Chapter 516 516. Temple?

Before actually ascending to the fourth floor, Lloyd had imagined what it would be like here and had fully prepared his psychological expectations.

Especially since the former dean just reminded him that something terrible is going on here...

So in the picture in Lloyd's imagination, this place may be very dark and humid, with a pungent stench in the air, surrounded by twisted and squirming walls of flesh, and all kinds of indescribable valuables at his feet. The main theme is a story of curiosity, horror, and Bloody and terrifying atmosphere.

However, when this scene really came into view, it was peaceful and peaceful.

There is plenty of light and sunshine here, with lush green grass underfoot and a blue sky in the distance.

Everything seemed to be emitting a bright and soft light, as if wearing a beautifying filter, looking extremely holy and pure.

If you put aside the liquid mental pollution in the air, the air here is sober and the scenery is beautiful, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, and it is easy to think of an unfamiliar word——


In the context of this fucked-up world, sacred is never a good word. It often points to the untouchable, incomprehensible, true unknown and terror.

But at least here, in front of Lloyd's eyes, the word returned to its original meaning.

And in this sacred atmosphere, Lloyd could still feel a clear and vivid pulse of life.

This is why he once thought this place was alive...

This is not the pulse of life emitted by a specific creature. Looking here, I can't see anything moving.

What Lloyd feels may be the word 'life' itself...

Just like parents giving birth to children, it is a more thorough and intuitive interpretation of the word ‘life’.

Something is brewing here, waiting to be awakened and born.

"What...what do they want to do?"

Lloyd asked in a low voice.

"Creating Gods..."

Although the former dean could not move, he still replied in the same low voice.

Lloyd quickly asked:

"Creating a god? You mean... the ritual to achieve the so-called ascension to the gods?"

The former dean gave a disdainful chuckle and replied:

"Ha~ maybe? Who knows? You should also know that I have never been very interested in those who ascend to the gods. From the beginning, I thought it was a ridiculous and naive fantasy. Even to this day, I still don't have much interest in it. Big change, if it weren’t for you, if it weren’t for The Book of Madness, I wouldn’t even have thought of this path.”

After saying that, he paused for a moment, as if he was breathing or thinking, and then continued to add:

"Wait! I remembered the madman who first mentioned the concept of a god to me, and his crazy and naive plan. If his mental state at the time was still normal, then the situation he described to me, It’s still very different from what we see now.”

"Huh? What do you mean..."

"I'm afraid this is not the 'god' we imagined, at least it's different from what I heard about..."

The former dean did not finish his words, but suddenly said:

"Go deeper and see more."

Lloyd nodded and led him forward.

Thanks to the gradual effectiveness of the resistance to mental pollution, I no longer have the feeling of being submerged in water as I continue to move forward, and my mobility gradually returns to normal.

But this is not entirely a good thing, it means that Lloyd's wave of numerical improvements has come to an end.

Fortunately, he also got a lot of attribute points, but Lloyd was not in a hurry to add them yet. He took a rough look at it first and found that it was almost 5000 points. By the time it was reduced to only +1+1, it should be almost the same. That's enough.

However, so many attribute points mean that Lloyd suffered more than 50 million mental pollution in such a short period of time. In addition to helping the former dean share the mental pollution, it is also more than 25 million, which is higher than the previous three levels. three times.

It feels like the panel is about to smoke, and my head is getting a little hot...

And without the help of the panel, or the "Book of Madness", the intensity of this mental pollution would make a saint go crazy...

So if we are to ‘go to God’ in such a ‘crazy’ environment, what kind of God will be created in the end?

With this question in mind, Lloyd quickened his pace and crossed the grassland-like foyer in front of him as quickly as possible, arriving deeper.

And if the foyer in front can give people a feeling of 'promised land', then the broader, more sacred, and more noble area in the depths only made Lloyd think of one word -

Kingdom of God

The place is surrounded by a light mist, but it does not appear hazy. Instead, it adds a bit of mystery to the holiness, and it does not prevent Lloyd from admiring the majestic building in front of him that seems to reach straight into the sky.

That should be the so-called ‘temple’, right? Tall white jade pillars stand everywhere, with exquisite and artistic reliefs carved on them;

There are all kinds of lifelike sculptures all around, with energetic postures, as if they will come alive in the next second, they are also holy and noble, but also weird and curious...

Whether it is the images on the reliefs or the surrounding sculptures, they are all painted in the style of the humanoid monsters mentioned above, and each one is more ferocious and weird than the last, but they are also modified by artistic means to make them extremely noble and elegant. There is some stark contradiction and contrast.

Maybe this is indeed art, but it just doesn't fit with Lloyd's aesthetic...

Of course, it didn’t quite suit the former dean, so he couldn’t help but mutter in a low voice:

"Oh my god... isn't this too ugly?"

"Is this the kind of art you were doing back then?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's these people who are messing around. Our art at that time was still in line with the overall aesthetics of mankind, but it was not so advanced."

The former dean explained feebly, and then urged:

"Let's go in and have a look."

Lloyd nodded and continued to discuss as he walked:

"Hmm... By the way, have you noticed that these sculptures and the reliefs on the columns seem to have not been completed yet?"

"I noticed that there is a large blank space and some decorations are missing. Maybe you want to wait until the conceived god is born before adding them?"

The former dean first made some assumptions, but when Lloyd led him past a sculpture, he suddenly noticed something and quickly lowered his voice and said:

"No! It's not like that! Be careful!"

In fact, he didn't need to remind him. Lloyd himself noticed something strange, and quickly slowed down his steps and adjusted his route, choosing to go further around and farther away from the sculptures.

He felt that these sculptures were not completely dead objects...

Although they are not alive, they seem to come back to life at any time.

They are frozen there motionless, as if waiting for the final ‘finishing touch’.

"This may be some kind of unique chaotic creature, or there may be some weird things mixed in it."

The former dean continued.

"Well... I can even feel them secretly looking at me."

Lloyd responded, quickly released his [Projection] again, and then unfolded [Distortion Realm]

And when he tried his best to avoid these sculptures and finally reached the wide and clean steps of the temple, he suddenly felt a chill on his back and quickly looked back.

The curiosity-seeking sculptures that had previously maintained their respective postures and faced different angles suddenly turned around or turned their heads at some point, all staring at Lloyd's back...

Maybe they'll come to life soon and swarm.

This made Lloyd feel a chill, and he stopped walking up the steps.

"This...I think it's best not to stop..."

The former dean whispered a reminder.

"I know...but being stared at by them makes me nervous."

Lloyd explained, and then...

[Distortion Realm] expands to its maximum, and [Projection] fires up at full power!

Since you feel nervous, wouldn't it be better to smash all the things that create tension?

You like to scare people behind their backs, right?

Then, accompanied by a crisp sound of broken rocks and smoke caused by flying stone fragments, Lloyd's nervousness disappeared in just five seconds.

There is no longer a complete sculpture in front of him, hundreds of sculptures have all turned into broken stone chips.

"Well...this is indeed a solution..."

The former dean said something hesitantly.

Lloyd replied confidently:

“As a young literary and artistic person with a high level of aesthetics, I hate this kind of abstraction the most.”

As he spoke, he raised his head slightly and glanced at the relief on the pillar next to him.

The relief sculpture quickly looked away from him, pretending that it was just a normal work of art.

But having said that, these sculptures are different from the monsters turned from artworks on the first and second floors. Smashing them will not cause mental pollution, let alone leave strange things like [beacons]. .

But that doesn't mean it's all without gain.

"Wait a minute, did you see that!"

The former dean reminded him again.

As he spoke, a weak power emitted from him.

It's not to cause harm or any other effect, but rather...


Then I saw a few drops of dark, asphalt-like viscous black liquid material emerging from the debris of the sculpture, automatically flying in the air, gathering together, and then slowly floating in front of Lloyd and the other two.

"This is... the blood of the Supreme Being?"

Lloyd immediately recognized the origin of this black viscous liquid.

Although it is not the same as the one I have come into contact with before, the shape and color are very different. The blood of the Supreme One I got last time was still in the form of red ice slag.

But there is no doubt that this is the same thing, but I don't know why it has become so black and sticky?

Before Lloyd could think too much, he heard the former dean hurriedly urging:

"Take it away quickly!"

So I quickly took out the strongest container in the storage bag——

This was also obtained by Royd in exchange for credits. It looks similar to the usual lead boxes that hold materials, but it is said to have stronger anti-corrosion, mental pollution, anti-interference and other effects. Self-promotion is currently the most comprehensive on the market. and sturdy container.

As soon as the container was opened, the sticky liquid floated in by itself, and then was sealed tightly by Lloyd.

The former dean breathed a sigh of relief and sighed in a low voice:

"No wonder these things can come alive, it turns out that there are such dangerous things mixed in them."

"This... Is the blood of your Supremes so dangerous?"

"According to the current understanding of the Supremes, the original [Brilliant Gold] was basically at the stage of 'Immortals'. The stronger ones, such as me in my heyday, can probably be regarded as 'Dominant People' in some fields, right? So you know why it is so difficult for us to die?"

"Well... In this case, your collective disappearance at the time was even more weird..."

"Don't think so far ahead. I can feel that there are more of these things deep here. Do you have enough containers?"

"Should be?"

Lloyd nodded.

He exchanged a lot of random things this time, and also exchanged some of these high-grade lead boxes, including some of the largest size, which were big enough to fit a whole person, like a coffin.

This was also because he really wanted to take the body of the former dean back safely, so he made such preparations.

"That's good, this kind of blood is very dangerous, and it is also one of the main reasons why we can't die. If we take them all away, then no matter what those weirdos plan to do next, they will lack key elements."

The former dean explained briefly.

Although he didn't say clearly what the danger of this blood was, Lloyd had some awareness when he collected it before.

If this thing were to be released into the human world, and if it were to be stimulated by a simple stimulus, it would probably be transformed into some kind of terrifying monster...

It doesn't need to be fused with anything, nor does it need to be drunk by anyone. Just this blood itself can be transformed into a monster...

And if it is really drunk by someone or some creature, the result would probably be even more horrifying...

So no matter what the plan of those weirdos is, the former dean's judgment will not be wrong. First, the most dangerous part of the thing should be "confiscated".

So Lloyd continued to move forward, climbed the stairs with a brisk pace, and came to the main hall of the temple.

This place is indeed still in an unfinished state, with almost no decoration, and many places are still empty, looking much more "rough" than the outside.

The only thing inside is probably a pool as big as a children's swimming pool.

And three people sitting around the pool...

And one of them looked very familiar to Lloyd. His ordinary appearance was like the former dean when he was young...

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