Chapter 234 Ping A is comparable to a nuclear bomb? The little spider was stunned!!



The sound of thunder echoed.

After discovering the legendary treasure, which was ineffective against the Black Heart Demon, Du Ye closed the king’s treasure in time and stimulated the innate demonic qi!

The brilliant magic lightning, carrying the domineering aura that annihilates all substances, crackled instantly!

Even the curtain of space is flickering wildly. As if it could break at any moment!

Endless thunder smashed down on the ground! Then.

Guided by Tono.

It was condensed by him into a thunderbolt spear of supreme strength ~ supreme yang. Overbearing destruction—the breath permeated.


Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of natural power!

Oriental cultivators who want to soar to the sky also have to bear the washing of the storm, fire and thunder calamity! Even wood struck by lightning can be regarded as a thing to ward off evil!

It’s called lightning strike wood!

All evils avoid easy, and a hundred ghosts are not close!

Away, Zhen, Sun, Kan, Du, Qian, Kun, Gen!

The power of the trigram that is comparable to the Genesis Rune, filling Du Ye’s limbs and hundreds of skeletons, gushing out from billions of trillion cells in the body!

Almost everywhere you look, static electricity is everywhere! There’s no way to see!

“Black Heart Demon.”

“I advise you.”

“Where is Natasha Romanoff’s soul?”

“This answer is about your life!”

Du Ye’s face was solemn.

The brilliant thunder and lightning spear reflected his face flickering and dimming! The whole person is like a god under the mortal!


Between the gestures, there was a vast and boundless barbaric aura, which was daunting and almost dared not approach!

Even Morgana stayed away from Duye.

I sincerely felt a tingling in my scalp. I have never seen this power at all!


“Not only did he turn into human form, but he also mastered the power of thunder?”

“It reminds me of the young angel who inherited the title of Heavenly Blade King…”


Morgana’s beautiful eyes flowed. Angel Yan!

As the left-wing angel of the divine Kesha, with his super high prestige and great combat achievements, he became the master of the Merlot Heavenly Court!

Responsible for guarding the order of the Celestial City for a thousand years! She has the lightning gene.

All attack moves can also apply electric shock effects. Therefore, it is also revered as the thundering god of war!

Thunder War God Angel Yan, and the thunder and electricity of the venom symbiote, which is strong and weak?

Morgana smiled coldly.

Suddenly planning to match Angel Yan and Venom to meet! Use Venom to suppress Angel Hiko’s morale!


“Give me the location of the angel Yan.”

“I’m going to give her a big gift!”

Morgana dialed the interstellar number.

Soon, an exact coordinate was obtained! Ferese Galaxy!

2.47 million light-years away from the Chiwu star system!

Compared with the earth civilization, the development of science and technology is relatively backward, like the European Middle Ages, and has not mastered any industrial germination.

The demon group is almost invincible! However.

After Anicid took the throne, the momentum of the demon group was seriously frustrated. It just so happens that she also needs to investigate the details of Anicide!

At the same time.

Blazing lightning spears pierce the long sky! Tear everything apart!

A deafening thunder roar also erupted!

It’s so fast that even the human eye can’t catch traces. Just seeing an illusion!

There was a series of roaring explosions! The earth fissioned, and the rocks collapsed.

Death Town almost fell apart!

A turbulent wave of terror, rubble and dust, rushed to the face! The skin of the whipping people hurt for a while!


“Buy cakes!”

“Did he launch a nuclear weapon?”

The little spider exclaimed.

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