I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 582 583 The Foundation of the Most Ancient Saint

Chapter 582 583. The heritage of the oldest saint

After strolling through this maze-like underground fortification, Bishop Milly stopped in front of a thick steam gate.

"Your Majesty is waiting for your arrival there, but you must be careful when you go in."

She reminded quietly.

Lloyd nodded first, and then asked one more question based on etiquette:

"Don't you need to notify me in advance?"

Bishop Milly smiled mysteriously and explained:

"Your Majesty has been waiting for your arrival for a long time."

Uh... I almost forgot that this saint is keen on things like prophecy and metaphysics...

Lloyd cursed, quickly adjusted his appearance, and finally nodded to Bishop Milly.

Bishop Milly retreated into the darkness, and then heard several streams of white steam spurting out from around the gate, followed by the sound of gears turning as it slowly opened to Lloyd.

What is surprising is that the interior is not the expected dark prison, nor is it a biological research institute secretly conducting anti-human experiments. Instead, it is a simple showroom, like a small exhibition hall?

Although it was located underground, the lighting was so abundant that it dazzled Lloyd.

After his eyes got used to it a little, he realized that it was not that he was dazzled, but that the interior furnishings seemed to be immersed in water, with some fluctuations and distortions.

This means that it is filled with spiritual pollution that is like substance...

But they were bound by some magical power and did not leak or extend outside the gate.

A scene like this, or this kind of place where spiritual pollution accumulates, Lloyd had seen before in the place of the embodied saint and his fiancée.

Everyone has almost the same pattern, but the symptoms here seem to be much more serious now...

No wonder he invited himself over.

Sure enough, when Lloyd stepped through the door, he felt as if he had jumped into a swimming pool. He was completely enveloped by the thick, substantial spirit around him, and even his skin felt a tingling sensation.

The panel prompts in his ears were even more like one, reminding him that his attributes were about to experience another wave of expansion.

[Ding~Insanity value +20003]

[Ding~Insanity value +66781]

[Ding~Insanity value +114514]

It looked so turbulent that if an ordinary eighth-level powerhouse came in, he might not be able to hold on for three minutes.

But for Lloyd's current rationality and upper limit of tolerance, that's it, right? A little more doesn't matter.

Even my brain and eardrums don't hurt much anymore. Instead, my skin feels a little itchy and a little uncomfortable.

So Lloyd simply turned off the panel prompts to avoid making his eyes hurt.

Then he deliberately slowed down and walked towards the display cabinets around him, wandering around leisurely to see what was inside.

The results were old, yellowed and faded photos, as well as some broken weapons and pieces of armor.

In the photos, there are either some energetic young people smiling happily, or many people busy and busy.

But there was only this little thing, and there was no explanation or explanation beside it. Lloyd was also confused. He only knew that this might be some memento of the Eternal City's past?

After wandering around casually for more than ten minutes, the mental pollution in the air was effectively purified, and all Lloyd could catch were mosquito legs.

Should I stay for another two or three minutes and the air here will be as fresh as the nature outside?

Oh no, this metaphor is a bit wrong. The nature in this world is not fresh at all...

In short, the situation must be much better, and Royd can save 1,000 attribute points in one wave?

When he saw this number, he was surprised.

This means that he rose to level 200 in one breath and absorbed more than 10 million mental pollution.

Generally speaking, the attributes of an eighth-level strong person are in the range of 2000-5000. Does that mean that the intensity of mental pollution in this showroom can drive two or even three eighth-level people crazy?

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the oldest saint in mankind. His accumulation and foundation are extraordinary...

But just when Lloyd was about to add this wave of attributes, he suddenly heard a smooth and mellow male voice coming from behind:

"I feel much better. Thank you for your help, the future seventh saint."

Lloyd quickly turned around.


He almost jumped up in fright...

Suddenly, a severely burned patient appeared behind him. There were blood-stained bandages everywhere on his body. The rare exposed parts also showed melting burn marks, looking like an unburned candle. .

Although Lloyd had also seen the statue of the Saint of Redemption, he knew that the shape looked a bit evil and weird, and it was very eye-catching, so he had made some mental expectations in advance when he came.

Who knew that the saint's statue had been beautified and processed, and this statue looked even more shabby, and it suddenly appeared behind others...

Lloyd immediately ignored the other party's identity and complained angrily:

"The seventh saint almost died..."

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

The Saint of Redemption also noticed the frightened look on Lloyd's face, so he quickly took out a dark robe as if by magic, put it on, and covered himself tightly.

He explained in an apologetic tone:

"I wanted to have a frank chat with you, so I chose to appear in front of you in my original appearance, but it turned out to have a bad effect. I'm sorry."

After putting on the black robe, he looked less scary, but why did he have to choose black? Doesn't it make him look even more weird? He looks like an outlaw...

Lloyd complained in his heart, but didn't say much. After all, he was very humble, without the arrogant feeling that he had predicted before. Instead, he grasped the two seemingly contradictory temperaments of majesty and affinity very well?

He was majestic, but also amiable.

This was reasonable. After all, he was a leader and hero who stood up in the doomsday era and was honed during that period.

So Lloyd quickly responded out of courtesy:

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty."

"Don't be so reserved. As I foresaw and as you insist, you are destined to become the seventh saint of mankind, so you can relax a little."

The Redeemer Saint said as he took Lloyd for a walk in the showroom.

"Ah... Is this kind of thing really foreseeable?"

Lloyd asked curiously.

But the other party did not answer directly, but looked around and pointed to an old photo on the wall and said:

"This is what the city looked like when it was first built. At that time, we were still very lively and energetic."

The picture was a group photo of a large group of people. Everyone was very young, and they all looked energetic and bright in their eyes.

Lloyd had noticed the photo before. As the only photo framed and hung on the wall instead of stuffed in the cabinet, it must be of great significance, so he could guess something.

The Redeemer continued to take him around the display cases, and then he talked endlessly about the photos and relics, such as who was a hero who died in the fierce battle, and who was an engineer who made great contributions to the city construction.

It felt like he was an old man who had been lonely for many years, and he couldn't wait to share his past with the young people.

Lloyd was not impatient, but listened very seriously, and was full of respect for these pioneers in his heart.

But he still didn't quite understand why the Redeemer would talk to him about the past first?

Didn't he always talk about prophecies? Shouldn't he focus more on the future? Why did he feel like a person living in the past?

It wasn't until the Redeemer introduced the things in the display case one by one that he suddenly said something inexplicable:

"These things will all belong to you in the future, and you can take them away now."


Lloyd was a little confused.

Why do I need these things?

And these are very important memories for you, right?

But before he could figure out how to ask and refuse, he heard the saint opposite him explain:

"You will need them in the near future... and these things do carry my past, but... that is no longer important."

As he spoke, a bandaged hand stretched out from the cuffs of the black robe and tapped lightly on the display cabinets.

The various photos and relics displayed inside instantly turned into streams of light, gathered together, and finally condensed into a large crystal of knowledge.

It was the first time that Lloyd witnessed this operation of converting physical objects into crystals of knowledge, and he was a little surprised for a while.

The Redeemer Saint first stuffed the crystal of knowledge into his hand, and then explained with a smile:

"Don't be surprised, they just came from my memory from the beginning."

It was actually a physical object condensed from memory?

It was really incredible...

Is this the foundation of the old saint?

Lloyd sighed in his heart and looked at the crystal of knowledge in his hand again.

Even this crystal is different from the traditional crystal of knowledge, at least it is different from the one given by the intellectual saint before.

It cannot be read directly like a high-end e-book, and even touching it with inspiration will not have any reaction.

But it exudes a breath that Lloyd is somewhat familiar with...

The breath of [history]...

"What exactly is this crystal..."

Lloyd asked curiously.

But the saint on the opposite side continued to talk in a roundabout way, and said:

"If you want to change the world and go back to the past, you need a more stable starting point, so I hope this crystal can help you in this regard."

"Ah? Sorry... I feel a little confused about your words?"

Lloyd scratched his head and continued to ask:

"Although I don't know how you know it, I do want to change the world and have tried to go back to the past, but these are two completely different things, right? No matter how much change is made to the past, it will not change the present..."

As he spoke, he realized that something seemed to be wrong and gradually fell silent.

Could it be that the power that my [Trial of Illusion] released and could affect the ‘Abyss’ area was related to this?

And the so-called changing the world here is not the kind of expression in science fiction films and TV shows on Earth, which does not mean that if you go back in time and kill someone’s parents, that person will no longer exist, but that a special power will be released, causing some subtle influence on that person?

Maybe this person didn't disappear directly, but turned into another person with the same appearance and memory?

It's a bit like another self in the quantum entanglement theory?

Combined with the chaotic attribute of [history], and the influence and changes caused by various randomness and observation in the chaotic field...

Then, if you want to "go back to the past", the only feasible way at present is to go through your own [Trial of Illusion]

So, the core of changing reality with illusion is to change history?

Lloyd's mind suddenly became a little confused, and many clues and clues that he couldn't grasp before emerged one after another, making him ignore the danger for a while, and immediately stood there, falling into deep thought.

However, when he was thinking about this dangerous problem before, the fierce look did not come down this time, as if he missed him?

Even the inspiration and weird intuition in his mind did not riot, and remained quiet, without disturbing Lloyd.

It was not until an unknown amount of time later that Lloyd gradually came out of his meditation and suddenly realized this different change.

"This... I'm actually fine?"

He looked down at his hands in surprise, then looked up at the Redeemer who had been standing opposite him, waiting patiently, and asked:

"Did you protect me?"

"Not really, but I'm too old and too weak, so I'm not worth caring about."

The Redeemer explained in a very enigmatic way, and then asked:

"I guess you've gained something?"

"Well, I understand what you mean, and I know what to do next."

"That's good, the prophecy has returned to its original trajectory again."

The Redeemer said, with a clear sense of relief in his tone, as if a burden had been lifted.

But Lloyd was stunned and asked:

"Ah? As far as I know, the prophecy you got seems to be very pessimistic, right?"

"Did Hildyna tell you that?"

The Redeemer asked back, and after seeing Lloyd nodded, he continued with a slight smile:

"Then you should also know that different people will have completely different interpretations and explanations of the same prophecy. Whether it is optimistic or pessimistic, there is no absolute right or wrong, and it depends largely on how to interpret it."

These words made Lloyd nod vigorously.

Although he had not touched prophecies much, he often interpreted divination, and all the interpretations he got were also optimistic.

So what the saint meant by this was that the prophecy he got could also be interpreted to produce optimistic results?

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