I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 337 336 An inheritance fell from the sky?

Chapter 337 336. Inheritance from the sky?

Ah? She's really gone now? She's gone so quickly?

Lloyd stood there in a daze, watching his beautiful and lovely 'childhood sweetheart' turn back into a shadowless [projection], leaving him alone sitting on a bench in the square at night. When the wind blew, he couldn't help but feel empty, lonely and cold.

Was it because the questions he asked were too serious? Did they ruin the atmosphere of the date?

Or was she really so busy, and did something really happen?

There were obviously a lot of questions I wanted to ask...

Maybe this is the style of the saints?

Lloyd was helpless, so he could only take out his pocket watch to check the time on both sides, and thought he might as well go back to the real world as soon as possible.

He went back to the dormitory to call the little milk cat, and just happened to see the little milk cat and the little fragrant pig waving goodbye at the door, and then the little fragrant pig rolled into a dormitory next door like a yo-yo.

The yard of that house was full of various exotic plants. The dormitory, which looked like a demon cave, also lit up some dim cold lights at this time. It looked particularly creepy. I couldn't imagine what kind of creatures lived in it...

"Okay, let's go home."

Lloyd said, picked up the kitten, scratched a portal, returned to his office in the real world, and quickly took out the synchronized hourglass to adjust the time difference.

It was not yet dusk in the real world outside, and it really felt like time was flowing backwards.

After a short pause, Lloyd tried to stretch out his hand again, wanting to see if he could scratch a portal.

It really didn't work...

The spatial stability of the real world is much more solid than the alien space where the academy is located. It is definitely unrealistic to want to open a portal with bare hands.

But using a space pocket watch to open the door should not be a big problem, just like using a brooch before.

In addition, Lloyd felt that his skill of [Space Domination] was also greatly restricted because of this layer of solid stability. Some fancy operations could barely be played, but the effect was definitely not as good as in the alien space.

Maybe more equipment is needed, or the skill level is higher, before it can be as casual as in the academy.

Lloyd simply felt the changes in the space environment, and then looked at the static storm trapped in the three school districts with the help of the mark he had buried before.

Because there is no space anchor for positioning, they are still drifting aimlessly in random directions with the three school districts as before, and the general direction is in the direction of Lloyd's guidance and interference, drifting towards the danger zone.

And because of the time speed difference, it looks very fast.

But Lloyd clearly remembered that when he was in the "lifeboat", close to the present world, "looking back" at the storm, they were almost motionless, not as active as they are now.

Is there a "time speed bump" between the different space where the academy is located and the present world? Or a "time isolation zone"? The time speed difference between the two sides is caused by this area?

Lloyd made a bold guess in his mind.

But this kind of question is destined to be just a "trouble for the mediocre". [Time] is obviously a more profound and obscure field than [Space]. There is not even a corresponding subject in Mitzkatok.

So Lloyd did not think much about it, but just kept this discovery in mind, and then continued to let the "Storm School District" float to the danger zone according to the original route, so as to avoid causing some unnecessary "secondary damage" when he was not in the academy.

As for the "lifeboat" still under his control, he guided it to float to his spatial position, and then roughly estimated the speed.

It should be able to float to the spatial position of his home by tomorrow morning, and then deploy a portal, and there will be half of an alien space store in his room.

But Lloyd has not figured out how to use this half of the store for the time being. At present, it can only be used to hide the things under the bed to avoid being discovered by his sister...

After making these arrangements, Lloyd can enjoy the three-day holiday with peace of mind.

He ran to find Weiya, and then they hugged each other tightly.

I haven't seen Weiya for many days, I miss her...

Besides, Weiya can't just disappear from my sight, right?

"Hey? Lloyd? Why... This is the office..."

Weiya said in a low voice, but her body was honest and hugged Lloyd tightly, greedily enjoying the warmth of her lover.

There was also a very strange feeling in my heart, as if the distance between me and Lloyd had become inexplicably farther. I just met him in the morning, but it seemed that I hadn't seen him for a long time?

After a while, the two of them separated reluctantly, and then Weiya lifted her messy ear hair, revealing her side face with a little blush, and asked:

"How is your study in Mizkatok? Is there anything you can tell me?"

"I just completed a trivial thing..."

Lloyd was about to share with Weiya, but the student handbook started vibrating first, reminding him not to violate school rules.

Lloyd felt unhappy.

This is such a terrible school rule. I must find a way to change it when I have the chance!

So the student handbook began to vibrate more violently, reminding him not to violate the last rule of the school rules - no modification of the school rules.

Lloyd now knew why such a strange rule was set up separately...


"Eh? Xiaoyi? What happened to you today?"

Everol looked at her brother who was acting weird in front of her and asked in confusion, but she didn't resist. She allowed Lloyd to hold her and turn him over, as if he was checking to see if he had been tricked.

After a brief date with Weiya for a while, Lloyd returned home in time and brought dinner to his sister. However, he definitely couldn't eat it himself, so he could only sit at the dining table and watch his sister take small bites. Eat carefully, like a cute little squirrel.

From time to time, I would secretly glance under the table and watch Everol's little feet wrapped in thick white stockings, like ice cream, swaying back and forth leisurely.

Then he suddenly thought of something. After Everol finished eating, he picked up his sister and inspected her again and again, pinching her face and feet from time to time.

"Well, it's confirmed, she is indeed my sister."

Lloyd finally said, relieved.

"Xiao Yi? Did something happen?"

There was still a bit of blush on Everol's face that hadn't faded away in time. She looked at Lloyd eagerly and asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I just encountered something special today, but I can't tell you due to school rules. It's not important anyway."

Lloyd used the school rules that he still disliked as a cover to cover up his guilty conscience.

In fact, he didn't know what he was thinking, why he went home to check on his sister after meeting the Veto Saint.

"Is that so? As long as it's okay... By the way, sister has some news for you."

Everol said, without even bothering to put on her shoes, she let her white silk jade feet step on the floor, thumped and ran to get her bag, and then took out a letter from it.

"Xiaoyi, do you remember Uncle Yule when you were a child? The one who used to give us oysters."

"I remember, but this person..."

Lloyd was hesitant to speak, then considered his words, and said as implicitly as possible:

"The impression is a bit blurry. He hasn't had any contact with us for a long time, right?"

In fact, Lloyd's mind is more 'precocious' than Everol's, so he still has a clear impression of his childhood relatives and so on.

His father's name in another world is Rons, and his mother's name is Evelina. Both sides have many relatives and sisters, but they are not here in Brilliant City, but live in other cities.

They don’t have any great family backgrounds, they are all ordinary beings. Even his father, Rons, came to the Brilliant City to look for opportunities because he didn’t do well in his hometown. That’s how he met his mother. , settled here successfully.

Later, a time traveler son was conceived, and an Everol was picked up again, thus forming a harmonious and happy family of four.

But the family's financial situation at that time was actually quite average. Both parents were ordinary working-class people. In order to buy the home they lived in at the time, they were burdened with a heavy mortgage loan. They had to work hard and had little contact with relatives who lived in different places.

Later, after the two people were killed, the family was unable to repay the loan, and the house was brutally confiscated by the bank. This led to Lloyd and Everoll being sent to an orphanage.

In fact, the orphanage tried to contact other relatives to come and adopt the two children, but all the letters they sent came to nothing and did not receive any response.

Among them was Uncle Yule, who used to visit often.

He was the cousin of his father, Rons. In Lloyd's opinion, he had always been a loser. He made a living by cutting oysters for people on the dock, so he often came to the house for food at that time and received a lot of support from his family.

Later, I don’t know whether I offended someone or owed a gambling debt, but suddenly I thought about running a ship and becoming a sailor, saying that I could make a lot of money. Then I borrowed some money from my parents and disappeared.

Now, so many years have passed, and the Lloyd siblings have gone through the most difficult time, and have never received any contact from relatives, nor have they taken the initiative to contact those relatives. There is nothing wrong with everyone forgetting each other.

Anyway, a time traveler, someone picked up...

So Lloyd couldn't say he resented the indifference of those relatives. After all, his parents didn't have much contact when they were still alive. It was obviously too much to expect others to take over.

But he was very unhappy with Uncle Yule, who liked to come to his house for dinner. He didn't even say a word of greeting to himself and his sister. How could he still have the nerve to write a letter now?

Moreover, where did he get his current contact address?

Lloyd was a little confused, so he asked Everol what the letter was about.

"This was sent directly to our editorial office."

Everol said, returned to the sofa, handed the letter to Lloyd, and leaned next to Lloyd, holding a magazine and flipping through it.

Although the expression on her face looked quite calm, her little white feet hanging on the armrest of the sofa were still swaying from side to side, revealing that she was actually in a good mood.

Are you so happy to receive such a letter from a relative who should have been forgotten?

Alas...my sister is still too kind and too emotional...

Lloyd cursed a few words in his heart, opened the letter and read it, and then he understood why his sister was happy——

The handwriting on the letter is beautiful, the writing is smooth, the words are elegant and precise, and even the letter paper is of a good hand feel. It doesn't look like it could have been written by Uncle Jules, the oyster seller.

The content first expressed apologies for the sudden interruption of the letter, and then said that he was eager to find his cousin's orphan. He saw Evelor's name in a magazine, so he wrote to ask.

Then he stated his identity, mentioned Lloyd's parents, Rhodes and Evelina, and said that after many years of sailing, he had experienced various dangers and hardships and saved a fortune, but he had no relatives around him, so he was eager to find his cousin's orphan.

Finally, he explained that he had been overworked when he was a sailor and his health was very bad, so he couldn't come in person. If the person who received the letter was really the relative he was looking for, he invited him to his luxurious manor to meet, and it would be best if it was within three days.

Even this letter was not written by him, but by his butler.

Anyway, after reading this letter, Lloyd couldn't help but think of the plot of "lonely rich people eager to find heirs to the estate".

Although the letter did not directly say "Come and claim the inheritance if you are critically ill", the various hints and hints in the words and sentences can make people think of this kind of plot.

Lloyd could not help but glance at the magazine in Eve's hand, which was about financial management...

Considering her always cheerful and active imagination, she probably has already planned how to spend the inheritance, right?

But after all, it is an inheritance, so it is not convenient to show too much excitement, right?

After noticing that Lloyd had finished reading the letter, Eve raised her head slightly and asked:

"Xiao Yi, do you think we should go and see? After all, Uncle Jules may be the only relative we can find."


Lloyd hesitated and did not answer in a hurry.

According to his true thoughts, he would definitely not go. The location of the manor is quite far away, at the junction of the Eternal City and the City of Order. If he took an airship to go there, it would take several days to go back and forth.

However, Lloyd could open a portal to go there. It just so happened that after dating Wei Ya, he asked her for three days off. The plan was to have a good rest and accompany his sister, so there was no problem with the time and schedule.

But the problem is, I am not short of money now, right?

I have been walking on thin ice all my life. I have achieved what I have today because of my own efforts and hard work. I have always been a young man with integrity who regards money as something outside of my body, and I have never succumbed to such yellow and white things!

What's more, I have a rich girlfriend who is a pig butcher, a childhood sweetheart who controls a city, and a girlfriend who has just completed a class leap.

Do I, Lloyd, look like someone who is short of money?

But... I don't seem to have set up a persona of a young man who doesn't want to work hard for himself, right?

Then why don't we go and take a look? Just to see if this relative who was eating for free has really made it?

No matter what the inheritance says, it's not bad to take my sister out for a trip and relax.

Lloyd was about to nod and agree, but he glanced at the letter again and felt that something was wrong.

If this happened on Earth, he would definitely jump on the plane, but in today's era, he should be more careful about such a good thing...

Lloyd was not in a hurry to make a decision, but Everoel noticed his hesitation, shook his arm, and said in a coquettish tone:

"Xiao Yi, let's go and take a look? If there is really an inheritance, you don't have to worry about buying a house for your marriage in the future."

Uh... Even if there is really an inheritance, if you want to marry the three people around me, it's probably not a matter of one set or one house, right? The inheritance must be very, very, very rich, right?

Lloyd thought about it in his mind. He wanted to weigh the pros and cons with his sister, but when he saw the expectation in her emerald eyes, he couldn't say it.

He couldn't help thinking that he and his sister ended up living on the streets because they couldn't pay off their mortgages.

Maybe his sister didn't mention it much, but she still attached great importance to real estate, so she often talked about "saving money to buy a house"...

So Lloyd couldn't refuse, so he could only nod and say:

"Okay, even if there's no inheritance, it's not bad for us to go over and have fun."

"Okay! I knew Xiao Yi was the best!"

Only then did Everoel release the joy in her heart and laughed happily.

Just at this moment, there was a knock at the door.

Lloyd hurried over to answer the door. He thought it was a neighbor, but the person standing outside the door was a young man in his thirties, whose facial features looked vaguely familiar.

He was dressed in a standard gentleman's outfit. Judging from the details such as his clothes, watch chain, and monocle, he was probably worth a lot of money, and he had a faint "aristocratic temperament". He was also emitting some power fluctuations, and he was obviously an extraordinary person.

"Hello, Mr. Lloyd, I am Olga from the City of Illusion, or you can call me Little Olga."

The other party took the initiative to introduce herself, and then extended her right hand.

Lloyd shook hands with the other party politely, and then asked:

"I wonder who the Olga you are familiar with is..."

"That is my father, and I am here for the agreement between you and him."

Lloyd then remembered that he had not yet replied to the two seventh-level bosses of the [Manifestation] Department, that is, to help them attend the next [Transcendence] ceremony.

"Sorry, I have been busy recently and have not had time to reply... Please come in first, let's sit down and talk."

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