I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 527 The Saint in the Coffin

Chapter 527 527. The Saint in the Coffin

Although the new solution proposed by Tentacle Grass has solved Lloyd's current troubles, he can freely adjust the position of these sprouts, and it is relatively convenient to operate, but Lloyd still doesn't quite understand the principle.

So he took a closer look at Jenkins in the 'live broadcast' and found that he was still confused, as if he hadn't woken up.

Then Lloyd used inspiration to carefully check the moved [Seed of Distortion], and gradually got some ideas, and then asked:

"You used the power of [illusion] to weave a dream for Lao Zhan? Let him pay some power, and then use this power to dig up this bud in some way?"


Tentacle Grass shouted twice and expressed its affirmation with a burst of dancing.

"The brain circuit is quite magical, but why is it so convoluted? Can't you just draw the power from Lao Zhan?"

"嘤嘤! 嘤嘤嘤! 嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤!"

Tentacle Grass explained hard.

One person, one grass, through question and answer and body language, allowed Lloyd to roughly understand the operation process of the Tentacle Grass.

To put it simply, because this [Seed of Distortion] was planted by Lloyd himself, although the Tentacle Grass can draw power from it, it cannot shake its roots or dig it out, so it must rely on the power of Lao Zhan, like Only by going around in a circle like that just now can you realize your new plan.

This feels like a talented Party B came up with a set of exquisite design plans, but ended up being stuck in the internal process for approval...

If it were Lloyd on Earth, he would probably sympathize with Party B, but now, he feels that it is better and necessary to make the process a little more complicated...

However, what really concerned Lloyd was not this relatively cumbersome process, but some of the new abilities demonstrated by the Tentacle Grass in this set of operations.

It can actually create a set of "illusory" scenes in other people's minds, just like weaving a dream for people? And can you draw some strength from it?

This is something humans absolutely cannot do...

Because this is equivalent to sneaking into the depths of other people's thoughts and consciousness, which is a very dangerous move.

But the body of the Tentacle Grass is a thinking monster, which is an innate instinct for it.

In addition, this guy followed him and actually came into contact with a little [illusory] power.

This is not surprising. After all, Lloyd comes back every day to 'check in' and receive the forbidden knowledge about [False]. It makes sense for the Tentacle Grass to drink some soup with him.

It's just that its power in this area is not strong, and it's quite superficial, but it's better than it can do things that even Lloyd can't do, such as the ability to 'weave dreams'.

And this is regardless of distance...

If this ability is used properly, it can quietly carry out many illegal and disorderly activities...

In various stories on the other side of the earth, this ability has been exploited, such as letting a beautiful and lovely girl fall in love with him in a dream; or letting a rich family recruit him as a son-in-law. ; and being in trouble, looking for someone to come to Bang Bang, etc.

It's just that Lloyd has always maintained the character of a righteous young man who hates evil and hates evil. Of course, he will not think about it in this aspect. Instead, he is more concerned about whether this ability can be applied to his mature version of the trial.

At present, in addition to being unable to realize automated operation, my mature version of the trial is also facing another major bottleneck——

Regional restrictions, that is, you must be within the area arranged by Lloyd before you can enter the trial normally. You cannot take it out and play it anytime and anywhere like the krypton gold mobile game.

As for the problem of automated operation, we can still count on 0-006 to help; for the latter problem, there is really no good idea.

So the current wave of 'detour' operations by the Tentacle Grass has actually given Lloyd some inspiration.

Can Tentacle Grass find a way to project the mature version of the trial into each user's mind, so that they can come in and experience it anytime, anywhere, and the power that needs to be consumed can also be directly paid by the user themselves.

Just like the operators of krypton gold mobile games, it is impossible to charge every player's mobile phone. You still have to charge it yourself.

This not only solves the problem of regional restrictions, but also solves the problem of energy consumption that may arise later...

In the final analysis, Lloyd moved the positions of these buds just for aesthetic reasons. It was not really important, but if this small episode could solve a real big problem, that's what he really needed.

Lloyd then told the Tentacle Grass about his current problem, and then asked it if it could still come up with a solution.

Tentacle Grass shook its head repeatedly and spread its hands helplessly, indicating that this problem was too much.

"Then what if you could acquire more forbidden knowledge and enhance your power in [illusion]?"

Lloyd said, then turned to look at the palace foundation, and then suggested:

"Why don't you try it tomorrow? When it's done, you'll be the real project manager!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and saw the tentacle grass crawling on the ground like a slippery loach. He quickly ran back to his glass cover, then continued to lie on the ground and began to pretend to be dead...

It seems that it is very resistant to forbidden knowledge...

Lloyd also walked over with a smile on his face, lifted the glass cover, and then said to the tentacle grass that was holding weeds:

"How about this? I want to find a way to optimize the [Distortion Seed] and improve it into a plug-and-play device. Then you can project the scene I need into the victim's consciousness like you are doing now?"

"As for the power consumed in this process...wouldn't it be better to just extract it from these users?"


The tentacle grass still lay on the ground and responded weakly, probably saying that it could give it a try.

It was like a social animal that was numbed by workplace pua...

"Then let's just settle it like this and wait for my good news."

After Lloyd said this, he left the [Thinking Field] contentedly and started his new day of college life.

And with his departure, the entire [Thinking Field] fell into darkness, and the previous 'live broadcast screen' disappeared.


“No! No! I’m willing to give you everything!”

Jenkins, who was far away in the Eternal City, suddenly woke up from the bed, then looked down at the blue and white striped hospital gown on his body, and saw his familiar bedroom again.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

Millie heard the noise he made, pushed the door open and walked in, asking with concern.

Since the last time James got into trouble, the old couple quickly rekindled their old love, and it seemed that everything had returned to the way it was back then.

Except that their children will never come back...

"Nothing, dear, I just... had a dream..."


"No, no, it was a mysterious, wonderful, special dream..."

Jenkins tried to recall the previous dream, his expression gradually became solemn, and then he lowered his voice and continued:

"In that dream, I seemed to come to a kingdom of God..."

"Kingdom of God? This..."

"Yes, this may not be accurate, but I can only think of this word to describe it, otherwise I will not be able to describe its magnificence and sublimity."

Jenkins said, wanting to tell his wife what he had seen before.

But after opening his mouth, he found it difficult to describe it with words?

No, to be more precise, he could not understand the picture he saw at that time.

Jenkins' visual impression of the place stayed on the conceptual descriptions of magic, majesty, magnificence, manor, and holiness, but he could not describe its specific style and shape.

He speculated that this might be because he was in a half-awake state at the time, and his mind was not very clear?

But this possibility is very small. He prefers to believe that there is too much beyond his cognition, becoming incomprehensible and untouchable.

Then, he remembered that he boldly reached out his hand in a state of blurred consciousness and picked a young sprout on the ground...

He didn't know why he became so bold at this time after being timid all his life.

But fortunately, this action did not cause any punishment or bad consequences, but only a little less spiritual power in his body.

Later, Jenkins' memory was more vague. He seemed to have done nothing, just so quiet, muddle-headed, until he suddenly woke up and let out a subconscious cry.

As his emotions gradually stabilized, Jenkins calmed down, smiled at his wife, and explained:

"I don't know why I want to stay there forever, but fortunately I don't seem to have the qualifications to stay."

"This... I must give you a mental assessment."

Bishop Millie said, and took out a flashlight...

She thought her husband's mental condition was wrong again, or was contaminated by taboo knowledge.

After a round of examination, there was nothing abnormal, his mind was clear, his logic was clear, and his cognition was accurate.

It seemed that he had just had a strange dream?

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just think of it as a magical dream. At least it can make me feel better."

Jenkins comforted.

"Well, then I'm relieved too. Okay, I should go."

Bishop Millie said, and hurriedly prepared to leave, looking like she was in a hurry.

But Jenkins stopped her and asked:

"Are you still busy with the great development? Is His Majesty the Saint still going his own way? Do you really want to carry out a great development in our city?"

Bishop Millie stopped, a little hesitation and embarrassment flashed across her face, but it quickly faded away, and finally settled on determination, and then answered:

"Don't say such things in the future. We shouldn't speculate on the thoughts of a saint without authorization... As for the difficulties and resistance in this, everyone knows it, but it can definitely be overcome. Were we the only ones in the first great development back then?"

"Don't forget, this is the Eternal City, we are the Eternal Order, the first city in the new era, and the first saint of mankind was born, so no matter what, His Majesty's decision should not be questioned..."

"Even if... it's you and me."

What else can Jenkins say after saying this? He can only shake his head helplessly.

After Bishop Millie's carriage left the mansion, he punched the wall with a little anger, leaving a clear fingerprint on it.

Then he asked to the air, as if talking to himself:

"Astra, can I think that this is your betrayal of me and the more prophets who have sacrificed their lives and precious things for your [prophecy]? Have we turned our efforts and sacrifices into a joke?"

"Millie may be able to accept this, but with all due respect, I cannot accept it..."

As he said this, he changed into a decent outfit with the help of the servants, then returned to the study and took out a long-sealed statue of a saint from the drawer.

It still had the classic image of the redeemed saint, a person who slowly melted in the high temperature.

But in comparison, this statue of the saint was more delicate and more realistic, and one could feel the burning and pain of the person from his facial expression.

This was a very special statue of a saint, which could be used for a special [audience with the saint]

But Jenkins had never used it once since he got it...

But today, he was going to give it a try.

So after some preparation, Jenkins entered his [mind field] and came to a scene similar to an underground tomb, which looked a bit eerie.

This is because when I was young and ignorant, I mistakenly entered the field of archaeology, and even fixed my [thinking field] into this underworld style...

This underground ancient tomb was originally very simple in style, without any decoration, not even a coffin.

But this time, there was an upright coffin in the center, with the lid half-closed, and I could vaguely see something inside, as if it might jump out at any time.

Jenkins stared at the coffin for a long time, then sorted out his words, approached, and whispered hello:

"Your Majesty..."

The coffin was silent for a few seconds, and then a hoarse and interfering voice came from inside:

"Jenkins? Long time no see, I'm glad to see you cheer up again."

As the first saint of mankind and the first leader of the new era, the voice of the Redeemer Saint does sound old and in line with his status, but it is not the kind of condescending and domineering look.

On the contrary, it seems very gentle, like the feeling of a good old man.

According to legend, he was able to unite and integrate the forces and resources of the Sanctuary, build this Eternal City, and help himself ascend to the Saint, not by relying on high pressure and violence, but by an innate leadership temperament and affinity that makes people feel like spring breeze. He is a natural leader like a textbook.

This is normal. If he was not such a natural leader, it would be impossible for him to complete those feats in the chaotic and disordered doomsday, and it would be even more impossible for him to give up the enjoyment after the success and come to squat in this big black prison called "Saint".

As for the "superstition" issue that was criticized by Hiltyna and others, it was not surprising considering the sacrifices of prophets like Jenkins...

In the end, Jenkins' attitude was a bit aggressive, and he asked bluntly:

"Why do you want to change the [prophecy] we got at the beginning? Have you forgotten how much we paid for this [prophecy] to become clear?"

The saint in the coffin was silent for a few seconds, but still answered in a calm and gentle tone:

"No, I always remember the sacrifices and contributions of each generation of your prophets, and I will never forget it until I fall completely into madness."

"Then why did you suddenly launch a round of major development?"

Jenkins asked again.

The saint in the coffin answered very calmly:

"Because I saw a fork in the road in that fixed and unchanging future..."

Jenkins was stunned for a moment, and the expression on his face changed instantly.

"What? How is this possible? Were we all wrong?"

"No, no, it's just that this time, we really found the fork in the road of fate, but I don't know what the end of the fork is. Maybe it's just the same ending, but I still want to try again."

"What about the original conclusion? Has it changed?"

"No, the future of mankind is still dim, desperate, and helpless. Everything points to the worst possibility, so this fork in the road is the only opportunity we can grasp."

After such a conversation with the saint, Jenkins' mood suddenly became extremely complicated.

On the one hand, he felt sad for the meaningless sacrifice of his children;

But at the same time, he was happy for the new possibilities of the future of mankind...

These two emotions mixed together, making him not know what to say for a while.

On the contrary, he felt a ray of sight falling on him from a distance. Although there was no hostility or blame, the heavy weight still made his knees weak, his body trembled slightly, and he almost knelt down.

But this made the complicated thoughts in his heart, and only awe remained in an instant.

This is a physiological reaction that the extraordinary people cannot escape.

For Jenkins, who has not [meet the Saint] for a long time, this reaction is even more intense, making him almost breathless.

However, Jenkins did not kneel down after all, and still persisted tenaciously.

But this is not because he overcame the physiological reaction, but a reason that surprised the Saint:

"Huh? On your body... have you been somewhere?"


Jenkins was feeling strange, but the Saint opposite him did not explain to him, but instead said some strange words that he could not understand:

"Although it is weak, it is indeed correct..."

"But... how is it possible? This is an impossible path..."

"Who brought about the change? Mizzkatok? Or Zam'el? Or Hildina?"

"No... it shouldn't be them. We are just pitiful prisoners in a cage. We can't do anything..."

While talking to himself, the tone of the saint became a little strange, and it felt like a mental patient was whispering.

After muttering for a long time, he seemed to come back to his senses and returned to normal. He said to Jenkins:

"Jenkins, thank you for your visit. It helps to see farther ahead at this fork."

"Ah??? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, thank you for your sacrifice and dedication. Let's stop here today. Goodbye, my friend."

The saint talked to himself again.

Jenkins' eyes suddenly went dark, and he returned to reality from the [Thinking Field].

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