I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 522 522 Deep Sincerity

Chapter 522 522. Heavy Sincerity

After leaving Dean Hazlade, Lloyd went straight to the Materials Department to visit Professor Dell, who was well-educated but not very successful.

As for the messenger in the anatomy room...

Let's talk about it later. He shouldn't die so soon, right?

Lloyd first went back to the treasure house under the tower and took a small bottle of [Star Tears]. Then he went to the Materials Department and asked a classmate for directions.

"Oh? You want to visit Professor Dell? I can take you there, but..."

The classmate seemed very enthusiastic. He nodded in agreement, but then immediately changed the subject and said:

"No matter what you are looking for the professor for, it is best to be prepared to be rejected in advance..."

"Hmm? Is there any explanation for this?"

"Actually, there is no explanation. It's just that Professor Dell is relatively withdrawn? No... It should be a unique personality... In short, if you can't arouse his interest, you will probably be rejected."

"Okay, I understand."

Lloyd nodded.

He is very confident about this.

But judging from the student's words, Professor Dell doesn't seem to be easy to get along with?

Lloyd had already imagined in his mind the image of a down-and-out scholar who was unkempt, unkempt, listless, moody, and particularly neurotic...

I hope my [Tears of the Stars] can play the role of "turning decay into magic"...

Not long after, Lloyd was brought to a separate two-story building by the enthusiastic classmate. It looked like an independent laboratory? There was a plaque hanging in front of the door with the bloody words "No Visitors" written on it.

"Professor Dell is here, but I don't know if the two students he brought are still here. If they are, it's okay. I suggest you talk to them first, so you may have a chance to finish your request."

The enthusiastic classmate kindly reminded again.

This person is really nice...

Lloyd thanked him and walked into the laboratory building.

But just as he entered, he heard a "whisper" behind him.

"Wow? Someone comes to visit Professor Dell again? Didn't you persuade that person?"

"It's not good to persuade him all the time, right? What if he really has something important to say?"

"It's useless. No matter how important the matter is, it can't attract Professor Dell's attention. I'm afraid that the only thing left in his mind is the [Tears of Stars]?"

"Oh~ What a pity... Professor Dell's situation is really pitiful... When I was a freshman, I took two of his classes, which gave me very important enlightenment. How high-spirited he was at that time..."

"Yes, yes, I still remember that Professor Dell was always in the top three on the list of 'most popular professors' in the student handbook. He has always been known for his humility, patience and kindness. Everyone likes him very much."

"Oh... Let's not talk about the past. I have also attended several classes of Professor Dell, and I still remember them vividly. I can only hope that the young man just now can gain something, right? "

"Don't think about it, it's useless, unless that person can take out [Tears of Stars], but is this possible? This material has completely disappeared."

"It doesn't have to be [Tears of Stars], right? Maybe he has some very powerful academic projects on hand?"

"Hehe~ You still don't believe it? Then how about we make a bet, I bet two five-star gold cards, and the young man will definitely return empty-handed!"

"This...you are unreasonable, who dares to bet on such a losing game? Besides, I don't really like playing your game..."

Hearing these people's discussion, Lloyd's impression of Professor Dell has changed a little.

This is obviously a professor who was originally highly respected, but he was trapped and locked in his own research direction, which led to a distorted mentality.

No wonder even Dean Hazlade is willing to convince himself for him, hoping to help him cheer up.

No problem! Leave it to me. Lloyd is an excellent young man who never disappoints anyone!

Lloyd said confidently in his heart, and took out his precious medal from the storage bag and put it on his chest.

But when he came to the second floor, found Professor Dale's laboratory, and pushed the door in, the situation was a little different from what he expected?

First of all, Professor Dale's image was not the dirty, smelly and wrinkled appearance he imagined, but a gentle and handsome uncle?

He also dressed himself neatly and cleanly, shaved his beard meticulously, and dressed very decently, as if he could attend a banquet at any time.

And there was no yelling or emotional instability. Instead, his face was full of calmness and composure. He was holding a cup of coffee in one hand, sipping it slowly, and brushing the "Professor's Handbook" in the other hand, as if he was reading the news on it.

In short, there was no way to connect him with the character of a down-and-out scholar, which surprised Lloyd.

But if you look more carefully, you can detect obvious indifference from his calmness and respectability...

Since Lloyd entered the door, the other party didn't say a word, didn't ask anything, and didn't even look at Lloyd directly, as if he was a transparent person.

Not to mention preparing coffee, tea, etc...

You know, Lloyd specially wore the Outstanding Contribution Medal. In theory, anyone who visits any professor should receive a polite reception.

But this invincible medal has no effect on Professor Dell...

There was no other way, but Lloyd could only hold back his embarrassment and proactively said:

"Hello, Professor Dell..."

He was about to say hello, but before he could finish his words, he was forcibly interrupted by the other party.

"The reference room is on the first floor. If you need anything, you can tell my students."

"No... I came to visit this time because of..."

Lloyd originally wanted to explain his purpose, but this time he was not interrupted, but he couldn't continue.

Because he could clearly feel that the other party did not listen at all, and would not listen.

He didn't even care about the Outstanding Contribution Medal on Lloyd's chest.

This kind of silent indifference and rejection is often more powerful than verbal interruption.

Hiss~ This person is really difficult to get along with...

Lloyd was somewhat unhappy.

In this case, you forced me to skip the conversation and get straight to the point...

He was too lazy to talk nonsense and took out the lead bottle containing a few drops of [Star Tears], opened the bottle cap, and let the unique spirituality inside escape.

Professor Dale, who was still reading the manual with his head down, suddenly raised his eyebrows, then raised his head for the first time and looked at Lloyd.

The expression on his face also changed like flipping through a book, from calm and indifferent before, to thoughtfulness, then to confusion, and finally to shock and surprise.

"This...could this be..."


Lloyd smiled coldly and capped the lead bottle again.

As a result, the next second, the professor opposite suddenly widened his eyes. Thin bloodshot eyes instantly covered all the whites of his eyes, and he roared like a wild beast:

"Give it to me!"

This change was so sudden that it startled Lloyd. He quickly took a few steps back, carefully protected the lead bottle, and asked sharply:

"What do you want to do? Have an academic dispute with me?"

While speaking, [Distortion Realm] has also spread quietly, and even [Offensive Speech] is ready, allowing the other party to experience the abstract culture on earth at any time.

But fortunately, Professor Dell hadn't really gone crazy yet. After being stunned for two seconds, he quickly rubbed his face vigorously and quickly regained his composure.

A kind smile appeared on his face and he explained:

"Please allow me to sincerely apologize to you. I was out of control earlier because I have been waiting for this ray of spirituality for too long..."

As he was talking, a student suddenly rushed in from the door next to him. He didn't even knock on the door. He looked very rude and said in a hurry:

"Professor, I heard that Dean Hazred seemed to have found some stars..."

Before he could finish his words, his face suddenly showed a ghostly expression.

Then he turned around and looked at the unfamiliar Lloyd, and then looked at the professor who had also become unfamiliar.

"This... Professor, this is..."

Professor Dell just smiled and replied:

"It's nothing. I'm fine. You go and prepare some tea and pastries. You want the best ones. We must seriously receive this... Lecturer Lloyd from the Space Department?"

In fact, Lloyd didn't introduce himself at all, but he was still identified by the other party. Although Lloyd had no intention of hiding it, the medal was enough to explain everything.

But it also shows that although Professor Dell is indifferent, he is not "indifferent to world affairs". At least he knows who the most dazzling star in the college is through the manual.

Hearing what Professor Dell said, the student he was leading noticed Royd's dazzling honors student collar and even more dazzling medals. His whole body suddenly stood up like an electric shock. His face was full of excitement and honor, and then he hurriedly I hurriedly ran to prepare tea and cakes.

After he walked away, Professor Dell first activated a set of soundproofing rituals, and then asked impatiently:

"Sir Lloyd, did you see my announcement in the manual that has been ridiculed for several years?"

"I read the announcement, but strictly speaking, you were recommended to me by Dean Hazred...and I just want to use this [Star Tears] to create a powerful and reliable protective equipment. "

Lloyd spoke straight to the point, and then unceremoniously put forward more detailed requirements. For example, the final product should be jewelry suitable for women, and it should be the kind of petite and cute women, and the performance must be strong and reliable. Be convenient and easy to use, etc...

And most importantly, be quick! Tomorrow night is the last line!

Generally speaking, it is difficult for such an outrageous ‘Party A’ to appear on the market.

But Professor Dell nodded and agreed without hesitation, and said quite confidently:

"Then you have really found the right person. Although I am currently mainly in the materials department, I am somewhat accomplished in engineering, and I also know a little bit about art and jewelry processing and design."

His words were obviously modest. Lloyd had seen his impressive resume. Strictly speaking, his achievements in the field of engineering were even greater than those in materials science. The main reason was that he was stuck by [Tears of the Stars]. Lived...

"Well, that's no problem."

Lloyd said, taking out the lead bottle again and throwing it away.

Professor Dell's face suddenly changed again, his eyes and mouth suddenly widened, and he felt as if a severe mental patient was sitting across from him.

Fortunately, the movement of his hand was not slow at all, and he caught the lead bottle steadily, then opened it quickly, stamped his feet anxiously, and said angrily:

"Are you crazy? How could you throw such precious materials over so casually?"

"Haha, let's liven up the atmosphere."

Lloyd scratched his head and smiled, which was a small revenge for his previous indifference.

For Lloyd, is something like [Tears of Stars] very valuable?

He pumped a full well, as heavy as an oversized steel coil...

So it’s not necessarily expensive, but it’s indeed quite heavy.

Professor Dale, on the other hand, held the lead bottle and carefully studied it for a while before smiling again on his face.

"The quality is excellent! The spirituality is much richer than the old products in the academy! But why is there some weird spirituality mixed in it? This slightly affects the purity, otherwise it would be perfect. Fortunately, there is a problem Not too big, just filter it a little to ensure its purity..."

His words were not communicating with Lloyd, but simply talking to himself.

As if that wasn't enough, he continued to add:

"The portion is too substantial. It is more than enough to build a set of medical armor, and it can leave me a lot. So should I return it in full? Or secretly..."

At this point, he suddenly realized that he had actually said everything in his heart when he was too excited?

He had no choice but to explain hurriedly:

"Uh... well... please don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, I just..."

"Haha... It doesn't matter. You just need to help me create the jewelry that meets the requirements. You can stay and study the rest by yourself."

Lloyd said particularly generously.

I have saved so much [Tears of the Stars] and I don’t know how to process them. I will definitely have to rely on others more in the future. So now I naturally have to be more generous and show sincerity to build friendship and trust.

As expected, Professor Dell also felt Lloyd's profound sincerity. If his student hadn't returned in time with refreshments, he would have burst into tears.

"Sir Lloyd, you are so generous! Your existence is an honor for Mizkatok, an honor for academics, and an honor for all mankind!"

Lloyd felt a little embarrassed when he said this...

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