Chapter 231: The Steel Body Appears Mighty, Stunned by the Black Heart Demon!!



One after another, fork-like lightning burst apart. Thunder shattered the darkness.

Briefly illuminated the dark earth! The Black Gas Wizard Sword Dragon is like a mad demon.

Waving a crank staff and chanting words in your mouth, it is like an ancient oriental performance art, dancing the god!

Everyone held their breath in unison. No one dared to speak loudly. The next moment! Thunder!

It seems that the angry dragon is turning the sky over the river and the sea! The day also turns into night.

The bones buried in the town of death stood upright one after another, patching together one powerful skeleton warrior after another!

The skeleton warrior is about two meters tall. Broadswords and shields with bone fingers!

Awakened by the magic of the sword dragon, it immediately emitted, a hysterical roar! Rush towards everyone with their heads held high!

As for the Black Heart Demon? There is not the slightest movement at all. It seems that the pearl of wisdom is in hand.

He will definitely win this battle!

“Father, father.”

“You’re getting old.”

“A new era.”

“This is the end of it!”

The Black Heart Demon’s eyes were bright red.

There was a dangerous aura like a wolf all over his body. He is able to absorb the vitality of everything.

Like a walking humanoid plague! However.

The next screen.

But it plunged him into a deathly silence! Shout!


I saw a red high temperature ray with a diameter of half a meter bursting out. It’s like thunder.

Make a graceful arc in mid-air.

Instantly shot the head of a skeleton warrior! Directly blown into thin air!

There is no way to recover!

“Black Heart Demon.”

“Hand over Natasha’s soul.”

“I can spare you from death.”

Du Ye grinned.

From beginning to end, he did not have the slightest mood swing.

Even if the son of the demon and the black gas wizard join forces, they will not be able to shake his steel body in the slightest!

This is the absolute confidence brought by strength! Of course.

He also did not forget the mission objectives. Widowed sister’s lost soul!



“Who are you referring to?”

“I haven’t heard of that name at all!”

The Black Heart Demon’s face was hideous.

Can’t help but burn with anger!

He will never allow any unexpected signs to appear! Then.

He burst out with astonishing speed.

Directly rushed in front of Du Ye. Five fingers like dragon claws!

It seems that he will pinch Du Ye’s neck at any time! However.

He overestimated his strength and underestimated Du Ye’s physique! Man of Steel!

Has power with almost no upper limit.

Walk flat in any extreme environment. Also immune to all forms of physical attacks!

Only magic can barely inflict a little damage. That’s all!


“I can’t absorb your vitality!”

The Black Heart Demon changed color in shock.

When his fingertips touched Du Ye’s skin, he had already activated his innate ability to seize Du Ye’s power and take his vitality for himself.

However. He failed!

It is impossible to shake Du Ye’s great body at all.

Even, an endless stream of black liquid fibers came out of Du Ye’s body pores and directly wrapped the arm of the black heart demon!

Soon to make him into a giant cocoon!


The black heart demon suddenly opened his eyes.

Hurriedly cast displacement magic.

Instantly moved to a place 100 meters away! Successfully evaded the capture of the Black Death Sword.

He had never felt this way!

It was as if I had heard the whisper of the scythe death!

“Actually dodged.”

“It’s a shame.”

Du Ye sighed. Then.

He couldn’t help but wring his brows. The black heart demon and the widow sister never know each other? So………

Who stole the widow’s soul?

“Return the demonic qi to its original owner!”


The sinister and cunning words resounded in the long sky again. The next moment.

The wind demon, water demon, and earth demon rushed towards Du Ye again, and the three of them aimed at the demonic qi.

In order to become stronger, simply unscrupulous!

“Want to die?”

“Complete you!”

Du Ye’s eyes were like electricity.

Immediately, the domineering spirit of the armed color shrouded the fist!

One after another, black lightning suddenly increased the power of the armed color domineering!

Not only can you touch the entities of the natural ability, but you can also burst out with unparalleled lethality and destructive power!

Bang! Iron fist cuts through the long sky!

The curtain of space showed a burst of cracks. He punched at the menacing earth ghost! In a flash!

A deafening popping sound resounded in the sky!

Even the ghost of the ghost, who was helpless by the ghost, was blown out alive by his punch!

It shattered into scraps on the spot! Hiss!

Everyone couldn’t help but gasp.

Morgana, Professor X, Laser Eye, Storm Girl, Little Spider, Johnny Blast, Carter Shrey………

The expressions on his face froze.

I can hardly believe my eyes!


“He can kill a demon son with his bare hands?”

“What the hell is his fist made of?”

The Black Gas Wizard Dao Dragon and the Black Heart Demon also stared wide-eyed. Completely stunned!

An ominous premonition arises!

As for the wind demon and water demon, watching their partners martyred, their faces were also extremely complicated, and they couldn’t help but feel a retreat!

Demonic Qi boosts Venom’s strength! Is there really a way to defeat him?


“It’s late.”

Du Ye smiled coldly. Then. Get into action again.

It’s like a lightning fast exercise.

In an instant, he appeared in front of the wind demon and the water demon! Armed color domineering wrapped iron fist.

One punch for a child!

No stress or burden at all!

Directly hammered the two demon sons alive! Also look at the silly sword dragon and the black heart demon!

“What the hell is he coming from?”

“Natasha’s soul?”

“I really don’t remember absorbing her soul!”

The black heart demon wants to cry without tears.


He had nothing to do with his widowed sister’s slumber. However.

That’s it.

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