Chapter 255: Fighting and Fighting! The power of the Four Secrets! The world shakes!!

Heaven and earth are dark. The world is upheaval.

It seems that the apocalypse has befallen the town of death!

No one was able to remain calm, and they all showed shock, shocked to the point of incomparable!

I didn’t expect the arrival of the symbiote god at all! Emperor in Black!

Nar! Known as the living abyss.

Symbolizes the chaos and evil of the multiverse. It’s a super evil god!

Even the Cosmic Celestial God Group could not match Nar.

The Black Death Sword he created cut off his head alive!

The blood flame that was enough to annihilate everything in the universe once again gave the Black Death Sword unimaginable toughness and magic.

Black Death Sword.

And thus obtained the tooth of the abyss, the sharp edge of annihilating all things, to the black decay blade… Wait a minute!

A terrifying title of terror.

Only this black-clothed emperor can perfectly exert the power of the Black Death Sword! Even if Du Ye mastered the secret of the soldier, he had thoroughly refined the Black Death Sword.

But it still hasn’t cut off the connection between Nar and the Black Death Sword!

At this moment, he felt a soul throbbing, and the Black Death Sword was also hissing and roaring!

It seems that at any moment it will be thrown to Nar!

“Bing! Fight! Group! Yes! ”

“Give me repression!”

Du Ye’s eyes were like electricity. Moment.

He unleashed the four word secrets rewarded by the parasitic system!

The power of the four secrets was superimposed on each other, and they also forcibly tamed the Black Death Sword again, making him obedient.


Everything is temporary!

As long as Nar is alive, the Black Death Sword will never submit to him, and he and the Black Death Sword are also inextricably linked.

Once the Black Death Sword falls into Nall’s hands, then he will cease to exist! In all lifetimes, you must be loyal to the black-clothed emperor Nar!

“I advise you.”

“Get out of this place quickly.”


“It is the creator of the symbiote race, the ancient evil god from the abyss, the black-clothed emperor Nar!”

“If you stay here, you will only kill yourself!”

The magnetic voice echoed.

Duye soared into the air. Stand above the clouds.

The pitch-black liquid substance slowly penetrated the pores, forming a dreamlike black coat, which also gave him an evil aura that was different from ordinary people!

Let the gods of symbiotes be amazed!


“You even know my name?”

“It also suppressed the Black Death Sword that was about to move!”

“What a special quintal!”

Nar grinned…

Above the sickly pale face, a twisted and crazy smile appeared. He didn’t care about Du Ye at all.

There is not the slightest discretion and pressure.

Everything Du Ye has comes from the abyss dimension! And he is able to perfectly control the abyss creatures!

Naturally including Duno!

After all, even if he incarnates as a human, he still hasn’t changed the underlying genetic factors, and he still has traces of symbiotes, and he will definitely be controlled by him!


“The creator of the symbiote family?”

“An ancient evil god from the abyss?”


“You shouldn’t stay here for a long time!”

“Looks like Karma Taj needs to be notified!”

Everyone reacted slightly, and couldn’t help but erupt into a heated discussion.

Immediately, he retreated again to a kilometer away, directly away from the town of death, and also dispatched local armed forces to completely blockade Saint Van Gonzal!

The sudden and astonishing movement naturally affected the magical sanctuary responsible for maintaining the real world!

Kama Taj!

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