I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 542 542 You are in this state, and you still dare to sleep?

Chapter 542 542. You are like this, how dare you sleep?

Although Congressman Dawson, who serves as a representative, is only a marginal figure, he has shown extraordinary diligence and hard work. This safe is full of dirty information about various congressmen and politicians, big and small. Ethical level, economic level, ability level, family level, you name it.

And everyone from the Speaker and the Archbishop to the ordinary clerks and secretaries were spared. They were like a crazy paparazzi, eager to bring down the entire political scene of the Brilliant City. It was shocking to Lloyd to see it.

Not everyone is that bad, there are some smart and capable hard-working elites among them; there are also some clear-minded people who really can't dig up any dirt and can only make a fuss about other people's family members.

So what really shocked Lloyd was that there were too many and too complete.

Zhu Ba was just like that back then, right?

In comparison, what the representative collected was hardly an appetizer.

The key is how does such a marginalized and marginalized character collect these things? Where did the human and financial resources come from? How did you collect so much dirty information without others noticing?

"This is obviously not something a politician can do. There is indeed something behind it..."

Lloyd whispered to himself, rubbed his chin again, and speculated further.

Perhaps the so-called trend of recruiting bodyguards was started by Congressman Dawson who invisibly fueled the trend?

Although it is definitely impossible to completely control those high-ranking bureaucrats with these big and small handles, it is definitely not a big problem if you want them to 'do a small favor' and be 'willful' of.

And if this kind of "little busyness" and "little willfulness" continue to accumulate, one day it will lead to a complete collapse, which will lead to all kinds of chaos and create opportunities that those ancient survivors need.

What's more, in these materials, you can also see the names of some people in the religious order or the three major tribunals...

Therefore, although this group of ancient remnants cannot even untie the space loops they left casually, they are extremely skilled at playing such dirty and dirty tricks. It is no wonder that each of them considers themselves a 'noble'.

Fortunately, the other party's secret arrangement was discovered in advance, and there was still enough time to deal with it. Otherwise, when it really broke out, the consequences would be unimaginable...

Lloyd couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The harvest from this trip was not small, and it could destroy the conspiracy of that group of monsters in advance, but it was inevitably a little disappointing, because there were still no more tangible clues.

Fortunately, Lloyd was not in a hurry and continued to play the 'video'.

After confirming that all the things in the office were fine, the congressman representative stopped taking action in a hurry. Instead, he froze in place for a long time. Then he kept scratching his head and scratching his head, beating his chest and feet, almost going crazy with anxiety.

This is probably because he has confirmed that the most important things are all safe and sound, but for some reason the uneasiness and anxiety in his heart still linger, right?

So he rested in the office for a long time, forcibly adjusting his mood, and did not leave until dusk.

But instead of going home, he changed transportation several times and traveled for more than two hours before arriving at a cigar club in the new city.

Although Lloyd was moving at a fast pace during this process, he could still feel the anxiety of the parliamentarian representatives, all kinds of urging, all kinds of jumping, all kinds of crowding, and always looking left and right from time to time. It was obvious that the anxiety in his heart was getting worse.

But even though this person was so anxious, he still tormented himself and took a detour that was at least twice as long as normal.

This should be enough to show that the next step is probably the highlight.

Lloyd also immediately cheered up.

However, what is surprising is that after this guy wandered around the club and chatted with a few acquaintances for a while, he went back to his private lounge, lit some incense, took another bottle of potion, and then lay down Started sleeping on the sofa?

This time he slept until the end of the 'video recording', and the scene in front of Lloyd was directly connected from the 'video recording' to the 'live broadcast', and he saw that this guy was still sleeping soundly.

Why is this gone? Something's wrong?

He came to this club so anxiously just to get some sleep? Even with the help of incense and potions?

How could he sleep? I was obviously so anxious before.

When you encounter difficulties, you sleep well, right?

Lloyd didn't want to disturb the bait yet, so he took no other action. Instead, he chose to play back the 'video' to see more of the process of this guy entering the club.

So the scene in front of him returned to the time when the congressman representative had just entered the club.

Huh? etc! This club...why does it look familiar?

Lloyd was stunned, and quickly searched his memory, and found that this was not a déjà vu illusion, but that he had actually passed this cigar club?

This place was placed right on the edge of the abandoned city, and it was also on the only way to pass, so he would pass through this place the two times he entered the abandoned city before.

But because the abandoned city area was originally adjacent to the new city area, facing each other across the river, a cigar club located by the river would not appear so abrupt and weird.

Anyway, when Lloyd first noticed this place, he just complained in his heart, thinking that the rich people here actually like to smoke cigars and watch the poor people on the other side suffer? Maybe they are impatient to choose a street lamp that suits them?

After watching the next "video", he realized that the location of this club might really have some special considerations?

However, Lloyd once again "followed" the perspective of the parliamentary representative and walked around the inside of the club, but still did not find any problems.

This looks like an ordinary club, without direct filth, and the people who come and go are all financial elites in the new city, not criminals.

In addition to knowing from various chats that there is a small path in the club's underground wine cellar, which connects to the sewer network here, and then leads to the lower city under the abandoned city, no more problems have been found for the time being.

But this is not a problem. This area has a very complex, maze-like sewer system. Lloyd has experienced it himself. At that time, he climbed directly from the place where the criminals hid the "Book of Truth" to the most prosperous financial street.

There are also some white-collar elites who like to pursue excitement. They go through various secret passages to participate in the messy illegal gatherings in the downtown area.

Hiss... Could it be that this guy took such a long detour and came to the club to sleep just to participate in an illegal gathering?

It's just that it's not time yet, so he took the time to sleep first with the help of incense and potions?

This is indeed possible...

Lloyd thought about it, and then captured an inconspicuous detail in the "video"-

When this guy chatted with acquaintances, the topics he talked about were all insignificant love affairs, or simply commented on the current political news in the newspaper. He didn't mention any great cause or the future of mankind, and certainly didn't mention any ancient survivors.

At first glance, this seems to be fine. Although this guy confessed in front of Lloyd and acted proud, that was Lloyd's trick. When he was chatting with others, he just made big promises and did not confess the mastermind behind the scenes.

But the problem is that this guy should still be in a state of anxiety and panic. Although he can still hold on on the surface and it is not obvious, he should not be in the mood to chat with others, right?

And it is obvious that this club should not have deployed any rituals to calm the mind. There is definitely no way to eliminate the impact of [Distortion], otherwise he would not need drugs to help him fall asleep.

This means that he is forcing himself to chat with others...

You have to know that all kinds of hysteria before this guy have already reached the level of mild madness. Is he still in the mood to chat with others?

"Unless... this kind of 'chatting' is, like the previous detour, an extremely important and necessary link?"

When Lloyd thought of this, a light bulb suddenly lit up in his head, and he quickly pressed 'replay', looked back at the few people he had met in the club, and listened to their chat again.

Good fellow, it really seems wrong the more he listens!

Those 'romantic' talks on the surface, or 'high-sounding talks' about current political news, are all in code, speaking in jargon.

And it's not the kind of 'jianghu cuts' on Earth, which would make outsiders completely unable to understand, but it would also be easy to detect something wrong.

So the content of their chat was more carefully disguised and referred to, so that the eavesdropper could not realize the real content of the chat.

Unfortunately, Lloyd didn't understand this aspect, and the tentacle grass couldn't develop a 'translation' function, so at present, he could only realize that there was something wrong with the people in this club, who were exchanging information through code, but didn't know what they were communicating specifically.

Maybe we can find a way to record these words and hand them over to professionals for analysis and deciphering?

So Lloyd asked the tentacle grass:

"Is there any way to show this video to others?"

"Oh! Oh!"

The tentacle grass yelled a few words, indicating Lloyd to click the meaningless "Collect" button.

With this click, the screen in front of him began to shrink, and finally turned into a crystal clear knowledge crystal.

This made it much more convenient, and it also made Lloyd think of the next plan.

The things found in the safe before must be found for recycling;

And the people in the club need to find out their identities and origins, and it would be best if they could catch a few big fish among them.

Lloyd is not very good at these things, but he has already received the personal promise of the veto saint, and he can find professionals to help.

As for tonight, it's just like this for now, it's already late.

"Not bad, not bad, a very good function, I have gained a lot, you should be the project manager soon!"

Lloyd habitually said PUA.


The tentacle grass still responded to him weakly, just like the sentence that Lloyd used to reply to his superiors:


It felt like the six dots in the ellipsis could hold a lot of curse words.

After compressing the 'video' into a knowledge crystal, the tentacle grass moved out a new screen from behind, which was the real-time live broadcast screen.

It can be seen that although the representative of the parliament is still sleeping, he is sleeping very restlessly. Not only is he sweating profusely, but he is also pale and sweating profusely, as if he is having a terrible dream.

However, under the influence of those incense and potions, he can't wake up in time. He can only toss and turn to endure the torture of nightmares, and he can't wake up for a while.

Asking for trouble is...

Lloyd will not have any mercy on this kind of human traitor, and even wants to increase the intensity to make him more painful.

But considering that although there are some gains and discoveries at present, the real big fish has not been hooked, so this bait should still be able to play a little residual heat, so don't rush to kill it.

"It's getting late, keep watching him for me."

Lloyd told the tentacle grass again.


The tentacle grass still responded softly.

Seeing this, Lloyd asked with concern:

"Oh? It seems that your work enthusiasm is not very high? Do you need me to encourage you?"


"Do you want to try the taboo knowledge of the illusion system? It should be of great help to you."


The tentacle grass was frightened and screamed eight times in a row, and then knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that he would never dare to do it again and would work hard in the future.

You see, isn't the enthusiasm coming?

Lloyd also laughed.

Fortunately, he did not forget the hardships when he was a social animal, so he was not so unkind, so he changed the topic and said:

"Anyway, you performed very well this time, and you should be rewarded, but you don't want the taboo knowledge, and the project manager is not suitable for you at the moment. What do you want?"

After hearing this, the tentacle grass also recovered some emotions and quickly put forward its demands to Lloyd through body language.

First, it hoped that Lloyd could make the glass cover that was originally used to restrain it thicker.

It seemed to be using it as a staff dormitory now, so this request was equivalent to asking for improved accommodation conditions.

Lloyd nodded and agreed immediately, and with a wave of his hand, he made the glass cover thicker.

The tentacle grass immediately went in with satisfaction and danced inside.


It seemed to be really happy...

As for the second request it made, it hoped that Lloyd could move its "staff dormitory" to the "nursery", away from the giant flower bud and the palace foundation that could bring taboo knowledge.

It didn't ask about salary and benefits. It seemed that it cared more about its living environment than these?

Anyway, after listening to it, Lloyd did not agree directly, but promised to move it if its subsequent projects were completed well.

The tentacle grass believed it and said that he would work hard next time.

So Lloyd used workplace rhetoric again to encourage it, and then returned to the bud representing Eloro and [sneaked] to her side.

Even though it was already very late, the daily routine still had to be completed.

As soon as he landed, he saw Eloro's rather indecent sleeping posture, with her long white legs and fragrant and soft jade feet directly displayed in front of Lloyd.

It was a pity that he was really tired today and had no mood to enjoy it. He just leaned on the side of Eloro's bed, helping her share the mental pollution while falling asleep.


Why is it only 15 o'clock? Add [inspiration] all.

[Ding~ Add points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? ]

[Madness value: 8247/50000, upper limit: 5105000]

[Rationality: 5120]

[Spiritual power: 5120]

[Inspiration: 2850]

[Cognition: 5120]

[System: Distortion LV6, Denial LV6, Delusion]

Lloyd got up early as usual, but he didn't get much this morning.

Hiltina seemed to be a little "quiet" last night, and didn't suffer much mental pollution. The foundation of the palace was not very good, so she only gave a fragment, and the Madness value I got from Eloro last night was added to make up for the 15 points, which was much less than yesterday.

I was thinking of catching two "artworks" to make up for it, but I changed my mind and decided to forget it. Lloyd was in a bad mood because he didn't get enough sleep last night and there were a lot of things to do today.

Of course, I still have to make breakfast for my sister and comb her hair.

Before leaving the [Thinking Field], Lloyd looked at the situation of the parliamentary representative again.

He did wake up, or rather, he was freed from the nightmare.

He was tortured all night, so he looked pale and weak, as if he needed to be admitted to a mental hospital. He could not find the high spirits he had yesterday.

He struggled to get up several times, but was powerless.

It seems that if the skill [Seed of Distortion] is really used to harm people, it is still quite powerful and insidious...

Lloyd would not sympathize with this traitor, but would find someone to confiscate his "private collection".

This guy couldn't even get up, and he certainly couldn't go back to the office, so this process would definitely not be hindered at all.

So Lloyd went to complete his morning routine with peace of mind.

Everrole is already a superhuman, but somehow she still stays in bed? She won't get out of bed until Lloyd comes over to hug her and rub her forehead.

Isn't this the same as before?

"Good morning~ How do you feel on your first day as a superhuman?"

"Huh~ Nothing much has changed? I still feel sleepy and want to sleep..."

Everrole said softly, rubbing her eyes hard, tilting her head slightly, squinting her eyes and looking at her brother in front of her.

Then, for some reason, she actually had some inspiration and looked towards Lloyd.

That would definitely not end well, and she was "burned" and cried.

"Oh, oh, oh... Why do I feel like I've touched red-hot iron?"

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