Chapter 198: Saka Star! Parasitic Valkyrie! Reward against the sky!!

God on God.

The divine aura emitted is not comparable to even Odin, the king of the gods.


In the face of the frost sorrow held by Du Ye, he didn’t have the strength to fight back, and was easily killed!

It’s simply jaw-dropping brain overload.

I can’t react for a long time!

After all, God has reached the height of Almighty Heavenly Father. Almost the same life as the sky!


The saying of the eternal seat is enough to prove everything!


“How exactly did you do it?”

“Because of this magic sword?”

Hela’s eyes trembled.

Holding the pregnant belly, I couldn’t help but stay away from the sorrow of frost. She injected all her divine power into the fetus.

The huge energy of the upper heavenly father level was even unable to ripen the superhuman cub in the belly!

It made Hela feel inexplicably surprised! I couldn’t help but be ecstatic!

It seems that—

The child seeker she chose was really not wrong! Nifürheim.

and even the Nine Realms.

All will change unpredictably because of the birth of this superhuman cub! It’s just that………

She also couldn’t judge the exact time of delivery.

“You guessed it.”

“This is a seductive and depraved magic sword.”

“You can also draw souls.”

“Transform the person slaughtered by this sword into an undead servant!”

A meaningful laugh sounded.

The next moment.

The sorrow of frost burst out with a blazing and dazzling essence.

The god who will be slaughtered by him, Badr is released again! Badr.

The god of light in Norse mythology. Also symbolizes the sun! However.

After he chose to become a god of God, everything was gone to him!

He can only absorb the energy of Ragnarok to survive. It’s a privilege and a curse!


“How to become Rune Jade?”

“Tell me.”

Du Ye smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Never forget the fierceness of the Rune King Thor! Even the Spindle of Fate can destroy!

Rune King.

It is the strongest form that Thor can achieve!

The ultimate realm that combines the power of runes and the power of Odin!

“There’s no way you can do it.”

“Because you are not Asgardian.”

Badr shook his head.


Everyone couldn’t help but look at each other. Originally………

God’s promises, are all lies and fraud?


“Because without Ragnarok to provide energy, sooner or later our gods will perish.”

“To survive.”

“You can only do anything.”

Badr said frankly. Norse mythology.

Very different from all other myths. God is not omnipotent.

The world may come to an end! So………

The God of God was born! However.

Even the gods of the gods did not dare to challenge the authority of the Universe Heavenly God Group! I can only write the script of Ragnarok and eat some leftovers.

“Can she become the Rune King?”

Du Ye had a flash of light. Point to Hela.


“Naturally able to become a Rune King.”

“As long as you gouge out your eyes and hang upside down in the World Tree for nine days and nine nights, you will have the probability of awakening the power of runes.”

There is a probability? Hela’s eyes froze slightly.


“Rune has autonomous awareness.”

“It will choose who is its master!”

“I can’t guarantee that Hela will be favored by the power of runes.”

Badr sighed.

Tut. Troubled.

The path to becoming Almighty Father is once again blocked! Du Ye noodles do not change color.

Actually. Secretly sighed.

Can he only be promoted to Almighty Heavenly Father by basking in the sun? Centuries!

to be able to transform into the supreme form of Superman! Gold Superman Form!

He really can’t afford it! Because his premonition is getting stronger!

It was as if the god of symbiotes could be revived at any moment.

And he is still not sure of defeating this symbiote god.

“For now.”

“Only all the demonic qi is gathered, and there are two other infinity stones! Du Ye’s eyes flashed slightly. ”

Immediately, the fluctuating mood was calmed, and Badr was also recycled to the sorrow of frost.


It’s a complete end!

“It’s just…”

“Thor’s whereabouts are unknown.”

“No one knows his whereabouts.”

Diva Frigga looked sad.

“Venom, please, help me get Thor back, Asgard will not be without a king for a day.”

Thor missing? Don’t……… He fell to Saka Star?

A competitive planet ruled by Universe Elder Gao Tianzun? The next moment.

A surging space energy wrapped around the figures of Du Ye and Hela and teleported them to the unreachable Taiyo galaxy in an instant!

Saka Star!

This is the only source of life within the Tayo galaxy. Above the canopy.

Wormhole vortices hovering.

It can lead to a thousand strange cosmic civilizations. Due to the special nature of Saka Star.

The overlords of the universe and the interstellar empire also use Saka as a dumping ground and a place of exile, almost full of barbarism, violence, war…

Until Gao Tianzun took over the planet!

“What is this place?”

“In the air, there is a smell of decay and foul smell.”

“It’s not much different from Nifürheim!”

Hela’s face was full of disgust.

Painful memories of being brought back by Saka Star. A thousand years of captivity. It is also her never-ending nightmare!

“Saka Star.”

“Thor should have fallen to this place.”

“There is another big man, who should also wander in Saka Star.”

Du Ye smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He was referring to the big guy. Undoubtedly the Hulk!

After the Age of Ultron, the Hulk was involved in the turbulence of time and space on a Kun-type fighter and accidentally wandered to Saka Star.

He also defeated countless tough opponents and became the champion fight trusted by Gao Tianzun!

Even the avatar is engraved on the Pillar of Honor! At the same time.

Spaceships thousands of meters away.

The bleary-eyed crazy girl suddenly sensed a pulsation of the spatial vortex and then controlled Scavenger 142.

Hurry towards the location of the incident! However.

When she was about to approach the location of the incident, the crazy girl suddenly suddenly stirred! A cold breath rushed from the soles of your feet to the Heavenly Spirit Cover!

Immediately the wine woke up!



The crazy girl’s lips turned white.

It is as if the heart is pressed against a boulder! The whole person is simply breathless.

In my mind, a bloody picture of light and shadow also appeared. She!

Valkyrie. The last Valkyrie!

I have never forgotten my enemies!

The entire Valkyrie Legion also died tragically at the hands of Hela! Even the soul is reduced to Hela’s food.

Never be born! Only she is in great difficulty and does not die.

But he also lost all fighting spirit and no longer had the courage to fight. Only alcohol can bring temporary pleasure.



“You’re about to give birth?”


“I was finally able to take revenge!”

Valkyrie’s eyes sank slightly. Then.

Anger arises from the heart, and evil grows on the side of the guts.

She wants Hela to taste the pain of losing her son too! Airplanes!


Scavenger 142 suddenly gained momentum, and a deafening roar was suddenly heard.

Light energy particles converge on the barrel!

The guidance device has been aimed at the unaware Goddess of Death! Increase the Pulse weapon to its maximum power!

Even if you can’t destroy Hela, you can abort her fetus! Enough to sacrifice all the heavenly spirits of the Valkyries!

Fist slammed into the red button! In a flash!

A world-destroying pulse beam shot towards Hela not far away with a thunderous momentum!

The heart-wrenching roar also shocked all the scavengers!

Nothing can stand off the plasma beams emitted by Valkyrie! Everything along the way is in ashes.

The speed is so fast, like a meteorite galloping at the speed of light! There is no way to dodge at all!



“For all Valkyries!”

Valkyrie burst into tears. However.

The voice did not fall.

Her expression suddenly froze!

I saw a brilliant teleportation door slowly open! Pulsed beams cross the teleportation gate………

Suddenly hit a familiar spaceship! Scavenger No. 142!

Thundered!! The sky shook for a while.

Smoke billowed from the ship’s engines. Spiral towards the ground. Almost incapacitated!

Even Valkyrie fell to pieces. Almost couldn’t get up!

“I know you!”


“You also hid in Saka Star?”

The cold and cunning words echoed. The hatch lifted.

The two figures are already waiting here in advance! Hela!

Duye! The next moment! Hiss! Neigh!! A whistling sound sounded.

The pitch-black liquid substance penetrated Valkyrie’s body.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully parasitic Valkyrie! ] 】

【Rewards have been distributed】

[Pay attention to check in time! ] 】


Du Ye grinned.

Another purpose for which he came to Saka Star is to be the last Valkyrie!

This Valkyrie participated in Ragnarok. Also became the queen of Asgard! It must be considered a key female role.

Provide him with unimaginably rich rewards. Secondly.

He needed the Valkyrie to deliver the news and quietly spread the location of the Soul Gem!

Let Thanos get the Soul Gem for him!

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