I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 619 Chapter 621 Chatting like this is too uncomfortable

Chapter 619 621. It’s too uncomfortable to chat like this

In fact, Lloyd knew a bit about this entertainment street. Many girls, including Metis, had already tried to invite him to play there.

But it has been almost two years since I came to the academy, and this is my first time here.

This street is exactly as expected. It is neither big nor long. It is very lively with people coming and going. Not only are there many students, but also many faculty and staff. It has a very market atmosphere, similar to the commercial street outside every university. .

There are just some more shops that are impossible to find in front of ordinary universities, such as clothing stores and jewelry stores.

In theory, credits can be used for transactions, or real-world property can be used, but except for Lloyd, I am afraid no one would waste precious credits on such a place.

Infected by the smoke from the well, and looking at the beautiful and lovely Metis next to him, Lloyd couldn't help but hum a tune from the earth.

"Huh? This melody is..."

Metis asked curiously.

"It's a ditty from my hometown. What's the market called? It seems to be "The Market of Astartes", right?"

Lloyd asked casually, then noticed a milk tea shop on the roadside, and quickly walked over with Metis.

"What flavor do you want to drink? I'll treat you."

"Eh? Just like you..."

Metis spoke in a soft voice, her pretty face quickly stained with a faint blush, and she couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

Shopping together and drinking milk tea together are behaviors only done between lovers, right?

Anyway...that's what the love magazines say...

Hehe, I'm sorry, Wei Ya, today, let me, a bad woman, take advantage of you a little bit, right?

She was still secretly happy in her heart, but Lloyd's next words made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Hello, please bring me two cups of black pepper, sour and spicy milk tea, and add more fruit pulp."

Now not only the Metis, but also the student clerks in the milk tea shop were dumbfounded...

"This... this classmate... I'm sorry, I didn't seem to hear you clearly?"

"Black pepper sour and spicy taste, add more fruit pulp."

Lloyd repeated it patiently.

"Ah...but we don't have black pepper sour and spicy milk tea in our store..."

The clerk initially looked confused and embarrassed, but Lloyd immediately followed up and said:

"Then let's figure out a way. I can pay with credits."

Upon hearing this, the other party immediately became energetic.

"Okay, please wait a moment!"

Then he rushed back to the kitchen and shouted excitedly:

"There is a super handsome guy outside. He wants to drink black pepper sour and spicy milk tea, and he is willing to pay with credits. Everyone, please think of a solution!"

Metis stood next to Lloyd, looked up at the price list, his dark golden eyes suddenly opened a little wider, quickly shook Lloyd's arm, and whispered:

"It's a big loss to pay with credits..."

Because there are no decimal points in credits, the lowest score is 1 credit. You can go to the Department of Medicine to exchange for a bottle of serious healing potion or spiritual power recovery potion. But here you can only buy a cup of milk tea. It’s just like It's almost a scam.

He doesn't have any money with him, does he? That’s why you say you’ll pay with credits?

Metis thought for a while and said tactfully:

"How about I invite you?"

Unexpectedly, Lloyd was completely ungrateful and said nonchalantly:

"Huh? No, no, no, I have more credits than my bank balance."

Metis was stunned upon hearing this...

While waiting for the milk tea to be made, several other girls came to the store one after another. As soon as they noticed Lloyd in front of the counter, their eyes suddenly lit up. They were no longer interested in the milk tea. They quickly came up to chat with her, showing her petite figure. The Métis were pushed aside.

"This classmate, you are so good-looking, can you get to know me?"

"Huh? I am Lloyd from the [Distortion] department. Everyone is welcome to apply for our [Distortion] department."

"Pfft~ What a cute self-introduction, but...does our college have [Distortion] as a subject?"

"Wait! Are you Lloyd? Wow! He is as handsome as the message board said. Hehe, are you here to buy milk tea? Can I treat you?"

Metis, who was pushed aside, was immediately anxious. Taking advantage of her short stature, she quickly got back to Lloyd and grabbed his arm regardless, as if claiming ownership.

Only then did people notice that there was such a dwarf, and then looked at the height difference between Lloyd and her, and someone suddenly laughed.

"Classmate Lloyd, is this your sister? She's very cute?"

"Nonsense! I am his...his..."

Metis opened his mouth and wanted to argue, but found that he didn't know how to introduce his identity and relationship.

I had no choice but to grit my teeth and say:

"His colleagues!"

"Colleague? What a strange statement... isn't this an academy?"

"Wait a minute, I suddenly remembered, Mr. Lloyd... No, he is no longer a student, he should be called Professor Lloyd!"

As soon as they heard the name 'Professor', those overly enthusiastic girls took a few steps back. Their interest in Lloyd instantly turned into awe, and then they apologized one after another for the offensive words just now.

He even became in awe of Metis beside him and no longer dared to secretly laugh at her for being short. It was obviously a misunderstanding and he thought she was also a professor.

Now Lloyd finally understood why the former dean looked so ordinary, but he was still single...

Fortunately, at this time, the waiter in the kitchen appeared in time with two cups of weird and curious milk tea and placed them in front of Lloyd.

"Sorry for the wait, this is the black pepper hot and sour milk tea with extra pulp you ordered."

"Thank you."

Lloyd picked up the professor's manual, brushed it with the other party, then picked up the milk tea, handed it to Metis, and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, he didn't forget to add:

"Everyone remember to apply for our [Distortion] Department, there are few people, many credits, and loose grading, which is great!"

After saying that, he couldn't wait to take another sip of milk tea.

Hmm~ The taste is unexpectedly good?

The pulp is also very rich, almost half a cup.

And Metis beside him looked at the dark cup of milk tea with a layer of chili oil floating on the surface, and took a sip with the determination of drinking pesticides.


Weiya, you are amazing! Really, really amazing!

She expressed her sincere admiration for Weiya in her heart.

The other girls in the store looked at the milk tea in the hands of the two and expressed their sincere admiration for Metis.

"As expected of a professor of Mizkatok, he can even handle this kind of taste..."

"Damn, why is such a good-looking man a professor of the college?"

"It's not impossible to be a professor, right? It's just that it may be very difficult... Let's try to adapt first? Hello, can you give me a cup of the same milk tea just now?"


After this little episode, Lloyd and Metis came to the very accurate love fortune-telling shop she said.

It was open for business, but there were many people queuing in front of the door, and they happened to be couples, either holding hands or hugging each other.

Metis looked up and secretly looked at Lloyd. The hand that didn't hold the milk tea was a little eager to move. She secretly moved closer to Lloyd's empty hand and pretended to touch the back of his hand with her fingertips.

But at this moment, a mature woman's voice came from the fortune-telling shop:

"Students, please stay a little longer. I must receive a more important guest first. Professor Lloyd, please come in."

When the people who were still in line heard that a professor was coming to visit, and it was the popular Professor Lloyd, they immediately took the initiative to step aside and make way for Lloyd, and then looked at Lloyd leading Metis in with eyes full of awe and curiosity.

The interior was a very "mystical" layout, with classic incense, candles, mirrors and crystal balls. On the wooden table covered with a red tablecloth, there were also more than a dozen cards neatly arranged.

A female fortune teller wearing a hood and covering her face sat in the back, motioning Lloyd to sit down, and then stroked the crystal ball in front of her and said:

"I know your purpose and am willing to help you to the best of my ability."

"Thank you, Professor Milela."

Without the other party introducing himself, Lloyd directly reported the other party's name.

This is very magical. There is no low and fragmented mumbling, and there is no subtitle prompt in front of him. The other party's name and identity naturally appeared in Lloyd's mind.

It feels like it is not instilling information to people with words or other means, but awakening others' memories of themselves by some mysterious means.

Lloyd originally planned to use [Probe] to see the quality of this professor, but before he activated the skill, the general situation of the other party automatically emerged in his mind.

The eight-level [Mystic Scholar] has an average of about 5000 in four attributes, which is considered to be relatively weak among the eight levels.

Only [Inspiration] is actually '? ? ’ level, which means it exceeds the number of 10250.

This is also the first time Lloyd has come into contact with the extraordinary system of [Mystic Scholar]. Like [Ancient Mage], it belongs to the exclusive system of Mitzkatok, but it is much rarer than [Ancient Mage]. Lloyd had only heard Dean Hazlade briefly mention it before, and had never seen it with his own eyes.

This is the first time I have seen the [Mystic Scholar] system...

Lloyd was going to say this.

Unexpectedly, the other party said in advance before he had this idea:

"It's not as mysterious as you think. As you can see, our fortune-telling shop is still quite popular, but I have never seen you come here."

After that, she changed the topic and said:

"Medis, can you please go outside and wait?"

Medis immediately showed a strange expression on her face and nodded.

She was just hesitating whether to go out and avoid it. She felt a weird feeling that someone had guessed her thoughts.

After Metis left, Lloyd still had no time to speak, and heard the other party continue to say:

"Please relax a little. In the previous review meeting about you, our Department of Mysticism chose to support you... Don't worry that we will be beaten. With Professor Lawrence and Professor Latiou, we have an absolute advantage."

"This is not to spy on your consciousness. You should know that no one can do this, so this is just some flexible use of divination, which allows me to know what you want to say in advance."

Professor Milela answered all the questions that Lloyd was going to ask in one breath, and even some questions that Lloyd had not thought of yet, she answered them in advance.

Fuck, this charlatan is too weird, isn’t he?

Lloyd complained in his heart.

But the other party didn’t respond to his words in advance, because Lloyd didn’t intend to say it in front of others.

It can be seen from this that this is indeed not a "mind reading" or "spying consciousness", but really knowing what Lloyd wants to say in advance.

So Lloyd didn’t even need to take the initiative to speak, and he heard the other party take the initiative to say:

"The [miracle] of the Engineering Department is not a [miracle] in the ordinary sense, but that great creation can indeed be called the definition of a miracle. You want to find it back, which is good, but it is also difficult..."

"Let's go to another place, don't let the students outside wait too long, and I can't keep occupying my students' seats."

As soon as the voice fell, a male fortune teller dressed in the same way suddenly came out from the back of the fortune-telling shop, revealing a neat beard under the hood, and nodded at Lloyd and Professor Milela.

It seems that under normal circumstances, this professor would not come to the street to do love fortune-telling, but he knew in advance that Lloyd would come back today, so he ran to wait for him.

[Mystic Scholar], he really has something.

Lloyd was going to ask where he was going to be transferred to, but before he could open his mouth, the other party said first:

"Go back to our Mystic Department, you should know where it is."

Isn't this way of communication too uncomfortable?

Lloyd complained in his heart.

This time the other party did not respond in advance.

He then opened a portal to the Mystic Department and followed the weird professor in.

The scene behind the door was not the dark, gloomy, and spider-webbed weird corner that Lloyd imagined, but a beautiful natural park?

It was surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there were well-tended small gardens everywhere, surrounding a crystal-clear lake in the center.

There are no tall wizard towers and spacious research institutes, but various cartoon-style divination huts. It doesn't look like a research institution, but rather has a different sense of fantasy and fairy tale?

"Yes, the more relaxed your mind is, the more accurate the results will be."

Professor Milela took the initiative to say.

Lloyd originally planned to ask the other party if he could fish in the lake...

Then Lloyd really found a small wooden dock by the lake, took out all the carefully prepared equipment, sat on the comfortable recliner he brought with him, sprinkled a handful of high-end bait in the water to make a nest, and cast a rod out.

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