I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 510 Dean 510 Please hold on!

Chapter 510 510. Dean, hold on!

While waiting for the former dean to ponder, Lloyd also controlled the school district to slow down, then carefully released his inspiration and checked the situation outside.

Well...it's pitch black...

It feels like I haven't gone back to the old campus, nor have I gone to a concrete place. It's just a barren alien space, like an endless ocean.

And it is far away from the academy, and the location is deep enough, as if it has truly entered the boundless deep sea.

How could the former dean throw his body so far away?

But objectively speaking, considering his condition at the time and wanting to preserve the academy as much as possible, this was almost the only choice in desperation, right?

Lloyd thought about it in his mind, and boldly extended his inspiration further.

Soon, he noticed some subtle changes in the further space around him.

I heard some faint sounds in my ears, like some creature was whispering, or something was being chewed into small pieces.

But no matter how much he searched for inspiration, he couldn't find any concrete object, as if it was just an auditory hallucination in his ears.

This made Lloyd feel like he was driving a small boat, floating on a dark sea. Looking around, he saw emptiness and nothingness all around, but he also felt that something was looking at him under the dark ocean. I seem to be appraising the delicious food that is about to be eaten...

And this vast ocean is so heavy and thick that even the all-conquering space storm can only cause some waves on its surface.

Lloyd couldn't help but feel a shudder, experiencing the so-called fear caused by nothingness and the unknown.

Human beings are indeed too small...

Fortunately, this time we used the school district for space travel, and even brought a space storm to protect us. If we really used a narrow and fragile tool like a space elevator, we really don’t dare to do this now...

While Lloyd was thinking about it, the former dean who was frozen next to him suddenly trembled twice and made some movement.

"Well... it should be in that direction..."

He whispered, and with some inspiration, he gave Lloyd a general direction.

But his speaking voice became extremely old and hoarse in an instant, and the lifeless feeling could not be concealed at all. It was not at all like his usual cheerful appearance. It seemed that he had suddenly transformed from an ordinary young man to an ordinary young man. Became a dying old man.

"Are you okay?"

Lloyd asked worriedly.


The former dean simply responded in a low voice, and then stopped talking. He just swayed back to the ground and stopped at the edge of a slightly raised mound, as if he was leaning here to rest, or as if he had already You have chosen your next cemetery.

This... his condition is very bad?

Or just give up?

Lloyd couldn't help but retreat in his heart.

But the former dean seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. He opened his cartoon fish lips with great effort and said feebly:

"Don't worry... you can't die just yet... this is... a normal reaction when you are close to the subject..."

These words reminded Lloyd of his limited understanding of thinking styles or consciousness segmentation.

Theoretically speaking, no matter which method is used, it is not possible to completely separate oneself into two people. If that is the case, it will be over...

Therefore, no matter how it is divided, there must be some connections and influences between separate thoughts and consciousness, and there must be a distinction between primary and secondary.

For example, Hiltina's main body is still the cold rational part, and the emotional part that is close to her is much smaller, so she still relies on rationality in many cases.

This is one of the reasons why Hiltina is not as clingy as Elolo most of the time.

Going back to the situation of the former dean, his current part of the fish head thinking is definitely a minor part, so the closer he is to his past body, the stronger the influence he will receive. He looks more and more old.

Perhaps his memories of the past would have had the same effect. After all, being in this half-dead state must be very uncomfortable, right? If you don't think about this, you might feel better? But once you think about it, you will naturally feel uncomfortable.

It's like the death line drawn by Party A. As long as you don't look at the calendar, you can pretend it doesn't exist. But as long as you look at it, you can instantly imagine Party A's furious appearance...

But these are not the main point. The real trouble now is that the former dean has changed from a chopped pepper fish head to a half-dead salted fish head. How can I find his body?

Lloyd was having some trouble...

But as the saying goes, everything has come, and you can only figure it out on your own.

He first adjusted his current marching posture, first untied the certain restraints on the space storm, and let the space storm entrenched in the school district as a driving force gradually move to the periphery of the school district, wrapping up the school district where he was, which was equivalent to The deep calm is like the center of a storm.

In this way, the speed of drifting in the school area will naturally slow down, but it will also be safer. For the time being, you don't have to worry about any valuables suddenly jumping out of another space and showing off yourself.

At the same time, as it lost its restraints, the space storm suddenly became more active and violent in the depths of this alien space, and it looked like a fish in water. Its scale began to recover rapidly from the previous three parts.

Lloyd's [Space Domination] was much better than before, so the situation was still under his control, but he had to pay some attention to the expansion of the space storm to prevent it from getting out of control.

As the space storm was released and gradually expanded, it could only cause some ripples before, but now it can have some substantial impact on the surrounding alien space, gradually "blowing" away the surrounding darkness, and exposing some hidden things in it.

It was as if a hurricane swept across the desert, but it made an ancient city buried under the yellow sand emerge from the water.

Lloyd quickly released his inspiration to explore the surroundings to see what was underneath.

Hmm? It seems to be a museum or exhibition hall with a rather ancient style?

Then, he heard a panel prompt at the same time:

[Ding~ Madness value +200]

[Ding~ Madness value +323]

[Ding~ Madness value +1842]

Then the former dean whispered weakly:

"It's... there..."

So Lloyd quickly gathered the space storm to avoid destroying the ancient museum, and then forced it into the school district.

The "reborn" space storm has grown to a size that is not inferior to the original in such a short time. Fortunately, it is still under Lloyd's control, otherwise it would have formed another terrible natural disaster...

It's just that the original school district seems a bit narrow for the suddenly fat space storm, squeezing the space that Lloyd can be in to only a small area, which is not even half the size of a small store...

However, with the "space loop" that was prepared in advance before departure, there is no need to worry about the safety of this small area. I'm afraid there is no safer place than here in the entire alien space.

Then the next step is to coordinate with the extra space anchors brought from the equipment department, plus the original ones brought by the school district, and anchor the entire school district with multiple space anchors to prevent it from running away.

This series of preparations took Lloyd more than an hour, and he was busy enough.

"It should be almost done. Let's use the portal to go the rest of the distance."

Lloyd clapped his hands and tried to communicate with the former dean.

The former dean did not answer immediately, as if he had died. After several seconds, he answered in a mosquito-like voice:

"Your grasp of... space... exceeds... my expectations..."

"Alas... At this time, I won't be happy even if you praise me. You should save your energy..."

Lloyd said with a smile, bent down and picked up the former dean, like holding a puppet, and then located it at the ancient museum, and then scratched a portal.

At this time, he definitely didn't dare to go in blindly. He just put his hand on the door first, and then listened to what the guy who liked to beat the drums in his mind said?

As expected, inspiration and weird intuition immediately started to revel...

It seems that this coordinate is not working, try another one...

So Lloyd opened another portal again and tried again...

He kept repeating this process, and the inspiration and weird intuition in his mind kept beating the drums, telling him that no matter where he entered the door, he had to start the feast.

This is doomed to be inevitable. After all, there is a [Brilliant Gold] behind the door. Even if he is dead, even if it is only a part of the body, it is still the remains of a supreme being. For Lloyd, who is only at the sixth level, there is no safe place.

But fortunately, Lloyd had expected this situation a long time ago, and he had discussed a similar plan with the former dean yesterday.

Just like when you have a feast, you can choose whether to sit at the children's table or the adults' table. There is always a place in the area connected by these portals that is not particularly dangerous.

So Lloyd checked carefully again and found a spot where the gongs and drums were not so passionate.

When he touched the portal again, the inspiration and strange intuition were just normal suona and drums. Although it was still very dangerous, at least it was not like other places where the whole place was playing death heavy metal.

After finding such a spot, Lloyd did not rush to act rashly, but first took out large and small storage bags from his body, and searched for various equipment with protective effects, as well as various enhancement and protective potions.

Then Lloyd put on the equipment on himself and released [Projection], letting it carry those equipment that could generate protective shields and protective barriers and pass through the portal first.

At the same time, he did not forget to use special spiritual power release techniques to condense a few more invisible hands, and then pinched his nose and gave his mouth a "ton ton ton" of suffocating medicine.

You know, he usually hates taking medicine, but this time he took the initiative to stuff it into his mouth. It can be said that he really tried his best...

When the [Projection] passed through the portal, Lloyd immediately entered its field of view and adjusted it to a third-person bird's-eye view, just like the perspective mode commonly used when playing krypton gold mobile games, which is more convenient to control.

As a result, he saw several strange-shaped things rushing toward him...

Fortunately, Royd didn't need to control it himself. The simple intelligence of [Projection] had already reacted in advance. Two pairs of metal claws stabbed out like lightning, instantly tearing the precious objects that rushed towards it into pieces.

[Ding~Insanity value +600]

[Ding~Insanity value +600]

[Ding~Insanity value +600]

Damn it, the mobs that just entered the door are all dangerous 6?

Lloyd couldn't help but cursed secretly, and then sighed:

But fortunately, my [Projection] value is high enough, which is much better than those beautiful girls with full health and refinement, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to cope with it...

I never thought that I would become a kryptonian one day?

He adjusted his mentality as much as possible to make himself more optimistic, and then controlled the [projection] to see what those precious things were.

Not surprisingly, they are all indescribable out-of-control people...

It's just that they have been highly alienated and degenerated for who knows how long, so it is impossible for them to provide Lloyd with any memory fragments from his lifetime.

So I don’t know who this student was back then? Or was it someone else who accidentally entered here later?

Lloyd continued to control [Projection] and observed the surrounding environment.

Surprisingly, the lighting here is actually very sufficient. The bright light covers almost every corner. There are no unclear shadows or blind spots, and no other monsters are currently ambush.

The current location of [Projection] is not the main hall of the museum, but more like the foyer where you just entered. There is a long and narrow corridor not far away, leading to the depths of the interior.

Anyway, if you look deeper, you can see some magnificent sculptures and a large circle of glass display cases, but you still don't see any monsters.

"Be careful...I should be in there..."

The fish head with chopped pepper placed beside him was still trying its best to remind him.

"Well, I won't go in for now. I'll get ready in the outer foyer."

Lloyd said, and began to control the [Projection], arranging the various equipment he had exchanged for credits.

The main ones are various shield and barrier generators, with antique design, which is quite convenient to use...

Anyway, after a lot of trouble, the portal was surrounded by dozens of layers of thick and solid shields, which looked more reliable than the city walls in reality.

Then the next step is to use this city wall to advance urbanization deeper step by step.

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