After cleaning up the officers who came to make trouble, the city defense army seemed to have nothing happened, the wind and waves were calm, and everything was as usual.

Huang Shangqing knew that things would not end like this, as long as the speed of Nanyuan City's development was faster, the faster the family would seize resources, and it was not a simple matter to contain them.

The family family is like the wooden beam of the house to the country, if it is forcibly destroyed, it is easy for the house to collapse, if it is not done, it will inevitably give birth to moths and corrode the entire room.

There is no way to do this, the family cannot do without the country, but it must not be allowed to become bigger, otherwise a few corrupt officials will be produced to disrupt the national order.

But it is not easy to suppress the family.

Problems that have not been solved for tens of thousands of years cannot be solved for a while.

Then Huang Shangqing focused all his attention on Lin Feng, if his three ideas could really succeed, maybe he could really bring down the family clan.

No matter how bad it is, the Cold Gate Spirit Master will have more chances to stand out.

Early the next morning, Li Houming contracted the Iron Soldier Ant Queen with a nervous mood, and then used the construction plan designed by Lin Feng to cultivate regardless of spiritual materials.

In the afternoon, the Iron Soldier Ant Queen was upgraded to Awakening Level 4, which has three skills: Spiritual Impact, Spiritual Connection, and Overbreeding.

Psychic Shock: The queen unleashes a psychic shockwave that deals psychic damage to all enemies within range.

Spiritual connection: The queen can connect consciousness and convey commands to any member of the ant's parents.

The feedback of the two spiritual skills was directly thrown at Li Houming and promoted to an intermediate third-level Imperial Spirit Master. At the same time, Li Houming successfully issued orders to male ants, worker ants, and soldier ants through the queen ant.

Although they will only execute a few simple commands, they are sufficient.

The male ant is responsible for mating with the queen, the worker ant is responsible for collecting food, and the soldier ant is responsible for fighting. There is no need for Li Houming to worry about it at all, when he encounters an enemy, he summons the soldier ants, and then watches the excitement on the side.

Followed by Ning Yue, bloodline transplantation is not a simple matter, especially the plant-type spirit beast of blood ginseng, even if it can land immediately at the extraordinary level, but the body structure is very different from that of animals.

Lin Feng could only build a wooden five-element array in the simulated spirit space room, put the dragon blood inside, and then transplant the blood ginseng into it, so that Ning Yue could urge spiritual power until the blood ginseng absorbed the dragon blood.

Only if the blood ginseng absorbs the dragon's blood to become the dragon's blood ginseng, Lin Feng has a way to increase the bloodline purity of the dragon blood ginseng.

Then there is Fang Minghua, everything on the blue star absorbs spiritual power and has the possibility of becoming spirit beasts, including dead things, such as weapons such as knives, swords, and even mirrors.

During the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the furniture and clothing of spirit beasts have always been the exclusive luxury of the nobility, and weapons and armor are the favorite of the military generals. Until now, martial arts families and some imperial spirit masters still contract weapons as spirit beasts to enhance their combat power.

For example, the Jade Elephant Legend, the Wind King and the Heavenly Wolf Legend, all of them are spirit beasts with extremely powerful weapons.

However, the qualifications of spirit beasts awakened by ordinary items absorbing Aura are very poor, the first generation can be upgraded to Awakening Level 9 at most, and it is difficult for their descendants to break through the bloodline limit, unless there is a cultivator who specifically spends a lot of energy and time on cultivation.

To this end, Lin Feng had to use super growth hormone and let Fang Minghua give birth from generation to generation until he cultivated a walnut tree with golden bloodline qualifications.

Chen Yu's construction plan was the most troublesome, because Lin Feng had only climbed Mount Tai once in his previous life, and the other four mountains only knew their names and had never seen them.

Helpless, I can only find the mountains of this world instead.

Huashan that belongs to gold copied the mountain where the King Kong ape lived, while Hengshan, Hengshan, and Songshan searched the Internet for two days and two nights before finding mountains with similar attributes.

Then it is necessary to build a scaled-down version of the Five Mountains and move into the Imperial Spirit Space.

This job almost didn't exhaust Lin Feng, as large as the overall structure, as small as the placement of a stone, it could not go wrong. Expecting Chen Yu to do such a meticulous work, it is better to let him die.

It took four or five days for Lin Feng to set up the construction plan of the Five Mountains and let Chen Yu put it into the Imperial Spirit Space.

Finally, Fang Hui, because the temperature of the lava attribute spirit material is too high and the corrosion is too strong, even the simulated spirit space room cannot be used, so he can only find a hidden cave for experiments.

At the beginning of the construction, the lava attribute spirit material was quite stable. When a volcano formed, Fang Hui urged it with spiritual power, and in an instant, the internal spiritual materials turned into magma and spewed out, and then the entire cave collapsed.

If it weren't for the two of them uploading level three defensive equipment and running fast, this would have turned to ashes.

Fang Hui said with a lingering heart: "

Brother Feng, are you sure this idea is reliable, the lava attribute spirit material is too unstable, I feel that building the lava attribute spirit space is to find death."

"Don't worry, as long as the experiment is unsuccessful, you don't have to build a lava-attribute spirit space.

"What if it does?"

"Build it now!" Fang

Hui: "...

Then Lin Feng built a hollow volcano inside, and there was no spiritual material in it, which should not produce a large amount of magma.

However, as soon as Fang Hui urged his spiritual power, the temperature inside the volcano became extremely high, and the crater could not discharge all the heat, and an explosion soon occurred.

This time, even if the two were prepared, the explosion happened without warning, and there was no time to run. Fortunately, Lin Feng's danger alert and early warning summoned Xiong Da in time and blocked the explosion with perfect-grade petrification.

Although Xiong Da was safe and sound, he was still screaming hotly.

Perfect-grade petrification can only block physical attacks, but not high temperatures.

Fang Hui's face was scared, and he cried and begged Lin Feng not to experiment again.

"Brother Feng, forget it, maybe I don't have this life, don't try again, try again, we will have to hang sooner or later

!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly: "No, I must try it!" The

lava attribute spirit material itself is relatively stable, but when urged by spiritual power, the spirit material will be converted into magma with extremely high heat, or extremely hot spiritual energy. Thermal expansion and contraction, the inside of the volcano can not contain the expanding magma and aura, and it is strange if it does not explode.

If only the magma produced could be lost.

Two days later, Lin Feng built a volcano again, but this time he bought a lava giant dog cub with silver bloodline qualifications at a high price.

As Fang Hui urged the spiritual power, the spiritual materials inside the volcano instantly transformed into magma, and seeing that it was about to erupt, Fang Hui immediately dragged Lin Feng and ran out.

Once this thing erupts, the whole cave collapses.

At this moment, the lava giant dog jumped into the crater and gulped up magma.

As if eating and drinking, the lava giant dog ate all the magma into its stomach, and a series of yellow rays appeared on the surface of its body.

It is its blood vessels, which are full of magma that has just been swallowed.


lava attribute spirit space must allow the lava attribute spirit beast to cooperate and absorb the large amount of magma produced, and this is also the cultivation method of the lava attribute spirit space.

"Are you ready?"

Fang Hui looked at Lin Feng's expectant expression, wanting to cry without tears.

He took out a pen and paper and said

, "Brother Feng, let me write a suicide note first, if I hang up later, don't forget to hand over the compensation to my mother."

"Also, if you treat me as a brother, take care of the whole family for me." Otherwise, I will not be blind to death and look for you every night.

Lin Feng waved his hand and pushed Fang Hui in front of the volcano.

"Don't worry, after you die, I will give you incense every day, monthly and monthly offerings, and guarantee that your whole family will live to ninety-nine."

Fang Hui looked sad and indignant, handed the suicide note to Lin Feng, and signed a contract with the lava giant dog.

"Ah!" As soon as

the signing was completed, the lava giant dog responded with an extremely high temperature spiritual power, and the right arm of Fang Hui's spiritual body turned red as if it had been cooked.

"Ah, it hurts me..."

Fang Hui covered his head and roared, and all the injuries in his mental body were fed back to his brain.

"Brother Feng, my spiritual body is about to be burned to ashes, or I want to try it first if I change someone.

Lin Feng kicked Fang Hui with an unhappy look

, "What is it called! Laozi's mental body has collapsed for more than ten years, when did you see me crying like this." It's also a third-year spirit master of Nanyuan No. 1 Middle School, you don't want to face, you still want it!"

"To tell you the truth, this lava giant dog spent Lao Tzu 1.7 million spirit coins to buy, now I want to regret it, okay! Give me this lava giant dog back at the original price, and then make up for the money for experiments in the past few days, as well as the contract liquidated damages, and my labor fees."

"There are about twenty million spirit coins in total, are you cash or transfer."

"More than 20 million spirit coins, you still slaughtered me."

Fang Hui said sadly, "How can you spend so much, you just don't sell me enough, I can take out 20,000 more spirit coins all over my body."

Lin Feng said indignantly: "Expensive, do you know how much Laozi has spent these days! "

Ning Yue and Fang Minghua cultivated dragon blood ginseng and walnut trees at any cost, Li Houming cultivated iron soldier ants at all costs, Chen Yu transformed the Wuyue Imperial Spirit Space, plus Fang Hui's lava attribute spirit materials and lava giant dogs...

These days, Lin Feng had to spend tens of millions of spirit coins every day, which was the result of the city defense army's discount. If it weren't for the hot sales of the five poisonous toads, Lin Feng would definitely not be able to take these money.

Fang Hui stood up, opened the passage of the Imperial Spirit Space, and sucked the volcano and lava giant dogs into the Imperial Spirit Space.

The next moment, Fang Hui was lying on the ground rolling and wailing, his whole body was red, like a cooked prawn.

The lava attribute spirit space was obviously much higher than the previous fire attribute spirit space, and Fang Hui's spirit body could not adapt for a while, and he was constantly trembling when he was hot.

But he himself is a fire system spirit master, awakening the flame enhancement talent, and contracted the lava giant dog, and the spirit body should be able to survive it.


Seven days later, Li Houming trained the Iron Soldier Ant Queen to the ninth level of the extraordinary level at any cost, and successfully allowed it to breed four male ants, twenty worker ants and forty soldier ants.

Then, twenty worker ants ate all the spiritual materials in Li Houming's Imperial Spirit Space in half an hour, and secreted a spar similar to Earth Spirit Crystal, which was fed to the queen ant and soldier ants.

Subsequently, Li Houming continued to pour spirit materials into the Imperial Spirit Space, but as long as it took more than half an hour, the soldier ants could eat them all.

This frightened Li Houming, so he could eat, and he couldn't afford to raise a thick family base. What's more, he will soon take the college entrance examination, and he will definitely be separated from Lin Feng at that time, and he can't afford to raise them.

"Brother Feng, let's see what to do, yesterday they ate six thousand catties of spiritual materials, and apart from the fact that their bodies became like this, almost nothing changed.

Li Houming pointed to a soldier ant with

white light and said, six thousand catties of spirit material

! Lin Feng's forehead is green and tendons beating, lean, it's not that your money is not distressed, is it! When Lao Tzu's money is blown by the wind! Resisting

the urge to beat him up, Lin Feng looked at the soldier ant, the white light on its body came from small crystals on the skin, the color was pure, and it was very hard to the touch.

"It's okay, this is the skill of worker ants, which can devour a large amount of spiritual materials for purification, which can help queens and soldier ants evolve.

"When these queen ants' bodies are all covered with this crystal, they will become a new race." Li

Houming suddenly lay on the soldier ant to carefully observe these small crystals, if the body is all covered by this crystal, it is difficult to say whether it is not evolutionary, at least the defense will be much enhanced.

Lin Feng continued:

"In the future, let the worker ants go outside to eat, and only let the queen swallow the secretions of the worker ants, without bothering to cultivate soldier ants, the queen can give birth to better after evolution."

"Good!" Li

Houming sent General Xin to the wild suspiciously, and was quickly captured by the city defense army on charges of destroying the ecology, a fine and 700,000 spirit coins.

Field exploration is divided into human-controlled area exploration and non-human-controlled area exploration.

To explore in the area controlled by humans, you can only collect spiritual materials of the same level, or higher than your own level, and you cannot collect spiritual materials lower than your own level, so as not to stop and fish, forcing low-level spirit masters to explore dangerous areas.

For example, in the last Spirit Realm Mock Exam, the area where the students were active was explored by the high-level of Nanyuan City, and no one took away those valuable diamonds.

And Li Houming did a little excessively, just released the worker ants, and gnawed a nearby mountain. If the city defense army hadn't discovered it earlier, it might have caused much damage.

In the end, Lin Feng paid a fine of 700,000 spirit coins before bringing him back, and then he cursed!

"Brother Feng, what should I do about this? I will soon go to the college entrance examination, where can I find them to eat?

Moreover, this queen ant is also particularly capable of giving birth, plus her own talent skills, it is not impossible to give birth to three or five hundred soldier ants at a time.

Later, he also has to contract tiger bees, maybe he can swallow gold, how can he afford

it!" "Roll, Laozi can't afford to raise it!" Lin

Feng didn't want to refuse, and then said: "Go to Senior Huang and let him take you to the non-human control area, no one cares about whatever you want."

"By the way, familiarize yourself with the fighting methods of the Iron Soldier Ant, and after the Queen Ant is promoted to the rank of Battle General, come back to contract the tiger bee."


After sending Li Houming away, Lin Feng entered the cultivation room without saying a word.

In the past few days, patronizing them to improve their strength, they are still in place, Xiong Da and Brother Monkey are almost sick in the Imperial Spirit Space, and they propose to fight every day.

The brave martial arts trial after the college entrance examination must be participated in.

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