On the top of the mountain in the distance, the figure of the face appeared again.

On the top of the mountain, looking at Yunyin Village, which only lasted for a second under the big spiral wheel and turned into ruins, Hinata gritted his teeth and subconsciously clenched his fists!

Although it is not the same world, but the village is still that village, the people are still those people, after so many years, the knots in this heart have finally been removed!

"How's it going, isn't it?" said Hima softly as he touched Hinata's head.

"Hmm!" Hinata nodded slightly.

Although she can still see some survivors in Yunyin Village, both ordinary people and ninjas, but she has no idea of killing those people at all, to kill people, the first evil is naturally Lei Ying, Lei Ying is dead, the death is so miserable, the arms are gone, this qi, it's really out!

"Let's go!" Hinata said softly, turning to look at Face Ma

"Good!" Mian Ma nodded, withdrew the mask in his hand, and the wind wrapped the two of them, slowly flew into the air, and left without looking back!

Yunyin Village, he won't use it in the future, as for the second tail?

The facial hemp perception covered the entire Yunyin Village, and did not find the two-tailed Chakra, obviously, the people of the Xiao organization had already come and took away the two-tailed human pillar force.

As for whether the two-tailed Chakra was sealed into the Golem of the Outer Path....

This is not easy to say, although it is good to say that the outer golem should come in order as much as possible, but a two-tailed tail does not actually have much impact.

However, it doesn't matter if the face is numb, even if the outer path golem seals the two-tailed Chakra, he has a way to pull it out.

Now, there is one tail, three tails have it, eight tails have it, according to the map, according to the national border, at this time, you should go south, either through some small country, go to the Taki Shinobu Village in Taki no Kuni to collect the seven tails, and when you collect the seven tails, then enter the Iwain Village of the Land of Earth to collect the four tails and five tails!

After all, the country of Taki is on the edge of the country of earth, and, with his current path, if he wants to go to the country of earth, he must pass through the country of taki, so he will first go to the country of Taki no Shinobu to collect the seven tails, and then go to the country of earth!

As for why not go to Rokuo?

Hey, this guy is running around, he is too lazy to look for it, it is better to wait until Xiao Organization goes out to catch the six tails, he himself will sit and enjoy the success, everything is easy to do! !

Even if the outer path golem restrains the tailed beast, the two tailed beasts are not enough to worry about, you can know how the organization tosses!

Mian Ma's current strength, Super Shadow must be there, even surpassing Super Shadow, of course, it has not reached the sixth level, it can only be said that it is infinitely close to Six Dao!

He still lacks a few tailed beasts, and just these few tailed beasts, he can't have the strength of the six realms!

However, if you think about it, it will be fast, it won't take long for you to be able to add a white robe to your body, seek Dao jade surrounding, completely enough to stabilize a world, pull the six paths out and fight! !

However, these are not in a hurry, and now, he needs to comfortably take Hinata to the hot springs of Yunokoku.

Yu no Kuni Yu Ninja Village, the original battle ninja village, now has also become a sightseeing tour group, there are very few wars in this place, the ninja in the Yu Ninja Village is even less pitiful, the funds of the Yu Ninja Village are weakened, the ninja can not afford to cultivate, and the ninja naturally becomes less.

The former fighting ninja village has also become a tourist and peaceful country because there are fewer ninjas!

Ironically, a certain murderer, the flying segment of the cult is from the country of soup!

However, it didn't matter, and Noodle took Hinata to soak in the hot spring in Yuno-kuni and rested comfortably for several days before continuing west with Hinata!

To the west, there is the country of sound, that is, the country where Orochimaru established the Shinobi Village, however, Miema did not mean to provoke Orochimaru, and continued to go all the way west until he entered the Land of Iron!

"Hey, Face Ma, it seems that the Land of Iron doesn't want ninjas to come to this place, right?" As soon as he entered the Land of Iron, Hinata whispered to the opposite of Ma.

"It's okay!" smiled and comforted, even if others saw their identity, either fight or let them go, it's as simple as that!

The country of iron does not have ninjas, all are samurai, the samurai of the country of iron are very disrespectful to see ninjas, think that ninjas are some bells and whistles, this is an independent country, but also a neutral country, they have a unique samurai culture!

In general, the samurai were not weak, so they allowed this special case to exist, otherwise, they would have been attacked by the five major powers long ago.

Generally speaking, ninjas do not run to the Land of Iron, after all, the rejection of ninjas in this place is really great.

But the Chakra guide metal of the Iron Country is very good, and these ninjas have to run to the Iron Country in order to buy a good Chakra guide weapon.

It's good to have acquaintances, but if you don't have acquaintances, then you can only eat deflated....

Of course, it doesn't really matter to Face Ma and Hinata, they don't wear forehead pads or ninja vests, and others can't even tell that they are ninjas!

Even if Hinata is a white eye, others will think that her eyes are special at most!

Walking on the streets of Iron Country, looking at the samurai coming and going with long swords and swords, Hinata looked at it with some surprise, to be honest, it was the first time she had seen so many samurai with a completely different system from ninjas!

"Buzz!" However, just as Mian Ma and Hinata left the town, in front of the two, the space was instantly distorted, and immediately after, three people appeared in front of them in an instant....

One in a black robe and a tiger skin mask!

One is wearing a Xiao uniform, light blue and purple hair, orange pupils, slim figure, and a delicate face!

The other, also wearing a Xiao uniform, has a black chakra guide stick on his face, orange hair, and a circle of eyes!

Obito, Xiaonan, Tendo Payne!

Mian Ma looked at the three, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then, fixed his gaze on Obito, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned: "Hehe, Uchiha Obito! Why?

The fierce light in Obito's eyes flashed away, and then, his tone did not wave, and he said lightly: "Uzumaki face numb, with one tail, three tails, eight tails, nine tails, just right, it also saves me trouble, today, I will kill you all!"

"Huh, huh..." Mian Ma was noncommittal, looking at Obito with a strange smile on his face!

"Is it funny?" asked Obito silently.

"It's not funny, but then, you're funny!"

Mian Ma was still like that, looking at Obito's deep eyes, at this moment, his heart moved, and he said directly to the system: "System, summon Nohara Rin!"

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