Li Houming and Fang Hui are experienced, two pairs of eyes searched wildly, saw a simple flagpole in the middle of the south side of the swamp, and ran towards it without saying a word

, "Follow me

!" "Run here!" The

rest of the people had no choice, they could only bite the bullet and follow the two to run under the flagpole, there was a big hole in the ground, revealing the heads of Lin Feng and Chen Yu

, "Summon all the spirit beasts back to the Imperial Spirit Space, one by one, Zhang Chao last."

Zhang Chao's face was almost green, he very much suspected that Lin Feng was deliberately retaliating, but he didn't have time to argue.

Everyone walked along the tunnel dug by Chen Yu.

This is the benefit of building a rock system spirit space, digging tunnels is like playing. Of course, building the Imperial Spirit Space with other attributes also has special abilities, such as:

"Zhang Chao, put a fire on the haystack on the right, quick!" Zhang Chao's

face was almost green, and twenty meters behind him was a group of spirit beasts, almost gritting his teeth and throwing a flame, rushing headlong into the tunnel.

"Wocao, you don't want to die!"

Lin Feng cursed and grabbed Zhang Chao's legs and ran forward

, "Fatty, do it!" Chen

Yu's right fist flashed a yellow-brown light, and he threw it hard against the wall, and the tunnel immediately collapsed.

The spirit beast running in the front saw everyone jump into the ground, immediately jumped into the air, hit the collapsed ground, and before he could react, the spirit beast behind had rushed over, and a large stampede occurred.

"Follow the plan!" Before

Zhang Chao came out of the tunnel, he was dragged by Lin Feng to the southwest corner of the swamp

, "Ignite, light the fire quickly."

A fireball was thrown into the haystack prepared in advance, and in an instant the fire sealed the south side of the swamp, and a pungent smell quickly permeated.

Zhang Chao took a small sip, suddenly dizzy, and his legs were soft.

"What is this smell?" "

Ming Lan Fruit, Star Fruit, White Star Flower, and Da Ying Fruit mixed with burning smoke, it has a strong stun effect, and it has a miraculous effect against spirit beasts below the general level.

Lin Feng threw a simple gas mask, Zhang Chao quickly put it on his head, and the feeling of vertigo slowly disappeared.

At this moment, the spirit beast that was searching for the smell of estrus also sensed something was wrong and wanted to escape. But the ground is already completely surrounded by fire. Out of fear of fire, only fire spirit beasts broke through. However, there was still poisonous smoke in the fire, and he fainted before he ran a few steps.

Only the swamp did not catch fire, and naturally became the only way to live, and the spirit beasts immediately rushed into the swamp to swim, no matter how smelly it was, it could not compare to the fear of death.

Lin Feng climbed a tree on Zhang Chao's shoulders, staring at the group of spirit beasts meticulously until two-thirds of the spirit beasts entered the swamp.

"Do it, Ma Shuang!"

a girl took a deep breath and pointed her right hand forward

, "Go, Huo'er." A

reddish sparrow bypassed the fire, flew in front of the group of spirit beasts, and spat a fireball into the swamp below.

In terms of power alone, this is a low-level skill, and the proficiency is still in the entry stage, not to mention hitting a large spirit beast, it is hitting an ordinary person, at most, it is a scald.

But this small fireball hit the biogas, instantly causing a large explosion, followed by a chain reaction, the fire ignited in pieces, and the entire swamp became a sea of fire, connected with the fire on the shore, and surrounded the spirit beasts.

For a while, the south side of the swamp became a desperate situation. Outside, the fire and poisonous smoke formed two encirclements, inside, oxygen rapidly decreased, and soon, the awakening-level spirit beast suffocated and comatose, and the transcendent level spirit beast gradually could not hold on.

King Qin Yan touched his chin unconsciously, and really let him do it.

The vast majority of Awakening-level spirit beasts died from fire and suffocation, and the remaining few Awakening-level spirit beasts were also incapacitated.

Although the transcendent spirit beasts can still move, the two encirclements of fire and poisonous smoke are not decorations, and after forcibly breaking through, their combat power is not one in ten, and the students of the Imperial Spirit Class are waiting outside.

Chen Yu and Ning Yue have already filled all the spirit beast states, twenty-five trainee spirit masters each have a gun and dozens of grenades, this kind of battle, even if the transcendent level spirit beast can escape, it will escape more than two hundred if they die.

Everything was as King Qin Yan expected, only more than two hundred transcendent-level spirit beasts rushed out of the sea of fire, but before they could catch their breath, they were attacked by a double attack of grenades and rifles.


! Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The petrified skin of the rock bear was smashed to pieces, the steel-toothed pig was set on fire by four people, and the hardened skin instantly exploded countless blood flowers...

In order to prevent students from relying too much on thermal weapons, the guns and ammunition exchanged by the school can only kill awakening-level spirit beasts, and they do not have a great effect on transcendent spirit beasts.

But at this time, the extraordinary level spirit beast that broke through was already at the end of the strong crossbow, and it was hard to support the erosion of poisonous smoke to open the protection skill, and the defense against thermal weapons was naturally not much better.

More than 10,000 spirit beasts, just such a point, it took less than three hours to almost wipe out, and when he said it, King Qin Yan himself did not believe it.

If mastering knowledge is also a skill, Lin Feng is at least perfect proficiency, theory and practice are fully combined, this field mock exam is not difficult for him at all, purely to brush credits.

This is not in line with Qin Yanwang's original intention, the purpose of the first field mock exam is to find out the bottom of the students, and the other twenty-five students' bottoms have long been understood, but Lin Feng is difficult to judge.

The spirit body collapses, there is no contract spirit beast, and the personal combat power is zero.

But strength is not all determined by combat power, intelligence also plays a big role.

Lin Feng's strength cannot be judged by his personal combat strength alone, after all, his intelligence level is here.

Fighting head-on, there are no five thousand trainee spirit masters, don't want to destroy this ten thousand spirit beasts.

"It's a pity, your Spirit Master's talent..."

King Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, Lin Feng is now a weak chicken, but not because of poor talent, but because of mental body collapse, he himself has not awakened talent skills, who dares to be sure that

Lin Feng's talent is poor! Moreover, even if Lin Feng's awakened talent skills are not strong, as long as the mental body collapse is cured, his future achievements with his intelligence may not be worse than others.

Thinking of this, King Qin Yan said faintly:

"It turns out that the most talented student from beginning to end is you, but it's a pity that your injury has delayed you too much time.

No, the spirit body collapsed, how did you survive?" King

Qin Yan suddenly thought of a very terrifying fact: the spiritual body collapse must be caused by the spiritual attack, and the spirit beast below the level of the battle general, the spiritual attack could not cause such serious damage. Spirit beasts above the general level can slap Lin Feng to death with a slap, and they will not use spiritual skills to attack at all.

Moreover, Lin Feng's injury was caused by the siege of Nanyuan fifteen years ago, when he was only two or three years old, it was already a miracle that he did not die at that time, and it was even more a miracle to live now, ordinary healers could not cure it at all, unless it was a therapist above the master level who was good at spiritual skills to continue his life.

But therapists who excel in spiritual skills have always been sought-after by all forces, and it is impossible to ignore them. And Nanyuan City lacks resources, not to mention master therapists, even senior therapists.

All indications are that behind Lin Feng there is a healer who is good at spiritual skills and above the master level, and has been silently continuing his life.

It sounds a bit nonsense, but it is the only explanation that Lin Feng is still alive.

"Nanyuan City First People's Hospital!" Recalling

Lin Feng's medical certificate, the more King Qin Yan thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, was the other party hiding in Nanyuan City really to continue

Lin Feng's life? If it is the first possibility, then Lin Feng's life history is definitely not as simple as it seems, and there must be unknown forces behind the family.

If it is the second possibility, Nanyuan City is dangerous, even if the other party is a master-level Spirit Master who is good at spiritual skills, as long as the spiritual attack is launched indiscriminately, only the president of the Imperial Spirit Master Association and the leader of the City Defense Legion in the entire Nanyuan City can barely resist.

This is the strength of the spiritual skill Spirit Master, who is good at it, and fights beyond the level.

Now that the chaos in Nanyuan City is about to rise, the people behind Lin Feng did not continue his life, but let him awaken the Imperial Spirit Master by himself, which is 100% a big problem, once it is not handled properly, the consequences are unimaginable, and the entire Nanyuan City is in danger of destruction.

"Huh?" King

Qin Yan, who was thinking, looked into the depths of the swamp in amazement, and the big movement made by the imperial spirit class woke up a warrior-level spirit beast who was dreaming, and at this moment it also found the initiator of the dream that woke it up and put a fire in its old den.

King Qin Yan's right hand condensed a wind blade, although it was not a skill, but it was powerful enough to kill a warrior-level spirit beast.

Suddenly he looked at Qin Feng, and the wind blade slowly dissipated.

The students of the Imperial Spirit Class were busy snatching the corpses of spirit beasts from the fire, not even aware that danger had come.

Set fire to the moment, family crematorium.

This fire is too big, and the fire attribute spirit beasts can't withstand the burning, let alone the spirit beasts of other attributes.

Lin Feng looked at the people running around speechless for a while, at this rate, at least seven or eight thousand spirit beasts must be cremated.

"The fire in the southeast corner is small, the water attribute and ice attribute spirit beasts open a road, the earth attribute and rock attribute spirit beasts dig a pit and bury it, and the water does not need to be cared for, and then dug it out when the fire is burned." "

Time is money, the southeast corner has just been trampled by the spirit beast group, and the flowers and trees have been trampled into pieces, embedded in the ground, and cannot be burned.

There are three water attribute spirit masters and one ice attribute spirit master in the imperial spirit class, and the skills mastered by the spirit beasts are very ordinary

, "water flow impact

!" "ice thorn!"

A cloud of white mist rises, and a path instantly appears in the southeast corner, and the seven-headed earth attribute and rock attribute spirit beasts enter the pit and bury the corpse at the same time together with the imperial spirit master.

This does not include Chen Yu, firstly, he just used his talent skills to replenish all his physical strength to the classmates and spirit beasts responsible for attracting monsters, and secondly

, the stone demon ape is uncontrolled, and the first thing he does is to beat him violently, and then clean up the others.

Similarly, Ning Yue was not comfortable. In order to heal the monster classmates and spirit beasts, she transferred most of the life force of the Bauhinia Rose, and transferred a part of her life force.

At this time, she was pale and very weak, even if her body strengthened once, she had to rest for a day or two to recover.

The spirit beast hidden in the swamp also found Ning Yue, compared to the others, she rested alone, in a very poor state, and was the most suitable target for sneak attacks.

A black humanoid skeleton jumped out of the swamp, it was two meters tall, its arms were covered with bone spurs, and the skull flashed with dark blue flames, straight towards Ning Yue.

In mid-air, the bone spur of its right arm soared by more than a meter and stood up forward, like a spear stabbing towards Ning Yue.

Bone gun, intermediate skill, proficiency proficiency.

Ning Yue stared blankly at the general-level skeleton generals who were attacking her, completely without the will to resist.

At a critical moment, the Bauhinia Rose, which is rooted in the earth to absorb energy, knocks her away and bears the attack in place of her master.

The left half of the Bauhinia Rose's body was directly pierced by the skull, but fortunately the wood spirit beast did not feel pain, and it endured weakness to use the winding skill.

The skull missed the blow, the right arm was thrown upwards, and the Bauhinia Rose was thrown away.

But its purpose was achieved, and Chen Yu, who was not far away, had already heard the movement and summoned the stone demon ape to rush over.

"Brother Feng, help, your wife is dying!" Lin

Feng turned his head, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

"Fatty, hold on, it's better to let the stone demon ape get it into the swamp.

Others, things are gone, come and save people.

Chen Yu had a bitter word, the stone demon ape did not listen to him, and the level difference between him and the skeleton general was too much, so he could only shout hard:

"I try my best, you quickly think of a way." In

the blink of an eye, the murderous stone demon ape was stabbed in the chest by the skull, and just went crazy, and was smashed to the ground by a shot.

The gap in strength between the two sides was too big, and Chen Yu and Ning Yue couldn't replenish their physical strength and heal the stone demon ape, so they couldn't fight at all.

In just one minute, the stone demon ape lost its combat effectiveness and was withdrawn into the Imperial Spirit Space by Chen Yu.


Ning Yue!" shouted Zhang Chao and ran in the direction of Ning Yue, and the fire wolf rushed towards the skeleton.

The skeleton suddenly jumped the dark blue flame in the eye socket, and a shot slammed the fire wolf into the air, smashing on Zhang Chao.

The drama of heroes saving beauty failed before it was staged.

Everyone stopped and gathered to confront the skeletons.

The skeleton glanced at the students and spirit beasts of the Imperial Spirit Class with dark blue eyes, hesitated, and rushed towards Ning Yue with the bone spear.

At this time, everyone made a difficulty, not daring to chase the skeleton general, but also unwilling to watch it kill Ning Yue, and they were in a dilemma for a while.

Lin Feng almost died of anger, and shouted angrily:

"What is the stunned? Use a gun! Use a grenade! Hit its leg! Don't let it get close to Ning Yue!

Fang Hui, Li Houming, Fang Minghua, you three save people, everyone retreat into the swamp, in the swamp, it can't run fast."

As soon as the words fell, the skeleton turned his gaze to Lin Feng.

It's over! It understands what I'm saying.

Lin Feng instantly fell into an ice cave and hurriedly ran towards the swamp.

If someone else has a 10% survival rate if they are beaten by a skull, then the survival rate of him being beaten by a skull is zero.

The skeleton turned his head and continued to run towards Ning Yue.

The students of the Imperial Spirit Class did not carry out systematic training in thermal weapons, did not have the right direction to point where to hit, and bullets could not be broken.

Fortunately, there were still dozens of grenades in everyone's hands, and although they could not be broken, the explosion effect successfully slowed down the speed of the skeleton general and bought time.

Li Houming was the fastest and took the lead in holding Ning Yue and running towards the swamp.

Fang Hui followed closely, carrying Zhang Chao with an unhappy face, and the flame dog behind him bit the tail of the fire wolf.

In the end, Fang Minghua cursed and scolded Chen Yu on his back, no, it was he and Peach Tree who carried Chen Yu one after another.

The dead fat man is too heavy to run alone on his back.

If you know it early, follow the monster together, otherwise you won't be able to seize the opportunity for the hero to save the beauty.

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