Chapter 247 Stunned Observer Yuatu!!


Even if he stood here without moving, it was like a mountain suppressing, which was simply suffocating.

Lack of oxygen in the brain! There is absolutely no way to calm down!

The already anxious situation has once again taken a sharp turn for the worse.

Even the abomination and the big boss stopped moving, coldly watching the sudden Mephisto!


“I know your name!”


“The lord of hell who covets Satan’s position!”

“If you want to snatch my seat, you are not qualified enough!”

The sound of abomination is like a bell.

Once again, a hysterical roar erupted.

Under everything in the Yellow Spring dimension, it also exudes a grand power, shaking the entire multiverse and shaking the foundation of the world.

Let all the high-dimensional lives outside the diversity appear amazing! Totally unexpected.

Huangquan dimension………

What exactly happened?




“Not a single linear structure, but a prism with infinite possibilities.”

“A small choice can create a whole new world outside of the world you know.”

“I’m an observer.”

“Follow me…”

“Think about it.”


“The Venom symbiote became the protagonist of a certain world.”

A burst of Hong Zhong Da Lu’s narration echoed.

Beyond the multiverse.

A brilliant dimensional crystal wall.

I saw a solemn bald figure of the treasure, standing silently above the void. He is burly and muscular.

Wearing an elegant Western robe. Like a monk.

Every gesture exudes a sacred aura that brooks no aggression. Observer!

One of the ancient species hatched at the beginning of the universe! It has a level of science and technology that is hundreds of millions of years ahead of the earth.

Due to the mistakes made by their ancestors, the Observers set strict laws that absolutely do not allow interference and participation in any event!

So as not to cause irreparable disasters!

Since ancient times, observers have carried out instructions issued by their ancestors.

Even the cosmic god group that created all natural things did not dare to ignore the technological level of the observer family.

There are no restrictions or constraints at all.

Even the Void Engine is not qualified to compare with it. A family of observers.

The energy comes from the Observer Medal worn on the chest!

This medal embodies all the technological wisdom of the Observer family throughout the ages, like the ultimate version of the Void Engine.

Even the Cosmic Celestial God Group cannot be copied. Eyes are hungry!

The observer in charge of the earth, named Yuatu. He has seen all the past and all the future. And all possible disasters.

But I have never seen such an incredible picture. Death Town.

St. Van Gonzar.

It actually gathers the Hellish Demon King and the real Satan! Moreover.

The Venom symbiote, which serves as the cornerstone of the multiverse, has also successfully transformed into a human form!

“Mind, reality, power, space!”

“How many infinity stones have you gathered?”

The observer couldn’t help but let out a burst of mute. There is unconcealed surprise on his face!

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