Mian Ma nodded, if there is really this thing, then you must find it quickly.

If you can't find it now, it is estimated that the people who enter it will also be dangerous, after all, everyone does not know what is going on inside.

"Hurry up and find them, try not to make them dangerous. "

Mian Ma actually wants to find it quickly, which is very important for them.

The mirror space is indeed unthinkable, and this thing is completely beyond their imagination.

"But what is the way to enter the mirror space now, he seems to have disappeared suddenly. "

Now both of them are thinking of a way to enter, and they will not be able to figure out the "three eight three" Chu in a while.

Moreover, this kind of thing is very troublesome, and you can only think about it for a while.

Looking at the big tree in front of him, the celebrity also fell into deep thought.

After only a few minutes, Mian Ma suddenly stood up: "Yes, let's go to the tree and take a look, maybe we can find something." "

"It's no use, or I'll take a look." "

Naruto got up and was about to go up, but after thinking about it, after going up, if he went in, there would be one person left.

Glanced back.

"You come up with me, and if you can get in, we'll be together." "

"Good. "

The two went up the tree together, and when they got to the tree, they didn't find anything to do at all, remembering that this place was the same as the other trees.

For a few minutes in the trees, I didn't find anything strange.

The face numb was also very uncomfortable, because he had seen it with his own eyes, and now it has become like this.

"If you look closely, you may leave a clue. "

Celebrities still believe that the final results can be found, and when looking for these results, they must be careful and cannot leave too many clues.

After another period of time, both of them became a little numb, basically looking at everything around them, and even the leaves were not spared.

Still without any result, Naruto was disappointed: "Go, go down, there's nothing to see." "

"No, look here. "

Mian Ma glanced towards the branch and found that there was a footprint there, although the footprint did not look very clear, but there was definitely one.

Indeed, this thing is not very obvious, and the two looked at it for a while and found some clues.

"Well, it is possible to go in, this is definitely a clue, but with such a thin branch, I am afraid it will be difficult for two people to stand up." "

Naruto looked closely again, but did not find anything wrong, and did not find a way to enter.

This tree is quite important to them, and whether they can find the entrance depends on the skills of the two of them.

Of course, this matter is also very troublesome, it will take a long time to do it, and they should think about it.

After that, Mian Ma also discovered the way to enter.

"We're standing on it and should be able to try. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"It's not good, I think this definitely won't work, the two of us can't go together." "

Mima still decided to go up first, let Naruto take a look at it a little, and if it worked, just follow in.

Saying that, Mian Ma stood up and immediately disappeared.

Naruto was only slightly stunned when he saw it, and immediately stood up.

Because there aren't many opportunities, it's a little faster.

After standing up, he felt as if the strength of his whole body was drained, and the world became very blurry.........

After that, a white light appeared in front of him, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Naruto felt as if he had entered the abyss, and the strength of his whole body was concentrated in case of emergency.

But it didn't take long to arrive in another space.

After glancing around, Mima, Kakashi, Sasuke, were all there, and his heart was a little more comfortable.

"Finally coming in, this place must have a lot of secrets. "

"Naruto, what's wrong?"

Sasuke patted Naruto and felt that something was wrong with him.

Kakashi nodded to everyone.

"Coming here we enter a new challenge and I hope everyone can calm down a little bit. "

"But what the hell is this place? Why is it like this?"

"Mirror space, this is another world, I don't have a clue yet. "

After Kakashi finished speaking, he began to look around, but there was nothing wrong around here, and it was exactly the same as the outside world.

If anything, it's that the temperature in this place seems to be slightly lower.

To 3.6 is no different from the others.

"I'm okay, this new challenge has begun, I'm going to give it my all, let's go, go inside and see what kind of world this is." "

Several people are very much looking forward to the new world and new challenges.

But they don't know what the world is like, and they can only learn slowly.

This place may bring them more benefits, maybe it will cause them a lot of harm, everything depends on their own creation.

When several people disappear into a meadow, a new challenge is about to begin.

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