Finally, there is Nonoyu.

boom! ! !

When Naraku looked at Nonoyu's fight, he happened to see Nonoyu leap up, wave his jade-white fist, and punch his shadow clone.

The shadow clone retreated decisively, only to see No Naiyu's fist hit the ground, and a deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters was immediately blasted out of the ground.

This is obviously the use of strange power.

With Naraku's help, Nonoyu has now begun to learn the magic of strange power.

Even though it is still not comparable to Tsunade, Nonoyu's strength has undoubtedly been greatly enhanced after learning the strange power surgery.

The shadow clone that inherited Naraku's ideas obviously wanted Nonoyu to deepen his mastery of strange power techniques.

After dodging the attack, the shadow clone immediately launched a counterattack, also using the strange power technique, and punched Nonoyu.

boom! ! !

Not to be outdone, Nonoyu pulled out the fist that was stuck in the pit, replaced it with both hands, and raised his hand to punch the shadow clone's attack.

The fists collided, and the ground beneath the two people suddenly collapsed again, creating waves of air visible to the naked eye.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Fists and feet kept clashing.

The shadow clones and Nonoyu quickly started a battle of strange power techniques. The two were like human-shaped monsters, and every collision would cause violent movements.

The roar was deafening.

The turbulent air waves came one after another.

There are constant craters on the ground formed by collapse.

"Everyone, sit down and rest!"

Although it was a battle, Naraku's shadow clones were actually mainly used as sparring partners, so the battle did not end until the shadow clones ran out of chakra.

When it was over, Nonoyu and others gathered in front of Naraku, panting and sweating.

Seeing the tired looks on several people's faces, Naraku asked them to sit down first, and then waited until their breathing gradually stabilized before speaking.

"Still the old rules, I will comment on your performance first, and then you can ask me if you have any confusion or questions about cultivation."

Seeing that several people had no objections, Naraku changed his posture, leaning back and placing his hands on the ground behind his back.

He first looked at Xia Xingxing, who was sitting on the far left.

"Xia Xia Xing, you have improved a lot compared to the last time we fought. It shows that you are not slacking off in your usual training.

However, you still have a few areas that need to be strengthened. One is your physical skills. Although you mainly fight with the "Peacock Magic", your physical skills cannot fall behind, otherwise you will easily be suppressed once you are approached by someone who is good at physical skills.

There is also the use of "Peacock Magic". It can be seen from the changes that you have made certain derivatives based on the "powerful equipment" I developed for you, but don't be too obsessed with the use of changes. The quality also needs to be Just keep up.

Just like you use your chakra wings to resist the "Thunder Finger" cast by my shadow clone. If your chakra can be more concentrated, you may be able to completely block it and make more responses."

Naraku first praised Xia Xing's progress, and then began to point out the opponent's shortcomings one by one.

Xia Xing listened very carefully. Even when Naraku started to comment on the next person, he was still thinking about his own shortcomings.

"Rain, your swordsmanship needs to be strengthened. 'Kamikaze Slash' has increased your sword speed, but if your swordsmanship does not keep up, once you encounter an opponent with a keen eye like the Uchiha clan, it will still be easy to find flaws. "

"Wolf, you have done a good job in using earth escape. If you want to continue to improve your strength, you might as well use [Star] to condense chakra."

"Nonoyu, the essence of the magic technique lies not only in the final explosion, but also in the concentration of chakra during the process. Although your control of chakra is already excellent, but if you want to go further in the magic technique, then Need to further strengthen chakra control"

Whether it is observation as a bystander or feedback from the battle experience after the shadow clone is released, Naraku can easily understand everyone's situation.

Soon, Naraku commented on everyone's situation.

Next, it was Naturally Nonoyu’s turn and others’ turn to ask for advice.

"To strengthen physical skills and practice skills, you can use shadow clones. As for physical fitness, the easiest way is to bear weight. Of course, you can also use water pressure to put pressure on yourself."

"The same goes for you Yu, you might as well practice swordsmanship with Xia Xing through water pressure in the future. If necessary, I can create a water pressure environment specifically for you to use water escape."


Facing various questions asked by Nonoyu and others, Naraku patiently answered them one by one.


Suddenly, while Naraku was having a heated exchange with Nonoyu and others, a figure appeared next to everyone using the teleportation technique.

"Lord Naraku, a group of people claiming to be the envoys of Iwagakure Village came outside the village. They wanted to visit the village leader."

The arriving figure was a Star Ninja.

The star nin knelt down on one knee, saluted Naraku, and then quickly reported the reason for coming.

"The messenger from Iwagakure Village?"

When the Hoshi Ninja arrived, both Naraku and Noonoyu immediately stopped communicating and looked at each other.

When he heard the contents of the Hoshi Ninja report, Nonoyu frowned slightly.

She immediately turned back to look at Naraku: "If the other party is really from Yanyin Village, then it will probably not be a good thing if the other party suddenly comes to us now."

Until now, Kumogakure and Sand Hidden Village are still at war.

Although other ninja villages have not taken action yet, it is obviously only a matter of time.

Nono, who had been paying attention to the movements of the ninja world, was very keenly aware of the bad news from the sudden arrival of the people from the Hidden Rock Village.

"Well, but we still have to meet them." Naraku slowly stood up.

When he saw Nono and others also hurriedly stood up, as if they wanted to go to meet the people from the Hidden Rock Village with him, Naraku waved his hand and said, "You guys take a rest first, I can go alone."

"Okay!" Nono hesitated for a moment, but when he thought of Naraku's strength, his worries were put down.

Not to mention Xia Rixing and others, they have always obeyed Naraku's orders.

Soon, Naraku left with a body-flash technique.

"Master Maji, the situation in the Star Ninja Village seems to be a little different from the intelligence."

In front of the bridge across the miasma canyon, there were a dozen Hidden Rock Ninjas waiting. One of them glanced at the Star Ninjas who were staring at him on the opposite side, and then looked to the other side of the bridge.

Although the view is limited due to the miasma on both sides of the bridge, you can still vaguely see the buildings on the other side of the bridge.

The Iwagakure ninja found this situation and couldn't help but approach the leader and whispered a reminder.

"Well, there are indeed some differences. I'm afraid that the Star Ninja Village has developed in recent years." The leader, known as the Demon Leech, nodded slightly.

He actually discovered the abnormality of the Star Ninja Village a long time ago.

Apart from anything else, the village's intelligence did not include the bridge across the canyon in front of him.

Although they did not encounter the population transported to the Star Ninja Village like Scorpion, the Iwagakure ninjas who came here were obviously not lacking in observation.

After a little observation, they all found that there was a big difference between the Star Ninja Village and the information known by the village.

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