I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 610 Chapter 612 I can't just leave like this

Chapter 610 612. I can’t just leave like this

Lloyd still remembered that the lord had said before that the third priest should be the strongest among the priests, but he could not move around, so he was ranked third.

I definitely can't believe this...

And even if there is a difference in strength, it may still be between equals. The other priests are probably eighth-and-a-half-level pseudo-saints who also have the attribute of [immortality], making them very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, to be cautious, Lloyd thought it would be better not to continue provoking him. He would go back and find a way to advance to the eighth level as soon as possible, and then come back and crush him with hard power. It would be obviously better.

But it’s definitely not okay to just leave like this…

Isn't that tenth priest gathering troops?

It doesn’t make sense if you don’t help it ‘fast forward’, right?

Lloyd smiled and gradually disappeared into the air.

And just after he left the crime scene for a period of time, a crack suddenly appeared in the air next to the big hole left by the third priest, and then slowly expanded and slowly condensed. After several minutes, It was very difficult to open a portal.

Two indescribable monsters came out of the door. They looked like they were pieced together from human and monster organs. They were also covered with a layer of disgusting mucus. They were so strange that they couldn't be described in words.

Their steps were shambling, their movements slow and stiff, as if they had just stepped out of a petri dish.

After slowly inspecting the crime scene, one of the monsters suddenly twitched inexplicably, as if it was electrified, and then opened an eyeball on its back. After looking around, it came out from its abdomen again. sound:

"This old thing actually died? Although I have been looking forward to this day, it is definitely not in this form."

Another monster not far away from it also showed similar symptoms. It also twitched violently all over, as if it had been snatched away. Then it opened its eyes from the abdomen and answered with the mouth on the top of its head:

"The conflict between you and the third priest has made you highly suspicious."

"Wait a minute, my friend. Although the conflict between me and him is indeed irreconcilable, you should know very well that with my strength, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it."

"Well, that's true, but you may have colluded with external forces to murder the third priest and take away the [gifts] it worked so hard to accumulate. You have a clear motive and can get enough benefits from it."

"Alas...my friend, you are too serious. You are always too serious...it's better to put away your suspicion first and find out how this old thing died."

"I agree, this may help you clear your suspicions."

It was obvious that these two curious monsters were under the control of the two priests.

The previous violent explosion and the sudden death of the third priest inevitably alarmed them, so the fourth priest, who was responsible for internal inspections, and the fifth priest, who was responsible for rituals and celebrations and was heavily suspected, used this method to Rushed to the crime scene.

These two monsters are remotely controlled by them in some way. They are equivalent to two temporary clones. They have the same look and feel as their original bodies. They can also release inspiration and activate spiritual vision to inspect the scene.

So as the two eyes on the monster's body turned, the aura remaining in the air gradually appeared in the eyes of the two priests, adding countless fragmented traces to this luxurious courtyard.

"It was a fierce battle. The two clashed hundreds of times in a very short period of time. The murderer is definitely not a good person."

The fifth priest said, controlling the monster to get closer, and then raised an arm that was so deformed that it was slender than a baby, and gently touched the aura in the air.

"Hi~ And it's also the power of [distortion]? The murderer can actually use [distortion] to kill this old thing?"

The fourth priest replied in a particularly solemn tone:

"Although it is incredible, it is indeed a fact. The murderer did not use some unknown power, but the [distortion] that the third priest is best at... Who is this guy?"

"This can finally eliminate my suspicion, right? Apart from the power of the highest priest, what other being can kill this old guy with only the power of [distortion]?"

"Impossible. The Supreme Priest shows no sign of waking up, and it is even more impossible to attack the third Priest."

"Then...could it be a certain descendant of the evil god who has mastered [distortion]?"

"This is even more impossible. [Distortion] is a power that only belongs to us humans, and it is also a power that only we can control... After ruling out these impossibilities, I can only come up with one final guess -

Among the untouchables outside, a strong man who can master [distortion] was born, and he has at least the strength of a saint. "

"Ha~ My friend, I didn't expect that you can occasionally burst out with some humorous cells, but you can actually come to such a ridiculous conclusion?"

"No matter how remote the possibility is, it is the only one."

The fourth priest said very firmly, and then put forward further speculation:

"It is true that the children of the evil god cannot have access to the power of [distortion], but his dependents can. Judging from the various events that have occurred in recent times, the temple was invaded, the military port was destroyed, and the outstanding deacon and a divine envoy were brutally killed. And then to today’s assassination of the third priest…

Obviously, as our great cause continues to advance, something can no longer sit still and is attacking us. "

"Oh... isn't this obvious?"

The fifth priest sighed and said in a sinister tone:

"The irony is that at this time, we are concentrating our few resources and troops to invade Mizkatok? We even mobilized two divine envoys to cheer for the youngest little guy?"

"There is nothing ironic about this. The temple is still sealed. If it cannot be unlocked, our great cause is destined to fail. Therefore, the march to Mizkatok is imperative and must succeed!"

"Haha~ A priest came in person, leading fifty warships, and two divine envoys. Even the most difficult battle to conquer other tribes did not have such luxury."

"So this is enough proof of our determination to conquer Mizka'torque."

"Haha, I had long been calling for the use of troops against those nerds who sided with the untouchables, but in the end you were expecting them to surrender voluntarily."

"Stop mentioning the past, and seize the time to solve the current troubles. The assassin may have escaped, but maybe he has not. Instead, he is lurking down and continues to assassinate our people, including ourselves...

With the help of that evil god's descendant, you and I are not safe. We must find him as soon as possible and solve this big trouble. "

"Ha~ I knew it, so I had already sent my divine envoy to ask for his help. I should be able to capture that guy's movement trajectory in a while."

"This is the best thing."

As the two priests spoke, they fell into silence for a period of time, seeming to be waiting for news from the envoy.

About five minutes later, the eyes of the monster controlled by the fifth priest suddenly widened to the limit, almost popping out of the flesh and blood package, showing unconcealable shock.

"What's wrong?"

The fourth priest asked quickly.

"The envoy I worshiped...has fallen..."

"How is this possible? This is in a different space, the place closest to Chaos. Who can kill a divine envoy in a place like this?"

"I...I don't know. I just prayed and asked God to send His Majesty to search for our enemies. Then...He went to the tenth priest, but immediately lost contact with me. I I can’t sense Him anymore.”


The fourth priest originally wanted to analyze and speculate, but the monster it controlled also had a shocked look, with its eyes suddenly widening and streaks of blood bursting out.

"What happened again?"

"The news just came from my subordinates. They are preparing to invade the temporary military port of Mizkatok. They were attacked by a space storm. Except for the tenth priest who was seriously injured and escaped, the rest have sunk forever in the alien world. In space..."

"Space storm? This...didn't they run away?"

"There was no time. The storm came too suddenly. It swept the military port almost instantly. There was no time to react..."

"How is this possible?"

The fifth priest asked in shock, even wondering if he heard wrongly.

Since it is a 'space storm' rather than a 'space earthquake', it proves that this natural disaster also has the characteristics of a real storm, which is swift, violent, devastating, massive, and traceable.

Therefore, it is often possible to observe it through various means while it is still brewing from a long distance, so that we can respond in advance.

So what the fourth priest said was very outrageous, like the sky was clear and then a tornado suddenly came down and destroyed everything?

So the fifth priest immediately raised a question:

"This is impossible. Your subordinate must have made a mistake. Is he crazy? Or has he been influenced by something and is talking nonsense? This is completely against the laws of nature. Our tribe has dealt with countless countless incidents in history. No matter how many times there are space storms, I have never heard of such a thing."

"There is a possibility and I am confirming it."

The fourth priest said in a panic, not even caring about controlling the temporary clone here, leaving the monster stunned on the spot.

But this monster is not a complete puppet. It still has some simple instincts. After losing control, it immediately started wandering around with a staggering pace, and then unconsciously approached the deep well where the third priest was squatting. edge.

When the fifth priest saw this, he quickly let the monster he controlled speak and reminded:

"Hey! Control your toys, you can't go there."

The monster quickly came to his senses and replied:

"Sorry, I'm busy with the things at hand..."

After saying that, he was about to leave, but the eyeball on his abdomen inadvertently glanced into the deep well and found a faint flash of light inside.

"What is this? A residual gift?"

The fourth priest was a little confused, so he let the monster come closer and took a closer look.

The fifth priest heard this and quickly controlled the monster and came closer, intending to get a share of the pie.

"Oh? There's still some left? Then it's an advantage for us... Huh~ This old guy has accumulated so many gifts and never thought about sharing the profits, even a drop. I don't have to follow him. He made such a fuss."

The two priests then controlled the monster clones and looked down into the well together.

"Is this...a lead barrel?"

The fifth priest asked curiously.

The fourth priest replied in confusion:

"It seems so? But what's with the flash? I just saw it was green, why did it suddenly turn red? And it's flashing faster and faster?"

As soon as the voice fell, the red flash it described suddenly accelerated to the maximum frequency.




At this time, Lloyd had returned to the school district under his control, and with the strengthened space storm as the power, he walked steadily and quickly on the way back.

"After sweeping through the naval port, it not only did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger. How can the wind blow harder and harder? This is really an unreasonable natural disaster?"

Lloyd said with some amusement as he 'looked' at the space storm in front of him, which became stronger than before.

The previous storm that almost destroyed the entire Mitzkatok was divided into three parts by him and stored as a trump card in the bottom of the box. It was not until today that he took it out and tried his hand.

The result was naturally better than expected.

In order to save space in the school district, the three storms were divided and compressed at high intensity. So when Lloyd freed himself from the restraints and released them, it was like loosening a tightened rubber band. The destructive power caused in an instant amazed him.

Everything in the field of vision was shattered in an instant, looking like a landscape painting on glass, dropped from hundreds of meters high and smashed on the hard concrete ground.

Whether it was the new naval port that the ancient survivors had worked hard to put together, or the kayak-class warships moored in it, or the survivors who were busy everywhere, they all broke into countless tiny particles in an instant.

This is definitely a visual spectacle.

The only regret is that the existence time is too short, even shorter than a flash in the pan, less than a second, and those tiny particles were swept into the storm, like some kind of nutrients, allowing it to spread and grow further.

So if Lloyd wants to divide and compress it again, he has to spend more effort and two more minutes.

Fortunately, the problem was not serious. The level 10 [Space Domination] could still handle this scale of expansion.

The space storm was divided into three parts again. Each one was even faster and stronger than when Lloyd captured them. After being compressed and contained, it was used as a power to propel the school district. It was as fast as switching from a small sampan to a rocket speedboat.

So Lloyd was reluctant to open the portal directly to go back, but instead raced a ‘speedboat’ in this vast alien space.

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