I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 321 320 Opening Champagne

Chapter 321 320. Opening Champagne

Trust between people is a very mysterious and troublesome concept...

But in fact, in many cases, as long as the first step of mutual trust is taken, the following things will be easily solved.

Now that Lecturer Randy has already believed Lloyd's imprecise words and has shown a good mental state, Lecturer Lier is certainly not stupid, so he took the initiative to ask Lloyd to do it for him.

Lloyd was of course happy to help, so he also inserted a "dare hair" on his forehead.

"Huh? Why do I have hair?"

Lecturer Lier also scratched his head with a suspicious look on his face.

"But it's really effective? I feel that my mental stress has been relieved a lot."

Landy, the instructor on the side, joked:

"Okay, stop scratching. You are not married yet, so you still need to protect your hair."

"What does it matter? My girlfriend and I are engaged. When this mission is over, I will go back to my hometown to be with her..."

Lille, the instructor, was talking nonchalantly, but a bottle of wine was stuffed into his mouth.

"Teacher, stop talking, let's continue."

Lloyd said seriously.

"Ahaha, okay."

Lille smiled awkwardly, and then began to arrange for students to prepare for the next round of recycling.

Instructor Randy used the power of [intelligence] to remind Lloyd earnestly:

"Lloyd, no matter how sacred this relic is, or whether it is a relic, you'd better not make it public, because it may bring you unpredictable dangers and troubles..."

Instructor Lille also added in the same way and with the same earnest tone:

"Yes, your kindness and generosity may not necessarily bring good results, especially when it is used in a way that is easy to cause misunderstandings..."

Lloyd did not answer, but nodded vigorously, indicating that he still knew the limits.

It seems that the two instructors have noticed something, but they found that Lloyd was only helping them instead of harming them, so they did not say much.

The skill [Consciousness Tentacles] is indeed easy to cause misunderstandings. Humans are also extremely sensitive to the vital part of their foreheads...

However, the kind reminders of the two lecturers did not affect Lloyd's mood. He was still content to accept this huge amount of madness points and a precious special skill fragment.

This wave of experience points from Lear, plus the previous accumulation, directly gave Lloyd a level 5 and 25 attribute points.

5 points of [rationality], 10 points of [spiritual power], 10 points of [cognition], start adding!

After this wave of points, Lloyd's four attributes, except for one that he did not want to reveal the name, the other three attributes have reached 315 points.

If this continues, my bucket will swell into a water tank.

He was naturally very happy.

It's a pity that there are only 6 students who can still be used, including the one who will participate in the fourth round of recycling...

When these five students were all knocked unconscious by the strong force, Lloyd's rapid upgrade was almost over.

Although I really want to tell the two lecturers that my "holy object" can also be distributed to these students, and there is no need to hit them so hard and knock them out.

But others have already noticed that there is something wrong with his "holy object". If he does this again, it will inevitably arouse more suspicion, which is not appropriate.

I still hope that these students can be stronger, work harder, and wake up on their own as soon as possible...

Lloyd thought of this and couldn't help but remember another person who was a bit out of place in the field, the bounty hunter assistant William.

This guy neither participated in the specific recovery operation nor participated in discussions and small talk. Instead, he sat quietly aside from beginning to end, and specially chose a position at the edge of other people's sight, silently observing the situation in the field, without even drinking a sip of wine, and seemed to have no sense of participation and presence.

It feels like this guy is not here for archaeology, but for surveillance...

But everyone present is his own people, and they are all people selected by the history department. Who is he going to monitor?

Or, if a student can't hold on and is about to fall and mutate, it is time for him to show his presence?

Lloyd was more inclined to the second judgment.

Although it was cruel, it was also necessary...

No wonder this guy's eyes were so sharp and cold, like a knife. Maybe he had done this many times...

In a way, he was half of my colleague, right?

Unfortunately, with me here this time, you definitely won't have much business...

Lloyd was a little proud in his heart.


Several hours passed like this, and Lloyd's "double experience" event came to an end.

Except for himself, all nine students were knocked unconscious by [Declaration of Negation], and there was no hope of waking up in a short time.

The two lecturers were very happy, and they actually took out a bottle of champagne from their pockets like a magic trick, and began to celebrate the successful completion of this operation.

They thought it was not lively enough for just two people to drink, and they were still greeting Lloyd and the bounty hunter assistant.

"Lloyd, come on, come on, this time it's thanks to your help."

"William is here too. Don't be so nervous. Everyone's mental state is stable. They just need to sleep a little longer. Don't be so nervous. You definitely don't need to take action this time."

Lloyd was in a good mood at this time, so he didn't ruin the atmosphere. He moved closer and took a goblet from Lecturer Lille.

He has made a lot of money this time. He has upgraded 38 levels, 190 attributes, and got nine precious special skill fragments.

Every time a student fainted, he could get a lot of mental pollution from the students and lecturers, and he could easily upgrade 6-7 levels, and then add a special skill fragment. It was as cool as opening the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow.

60 points of [rationality], 60 points of [spiritual power], 60 points of [cognition], 10 points of [inspiration], add them to me!

I have never added such a cool point!

[Ding~ Adding points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 6/10000, upper limit: 37500]

[Rationality: 375]

[Spiritual power: 375]

[Inspiration: 160]

[Cognition: 375]

[System: Distortion LV4, Denial LV3, can be enlightened by the materialization system]

Don't call me a bucket in the future, call me a water tank!

Lloyd was in a good mood and drank a small glass of champagne to celebrate.

If there is any regret, it is that he can still spell that special skill, but he can't get in touch with the knowledge recorded on those pages.

Fortunately, he had already made psychological expectations before, so he didn't seem very disappointed.

And now their work here has also come to an end with all nine students falling into a coma.

If nothing unexpected happens, these students should sleep until the end of the operation and wake up when they are ready to return.

This also explains why the student handbook has all positive reviews about archaeological activities, and also emphasizes that it is easy, safe and interesting.

There is basically nothing to do on the way, just talking, laughing and drinking. After collecting the forbidden knowledge, you can sleep until retreat. Anyone who comes will feel relaxed.

Although there may be a little risk of falling into madness...

But students who fall into madness will definitely not brush the student handbook again, right?

In short, archaeological excavation is really a good activity!

Lloyd exclaimed sincerely in his heart.

And the next task of their group is to wait for Professor Fernande to get the results, and then the two sides will meet up and return safely.

The bounty hunter assistant probably realized the success of this mission, and gradually put his mind at ease. He came to Lloyd and the other two, and then picked up the bottle of wine on the ground for the first time and took a small sip.

Then he sighed in a low voice:

"This is the most successful mission I have ever experienced. I had already prepared for the worst..."

He turned his head to look at Lloyd, nodded, and commented:

"You are very good. You are the kind of top student who can surprise people. You deserve your tie clip."

"Thank you."

Lloyd smiled.

But the teaching assistant whispered:

"Don't use your "holy object" casually in the future. There were a few times just now when I almost misunderstood you as a dangerous person who wanted to take action; or if you were not a student of the Space Department and recommended by Professor Lawrence, I am afraid I would have..."


Lloyd was also very embarrassed for a while.

Sure enough, he still couldn't hide it from this guy's sharp eyes...

But fortunately, he didn't investigate it deeply, otherwise the misunderstanding would be big.

Lecturer Randy, who was standing by, saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, and quickly spoke to smooth things over:

"Okay, okay, don't talk about these things, come on, come and try my wine."

"Thank you."

The teaching assistant nodded and let Lloyd go.

Lloyd didn't continue drinking. Although he knew that this amount of alcohol had basically no anesthetic effect, drinking was always bad for the body, so he declined the lecturer's kindness on the grounds that he needed to monitor the space fluctuations.

After three rounds of drinking, the other three couldn't help but talk about the progress of the professor.

"Have you received any contact?"

"No, the contact was interrupted."


"I can determine their location. They are currently in a relatively stable space. They are not carrying out large-scale activities. They may be arranging and preparing something?"

"Well... it seems that they are also going well? Although I don't know much about miracle magic, when I discussed the details with Professor Fernande before departure, he mentioned that the process of recovering the 'core' will be quite complicated and the success rate is completely unknown."

"Yes, this mission is more or less a gamble. I just didn't expect it to be so smooth on our side. I just don't know how the professor is doing."

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

The teaching assistant suddenly interrupted and continued to give his reasons:

"Their strength is much stronger than ours, and they are very experienced, especially Lecturer Toledo of the Engineering Department. When the new school year starts, he will become the new professor of the Engineering Department and specialize in the research and development of equipment for archaeology."

The two lecturers nodded quickly and said:

"Well, yes, I know that Toledo guy. He is a rare top figure in the engineering department who is also accomplished in the fields of archeology and history."

"At the beginning, I thought this mission was too risky, and I wanted to find an excuse to shirk it. That is to say, the professor said that he invited Toledo to help, as well as those three reckless men, so I accepted it. Unexpectedly, they acted separately from us. Am I being tricked by the professor? "

"Haha, this is not a bad thing. At least we have Lloyd here, which makes it easier."

Lecturer Randy said, patting Lloyd on the shoulder, making the relationship between the two a little closer.

Lecturer Lille also smiled and brought the topic back to the lecturer from the engineering department:

"Speaking of which, after Toledo went back and was promoted to professor this time, was he the youngest professor in Mizkatok? Did he break the record?"

"I guess so? In my memory, there is no one who became a professor younger than him?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not..."

The teaching assistant suddenly interrupted and added:

"The youngest person on record to be promoted to professor should be Sir Hiltina. However, she chose to leave Mizkatok less than three years after becoming a professor."

"Ah? It turns out that she vetoed the saint, which is reasonable, but when she became a saint, I was not born yet, so I have no impression of these things."

"Haha, you're a history major, so you can't even remember the history of your own college?"

"Who cares about this? You have to go find those old pedants."

Lloyd didn't participate much in the discussion. He just listened quietly and thought about it in his mind.

So my ‘childhood sweetheart’ is so powerful?

That's right, she has always been very powerful...

But it’s this age gap…

Lloyd saw that the three of them were chatting about some interesting gossip in the college. After thinking about it, he tried to ask:

"By the way, do you know that...Professor Hazlade?"

He is still somewhat curious about his 'immediate boss', especially since he seems mysterious and has no physical form, which is even more worthy of attention.

But Lloyd tried to search for 'Hazred' in the student handbook, but miraculously there was no result?

Is it so mysterious that no one knows it?

So he wanted to take advantage of the good atmosphere to ask about this mentor of himself, his childhood sweetheart, and his advisor.

Just think of it as figuring out the ‘master’s inheritance’ of your own lineage...

But who would have expected that all three people present were stunned, and then lecturer Randy asked:

"Lloyd, why are you asking about the dean?"


Lloyd: ∑(°口°)


That dean who has extremely bad aesthetics, sets extremely outrageous school rules, and is still involved with Professor Lawrence?

I somehow became the dean’s ‘personal disciple’? Or the only one?

Lloyd had to spend two or three minutes to digest this sudden amount of information. He felt that it was difficult to distinguish the dean who was supposed to be dealing with everything from the dean who was left alone and who was still holding on to the distortion system. Professors get in touch.

He finally understood why the twisting people were gone, but they hadn't been cancelled...

But then again, a system that the dean personally presides over actually has no students except himself?

Well...the images of the two finally overlap in some strange directions...

Lloyd then thought about it again. Being the dean's only student is a good thing from all aspects, right?

Although he only taught himself one lesson, he was even more carefree than Professor Lawrence...

But after all, he is the dean, and he has many things to do, so he doesn't have much time to teach in person, which is reasonable.

Lloyd was thinking wildly in his mind when he heard Lear Lecturer say:

"The dean is the core of our college and the biggest contributor to saving the college in the first place. Without him, Mizkatok would definitely cease to exist."

"Yes, so I am full of admiration for the dean, although my aesthetic appreciation of it is really... Anyway, one day, I will tear down that curious statue in the Knowledge Square!"

Lecturer Randy also added.

Lloyd noticed from their words that they actually used "it" to refer to the dean?

Why is this?

He was about to continue asking, but he heard the bounty hunter assistant coach whispering advice:

“The system that the dean works in is quite special, so it’s best not to discuss it behind his back. There were art students in the past who thought the statues they designed were too ugly, and they found an excuse to deduct credits and ratings. "

Lecturer Lille also nodded vigorously and said:

"Yes, you still remember the former scholar in our department, right? He was the one who questioned the academic level of the dean behind his back. As a result, he made excuses to start an academic dispute. The scholar was beaten until he was beaten by the madmen in the medical department. I lay in bed for a whole month..."

"Remember, remember, it's scary just thinking about it. Fortunately, this is a dangerous zone, so I dared to arrange a few lines for it."

"Then it's better not to say too much. What if it finds out? You all know that the dean has always been petty..."

Seeing how the three of them were quite afraid of the dean, Lloyd couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

He felt that the dean, or Professor Hazlade, was quite easy-going in front of him?

Although that aesthetic is indeed too outrageous...

Since no one wants to talk about the dean behind his back, Lloyd didn't ask too much, so he continued to observe the space compass and do his job.

As a result, he was stunned when he saw it.

"Huh? Why is there an unusual space fluctuation?"

Lloyd looked at the space compass that was showing some changes, and reminded the other three.

Then the next second, the Rubik's Cube-style compass twitched suddenly and decomposed into small cubes, looking like it was blown up.

Although they immediately reassembled and returned to their original style, indicating that the space was still very calm.

But Lloyd's face was solemn, and he hurriedly said:

"Hurry up and contact the professors!"

This chapter has 5,000 words, one chapter will be updated first, and the second chapter will be updated a little later.

It's the New Year, and there are a lot of things to do, please understand

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