I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 43: The Transformation of Stars

Until now, although less than a month has passed, Xia Rixing, who is already talented, has made great progress in strength, just as Naraku said.

Based on Naraku's insight, Xia Rixing has completely caught up with the third generation of Xingying and has initially reached the level of a senior ninja.

Naraku reminded: "Although the "Peacock Magic Method" is very good, just like I arranged for Yu to teach the Ninja Body Illusion Technique in the Ninja School, you can also allocate some time to learn it, so that you can enrich your combat methods."

Based on the current personnel of the Star Ninja Village, Xia Rixing is the most valuable and has the most potential.

Naraku naturally also wants to train the other party.

"Yes, I will arrange time to learn." Xia Rixing was slightly stunned, and then immediately nodded and agreed.

She is not a slow person, and she can feel that Naraku is willing to train her in many ways.

For example, the Ninja School.

Naraku will appoint her to be in charge, which undoubtedly values ​​her performance.

As for Naraku's attention, Xia Rixing did not resist, and was even very happy in her heart.

By now, she had already recognized Naraku, and even sincerely regarded Naraku as the leader of the village.

After chatting for a while and deepening Xia Rixing's loyalty to him again, Naraku let him leave.

Then, he went to the ninth floor.

"'Star' is definitely a very special material. If it is refined with the method of refining, it will definitely be refined into a very good magic weapon." Naraku looked at the 'Star' in his hand with expectation in his eyes.

'Star' itself can be regarded as a special treasure. If it is refined again, even if it is just a basic sacrifice, it can not only play the role of recognizing the master and preventing loss, but also can make the 'Star' further strengthened.

The True Fire Cauldron appeared, Naraku put the 'Star' in it, constantly forming seals, and began to sacrifice.

This sacrifice took three days.

After another half a month of research, Naraku's refining level naturally improved.

But he did not become arrogant because of this.

On the contrary, he knew that his refining skills were still very shallow, so he was very careful when refining the "Star", fearing that he would ruin the "Star" if he was not careful.


Naraku, who had excellent comprehension, did not make any mistakes. In the end, he successfully completed the refining and even refined a human-level mid-grade magic weapon.

That's right.

Not a low-grade human-level, but a human-level mid-grade.

Just a basic refining, and the "Star" was refined into a human-level mid-grade magic weapon.

Of course, the reason why the "Star" was able to be refined into a human-level mid-grade magic weapon was not that Naraku had improved his refining skills by a large margin in just half a month.

The real reason why the "Star" became a human-level mid-grade magic weapon was the quality of the "Star" itself.

To put it bluntly, the refining of the "Star" into a human-level mid-grade magic weapon was the result of Naraku's dragging his feet.

If it were replaced by an excellent refiner, with the material of the "Star", even without adding other materials, it could be completely refined into a higher quality magic weapon.

Naraku had nothing to say about being the one who was holding back, after all, it was his own fault for not being able to do it.

Fortunately, when his level of refining equipment improves in the future, he can still refine the ‘Star’ again.

After dispersing the True Fire Cauldron, Naraku reached out and grabbed the [Star] that had been refined into a magic weapon and immediately flew into his hand.

The appearance of the [Star] at this time had changed a lot from before.

The original ‘Star’ was an uneven stone ball, but now the [Star] not only has a smooth surface, but also has turned dark purple.

Even with the naked eye, it is hard to tell what the current [Star] is made of, and the whole thing looks like a dark purple jade ball.

As for the changes after becoming a magic weapon.

Although it only became a human-level mid-grade magic weapon because someone held it back, the current [Star] has undergone a considerable transformation.

The first is the unique energy it emits.

Its energy not only has improved its quality, but also eliminates the side effects of erosion.

Needless to say, the latter.

Although Naraku can rely on the true energy shadow clone to eliminate the side effects on his behalf, it will undoubtedly make him a lot easier to eliminate the side effects directly from the root now.

As for the improvement of energy quality.

This is worth mentioning.

The improvement of energy quality can not only bring higher training efficiency to the "Peacock Magic Method", but also make it easier for people to refine and condense chakra.

You must know that although the Star Ninja Village has established a ninja school and started to train a new generation of ninjas.

But this training, the qualified standard, undoubtedly must at least be trained to be a Genin.

Even a large ninja village like Konoha has established a six-year system for the ninja school. It can be seen that from the beginning of training, under normal circumstances, it takes six years to train a qualified Genin.

On the Star Ninja Village side, although Naraku has raised the age of admission to twelve to eighteen years old, which is easier to grow, it will take at least three or four years to train a qualified Genin.

But now, the situation has obviously changed.

The source of a ninja's power is chakra. Whether it is extracting chakra faster or condensing chakra better, it will bring faster growth in strength.

Especially at the Genin level.

The mainstream fighting method of Genin is actually mainly focused on the use of ninja tools and physical skills.

As long as the aptitude is not too poor, the use of ninja tools can be basically formed in half a year to a year of training.

As for physical skills, part of it comes from skills and physique, and the other part relies on the blessing of chakra on the physique.

In other words, in terms of physical skills, as long as the chakra is sufficient, then half of the success is achieved.

Therefore, in terms of auxiliary, after the transformation into a magic weapon, the role brought by [Star] is far greater than before.

And this is only the auxiliary aspect.

"Although it is not the first magic weapon I have refined, it is undoubtedly the first combat magic weapon I have refined."

Feeling the smooth surface of [Star] with his fingers, Naraku suddenly threw it up, and then saw that [Star], which had already recognized its master, turned into a residual image and directly hit Naraku's chest.

To be precise, it should be integrated into Naraku's body.

His figure flashed.

Naraku activated "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" to leave the Star Shadow Building. He flashed continuously, and when he stopped, he had already appeared in a forest outside the village.

Buzz! ! !

Dark purple chakra suddenly emerged from Naraku's body, expanding like a giant, and in the blink of an eye, condensed into a chakra giant that was 20 to 30 meters long.

When the chakra giant condensed, Naraku could be seen in the chest of the chakra giant.


Lifting his foot and taking a step.

The chakra giant took a step forward.

Although it was made of chakra, the chakra giant was no less than a real giant. Just ordinary walking would cause the ground to vibrate.

Similarly, the trees and rocks stepped on by the chakra giant were crushed and shattered at once, leaving a concave footprint on the ground.

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