I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 513 There is more than one 513?

Chapter 513 513. There are more than one?

Lloyd laughed at the ‘lack of wisdom’ of these monsters while controlling his [projection] and wandering around the second floor of the museum.

The overall style and layout of the second floor is actually similar to that of the first floor, except that the exhibits are more ‘modern’, but not like the big jump from ink painting style to postmodern abstract or two-dimensional style on Earth, so in terms of artistic elements, it seems that there is no difference with the first floor.

Even the species of monsters are no different, they are all disguised as works of art, waiting there, but they have no reaction to Lloyd’s [projection], and there will be no movement when passing by them.

It was not until Lloyd tried to extend his inspiration through the [projection] that an ancient pottery jar suddenly jumped up, the mouth of the pot opened wide, and a bunch of tentacles gushed out from the inside, trying to capture the approaching prey.

But it could not detect the existence of the [Projection], and ended up just hitting nothing, falling to the floor, jumping around anxiously and annoyed for several times, and finally returned to the original booth indignantly to continue disguising.

So, are these things monsters disguised as artworks? Or are artworks transformed into monsters?

And their desire for prey, or humans, is it the monsters' instinctive bloodthirstiness? Or is it the artwork's need for connoisseurs?

While Lloyd was pondering these slightly philosophical questions in his mind, he controlled the [Projection] to search the entire second floor, and then went directly to the third floor.

The second floor is not far from the first floor, so there is no need to deploy an urbanized barrier here, which can save some resources and time.

When the [Projection] floated to the third floor, the picture in front of Lloyd finally had some obvious changes, and he felt a sense of history and times.

Starting from this floor, the exhibits are mainly various archaeological discoveries that are more ancient, from bottles and jars to various sculptures and handicrafts, to incomplete murals, stone tablets, etc., which have extremely high historical research value.

But Lloyd's attainments in history are not enough, and he can't say one, two, three. If Professor Fernande and Professor Deco come here, they will probably go crazy instantly, right?

In addition, this floor is actually safer than the two floors below. These exhibits are not disguised by monsters, but genuine originals.

So it is not the environment here that gives birth to monsters, but the so-called "art"?

In addition, through the [projection], he can vaguely feel that the "air" on the third floor seems to be different, but he hasn't gone up there himself, so he can't say it for the time being.

Lloyd then controlled the [projection], picked a suitable location, and began to arrange the urbanized shield. He decided to go to the third floor to take a closer look.

Anyway, I'm here...

Although the third floor looks quite safe, various shields are still necessary, just in case.

Besides, these shields are quite useful, and can effectively isolate the restlessness of the monsters on the first and second floors. If Lloyd had not prepared this, he would have been in chaos as soon as he went to the third floor, and naturally he would not have been able to browse quietly.

However, while deploying the shields, Lloyd found that the panel prompt sound beside his ear gradually disappeared, so he looked at the [beacon] that had entered his mind

It turned out that they could not attract forbidden knowledge infinitely, and there was still a "durability". After attracting 3-5 waves of forbidden knowledge, they would become dim and blurred and unattractive.

But even so, it still brought Lloyd a pretty good income of madness value, a total of five [beacons], which helped him upgrade three levels in such a short time.

But why are the forbidden knowledge they attracted all useless garbage? There is really nothing useful, and they are all swept into the "recycle bin".

So the [beacons] left by these monsters after their death, although they can attract more taboo knowledge, lack an effective screening?

Lloyd roughly summarized it, and then before going to the third floor, he took the initiative to walk out of the first layer of urbanized shield, generously exposed to more art monsters.

Then, before they started to get agitated, he used [Distorted Realm] to instantly kill ten of them, put ten [beacons] in his brain, continued to brush the madness value, and then went up to the third floor through the newly deployed space channel.

For such a short distance of two floors, only Lloyd could be so extravagant as to use the space channel to pass through. This behavior made Professor Lawrence criticize it as "wasteful".

It's not a waste of resources and equipment, but mainly a waste of energy and time. For normal people, it is still quite time-consuming and laborious to arrange a stable space channel. That is to say, Lloyd has long been "practice makes perfect", so he can play so extravagantly.

As soon as Lloyd arrived on the third floor, he immediately felt the "difference" he had sensed through the [projection] before. A large amount of spiritual pollution that seemed to be substantial and quite special suddenly came like a tsunami.

[Ding~ Madness value +20000]

[Ding~ Madness value +10880]

[Ding~ Madness value +32307]

The spiritual pollution here is actually different from that on the first floor?

It is obviously stronger and has a higher frequency.

This first impact directly made Lloyd feel the stinging pain in his brain and eardrums again.

This does not include the mental pollution attracted by those [beacons], which is already so strong just emitted in the air.

But fortunately, Lloyd's current [Rationality] has reached over 3,000 points, and he also has [Dizziness Resistance] up to level 10, so even with the doubling of the burden brought by helping the former dean, it is still easy to handle.

Then let's brush up the attributes again, otherwise there is no way to go up to the fourth floor with such strong mental pollution and constant pain in the brain.

It’s just the former dean’s side…

Um? How come his condition actually got better?

Lloyd looked at the half-dead minced pepper fish head shaking his head for a while, and then flew up from his hand, looking a bit like a fish in water?

Not only that, he could actually speak at a normal tone and speed:

"Hiss~ The mental pollution here is so strong? Fortunately, you are the one... Oh no, I mean you are carrying the "Book of Madness", otherwise I am afraid we would both be trapped here..."

"Why did you suddenly come to life?"

Lloyd asked in surprise.

"Because the mental pollution is too strong and blocks the connection between me and my true body, it actually makes me more awake."

The former dean gave a simple explanation and then asked:

"Besides, haven't you noticed? The spiritual pollution here is mixed with a little bit of [chaos]."

After hearing his reminder, Lloyd finally noticed what was different about the mental pollution here.

The atmosphere here is actually slightly similar to the [historical] scene?

"It seems that you have also noticed that as an ancient who died long ago, I am naturally more suitable to live in [history]. The environment here even makes me feel a little comfortable. It should be another big factor that I can recover quickly. The reason."

The former dean continued.

"So, even if you adapt to the mental pollution here, you won't be like before, right?"

"Theoretically, that's the case, but as long as you're here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive the adaptation period just because of the intensity of the mental pollution here..."

As the former dean spoke, he wandered around again, and then asked a little strangely:

"That's not right... I threw this part of my body far away before I died, but why does it appear in this famous museum?"

"This... maybe it's because you have become a collection here..."

Lloyd replied somewhat dumbfounded.

As a result, the former dean did not agree with this conclusion and quickly retorted:

"Huh??? This is impossible, right? If I remember correctly, this museum is a masterpiece of the Time and Art Society. It was a prestigious art sanctuary at that time, attracting countless people. Even I liked it very much at the time. Here, they should not do such a thing due to emotion or reason..."

As a result, as he spoke, he paused again, probably sensing the location of his body, and it was indeed upstairs not far away...

"Damn it, did they really do this?"

The former dean could not help but curse in a low voice.

Lloyd said his further reasoning:

"Perhaps they think you have completely fallen, so they want to leave some commemorations for you here? Although this method is a bit curious, but considering that it was in the twilight era of spreading despair, it seems that it is not Strange?"

"Well... that may be the case, and it's not just me. I also vaguely sensed the aura of other people. They may not only be hiding me upstairs. That's why the mental pollution here is so terrifying, and it's also contaminated. The breath of [chaos].”

This time it was Lloyd who expressed surprise:

"Huh??? This..."

"Really? Crazy, right? It's disgusting. If I had known they would do such a thing, I should have found an excuse to get rid of them."

The former dean said somewhat indignantly.

Lloyd quickly asked:

"Let's not talk about what happened at the beginning, what should we do now? If there is really more than one [Bright Gold] corpse up there..."

"The risk is naturally greater, but you should still find a way to go up and have a look? Anyway, we are here... But the troublesome part is that under the influence of [Chaos] breath, no one knows that the corpses of us will change What is it like..."

The former dean still planned to take risks and added additionally:

"It is precisely because of the existence of such hidden dangers that we cannot retreat. Otherwise, no one knows how things will worsen."

"Well, I understand."

Lloyd gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously, knowing that now was not the time to back down.

A [Bright Gold] corpse is scary enough, but this crazy 'Time and Art' society actually has a collection of many of them. If there is some fusion, corpse transformation, alienation, corruption, etc. in between, I don't know. What heavyweight valuables will be born.

At this time, the former dean noticed the [Projection] floating aside stupidly, and then said with some surprise:

"Huh? This [projection] of yours is indeed extraordinary. It seems not to be affected by the surrounding environment at all, but it exists objectively. It is just right to use it in this situation! Well! This is false] This One of the distinctive features of the system!”

As he said this, he sighed with great satisfaction:

"It seems that what you have gained on the road of [illusion] has surpassed me, at least in this aspect. I wanted to have a similar 'illusion creation', but all my attempts ended in failure... This also shows that it is the right choice for you not to follow my old path."

For this sudden compliment, Lloyd just smiled, and then replied modestly:

"You are too kind. My excellence is also based on my own efforts and your shoulders."

The former dean was choked by him and wanted to say something but stopped...

Lloyd was waiting for his body to adapt to the mental pollution here, while controlling the [projection] to go to the fourth floor and explore the way up first.

As a result, when the [projection] came to the corner of the stairs, Lloyd suddenly realized that something was wrong. He felt a bad feedback from the [projection] and quickly took it back.

"What's wrong?"

The former dean asked hurriedly.

Lloyd pinched his chin and thought seriously before answering:

"The [chaos] aura above is stronger than this layer, and it has caused some kind of temporarily unknown interference to the [projection]. If the distance is too far, I will lose control of it and it will collapse on its own."

"Huh? There is such a thing? It doesn't work even at such a short distance?"

The former dean was a little surprised by this, so he floated around again, and then said suspiciously:

"Although I don't question your judgment, this doesn't make sense? Your [projection] will not be affected much in that [history]. That is a serious chaos field. How can it be disturbed by these auras now?"

The more he talked, the more he felt that something was wrong, so he floated around for a while, and then suddenly froze.

"No! This place... has someone else been here besides us!"


Lloyd was shocked.

With such terrible mental pollution and such strange and fierce monsters guarding the place, how can anyone else come in?

But just as he was feeling surprised, his keen sense of spatial changes suddenly reminded him that a wave of spatial fluctuations was coming from a long and narrow corridor in the distance.

It was like a portal was opening?

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