Chapter 519 519. Stupid beyond reach

At this time, there were more than a hundred monsters of all kinds gathered in a building that looked like a banquet hall——

This is the area closest to a museum in terms of space. Every mural, every ornament, every carpet, and even every candlestick is a rare treasure that can be put into a museum or put up for auction. Here, it seems like a completely unnecessary extravagance.

It's hard to imagine how much financial resources are needed to achieve such extreme luxury.

Rather than saying it is a banquet hall, it looks like a special treasure house.

However, what is active among them are all kinds of monsters and monsters...

Their degree of anthropomorphism is all very low, and it is considered a rare honor to be able to maintain a human appearance in front of them. Most of them can only rely on some clothes to show their identity, which is basically a perfect interpretation. The phrase 'monkey wearing crown'.

This makes them look not like the owners here at all, but more like gangsters who killed the owner and broke into the treasure house...

Among the more than a hundred monsters, only about thirty are actually doing something serious. Most of the rest are in a fan shape, and the one kneeling in the middle is the most curious and curious. In front of an indescribable and least anthropomorphic monster.

It looks like a lump of sarcoma made up of various human organs, limbs, flesh and blood, but every organ seems to be still functioning. A pair of bloodshot eyeballs are coldly looking at the evil that has just been brought. That monster of news.

It is one of the priests in charge of the temple, also known as the second priest, the first person under the supreme high priest.

On the day when a god is born, it will be ranked second to receive the supreme grace and baptism.

And when that day comes, this treasure-like banquet hall will also be the first place to welcome the birth of the god, and a festive carnival that will last for several months will be held here.

Therefore, it must keep a sufficient number of slaves around it, ready to welcome that moment.

Almost all monsters believe that that day will be in the near future.

However, today, the perfect and smooth plan encountered a twist, and the temple was invaded.

This made the second priest feel very bad, and his tone became more and more restless:

"Useless trash! They are all useless trash! Change people! Change people! Change people!!! If anything goes wrong in the temple, you will all have to pay the price and must offer your firm belief!"

Hearing these words, all the monsters present could not help but shudder slightly.

Obviously, the term "dedicate faith" is by no means a simple literal meaning...

"I'm very sorry, priest. A scholar will take over soon."

"Hmph~ Don't waste my time, and don't challenge my patience. I just want to hear the good news."

The second priest said coldly, and the fat and curious body trembled slightly. The hundreds of slaves crawling around it swarmed up, struggling to lift the luanjia carrying its ugly body, and then swayed toward the exit.

As it moved away, the remaining monsters who were actually responsible for guarding the temple could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief, including the two who were the first to discover the enemy attack.

The strange birdman among them asked his leader in a low voice:

"Sir, what should we do?"

"There is no other way. Find a better scholar."

Their leader replied in a low voice.

The weird cockroach on the side looked embarrassed and whispered:

"But... the five best scholars among the common people have all tried it. If we want to continue, should we go to those noble scholars?"

"Then go look for it. This is their perfect opportunity to prove their faith."


"Nothing to worry about. Just bring my clan emblem and the temple's token."

Hearing this, the two monsters who were the first to take over the matter breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is still difficult and a chore, at least it is not completely hopeless...

In this large tribe, faith is very important, strength and wealth are very important, and human relations are also very important.

Not all scholars are willing or dare to solve the space puzzle left by a descendant of an evil god.

But just before he was about to leave, the cockroach weirdo seemed to have thought of something again, and he boldly suggested:

"Chief, I have an idea... maybe we can try to contact the most humble untouchables? Give them a chance to come and see you?"

Its partner, the strange birdman, also quickly echoed:

"Yes! This is indeed a good idea. As far as I know, those untouchables are also trying to get involved in the esoteric space. If we can select the most intelligent ones among them, even if they cannot solve this puzzle, they can still help us. Eliminating a few wrong options may save the precious lives of several scholars.”

This bold suggestion made the leader fall into silence for a while, and he squirmed back and forth with his curious body, which was covered by his robe, as if pacing from side to side.

Unfortunately, he finally shook his head.

"Although it is indeed feasible to a certain extent, it is still too presumptuous. How can we allow those humble untouchables to set foot in the temple? If the priests find out, they will never let us go."

"What's more, how can you guarantee that those untouchables are willing to listen to you? Do you expect them to realize how great and noble our cause is and let them voluntarily sacrifice themselves for it?"

"Well... your concerns are also what I am considering, but as you can see, if we cannot solve the mystery as soon as possible, the second priest will not let us go..."

"Yes...and I suggest that we can choose some less humble ones among those untouchables, such as the ones in Mizkatok. I believe you all still remember this place, right?"

"Of course, the self-proclaimed smartest person in the world made the stupidest mistake at the most critical moment. He actually chose to hang out with the untouchables outside and ignored our kind invitation. It is simply... stupid. !”

"So if it were them, I think the Second Priest wouldn't blame them, right? After all, he originally agreed to let Mizkatok join us, receive this supreme honor, and grant them civilian status."

" does make sense. So let's do it. Let the messenger send a letter over there and ask them to send the smartest untouchables over as quickly as possible. If everything goes well, then I am willing to come forward and beg the second priest for forgiveness. They refused to join in our folly and offense."

"You are so kind and kind. You are simply a role model and role model for our nobles!"

"You will always be our goal and role model to follow!"

Under such singing and harmony, an unfathomable thing was brewing.


At this time, Lloyd had not expected such an unfolding. He was still wondering why the spatial loop had not been solved yet.

Even the bursts of movement in front were gone, as if they had given up completely.

I really don’t understand what these monsters want to do... Forget it, why should I think about the brain circuits of these inhuman creatures? It's just mediocrity.

In the end, Lloyd chose to give up, and controlled the school district and returned to the academy, and then contained the space storm to form a solid cage for the artwork monsters.

"Go back to your twisted tower first, and then choose a clean and empty floor to store my part of the body."

The former dean on the side reminded him.

Lloyd nodded and asked by the way:

"Okay, should I choose a higher layer or a lower layer?"

"It should be low, preferably underground. After all, dead people should be buried in the soil."

I have to admit that Lloyd really couldn't learn from the previous dean's open-mindedness towards 'death'.

Next, the two went to the deepest three underground floors of the twisted tower.

This place has been renovated into a clean, tidy, spacious and bright underground warehouse by Lloyd at the expense of 'excessive credits'. It is still empty for the time being, with nothing in it. It was originally planned to be used to store supplies after the number of distortion people increased. The results apply exactly to the current situation.

The former dean did not wait for Lloyd to rest, and immediately started on-site teaching, guiding Lloyd step by step, starting from the selection of raw materials, secondary processing and other preparations, and gradually deepened.

In the end, it took the two of them nearly a whole day to deploy this very complex and profound ritual array, and this was the end of the class.

Even though Lloyd's [Ritual Control] has reached level 10, and his knowledge and cognitive level are far beyond those of his peers, he still feels that this class is very difficult.

Fortunately, the former dean may be very unreliable, but he is also very patient. He can take the trouble to teach Lloyd various theoretical knowledge, answer various questions, and directly let him obtain a skill fragment, and use [Ritual Control] 】Already reached level 11.

With the upgrade of skills, this ritual array called [Forbidden Zone] cannot be said to be completely understood, it can only be regarded as swallowed whole.

"Although... I still feel that this ritual array is a bit too high for me now?"

After Lloyd deployed the ritual array, he asked while tumbling the body of the former dean into it.

As a result, the other party actually admitted it openly:

"Indeed, I'm actually surprised that you can master it to this extent. I originally thought that you wouldn't be able to learn it at all. It seems that you are indeed easier to teach than that stupid guy Hazlade."

"Okay...then can you tell me at what stage you mastered this ritual array?"

"Huh? You actually want to compare with me on this? Then I have to give you a blow to prevent you from being proud. To tell you the truth, I mastered this ritual when I was 237 years old. This is an achievement that you absolutely cannot achieve. "

Lloyd: (O_o)??

He was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"How old do you think I am?"

Unexpectedly, the former dean actually asked in a strange tone:

" you really want to know?"

Lloyd opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak...

Finally, he shook his head and said:

"Forget it, it's better not to know."

The former dean then said with a slight smile:

"That's right, okay, the [Restricted Area] has been prepared. If there are other things that are inconvenient to carry, you can also put them in together, and then use your best space ability to build a space passage... …As for how to use it next, you don’t need me to teach you, right?”

Lloyd nodded, indicating that he had figured out how to use this complex and powerful ritual array.

The function of this ritual array, in simple terms, combines suppression, isolation, purification, and even attack, imprisonment, purification, temperature control, and other functions together, and they are all of extremely high levels.

If compared with the array that imprisoned Ai Luo Luo, it is unknown how many times stronger it is. Once the [forbidden zone] is officially activated, it will definitely not accommodate any living creatures...

The array like the No. 9 tower, which is so shaky that it can't even hold a dangerous cicada, is even more incomparable. If the cicada is thrown into this [forbidden zone], it will only take a few seconds to crush it into a two-dimensional cicada.

Needless to say, the isolation and protection are naturally not much to say. Even the breath and spirituality on the body of the former dean can be blocked and covered.

And you can also "set a password" in a very humane way. Unless Lloyd himself comes and uses his own inspiration and spiritual power to "open the door", the effect of the [forbidden zone] can be temporarily unlocked. Otherwise, any creature that dares to trespass will be attacked by the [distorted realm].

In short, all imaginable security measures and isolation measures are available. It is the most powerful among the same type of rituals, and it is also the result of Mizkatok's years of hard work in the field of rituals.

If it is combined with the assistance of space channels and other means, it is not troublesome to use. It can take into account comfort and ease of use. It can be used as an oversized and super safe storage bag.

Anyway, putting things in it is definitely safer than carrying them with you. If you count the super complex space loops that Lloyd casually deployed outside the underground warehouse, it is probably difficult to find a safer place in the world than here.

Like the treasure house of the saints, it is simply incomparable.

So Lloyd stored the [Blood of the Supreme] and [Tears of the Stars] here on the spot, and only kept a small part of them on him for emergency use.

Another amazing, or shocking, thing is that such a complex and powerful ritual is so "small" that it can be accommodated in an underground warehouse.

In Lloyd's opinion, this is as incredible as playing a krypton gold mobile game with an abacus, and it is also the "culprit" that makes it difficult for him to understand and master it.

I believe that when this set of rituals is thoroughly understood, [ritual control] will be far more than the current level.

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