close to him?

That should be considered a follower of Elolo?

So Lloyd decided to help him, and then activated the useless [Consciousness Tentacle] skill, which caused an invisible strand of 'stupid hair' to grow on the man's head. It was just very thin. Without mobilizing inspiration, it would not be possible at all. Impossible to detect.

And in the current high-level environment, no one should dare to let out inspiration casually, right?

Even Lloyd didn't dare to be so unrestrained...

With such a [Consciousness Tentacle], Lloyd immediately heard a burst of panel prompts:

[Ding~Insanity value +100]

[Ding~Insanity value +100]

Well, this is the right rhythm.

It just so happened that he had already adapted to the mental pollution in the air before, and he couldn't get any madness points at all. Now he was trying to make up for it.

Lloyd looked down again at the part of the ritual that this man was responsible for.

It’s actually a very basic set of [visual decoration] that has little use?

This ritual simply creates a set of visual special effects that can be easily seen by the naked eye, such as a castle floating in the clouds, petals flying in the sky, and brilliant fireworks in the night sky. In addition to being used by newcomers to practice, it is It can only be used on festive occasions to fill the atmosphere.

But because it is so basic, ordinary people can tell it is fake at a glance, so it is often dismissed as not realistic enough...

For the time being, Lloyd didn't quite understand the significance of using this ritual in this situation. It just seemed like it was part of a ritual array?

Maybe it was used to relieve the tension at the scene?

Since it was a basic hand-training ritual, Lloyd arranged it without any effort. He simply used his spiritual power to erase the parts that others had drawn previously, not wanting those crooked lines to affect the final effect, and then drew it himself with spiritual ink. Produce a textbook-like and accurate [visual decoration]

After helping this one, he continued to approach another art student present.

This man's condition seemed much better than that of the previous one. At least he was conscious, but he had an unbearable headache. When he saw Lloyd approaching, he quickly took the initiative and said:

"Help...help me...just the last bit..."

This person's system is also [Rejected], but he doesn't seem to have the temperament of being from a religious sect. He should be an extraordinary person from an outside civil society.

But Lloyd didn't mind it, so he started the next task, helping him complete the [soundproofing] to prevent eavesdropping, but he did not use the [consciousness tentacles] to help share the mental pollution.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to be noticed and cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Anyway, judging from his mental state, he should be able to persist until the ritual array is completed.

As for this set of [Soundproof] rituals, it should not be used to prevent others from eavesdropping, but to protect oneself from hearing some strange noises.

After Lloyd helped with this, with the help of two lecturers and teaching assistants, this set of ritual array was completed smoothly.

As lecturer Randy arranged the last few props, the ritual array was also activated, and an invisible protective shield with multiple functions protected everyone.

The mental pollution in the air was weakened a lot at once, making the students who were originally pale and almost unable to hold on regain their blood color.

The pages of books and students floating around were also squeezed into the corner by the shield, and no longer floated around recklessly.

The surroundings were also quieter all of a sudden, as if the air had become heavier. It should be that [Soundproof] played its due effect.

But in Lloyd's opinion, these are just details. What is really important is that when looking out from the inside of the shield, the library seems to be covered with a layer of dim old photo filter, showing the effect of the passage of time, which finally gives this scene a sense of archaeology.

According to the experience sharing in the student manual, once the deployment of the ritual is successfully completed and the protective shield is supported, the operation will be half successful.

However, Lecturer Randy asked with some doubts:

"Huh? Why is the visual effect like this? The previous design was clearly a green and sober natural style?"

As he said, he turned his head and looked at the art student in charge of this part.

As a result, the latter had fainted and could not answer his question.

And Lloyd, who wiped out other people's rituals and drew a new one himself, naturally lowered his head with guilt and did not dare to admit it.

Fortunately, Instructor Randy did not delve into it and said:

"It seems that his mental state is not good, so there is a deviation? Fortunately, the impact is not big, it is just a simple atmosphere...Okay, everyone take a break first, adjust your state, and then proceed to the next assignment."

Another instructor smiled and asked:

"Did anyone bring a record player? Or any musical instrument? Let's play some music, remember to make it soothing, preferably bar blues style."

"I brought it."

The bounty hunter assistant replied, and it was like a magic trick. He suddenly put out a big speaker hand-cranked record player, picked up a vinyl record, put it on, and then shook the handle.

As a melodious and soothing melody began to float, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, and their mental state was effectively relaxed.

So playing music is definitely not a hedonistic behavior, but it allows everyone to resolve the mental pollution they have suffered as soon as possible.

"Does anyone need wine, drinks or desserts? I've prepared a lot."

Lloyd continued to speak, and took out a lot of food, indicating that they needed to help themselves.

Lloyd didn't hesitate to pick a bottle of bitter melon juice that looked the most pleasing to the eye, and then took a bold sip.


Damn, it's so bitter!

"Hahaha, not everyone can accept this taste."

Lloyd noticed Lloyd's expression and couldn't help laughing, which further eased the atmosphere on the scene.

Another lecturer followed up and said:

"Who else can tell some stories, jokes, or performances? Remember to be relaxed and happy. Relaxation, optimism, smiles, plus wine and music are our best weapons against spiritual pollution! It's a pity that no girls were shortlisted this time, otherwise we could ask her to dance for everyone."

"I'll do it, I'll tell you a joke."

A history student volunteered, and then told a very awkward, cold, and unfunny joke.

Except for the unconscious person, everyone else laughed.

It wasn't because the joke was funny, but because everyone wanted to laugh, or needed this kind of atmosphere full of laughter.

Lloyd was no exception and was also laughing.

But after laughing, he didn't forget his job. He took out the space cube and made some simple calculations.

It's okay. The space disturbance around is a little calmer than before.

It seems that their divination is still quite accurate? The ritual was deployed smoothly, and the space didn't come to mess up. The result is indeed optimistic.

Lloyd's mentality became more and more relaxed. He simply seized this rare calmness, with the help of two space equipment, recalled the knowledge in the book, and felt and remembered the changes in the alien space here.

After a while, he heard the panel prompt in his ear:

[Ding~ Skill Fragment +1]

If nothing unexpected happens, this is a skill fragment related to [Space Domination], which is easier to get than just reading a book.

It seems that Professor Lawrence's previous statement is still a bit biased. For me, this way of learning that combines theory with practice is naturally better and faster than simply reading books.

It would be great if I could read books here...

Another bold idea came to Lloyd's mind.

But fortunately, he didn't dare to put it into practice.

Who knows what knowledge he will learn by reading books in such an environment full of taboo knowledge...

Let's continue to feel the changes in space and consolidate what we have learned before.

Lloyd advised himself in his heart.

The panel also agreed with his idea:

[Ding~ Skill Fragment +1]

Others present gradually started chatting through two warm-up jokes, and began to chat about various interesting things in the academy or in the outside world.

Several students who had fallen into a coma gradually woke up and joined in, taking the time to adjust their mental state.

However, all the people present were men, so this kind of chatting unconsciously showed a certain inherent rhythm change——

At first they were all chatting about romantic topics, but as we continued chatting, the topic somehow turned into a serious one...

Especially when someone brought up the next process and the whereabouts of Professor Fernand, the atmosphere in the room became more solemn.

But the two lecturers seemed to have noticed that everyone had almost rested and it was time to get serious, so they did not avoid it, but followed the conversation and said in harmony:

"After everyone has finished the drinks and wine in their hands, we will start doing business, then do business for a while, then stop and rest for a while, and this cycle continues until we evacuate."

"As for the specific purpose, it was also mentioned in the previous combat meeting. We need to have orderly access to the outside knowledge under our protection, and filter and recycle it in a safe and cautious way."

"If I remember correctly, this was once the largest library in Mizkatok. Its scale is much larger than what we see. It contains immeasurable knowledge. They are precious legacies of the past era, but they are There is also terrible spiritual pollution hidden there.”

"So everyone must be careful! Don't show off and act recklessly. You must obey our command."

"As for the professor... don't worry, or... we can't worry about them. We can only hope that Mr. Lloyd from the Space Department can bring some news about them."

Lloyd was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the topic would suddenly turn to him.

But he was not unprepared, so he answered:

"They are in another area of ​​this library, far away from us...well, in this ghost place, the distance on a real scale is meaningless, but their situation is not bad, and the space they are in is different from ours. Just as stable.”

In fact, the two pieces of equipment in his hands and the theoretical knowledge he has learned so far are not enough to track other people's spatial positions like this.

This was not originally his job scope.

However, through the previous insights and consolidation, he finally gathered enough skill fragments to bring this most difficult to improve [Space Domination] to LV2.

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