I Use Game World to Farm

Chapter 277: The Sea of ​​Dirac was detonated

After more than two hours, the Black Dragon returned to the moon.

More than four hours before and after the meal, I came back just in time to finish the meal.

"Do you live here at night or go home?"

After eating, An Wen asked Chen Yan.

怎么 "Why, are you okay?" Chen Yan asked curiously.

"Well, I'm going to do a little experiment in the evening and don't have time to accompany you." An Wen nodded and replied.

"Let me go home."

行 "Okay, wait for them to take you back, just to bring something over."

I waited for Chen Yi to leave, and An Wen was okay, so I went for a walk wearing hunter's armor.

Because the gravity of the moon was too low, he walked and walked to Newton Crater.

This place is famous on the moon.

最 The most concave part of the entire lunar surface is the Newton crater. The deepest part here is 8627 meters.

This is the most authoritative data. The last time the geological experts measured it.

"Well ... are those people still working?"

Wu Anwen looked down and saw five people working at the deepest depths through the optical equipment.

五个 These five are the graduate five who wrote the moon.

He previously found geological data of 10,000 meters underground from the northeast of Jiangxi. This time they came to the moon and wanted to find geological data of the lunar mantle.

And the easiest place for deep wells on the whole moon is Newton Crater.

When Zuan An heard the thought, the hunter's mecha engine started and flew towards the bottom of the pit.

"Ah ... Mr. An."

"Good morning, Mr. An."

The twenty-five people were startled before they found out that it was Anwen.

"You are still busy? How deep have you dug?" An Wen asked.

"General President, the equipment you gave us is really easy to use. We have dug more than 9,200 meters underground. After waiting for an hour, we can dig 10,000 meters underground."

"What did you find?"

"We have all saved the samples. When we reach 10,000 meters, we will go back for testing."

行 "OK, then you dig slowly, don't dig too late."

"Okay, Ann walks slowly."

I casually talked for two sentences, and An Wen turned and left. He was not very interested in this kind of research on burrowing underground.

Change direction and continue walking.

I walked and walked, the moon suddenly shocked.

Is very slight, if it is not the hint of the hunter mech, An Wen would have no feeling.

I stood there with you. A fool jumped down from 2 meters high and landed next to you. The ground felt a slight shock.

"Why does the moon shake frequently? Is this the pot of the earth or the pot of the sun?"

Wu Anwen murmured, anyway, the moon vibrates, it has nothing to do with him.

After the walk, return to the base.

刷 I was bored with the webpage for a while. Although the webpage was delayed, it was okay to look at news and small videos.

If you play a game, it is really impossible to play, the delay will jam you.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, An Wen came to the command and control center.

"Show the location of device 1."

"Okay, commander."

Soon, the equipment launched in the afternoon appeared on the holographic projection screen.

At this time, the device has been floating in the universe for 7 and a half hours, and it has flown 980,000 kilometers in the direction of the sun.

In other words, this device is 1.61 million kilometers away from the moon.

"It's almost the distance, start the device."

"OK, commander, the order has been issued."

The delay is 6 seconds, and the information transmission is very fast. One round trip is 12 seconds.

报告 "Report to the commander that the equipment has been activated."

"Let the device send a self-test report."

是 It was another 12 seconds before the self-test data was transmitted back.

This equipment is the anti-Casimir effect experiment equipment that he had made by Dawn.

Previously, researchers discovered space expansion through underground experimental equipment.

At that time, he was very interested.

However, the experimental equipment manufactured by Shuguang is much stronger than the underground one.

Twenty-three cold nuclear fusion reactors supply energy, and you know how terrible the power of this thing is.

So, after this equipment was manufactured, he didn't dare to take it out on earth.

But now it is so far from the earth.

I'm still in the cosmic void, so it's okay to figure out something.

"The left eyelid is jumping a little bit. This is to make a fortune? I don't lack money, what fortune."

Wu Anwen touched his right eyelid with his hand, staring casually at the data on the screen, not even knowing that he had turned the left and right.

I soon checked the data of the equipment, and there was nothing wrong with it.

那么 "So, let's start the experiment."

"OK, commander, order to transmit."

Zhe Anwen's order was converted into a photoelectric signal and passed to the experimental device after 6 seconds.

After receiving the command, the main control program starts and the equipment starts to run.

Thirty-three cold nuclear fusion reactors output the largest energy, and a super strong electromagnetic field is generated, with an intensity exceeding 158,000 T.

At this time, the Casimir effect appeared between two extremely tough metal plates in the device.

The main control program monitors the occurrence of the Casimir effect, and starts a second program again to increase the particle energy level.

The huge energy source of the gall-cold nuclear fusion reactor began to be injected into the vacuum cavity in the form of waves, and the energy levels of the thin particles in the vacuum began to increase.

At this time, wonderful imagination came into being.

The two metal plates did not break, but showed a twisted extension.

How do you describe it?

For example, if you put a chopstick in a glass cup, the chopsticks and water are bent due to the refraction of light ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and the two metal plates at the moment are not curved.

空间 There is a spatial distortion around them, causing the path of the light to turn, so it looks distorted.

Next, huge amounts of energy are continuously injected, and the energy levels of the particles jump wildly.

The energy level of the puppet virtual photon has skyrocketed in just one second.

10 billion electron volts ... 50 billion electron volts ... 100 billion electron volts ...

特殊 When the particles in the vacuum, even the energy levels of photons, hit 100 billion electron volts, special effects appeared.

Countless particles, through the shackles of a super strong electromagnetic field, enter the surrounding void.

This is the same as dropping a nuclear bomb in the ocean of the earth, but it is also a 10,000-ton nuclear bomb.

The void was detonated.

The Sea of ​​Dirac, the cosmic void, was detonated by high-energy particles at this moment.

A phenomenon that Anwen couldn't understand appeared.

Universe space is stretched, and the distance between the earth and the sun by one astronomical unit at this moment has become 1.035 astronomical units.

The space that was originally distorted by the powerful mass of the sun and the mass of the surrounding celestial bodies was stung by this moment.

That is, the space that was originally curled, like a paper tube, was flattened at this moment.

The space expands, it looks like the space has expanded. .

The distance between the earth and the sun has become a little farther.

At this time, everyone on the earth felt that the sky suddenly darkened and then brightened again.

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