Chapter 562 562. Next...

The body of this deacon, like other ancient survivors, is a kind of monster with a little anthropomorphic elements. It is covered with tentacles and limbs, which looks particularly weird and curious, and can make people with polypod phobia die on the spot.

It is just smaller than other ancient survivors that Lloyd has seen before, and it is very plastic. After curling up all the tentacles and limbs, it can disguise itself as a fat man with a big belly.

And its body tissue structure seems to be in the category of organic matter, and it is not lacking in elasticity and flexibility. Looking at these two indicators alone, it is no different from human muscle tissue, but both toughness and hardness are no less than reinforced concrete, just like a wall.

Such a structure is simply against both physics and biological common sense, which can make the predecessors of these two disciplines angry and resurrected.

Lloyd couldn't help but think of the equally unscientific 'adaptive defense characteristics' of the demon. As long as you cut it with a scalpel for a while, it will gradually become immune to the scalpel.

It seems that this deacon also has this characteristic that is obviously beyond the scope of science?

Lloyd thought about it at any time, wondering if the messenger captured by the academy also has such characteristics?

Although that thing fell into the hands of the medical department and was dissected into a pool of mud, it is still alive, and even its thinking consciousness is clear. The tenacity of this vitality is terrifying.

Anyway, overall, if you simply compare the physical strength, then today's humans, no matter how they change their life forms, are definitely not as good as this group of ancient survivors.

But this is also reasonable. This group of ancient survivors are hiding in a dangerous space. Without this tenacious vitality, they must have been extinct long ago, and they would not have the opportunity to come to the world to cause trouble.

In short, fortunately, there are powerful healing potions and fast charging potions from the medical department to deal with it, otherwise Lloyd really has no good way to deal with this corpse.

It is definitely not okay to just leave it there. This kind of strong body also involves the power of [Twist]. Let's not talk about whether it is possible to resurrect. Just say that in this complex environment, no one can tell whether this corpse will be transformed into something amazing and precious?

"Okay, everything is packed up, let's move on. There should be no substantial threats left in this relic."

Lloyd put away the lead box containing white crystal fragments and spoke again.

Old York was stunned and said something extra:

"Huh? No threat? But didn't this guy say there was another messenger?"

He pointed to the place where the deacon had been lying before. Now there was only a pool of sticky liquid, with a little pungent smell caused by chemical reactions.

"That... has been solved by the way."

Lloyd replied indifferently.



"When? ?"

"How is it possible? ? ? ?"

The four teammates present each showed a look of astonishment.

Although they didn't know what the God's Messenger was, they were present when the deacon was talking to himself just now. They heard the description of the God's Messenger. They thought it was a very terrifying existence, right?

And he was killed silently like this?

He didn't even know what happened?

And from Lloyd's tone, he didn't seem excited or relieved after defeating a strong enemy. Instead, he seemed to have crushed an ant.

So he was also a God's Messenger, right? Can you respect his status a little?

Unfortunately, Lloyd didn't explain much. He was still in a hurry to ask everyone to pack up and prepare to go to the next area.

It's not that he didn't want to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it specifically.

The whole process of confronting the God's Messenger was that Lloyd suddenly felt a strange reaction in the air, but he couldn't tell what the strangeness was, nor what kind of ability he had detected the strangeness.

It was at this moment of review, combined with the "confession" of the deacon in front, that Lloyd realized that the strangeness should be from the chaotic level, the influence of the movement of the Son of Chaos, and was captured by some unknown attribute or characteristic of his body.

But even if he captured this movement, Lloyd at the time did not have a good way to deal with it, because as Hiltina had speculated before, this thing did not exist in the world, and it did not really appear in front of everyone.

This is equivalent to being in a completely different plane from Lloyd. With his current ability and means, it is not enough to threaten this guy across planes.

It's like you can see the splashes and bubbles stirred up by the fish when fishing, but you can't do anything about it.

However, the next development surprised Lloyd and made him a little confused.

He didn't even think of a way to deal with the messenger of God, but the other side reacted first-

It actually turned around and ran away?

And it was a very panicked and panicked escape, like a frightened fish.

But it was precisely because of this hasty escape that more "water splashes" were stirred up, allowing Lloyd to vaguely sense its location.

Then, his [projection] attacked without receiving Lloyd's clear instructions.

Then, [Projection] sneaked into the "water surface" where the Son of Chaos was in a way that even Lloyd couldn't understand, chased him directly, killed him in one blow, and confirmed the kill on the panel:

[Ding~ Madness value +1000]

Finally, [Projection] drifted back to Lloyd's body, feeling quite smug?

It was like a fisherman who couldn't catch any fish and just used a net to scoop it up, not ashamed, but proud...

In short, the whole process of killing the messenger of God was like this, which was even more confusing than the last time he encountered this monster.

Last time, at least Lloyd could see the specific situation with his naked eyes, but this time he couldn't even see it.

The spontaneous behavior of [Projection] is the same as last time, which is an automatic protection behavior after sensing the threat. It is a rare intelligence in it...

It may not be smart enough, and it can't even do simple instructions such as washing clothes, cooking and cleaning, but it can strangle these helpless children of chaos like a sharp harpoon.

It can also make the "Book of Truth" slowly turn to the page that records [Unobservable and Touchable Children of Chaos], and add a sentence to the following description:

"When cruising in the chaotic field closer to the world, it can cause some continuous random accidents based on order in the world."

This supplement of the "Book of Truth" is a conclusion to Lloyd's previous speculation. The various strange accidents that happened in Miss Desda and Wei Ya's home were indeed caused by this precious thing.

The term "based on order" in the description seems to mean that those accidents are not completely random and without reason. There are often some logical connections and causal relationships that can be explained, but the results will develop in a bad direction.

If this process continues, various small accidents that may have been just injuries and illnesses at first will accumulate and gradually deteriorate into a tragedy of family destruction, just like the poor space-based predecessor.

Fortunately, my [Projection] is still relatively strong, worthy of being the work of the Negation Saint, and it also uses the remains of an evil god's offspring.

So, the reason why this big black fish turned around and fled today is because it was afraid of its [Projection], right?

Lloyd continued to analyze and speculate in his mind while leading the team to the next area.

And this group of ancient survivors directly imagined the [Projection] as a real evil god's offspring, and then thought that they had become its followers in turn?

As for the big black fish swimming back and forth near the present plane, is it the ancient survivors trying to find themselves in this way?

It seems that they have unlocked the space loop and saw that the temple in their hearts has been ruined beyond recognition...

In other words, the accidents of Weiya and Miss Desta's family were also somewhat implicated by me?

Because they couldn't find me, they started with the people around me? Or did they want to use this method to force me to show up?

Damn it! If you have the ability, start with me! What's the big deal about dealing with my relatives and friends?

Moreover, they dared not deal with saints like Hiltina and Eloro who had a closer relationship with them, and only dared to bully ordinary people like Miss Desta.

It's really dirty and despicable!

When Lloyd thought of this, he felt indignant and ashamed, and at the same time secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, he handled it in time and did not cause too much bad consequences, and there was still time to remedy it later.

Then next, we have to get rid of this group of ancient survivors as soon as possible, and we can't let them harm our relatives and friends again!

It seems that the attitudes of the two deans before and after towards this group of monsters are still too conservative. If they can be more decisive...

Lloyd was a little dissatisfied with this, but he changed his mind and shook his head immediately.

Uh... It doesn't seem right. I am not sure that I can defeat them now. If I go to war directly, the consequences are really hard to say?

What's more, these guys can also...

This is not surprising. The various weird and curious requirements and "transcendence" methods of the "distortion" system are not originally prepared for humans. Maybe this is the system owned by this group of ancient survivors, which should be what they brought into the alien space when they fled.

I just don't know how well this group of monsters have mastered the "distortion". What level does the level of this deacon belong to among them?

It shouldn't be too high, right? Anyway, I can say that I have no pressure against it and can suppress it easily.

From this, it seems that the two deans are not a problem with their steadiness...

Lloyd calmed down his slightly impetuous mentality first, and then thought seriously about the next countermeasures.

The unexpected crisis of Miss Wei Ya and Miss Desda must have been resolved, and they should not be harmed in the short term.

From the words and attitude of the deacon, it can be found that this divine messenger must be a very precious thing for the ancient survivors. It is definitely not a consumable that can be used as feed at will. It is also very troublesome to use it once, and it requires the sacrifice of many "missionaries".

After we eradicate this den, and then use the list to clear out the spies who have surrendered to the ancient survivors, their forces in reality will definitely suffer a fatal blow. It will probably take a long time to cultivate a force of this scale, and they will definitely not be able to stir up trouble in the meantime.

And I should seize this stable period and find a way to completely wipe out this group of survivors as soon as possible!

Well! Let's do it! Start by completely clearing out this den!

So Lloyd finally spoke in the 'Team Channel' after a long silence:

"The deacon mentioned earlier that for their ritual, this ghost place will gather a large number of believers every night, and we can just wipe them out in one fell swoop."

"Haha, that's what I meant! I can't wait to try this big treasure."

The investigator wearing a ghost mask said, reaching out and stroking the thick black tube that Lloyd lent him, looking very fond of it.

It's okay for men to like powerful weapons, but this guy's description is really a bit unbearable...

Lloyd didn't want to take back this pipe...

When dealing with the deacon before, he wanted to try it, but fortunately Lloyd stopped him in time.

Otherwise, the noise made by this thing would have scared everyone away.

Fortunately, the temporary team completed the "beheading" operation without alerting the enemy. The remaining cult members here didn't know what happened yet, and they still gathered from various messy pipes and forks to the altar in the center as usual.

There was really no vigilance at all.

This was also due to Lloyd's ability to cleanly get rid of the deacon here.

That guy has the arrogance and self-confidence inherent in the ancient survivors. He doesn't take the extraordinary people in the world seriously. He thinks that except for the saints, no one else can threaten him, and he didn't expect that there are people in the world who can master the power of [distortion].

In addition to the various protective measures in this relic, the roar of the devil, the knights of the church that ordinary extraordinary people cannot deal with, and the various insidious and cunning ritual arrangements, if it were replaced by ordinary extraordinary people, there would really be no good way.

This naturally made the deacon even more careless.

So Lloyd directly followed the twisted rituals it deployed on the wall, followed the clues, and easily found its hidden residence.

Then the two [twisted] forces collided slightly, and Lloyd took the initiative without much effort and completely suppressed the deacon.

Even several temporary teammates were a little disappointed. They thought it would be a peak duel, but they were crushed as soon as they came into contact? And they used methods that they didn’t understand at all?

Fortunately, they didn’t take it lightly. While Lloyd suppressed the deacon, he played his experience as a senior investigator and helped discover and eliminate several insidious traps in the room.

There were also two [Distortion] rituals used to counter intruders. After being discovered, Lloyd quickly divided some of his attention to break them, solving his worries.

The next step was to interfere with the deacon's rationality and thinking, making it confess on its own like the messenger before.

It was not until the topic came to the "great cause", that is, the part about resurrecting the gods, that it seemed to trigger some kind of protection mechanism, allowing the deacon to wake up, and while Lloyd was not paying attention, he slightly broke free from the influence of distortion, restored his vision, and glanced at Lloyd.

Unfortunately, it was only a short moment, and Lloyd immediately increased some spiritual power output and easily suppressed it again.

It was just that after the other party woke up, he tried his best to protect his rationality, which was not a good way. After all, rational thinking is the most sensitive and dangerous area.

But it was not a big problem, Lloyd had learned enough from it.

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