I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 500 500 Completed a transcendence in a confused manner?

Chapter 500 500. Completed a transcendence in a confused manner?

After discussing with the testers until the sky gradually darkened, Lloyd was about to go back to the dormitory to rest, but was stopped by Metis again, who timidly asked him if he wanted to have dinner together?

Lloyd did not refuse, so he followed her to the history department cafeteria, which was known for its bad taste. He took some food without even looking at it and ate it in silence, and his mind was obviously still on this new species of monster.

Metis did not have the heart to disturb him, so she just sat opposite him, eating a little vegetable salad in small bites, and secretly looked at Lloyd from time to time, and was still carefully hiding the affectionate look in her eyes, just focusing on being a companion.

The two of them finished their meal in silence, and then went back to their dormitories in silence.

Lloyd went to take another shower. He was going to finish his student handbook and go to bed early, but he heard a sound of "嘤嘤嘤" in his ear.

Hmm? What happened to the tentacle grass?

Lloyd went back to the [Thinking Field] and saw the tentacle grass dancing and gesturing in the direction of the palace foundation.

Turning his head, he saw that the progress of the project had suddenly increased dramatically.

Until this morning, the palace had only completed the foundation and base, and there were a few decorative stone pillars outside.

But in just one day, the main frame was completed by more than half?

And it suddenly increased to dozens of meters high, with many beams and various frames, and the final prototype can be vaguely seen.

Although it has not yet been capped, the length, width and height of the frame can already imagine how magnificent it will be in the end.

If the previous project progress was stuck at less than 5%, then this wave has at least advanced to about 30%.

Although this should be a good thing in theory, right? It marks a big step forward for Lloyd in the new system of [Void].

But... why is this the case?

Why did the entire project progress not change much during the process of acquiring forbidden knowledge and building [Void Trial], but it suddenly surged after he killed a new monster?

Wait! Does this mean...

Lloyd suddenly thought of a possibility -


Since [Void] can be identified as a supernatural system by the panel, or the "Book of Madness", it is reasonable for it to have the promotion mechanism of [Transcendence], right?

So the knowledge he acquired in the early stage and the efforts he made were all preparations for [Transcendence], and then waited for today's opportunity, and then it came naturally and accumulated a lot?

Lloyd quickly opened the panel again and took a look at the current attributes:

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? 】

[Madness value: 278/50000, upper limit: 3125000]

[Rationality: 3125]

[Spiritual power: 3125]

[Inspiration: 2115]

[Cognition: 3125]

[System: Distortion LV6, Denial LV6, Illusion]

As expected, all attributes increased by 5 points, indicating that I really completed a [Transcendence] inadvertently

But I didn’t receive the corresponding panel prompt, and I didn’t get any new abilities?

Lloyd could only speculate that this might be because [Illusion] is a brand new system, and the panel can’t fully record and master it?

Or did I not prepare any additional rituals, and I completed [Transcendence] a little carelessly and confusedly, so the effect was not very good?

But no matter what the real reason is, I’d better record this emergency in Lloyd’s Notes with pen and paper.

So Lloyd took his own "Notes" directly to the [Thinking Field], opened a new page, and wrote down the first [Transcendence] process of the [Illusion] system.

Kill a Chaos Child with a danger level of 10, which cannot be observed and touched?

Hiss~ Is this method a bit difficult? The process is a bit hellish, right?

Let alone how to find a Chaos Child of the same type, even if you find it, ordinary people can't deal with it at all, right?

Moreover, according to Hiltyna, although this thing may have the ability to interfere with reality, it should theoretically live in the Chaos Field.

And this Chaos Field, for humans at this stage, can be regarded as completely unknown, and the dangers and uncertainties in it are simply difficult to discuss...

Even at present, except for Lloyd's mature version of the trial, it seems that there is no other way to contact the Chaos Field?

But even if it is a mature version of the trial, it can only contact one side of it, a side called [History].

After Lloyd thought about it, he suddenly felt that the [Twisted] rituals seemed quite humane?

I will never complain about the [Twisted] rituals being anti-human again!

Lloyd thought about it and showed a helpless expression.

He originally intended to let his sister also go through his [Illusion] system...

Now it seems that he may have thought too much?

But then again, although the current [Transcendence] process looks quite hellish, maybe there is still room for improvement?

Lloyd remembered that Hiltyna briefly told him that when she was practicing the [Veto] system, she made many adjustments and optimizations to the specific rituals and processes of [Transcendence], and received a lot of test feedback from Mizzkatok in the process, and finally formed the most popular system today.

The changes during this period are still very large. It can be said that the current [Veto] system can be regarded as two paths under the same system compared to Hiltyna's at that time, but the degree of separation is not as serious as that of [Manifestation], and finally they achieved the same goal.

And Lloyd's [Distortion] is actually similar, and it also has two promotion paths.

So don't think that the current [Vegetation] transcendence method is a bit hellish, but it is still possible to rescue it later.

Well... it should be possible, right?

Lloyd encouraged himself in his heart, then reached out and took off the glass cover on the head of the tentacle grass, and then said:

"Come on, follow me to the new project?"


The tentacle grass danced with joy, and quickly made a very human "pulling out legs" action, splitting two blades of grass under its "feet", as if it really had legs, and then jumped to keep up with Lloyd's footsteps.

One person and one grass came to the periphery of the palace frame and walked around outside first.

As they walked, Lloyd suddenly asked:

"This is actually a project, are you interested in being the project manager here?"


The tentacle grass was stunned, and then quickly made a prostrate worship, or kneeling down to beg for mercy, indicating Lloyd to let it go.

It seems that even it knows that the project manager of software engineering and the project manager of civil engineering are not the same thing...

"No future!"

Lloyd said unhappily.

The tentacle grass did not argue, but continued to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

Lloyd had no choice but to move forward and walked deep into the palace frame.

But the tentacle grass did not follow? It just stayed on the periphery.

"Don't you want to come in and take a look?"

Lloyd turned around and asked.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

The tentacle grass danced and explained why it didn't come in, trembling and flattering in a very human way.

It seemed to be expressing that it was a field that it could not get involved in?

Of course, it could also be determined to draw a clear line with civil engineering?

Lloyd did not force it, and just wandered around by himself.

As a result, after walking a few steps, a panel prompt came to his ears:

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1, Madness value +15000]

After walking a few more steps, another prompt came:

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1, Madness value +15000]

He just turned around and harvested 8 pieces of forbidden knowledge fragments, all of which were high-quality, and also harvested a wave of Madness value, directly upgrading by 2.5 levels.

It seems that part of his gains from [Transcendence] fell here?

Lloyd first evenly distributed these 10 attributes to [Rationality] and [Spiritual Power], pushing the total value to 3130 points, and then patiently walked through the entire palace until he confirmed that there was no more harvest, and then he walked out.

He took the tentacle grass back to the giant flower bud and watched the tentacle grass take the initiative to get into the glass cover, as if it was going home.

Then Lloyd began to count this wave of forbidden knowledge fragments.

These eight fragments were collected by the Book of Illusion as before, and the corresponding functions are still being completed.

But maybe because I completed a [Transcendence], Lloyd can now roughly understand what effects they can have, compared to the confusion and helplessness of this knowledge a while ago.

Well... part of it is convenience optimization, which can help me build scenes better, faster and more conveniently.

Another part is functional optimization, which can unlock more gameplay in the trial, but what specific gameplay is still needs to be figured out.

The remaining part is actually about security? Can it make my trial less vulnerable to invasion?

Wait! Is there anything that can invade the trial?

Could it be that thing?

Lloyd thought of the elusive big black fish...

But his trial does not belong to the chaotic field? Strictly speaking, it is at most a passage to the chaotic field of [History], right?

Hiss... No!

If this precious object has the property that if you observe it, it can also observe you, then if I observe it with the help of the trial, it is possible that it will notice my trial in return?

In this way, this wave of security improvement is obviously very important!

At least it can ensure that my trial will not become the channel for this precious object to invade the world!

Lloyd thought of this, and felt a little scared, but more fortunate.

Fortunately, I accidentally completed a [Transcendence] and obtained a way to defend against this ghost thing. Otherwise, I really dare not think about what will happen next...

Should this be considered as my good luck? Can I get what I need most among so many chaotic taboo knowledge?

Lloyd originally thought that he was lucky this time, just like when playing a krypton gold mobile game, a ten-draw will get the current UP character.

But he thought again and recalled a statement made by Professor Deco and his team.

The reason why human civilization can continue to this day is that it constantly overcomes the unknown and fear.

Although this Chaos Black Fish is mysterious and extremely dangerous, he has already come into contact with it and easily killed it. So, finding a way to deal with it next is also a "natural" thing in a sense?

Just like when playing a krypton gold mobile game, if you want to draw the current UP character, you naturally have to draw the corresponding card pool instead of the permanent pool?

You have to choose the right card pool first before you can get the goods.

And killing the Chaos Black Fish by yourself is considered to be choosing the right card pool?

Lloyd's divergent thinking and random thoughts finally came to a conclusion:

Even for an outstanding young man like me, everything depends on his own struggle and hard work!

Well... Although he himself can't explain how his brain circuit turned to this conclusion, it can't be wrong anyway!

So with this wave of improved security, Lloyd felt completely relieved.

Before, he was still worried that his trial would be affected by today's new discovery.

Now that the safety factor has been improved, the trial should still be able to continue.

In addition, if he can thoroughly understand this wave of new knowledge, perhaps he can summarize some new methods against the Chaos Big Black Fish from the way of defending against invasion?

And if this method can eventually form a certain ability, a certain skill...

Does it mean that his [Illusion] system can also have various abilities like other systems?

After Lloyd's association, he seemed to have found some ideas for acquiring new skills.

When he thought of this, Lloyd became energetic, and instantly lost his fatigue, and began to seriously study the new knowledge he had acquired today.

However, if he really wants to thoroughly understand this new knowledge and find the skills of the [Illusion] system from it, it is obviously a process that takes time to slowly polish.

So Lloyd was not in a hurry and did not disrupt his schedule to stay up late. When it was time to go to bed, he stood up and prepared to leave the [Thinking Field] and return to reality.

But at this moment, he subconsciously raised his head.

What came into view was the four-spiral tower.

It was still the same as before, with four spiral bands of different textures interwoven, among which pure white and dead gray represented [Negation] and [Twist] respectively, and blue and white represented the [Reality] that had once existed.

As for the last [Pitch Black], no clear direction was found for the time being, but some strange knowledge was obtained from it.

And the blue and white spiral, probably because it had lost the [Reality] system, made its color look increasingly dim, and it seemed to be eaten away by pure white and dead gray.

These were all changes that Lloyd had noticed before, not just happening.

He had also tried to observe the blue and white spiral carefully before, wanting to see if there would be any strange knowledge popping out of it.

In the end, nothing happened...

But just a moment ago, he seemed to feel that the tower had changed a little?

But after staring at the tower carefully for a while, Lloyd shook his head.

"It doesn't look like anything has changed? Maybe I'm too tired and have an illusion?"

He didn't think too much about it and went out to sleep.

After all, this is his [Thinking Field], his absolute home ground, a place where he can really cheat, not a bus that can come whenever he wants.

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