I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 602 Chapter 604 is still protecting humanity today

Chapter 602 604. It is still protecting humans today

Obviously, the mushroom in front of Lloyd is not a real mushroom.

To be more precise, it is the body of the mushroom, which appears in Lloyd's eyes like this, an image he can understand.

It feels like a three-dimensional thing, because of lighting and angles, it leaves a mushroom-like reflection in the two-dimensional world, but its real body may be a cup, a pen, or even a person with a mushroom-like hairstyle.

Even if Lloyd has opened his spiritual vision and is constantly exploring back and forth with his inspiration, he cannot see the whole picture and can only observe it with his naked eyes.

Even the weird intuition in his mind is very quiet, and there is no reaction to this "mushroom".

Is this some kind of characteristic of a higher dimension? It cannot be peeped at in three dimensions?

If I hadn't tasted a "mushroom" from a higher dimension that year, I might not have noticed its existence?

A guess came to Lloyd's mind, which was not particularly unexpected.

At that time, the ‘good brother’ was looking for food for himself in this barren world. The whole world was lifeless, and the ‘food’ that he could find was naturally from a higher dimension.

So from the perspective of dimension determining level, this ‘mushroom’ and other things that Lloyd had eaten in the past can be regarded as some kind of ancient god...

Although, it is really delicious...

Lloyd still couldn’t forget the deliciousness of this ‘mushroom’, so he approached it driven by memories.

Although it was an existence from a higher dimension, and although it was like a god to him, Lloyd could feel its weakness, almost in a dying state.

Only a little bit of ancient and divine spirituality emanating from it proved that it was still alive.

It seems that after being picked by the ‘good brother’ that year, only this little bit was left. Although it did not die completely thanks to the tenacious vitality of fungi, it could not recover even after many years.

Even so, it is something from another dimension, and it is still extremely dangerous to ordinary humans who have not eaten it.

It is obviously not objective to regard it as a simple "mushroom", or is it more appropriate to regard it as the remains of an ancient god?

So even if it does nothing, just stays here quietly waiting for revival, it will cause various unpredictable effects on the present world.

The previous experimental report mentioned that the industry demon lost control, and the author of the diary was crazy at the end, which may be related to this ancient god.

Even the weird technology of the manufacturing demon may be spread by it?

For the existence of higher dimensions, this kind of thing may be just a few simple mumblings, or a few wisps of spirituality, which are enough to have a huge impact on ordinary humans.

Even if it has become so weak, it is still a huge threat to the present world.

So Lloyd didn't care about reliving its deliciousness, but immediately activated the space loop to seal off the entire underground hole to prevent the weak spirituality from escaping.

Then, he tried to activate [Microscopic Analysis] to observe the ‘mushroom’ further.

Because inspiration and spiritual vision are completely ineffective against this thing, he had to take more direct measures.

At the moment when Lloyd activated [Microscopic Analysis], the whole mushroom became extremely huge in his sight, as if it could occupy the entire world.

Then, it changed into a whole set of complex circuit diagrams, crisscrossing without any rules, like some kind of random graffiti.

No, no, it is completely impossible to analyze, and my eyes will hurt if I look at it for a while...

After all, I am only a three-dimensional creature, and it is really difficult to reach a higher dimension...

Hmm... maybe I can try this?

Lloyd suddenly remembered his special skill, [Supreme Realm - Distortion]

This was a flash of inspiration without any basis, but he just wanted to try it.

So he immediately activated this special skill that once could seal the witch mistress.

The price was that the little [Blood of the Supreme] he carried with him disappeared directly from the storage bag.

When his [Supreme Domain] covered the ‘mushroom’, Lloyd’s vision suddenly became clear. Those completely incomprehensible irregular lines changed again, gradually reorganizing into a group of strange creatures that are difficult to describe in words.

It can be any shape that humans can understand, but it is constantly changing new forms every second, and its appearance cannot be accurately described in words.

It really looks extremely weak and almost inactive. Except for that little bit of spirituality that proves that it is still alive, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a corpse.

Perhaps after a long time, it can be restored to its original state, but Lloyd is no longer going to give it this opportunity.

With the help of [Supreme Domain], Lloyd touched a higher dimension in this short moment, and could briefly touch and understand the existence in front of him.

He seized this fleeting opportunity without hesitation, almost using all his spiritual power to launch a special [Twist]

He wanted to downgrade this ‘mushroom’ to the same dimension as himself in this moment.

Before he actually started, Lloyd himself was not sure if this would work, and he was more of a trial mentality.

This was the only way he could think of to solve this hidden danger.

So after just one second, [Supreme Domain] was lifted, Lloyd's vision returned to normal, and then his face turned pale, and he almost couldn't stand steadily.

There was a piercing pain in his temple, and the muscles all over his body seemed to be torn apart, and he grimaced in pain.

But the 'mushroom' opposite was still motionless, and it seemed that there was no change?


No... not yet!

Lloyd didn't care about resting, and hurriedly activated his inspiration again, trying to lock the 'mushroom' in front of him.

This time, he succeeded!

The existence that should have been untouchable was 'punctured' in this moment, and under the exploration of inspiration, it showed its original appearance.

A ball of wrinkled mycelium-like tissue, that's all.

And the remaining spirituality also disappeared. The appearance that originally looked somewhat fresh was also shrinking and withering rapidly, and finally only the microscopic tissues like the probability of mycelium were left.

This means that it is completely dead, and there is no chance of recovery in the true sense.

Then, the panel issued a prompt to confirm:

[Ding~ Madness value +100]

I actually did it? Really did it?

Even Lloyd himself did not dare to believe that he actually killed an ancient god.

Although the opponent was already weak, it was a being from a higher dimension after all. It was a miracle that he could be killed by himself.

And it was done in a way similar to "dimensionality reduction".

But the madness value given at the end was really a bit...

There was no way. I couldn't fully understand this thing, and it didn't carry the curse of mental pollution. The mosquito legs that could provide these 100 points might be because it had existed in the world for too long.

But no matter what, being able to eliminate this huge hidden danger at such a small cost is enough to make Lloyd forget the pain in his body temporarily.

It's all worth it!

Otherwise, if this thing is allowed to revive, it may be a "mushroom" that can destroy the world.

Phew~ Fortunately, I acted decisively...

Lloyd finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground, took out a lot of spiritual power recovery potions from his waist, and started to pour them into his mouth.

But then again, my sudden flash of inspiration just now may not be a real sudden idea?

But I have witnessed how the ‘good brother’ dealt with this thing. Although in the scope of my understanding, He just pounced on the ‘mushroom’ and wrestled with it, and finally relied on brute force to beat it down with punches and kicks, and then tore off His flesh and blood to feed me...

Of course, this is just the picture I can understand. In fact, whether it is the ‘mushroom’ itself or the punches and kicks of the ‘good brother’, it is definitely not a real fight, but a wrestling from a higher dimension.

Although I can’t understand it, after all, I was fortunate to witness the whole process, record it, and finally taste the deliciousness of the ‘mushroom’, so I know how to deal with this thing to some extent?

However, it was only the ‘mushroom’ in an extremely weak state. The full physical strength of this thing and the ‘good brother’ fought back and forth. I couldn’t imagine how to deal with it, and I didn’t even know how terrifying it was...

Lloyd briefly summarized it in his heart, and at the same time silently thanked his ‘good brother’.

If He had not wandered around and cleaned up the existence of this kind of "mushroom" one after another, who knows what kind of scene would the world be like now?

It might be like the world described in the Cthulhu novels on Earth, with evil gods running around everywhere, and humans are like ants, dying in piles if you are not careful...

My brother, He is really... It's not easy...

When Lloyd thought of this, he couldn't help feeling a little sad. He shook his head vigorously, supported himself and stood up, and then walked to the place where the "mushroom" existed before.

Then he stretched out a finger and gently touched the "mycelium" scattered on the ground.

A few random prompts came from the panel beside my ear:

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1]

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1]

[Ding~ Skill fragment +1]

[Ding~ Skill fragment +1]

[Ding~ Sufficient skill fragments have been obtained, skill upgrade and enhancement, Distortion Realm LV10→LV11]

[Ding~ You can use special skills to initiate a short dimensional distortion]

Uh... That's all?

Not even a madness value?

Lloyd was disappointed with what the "mushroom" exploded, but when he took a quick look at the knowledge fragments in his mind, he was stunned.

Those knowledge were not something from a higher dimension that he could not understand and could only be swept into the "recycle bin".

But he really could not fully understand it, he just knew what this knowledge was about.

This was also the first time Lloyd came into contact with such special knowledge.

The things involved were actually very simple, just teaching Lloyd how to hunt gods...

This is a kind of knowledge that is difficult to describe in words. It is not a clearly recorded theory, nor is it a method.

Strictly speaking, this is more like a "feeling", "intuition", or it can also be understood as "qualification", "level", "talent".

Lloyd cannot fully analyze it. He only knows that only with such "qualification" can he achieve the exaggerated feat of "hunting gods" and have the possibility of "hunting gods".

Otherwise, any god in his eyes will be an untouchable existence, and he can't even lock the inspiration, let alone hurt it at all, and there is no possibility of "hunting".

And the ability to obtain this "talent" is not only because of those taboo knowledge, but more because he once witnessed how the "good brother" dealt with those things.

So strictly speaking, this is not something left to him by "Mushroom", but a little legacy left by his own "good brother".

Of course, it is definitely not enough to just have "qualifications", and there is also a lack of specific means.

Through these two pieces of strange knowledge, Lloyd can probably understand some necessary conditions.

In simple terms, the attributes must be high enough, the skill level must be high enough, and the strength and life levels must also be high enough.

And the two skill fragments can fill in the gaps in this aspect.

Two skill fragments, just two pieces, actually made the [Distorted Realm], which had not been improved for a long time, change, and also mastered a very powerful distortion method.

Rather than saying it is a reward after killing the "mushroom", it is more like a summary of Lloyd's own experience.

From this point of view, my previous speculation is correct...

I can deal with this "mushroom" today, all because of the foundation laid by my "good brother" back then.

It's just that I couldn't understand His methods at that time, and it was not until today that I gradually awakened these memories.

Hunting gods in a dimensional distortion method...

This is really...

Lloyd smiled helplessly.

If he could choose, he would rather these knowledge and skills be only "dragon slaying skills" forever.

However, this world may really have "dragons"...

Just like the conspiracy brewing by the ancient survivors, it is also related to it.

This way, even if the remnants want to do something bad, I will have a way to deal with it.

Phew~ Thank you, my good brother, I never thought that you are still protecting mankind today.

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