I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 600 Chapter 602 Why are you like this too?

Chapter 600 602. Why are you doing this too?

After shaping the first two [Silhouettes] into a more classic image of armored warriors, Lloyd was not in a hurry to fiddle with the remaining [Silhouettes] in the form of mochi.

He planned to send an academic project to the art department and find some designers to work on it, making the images of these [Silhouettes] better, more handsome, more heroic, and more attractive to people.

So Lloyd began to mix a drop of [Blood of the Supreme] into each [Silhouette] to make them all active.

Anyway, there is a lot of [Blood of the Supreme] on hand, and if you use it drop by drop like this, you don’t know when it will be used up...

While tossing around, Lloyd suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some changes in the palace?

It turned out that the college had opened another trial on its own, which brought some impact to the palace in the [Thinking Field].

From a visual perspective, the light in the entire palace became slightly brighter, and a few more [silhouettes] appeared, which also consumed some of Lloyd's spiritual power.

"Well... from this point of view, as long as there are trial participants coming in continuously, [Silhouettes] will continue to be generated. In this way, as long as the number of [Blood of the Supreme] is sufficient, there will be no shortage of 'characters' for players to draw."

"According to my current consumption, the [Blood of the Supreme] I have on hand can definitely supply millions of 'characters'. It is not certain that so many people can participate, right?"

"You can also set these 'characters' mixed with [Blood of the Supreme] as high-rarity limited characters. Only players who perform well in the game can receive them, or spend money to draw them. Ordinary players can only play some free characters."

"Let's do it this way. We still have to find a way to solve the 'Krypton Gold Recharge' system. I won't waste time here anymore. I'll go back and study the bunch of taboo knowledge in my mind. I've accumulated it for a long time. I feel that there should be what I need in it."

Lloyd said, casually glancing at his unused attribute points. Unknowingly, there are 1,000 more attribute points waiting to be distributed.

The taboo knowledge I have accumulated for a long time is just this little bit, like a mosquito leg...

Lloyd pursed his lips. After seeing the upgrade efficiency in the "Taboo Library", the upgrade speed outside is not fast enough.

But points still need to be added.

200 points of [rationality], 200 points of [spiritual power], 400 points of [inspiration], 200 points of [cognition], add them to me!

[Ding~ Adding points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? ]

[Madness value: 871/50000, upper limit: 8800000]

[Rationality: 8800]

[Spiritual power: 8800]

[Inspiration: 6520]

[Cognition: 7800]

[System: Distortion LV7, Denial LV7, Delusion]

Alas...I don't know since when, my bucket-like balanced beauty is gone...

For this world, I have really paid too much!

Lloyd sighed in his heart and left the [Thinking Field]


Time flies, years pass by, and time passes quickly...

A week...

Or the time in the academy...

In summary, Lloyd was a bit busy this week. He had to start his own '氪金手机游戏', familiarize himself with the various abilities after being promoted to the seventh level, and deal with a lot of trivial matters.

But the good news is that the '氪金手机游戏' has been promoted very smoothly. Some of the difficulties and pain points encountered before have been well solved after absorbing that large wave of taboo knowledge. Even if they have not been solved for the time being, they have already had a clue and can be polished later.

The first batch of 500 'limited characters' that need to be used have also been prepared. The images are all designed by the art department. There are heroic and extraordinary armored warriors, mysterious robe wizards, and powerful archers, etc.

Anyway, a total of 20 unique images were made into the first batch of 'limited characters' by Lloyd.

Of course, there are also a few beautiful girls who suit his personal taste, all of whom are soft, cute, young, and don't wear shoes.

It's just that these special characters are not intended to be released to outside players, but are kept for Lloyd to enjoy.

You always have to experience the various scenes that you have worked hard to create, right?

Lloyd himself cannot directly enter his own trial, so he can only go in this way.

In addition to the character image, there are also preliminary solutions to the details of the character controllability, development methods, and contact with the outside world. It is possible to try to start a round of "deleted file confidentiality test".

However, the current problem is...

The people in the engineering department are really good at slacking off...

It's been a week, and they have handed over five sets of trial terminals. They also said that they worked overtime to build them. It's already their limit, and adding more credits is useless.

How can you make a good "pay-to-win mobile game" with this group of slackers?

But what makes Lloyd even more helpless is the energy supply problem.

This is a very troublesome problem. Even if we put aside the energy consumption of maintaining the "server", if we just want ordinary people who play the game to exert the combat power of extraordinary people, the spiritual power gap between them must be made up.

Relying solely on Professor Toledo's previous emergency plan is completely insufficient. No matter how many batteries are piled up, it will be useless.

When Lloyd found Professor Toledo again, asked him a difficult problem, and expected him to come up with a solution, the other person actually took out a pistol, put it against his own head, and threatened him viciously:

"If you push me again, I'll shoot myself to death!"

"Okay, don't push me. I'll find another way."

Lloyd waved his hand quickly.

If they are forced to die like this, they definitely can't count on his side and can only find other ways.

But fortunately, Professor Toledo didn't know whether it was out of anger or serious advice, but he gave Lloyd an idea:

"If you want to maintain an energy supply of this scale, it's useless for you to find anyone. How about catching a descendant of the evil god? That one might be useful?"

"Well, okay, I'll give it a try."

"No, brother, I'm joking with you! Don't take it seriously!"

Although Professor Toledo tried to dissuade him, Lloyd had already disappeared.

Just like that, it was time for Lloyd to prepare to return to the living world.

"That's almost it. I'll go home and have a rest tonight. I'll meet up with my old friends from the history department tomorrow to clean up my 'back garden'... I never thought before that Professor Fernand would actually have a lot of knowledge about the real world. I am also very enthusiastic about archeology. I don’t want to catch any fish anymore and I want to come and participate.”

He had made an appointment in advance to explore the abandoned area of ​​Brilliant City, and easily recruited people.

There were three old acquaintances from the history department, Professor Fernand, and two lecturers, Jialil and Randy. As soon as they saw that it was a project convened by Lloyd, they came as soon as they saw it.

And also showed strong interest.

On the contrary, the bald man didn't come. He seemed to be busy studying the documents extracted from the broken library, working hard to restore the power of 'fighting energy'.

A mage-type student is studying fighting spirit, thinking about it really makes me feel inexplicably happy...

As a manpower vacancy, the last missing candidate was Royd, who invited his neighbor Dr. Maomao based on safety considerations.


Dr. Maomao was very surprised by this. He didn't know why Lloyd invited him from the Department of Medicine?

Lloyd explained:

"I'm just afraid of encountering any danger and not getting timely treatment..."

"Ah wow wow wow!"

Dr. Maomao immediately agreed and acted very generously.

What a good person he is!

So just like that, after agreeing on tomorrow's itinerary, Lloyd returned to the world with the little milk cat.

As soon as he landed, he heard a burst of movement from the kitchen.

He thought it was his sister coming back, but when he went in, he found that it was Wei Ya who was fiddling with a dish on the stove?

"Huh? Why do you have the key to my house?"

Lloyd asked in surprise, and then looked at Wei Ya's dress.

Apart from an apron, she only wore a pair of black knee-high socks. She didn't even wear shoes, exposing a large area of ​​her smooth and delicate back, making people wonder whether she wanted Lloyd to eat, or to eat herself?

As expected, Wei Ya turned around and suggested with a coquettish smile:

"Eat me first and then eat, right?"


Early the next morning, Lloyd got up an hour later than usual. After finally escaping from Wei Ya's entanglement, he sent her away and then ate a few bites of the breakfast brought by her servant, frowning.

"This is really a lackluster and creative thing. I might as well do it myself, right?"

Lloyd commented and asked the little cat at his feet for his opinion.


The little kitten was busy licking the milk basin and could only make a confused response.

"Remember to take good care of your home, and don't make it too messy. Don't run around. You may be caught and eaten..."

Lloyd warned again, then stretched out his hand to open a small portal, and only stretched his hand in.

When he took it back, there was a round little fragrant pig in his hand.

Since Dr. Maomao was with him on this trip, he was the only one left with the little fragrant pig, so Lloyd simply suggested taking it over and playing with the little milk cat.

Dr. Maomao agreed, but he was a little worried about whether his little pet would be caught and eaten?

"Don't worry about this. Although my little girl is playing around every day, she actually works hard. She must have the ability to protect herself."

After arranging various matters in this way, Lloyd opened the portal again and went directly to the place where there were many acquaintances last time, which was the den where the cult members were entrenched.

The people from the Holy Court took over the place nominally, but apart from putting a few seals on the outermost exit and putting up a warning sign not to approach, no more movement was seen.

Even the treasure house full of gold remains as it was when he left it last time, and no one has touched the treasures on the ground.

In this case, Lloyd will not be polite...

He made a 'picture frame' gesture with both hands, and then manually adjusted the 'focus' to frame as much of the items in the treasure house as possible into his hands.

Then the next second, all the messy belongings on the ground disappeared.

Only a few useless bills of exchange and bonds remained on the ground like waste paper.

All the gold and jewelry of some value were taken back by Lloyd into his secret vault.

This operation looks a bit magical, but the principle is actually very simple. It is to build a temporary space channel in an instant and transfer the property into the treasure house.

By the way, it can be screened and only useful things can be transferred.

Anyway, in Lloyd's opinion, it is a simple and easy-to-use way to use space ability, but why is it not written into the college textbook?

It seems that when I can get it done, I have to help the department revise the textbook. I can't let such a simple and easy-to-use method be buried, right?

Lloyd pondered while stretching his hand in the air and constantly gesturing, drawing one portal after another.

On the other side of each portal are teammates who will go on an adventure together next.

The most loyal doctor Mao Mao jumped out of the portal first.

It had made full preparations for this archaeological excavation. Some of its tentacles were wrapped with digging tools such as shovels and hoes; some were wrapped with lighting tools such as flashlights and oil lamps; the rest were not idle either, and were wrapped with some camping supplies and colorful test tubes of medicine.

Even on its head, it specially wore a professional miner's hat with a headlamp, which could be said to be armed to the teeth.

When it saw Lloyd, it asked in surprise:


Probably asking Lloyd why he was empty-handed and didn't make any preparations?

Lloyd could only say with a smile.

"Uh... Actually... Forget it, it's okay..."

"Wow wow wow!"

Doctor Mao Mao responded again, probably saying that it didn't matter, he had prepared a lot of things and could share them with Lloyd.

This made Lloyd even more confused about how to speak, and it really didn't seem to dampen other people's enthusiasm and initiative.

Professor Fernande and two lecturers from the history department also walked out of the portal. As soon as they met, they started to chatter:

"How did you open the portal directly in front of me? Although I was notified in advance, I was still shocked. This is really amazing. Even Lawrence can't do it, right?"

"It also shocked me. If I hadn't been notified in advance, I would have jumped up."

"Yeah, this is the first time I've seen such a situation where the portal appeared before the person appeared. Lloyd, what is your current spatial ability?"

Seeing that they were so surprised about such a basic operation, Lloyd waved his hands with some amusement and explained casually:

"It's no big deal, just a little trick...Okay, let's talk about the next arrangement?"

"Okay, you say, let's make some preparations."

As the history department said, they also began to take out various lighting equipment from the storage bag and put them on, with the same miner's hat as Dr. Maomao on their heads.

Hiss... Why are you doing this too?

What on earth do you imagine this place to be?

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