I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 568 The first letter sent before 568

Chapter 568 568. The first letter sent before

Although the fragmented memory fragments Lloyd obtained did not provide much useful information, the slightly abnormal knowledge fragments attached became an unexpected surprise?

Why did he gain a batch of [distortion] knowledge after killing this guy?

Lloyd is still puzzled about this. He had executed so many out-of-control people before, but he didn't get any knowledge fragments. He only occasionally "exploded" some useless skill fragments.

As a result, he actually gained a batch of [distortion] knowledge from this deacon, and it was still very safe and would not cause mental pollution.

Oh, right! I remember! When I killed the traitor of the consultant, I also obtained a lot of knowledge fragments, which also upgraded several major skills by one level, and they were all safe knowledge and did not cause mental pollution.

So...a major feature of our [distortion] system is that "self-destruction" can "explode" safe knowledge fragments?

The consultant trained a large number of messy students, so that they could safely acquire this knowledge, right?

No wonder both I and the traitor wanted to kill each other at that time...

Our [Twisted] department is really amazing! We are so good at raising Gu!

Lloyd felt a little proud, and then simply sorted out the new knowledge fragments.

The harvest was actually richer than expected?

If we continue to use the progress bar to describe the knowledge reserve he needs for the next [Transcendence], then these fragments have probably increased the progress by 10%.

Although it is not as good as before, when you can get 30% progress at a time through [Meeting the Saint], but as the saying goes, the past is the past, and now is the present. Now that Lloyd is already at the sixth level, it is difficult to regain the efficiency of the past...

Since he was promoted to the sixth level, Lloyd only performed [Meeting the Saint] once when he was relatively free a while ago, which improved the progress of the [Veto] system by about 3%, and the [Distortion] system has not yet achieved anything.

After that, he was busy with other things, studying [False Trial] and other messy instigations, and there was no more time to [Meet the Saint]. The progress of transcendence was temporarily stagnant.

So today's 10% progress is already precious.

While acquiring this batch of knowledge, he also further strengthened the performance of his two skills [Distortion Realm] and [Distortion Seed].

It just didn't directly improve the skill level, nor did it unlock new functions and new gameplay, but further strengthened the effect on the original basis.

For example, now you can use [Distortion Seed] to distort the victim's thinking consciousness in a more complex way, and it can also be more effective for those strong people with solid attributes, full spirits, and healthy conditions.

[Distortion Seed] is almost the same. The strength and speed of thought distortion and physical distortion have been enhanced; the sensitivity of passive distortion has been improved; the effective range of ability distortion has been expanded.

Anyway, it is still quite practical.

It's a pity that the micro-distortion that Lloyd cares about most has not been improved, which makes people feel regretful.

This may be because this deacon has not been exposed to the level of micro-distortion, right?

In addition to these intuitive improvements in skills, Lloyd also learned two more sets of insidious rituals of the distortion system, which are the chain traps that the deacon had set up in the passage before.

After returning to the academy, you can get a set near the warehouse where you store [Star Tears].

In addition, with the increase of basic knowledge, Lloyd has a deeper understanding of the entire [Distortion] system.

For example, the reason why I was able to easily defeat the butler this time was not because I was higher in rank than him.

This guy was already at the seventh rank in the [Distortion] system. If the skill level can be converted, it is probably higher than mine...

No wonder it was able to find a gap to break free even though it was completely suppressed by me at that time.

But it died in the end and could not completely break free. This was entirely because the attributes and power levels of both sides were too different.

To use a krypton gold mobile game as an analogy, it is like a bare-bottomed five-star character with a 0 constellation and no special weapon, who cannot beat a four-star character with a 6 constellation and a five-star weapon.

So even such a powerful and domineering [Distortion] system still cannot do without the four basic attributes and the power level as the ‘multiplier’.

For example, if I now launch [Distortion] on Hiltina and let her willingly put her jade feet in my hands for me to play with, it will most likely fail...

Her attributes are really much higher than mine, and they are still all ‘? ? ', the power level should be higher than mine.

Lloyd pondered, put down this part of the knowledge fragments related to [Distortion], and continued to sort out the taboo knowledge of the [Illusion] system that he had just acquired this morning.

As for the taboo knowledge provided by the art monsters eaten for "breakfast", it was still directly put into the "recycling bin" as usual. Except for a wave of mental pollution, there was no substantial improvement.

However, after a simple sorting of this part of the knowledge of the [Illusion] system, Lloyd couldn't help but speak and imitated the cat's meow:

"Wonderful! This is exactly what I need!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Hiltina ask:

"Hmm? What do you mean specifically... what do you need?"

Lloyd was stunned and temporarily withdrew his attention. Only then did he realize that Hiltina had already crawled into his arms without knowing when?

She even rested her cheek on his chest and kept rubbing against him, like a spoiled kitten...

And he was concentrating on clearing up the knowledge in his mind just now, and didn't notice her coming.

"Did I disturb you?"

Hiltina saw Lloyd's face as if he had just woken up from a dream, and looked at him eagerly and asked.

"No, no, I just didn't notice you coming."

"Hehe, it seems that when you think about problems seriously, you are the same as me..."

Hiltina smiled sweetly, moved her body up, kissed Lloyd,

After a simple tenderness, she took the initiative to bring the topic back to the point and asked Lloyd about what happened last night.

Lloyd described what happened yesterday truthfully, including the battles with the knights, deacons, and envoys, the small surprises he gave out later, and the deployment of the space loop at the end.

After hearing this, Hiltina smiled sweetly and responded:

"It turns out that the atmosphere that I felt that I hated there disappeared. It was my lover who took action. Hehe, you are so nice."

Uh... She is still as easy to coax as before. Just a little insignificant thing can make her very happy...

Lloyd sighed in his heart and suddenly felt that Hiltina was very cute. He reached out to hug her delicate body and took the opportunity to secretly reach out to the naked jade feet...

Unfortunately, Hiltina saw through it and immediately changed her sitting position and put her legs under her body, making it impossible for Lloyd to start.

"My dear, is there nothing else about me that is attractive? Are you so concerned about my feet?"

"Ahem... No... I like everything about you, ahem... Let's get on with business. You said that you were disgusted with the abandoned city because there was a child of chaos lurking there?"

Hiltyna shook her head, then took Lloyd's hand and held their fingers together to prevent him from touching everywhere. She then explained:

"It's not because of that monster. Although I haven't observed the means of this mysterious monster, based on my intuition, I can be sure that it has only appeared recently."

Her statement seemed a bit irresponsible. The statement of "based on intuition" obviously lacked solid basis.

But she was a saint after all. Even though their relationship had reached the point of discussing marriage, Lloyd did not dare to question the intuition of a saint. He just continued to ask:

"Since you said so... So what you have been avoiding before is the ruins itself?"

Hiltina nodded, and smiled helplessly, explaining:

"My dear, although you have asked me several times, I really don't know how to explain to you how I feel about that place...

You might as well simply understand that there is something I don't like very much, or someone I hate very much. Although it can't pose any substantial threat to me, I don't want to pay attention to it. Do you understand this?"

"Yeah, I understand."

Lloyd nodded, feeling that her statement was like there were a bunch of Internet valuables such as public intellectuals and nephews in that place, which made people annoyed and didn't want to pay attention to it.

"It was not until you temporarily blocked that place with your space ability that I cast my sight over there. You felt it at that time, right?"

"I see..."

Lloyd nodded, and then said:

"It also gave me a strange feeling. It was not the threat and fear caused by the imprisoned demon, but a more complex feeling, similar to your experience. It is difficult to describe in words. Maybe it is because I can't understand it?"

"And then again, a large military base that has been operating continuously in the twilight era was suddenly abandoned by someone, and it was very hasty, and there was no time to take care of the aftermath. This itself seems very strange... I really have to go in and take a look!"

"Well... Then I will find time to go with you?"

Hiltina asked tentatively.

"That's not necessary. Since you are very taboo about that place, don't be stubborn. I will find some people from the history department to go with you. I just don't know if they are interested in the ruins in the present world."

Although Lloyd has made a decision, Hiltina still looks uneasy.

"I'm very happy that you think about me, but... I'm still a little worried..."

"It's okay, it's okay, even other people's gods can't threaten me. Even if I encounter something powerful, I can just run away."

Lloyd said carelessly, and then asked:

"If you can handle that place next, have you thought about how to develop and use it?"

Hiltina shook her head repeatedly, saying:

"I don't know anything about urban planning. If you have any good ideas, just implement them. Anyway, what's mine is yours, and this city is yours too."

"Hehe, for such a large area, I really have ideas, such as building a production base for giant robots or something..."

"Pfft~ You really like this kind of thing? So cute..."

The two chatted for a while, and Lloyd asked about Hiltyna's views on the cult and the survivors behind it.

Surprisingly, Hiltyna was not very interested in some of the problems in her city. She was not as indignant as expected, and just threw it to Lloyd to deal with, letting him take full responsibility.

As for the group of ancient survivors, her opinion was a little special:

"As far as I know, there is no place for this group of creatures in Astra's prophecy, which is both a good thing and a bad thing..."

"But if it is really as you inferred, they are trying to revive a god, then I don't know if the doomsday and the end that Astra saw are related to it."

"And from another perspective, these survivors worship the chaotic creatures as 'god's messengers', so maybe the god they want to revive is also related to it? I wonder if this will affect Astra's prophecy?"

"It just so happens that his prophecy seems to have changed a little during this period... It's just a pity that Astra is not very willing to share the full picture of the prophecy with us..."

"So I thought about it, you can find a chance to visit him, after all, he is the oldest saint, and he has also experienced that era. His ideas in this regard may be different from ours. Why not listen to it?"

Lloyd nodded after listening.

"That's an idea. I just successfully eradicated their den and removed their space channel this time, which can make them quiet for a while. We can also use this time to prepare for the worst."

"Well, if you can be promoted to a saint before they come back, then we have nothing to worry about."

"I'll do my best!"

Lloyd nodded more vigorously, then stood up and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

He still had a lot of things to do today, so he couldn't indulge in the gentleness all the time.

So after reluctantly parting with Hildyna, Lloyd immediately opened the portal and went to Weiya...

Ahem...Although he acted like a scumbag, he came here mainly to deal with business this time, so he just hugged and kissed Weiya, and then ran to find Old York's group to confirm the situation.

As soon as they met, Old York brought good news:

"At least from last night to this time today, no strange accidents have occurred. The situation has at least been temporarily controlled and calmed down... But it will take at least a week of further observation before we can return to our previous daily routine."

Although these words were very tactful, the future father-in-law on the side seemed very happy, nodding to Lloyd non-stop, looking very satisfied.

I don't know how many good things Old York said after he came back...

In short, after Via was temporarily stable, Lloyd rushed to the hospital to visit Miss Desda and others.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw the rich classmate he met last time, talking happily with Brother John on the bed.

I didn't see Miss Desda, she should be in the next ward to take care of Sister Suna, right?

Although John still had a large plaster cast on his leg, he was very excited and said excitedly:

"Thank you so much! In this way, we no longer have to worry about funds, and we don't have to look at the faces of those banks. It's a pity that I can't move now, otherwise I have to... Hey? Lloyd, you are here?"

Lloyd was a little surprised by this scene and asked quickly:

"Huh? Will, you are here so early?"

"I received your letter yesterday and went out early this morning. As a result, the address you left for me in the letter was empty. Fortunately, there was a professional butler present, otherwise I wouldn't know that Sir John is currently recovering here."

After a brief greeting, Will motioned Lloyd to the side to talk, and then in order to avoid violating school rules, he also turned on a soundproofing device.

After making preparations, he immediately showed a helpless expression and changed the subject:

"Also... Can you not use that messenger to send letters next time? It scared the whole alumni association. Several classmates didn't stop and attacked it... Is it okay? Can it still be used? If it caused damage, we can discuss compensation..."

Lloyd didn't even finish listening to the words, and immediately asked back:

"Ah? You attacked it? How come I didn't know?"

At that time, in order to solve the troubles of Miss Desta's family, Lloyd wrote three letters and asked [Projection] to send them to three places respectively.

The alumni association was naturally the first place.

It was expected that Lloyd would be scared by the curious appearance of [Projection], but Lloyd really didn't feel that [Projection] had been attacked? Didn't it come back unscathed in the end?

That's why he asked back like that.

But he didn't expect that this round of counter-questioning would make Will, the rich classmate, speechless...

After a long silence, he shook his head with a smile and said again:

"Forget it...I shouldn't use the standards of ordinary people to look at you, an excellent student...Let's get down to business..."

"In short, the alumni association had a full discussion yesterday, and everyone agreed with your proposal in the letter, so I was asked to come as a representative to negotiate with Mr. John and Miss Desda."


Will said, standing up, standing straight, and then put one hand on his chest and bowed to Lloyd in a very formal manner.

"Please allow me to express the high respect of all classmates to you on behalf of the alumni association..."

"Ah...you are too serious..."

Lloyd replied with a smile.

In the first letter he sent to the alumni association, he did not say too much, and did not even mention the financial crisis of Miss Desda's family, but only mentioned his relationship with their family.

Then he used a more euphemistic way to express that he intended to become the next saint, so he was very interested in the great development, and Miss Desda's family's industry was closely related to him, and asked if the alumni association was interested in getting involved.

In the final analysis, it was to solve the funding gap of Miss Desda's family through financing.

That's no problem, of course. Lack of money is the easiest problem to solve.

As for conveying respect, Lloyd's desire to become a saint is regarded as a noble sacrifice.

After all, for ordinary people or ordinary extraordinary people, saints may be high above and have unlimited glory.

But people who came out of Mizkatok still understand what saints are and know how much sacrifice it requires.

In their opinion, being a saint is almost the same as being in prison...

And a promising S+ grade top student decided to take this path, which is naturally worthy of respect.

And no one would question whether Lloyd could become a saint.

After all, the value of the S+ rating is here, even those classmates in the alumni association who have never seen Lloyd will not doubt the weight of the golden tie clip.

For top students of this level, becoming a saint is not a dream, but a simple plan and planning.

So Will smiled again and said:

"This is not my seriousness, but an indispensable and necessary link. Before I set off, many people reminded me... In comparison, no one cares about such a small matter as capital injection. I can afford the funds you need myself..."

"It's a pity that they didn't let me monopolize this good thing. As soon as they heard that you were the leader, they clamored to get involved. In the end, the equity ratio became a mess. We have to sort it out."

As he said, he sat down again and continued to talk about the business of this trip:

"Before you came, we had reached a preliminary cooperation intention. Next, we will enter the specific discussion stage and then sort out the relevant contracts. I wonder when you will have time to participate?"

Lloyd was confused when he heard this. How could he have the leisure to take care of these trivial matters? So he waved his hands and begged for mercy:

"Oh! No, no, no! Please forgive me for bargaining, just let Brother John and Miss Desta represent me."

Will didn't force it, but suggested:

"Okay... I'm not surprised by your choice. A top student like you really won't and shouldn't put too much energy on such trivial matters..."

"But you have to find a way to convince Sir John and Miss Desta. They care about how much shares you can have and how much say you have. Before you came, the brother and sister insisted on waiting for you to arrive before discussing some more in-depth topics."

"This is their usual style."

Lloyd smiled and felt warm in his heart.

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